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Bangkok shakedown: Tourists report increased harassment by police

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So you're a visitor here and it's your obligation to get in the face of the police and give them a hard time. Your not a Thai so what gives you the right to do anything? Mate, your nothing but an A of the biggest kind and hopefully you will meet your match and very soon. Clowns like you come here and make it hard for the rest of us who are law abiding. Tell me, do you feel big and brave that you are acting like a bully of the highest order.

Go to Australia and find out how long you would last with an attitude such as yours. You would be in the slammer quicker then you feet would touch the ground. Try it in the States, Russia or England. No, you come here and pull you tosser on a forum hoping that like minded fools will agree with you. Are you even in Thailand or just playing with yourself from afar?

Honestly, if anyone took you advise then they two must have a couple of screws loose because your certainly do, and as we say back home, you are definitely not the full quid.

Harsh but fair! thumbsup.gif

Quite the opposite. I find that because I am a foreigner, the police are far more tolerant, and far less likely to cross the line. I can get away with the kinds of things a Thai would get arrested, locked up, or beaten up for. I do not push the line to the point of being obnoxious. Only enough pushback for them to get the idea I am not an ignorant patsy. It takes a bit of courage. I recommend you try it sometime. No sense in just making yourself a doormat for a corrupt policeman, who is breaking every oath he has taken by behaving poorly. I have also used this strategy in Cuba. Worked every time. The police seemed afraid to cross that line.

Tell me, why is it our obligation to get in the face of police and give them a hard time. So if I abide by the rules and show respect, do you think I would have similar problems. If you are a law abiding guest in this country, then why do you appear to draw the police to you. What do you get up to that draws the police to you. Your post shows me that you seem full of your own importance, just who the hell do you think you are? Next time you have an alleged rant, please film it and then post it to prove the veracity of your fairy tale. I don't think you will be able to and we will all see you are just full of hot air.

What rights do you think you have that enables you to carry on like a yobbo, calling the police names, swearing at them, telling them they can't do this or that, Despite your alleged rant, as posted, the police are so very tolerant toward you and did not cross the line. Forgive me if I find your scenario a little hard to swallow. Your a guest in this country, don't you think you should act like one, no, not you, you just want to paint yourself as a real bother boy, one who can stand over police, no matter what the situation. Even if this was a little bit true, watch out for the Karma.

Despite all you bravado you do not push the line to the point of being obnoxious. I would suggest you learn the meaning of the word because what you boast about is at least you being extremely unpleasant if not bordering on the belligerent. This word has another meaning. You do enough to show them that you are not an ignorant patsy? I can tell you that from what your original post tells us you, you are right, your not a patsy but you left out another adjective and if you don't understand you should have written, "I'll show them that I am ignorant and arrogant fool."

I have never read such garbage. A post in which you are inciting others to carry on in such a manner that could see themselves in some very serious trouble. Do you call this responsible reporting and posting. I think you should think very carefully about what you post in the future, as if someone takes you advise, which places them in jeopardy, then the foolishness you've posted could very well come back to bite you.

I was too lazy to read your entire reply because I already read your other one. Anyway, you suggest it's expected to follow police instructions for "random unsolicited inspection" when there is no probable cause and to refuse would be arrogant etc.? Where do you come off saying just because you are a guest you have no rights? Well try using that argument back home, that minorities have no rights because they aren't part of the majority. Don't be surprised if someone hits you with a brick from behind.

Anyway, there is no point comparing the police in Thailand with the police back home. If you have been subjected to a random inspection for no good reason, especially if there's no checkpoint in front of you, it's a scam. You have every right to object, to shout, to run away. If the police think it's too much trouble to search you or take the matter further they won't. There's a HUGE difference between the police in Thailand and the police in the USA, Australia and other countries. There's no point getting on your high horse and saying crap like "oh, well try doing that in Australia, the USA, Russia etc." well in those countries you also don't have police doing random inspections (don't know about Russia, but certainly not Australia or the USA) and so you don't have to worry about racial profiling, random pee tests and other nonsense like in these incidents.

Do you know that even most Thais have no respect for the police here? Good for you, that you are OK with being a doormat but the rest of us know what rights we have. That being said I have never had any bad encounters with the police - my fluent Thai, playful wrangling with the police etc. and knowing some policemen high up have always gotten me out of any traffic fines. Try using those as excuses to get out of speeding fines back home - doesn't work. But who you know here DOES work.

Now try to remember where you are - stop trying to apply the same logic as back home to Thailand. Thailand isn't the same as back home, no matter how much you want it to be. End of rant.

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On Friday night I was stopped by two policemen on a bike on Asoke around 2AM. I am a white male and stood in traffic until the issue was resolved. I refused to go to the police station and was in the middle of the street because I knew they were trying to extort $$$. I yelled that I lived in the building nearby and they finally let me go. I tried to take video but they would not let me and if anyone has a copy please let me know. I was quite loud and disruptive and would suggest that all foreigners do the same and make a spectacle of themselves if placed in the same situation. Thai police are lazy and the more we make them work to get $$$ the less they will bother us. Try to get video of others getting harrased and this will stop temporarily.

Good work.

So, the police don't like lawyers or video? What have they got to hide? Just doing their job, right?

According to the Thai Visa Lawyer, it is legal to video them in public.

Well that's what I would have done but I guess Daoregonian just wanted the harrassment to end and go home rather than seeing an escalation of the incident. But by the sounds of it these "cops" were not real cops! Normally it's fine to videotape, photograph police, military, border checkpoints etc. in Thailand. Surprisingly it's OK even though the country is under martial law. But Thailand is no Myanmar anyway and never was. So any mention by anyone that they don't want to be videotaped or recorded etc. means that they have something to hide.


"A lot better hotels in Nana"...than say The Sofitel (5*)The Millenium(5*)The Continent (4*)all outstanding hotels at Asoke..I somehow don't think so!

Who wants to be seen around Nana? Not me!

For christmas my best friends from Dubai were coming over to party together. Since they heard about those scams they want to meet in Singapore. Fine with me, everything is better there.

This whole scam is going viral allready. Bangkok will have a cold lonely christmas.

I agree that 'not being seen' is the best way to do Nana, but cold and lonely it isn't!

Personally I find Singapore deadly dull and sterile, but each to his own.

Well last weekend i went to Central World and there were almost zero westerners there. Also the Asian tourists were hard to be found.

Normally around christmas many tourists would come to Bangkok for shopping/dining but this year it will be empty in the malls/hotels i guess.

Singapore has the same big malls, skytrain, nice harbour, nice markets, speaks good english, have a perfect policecorps, safe traffic, good restaurants/hotels/nightlife, nice boattrips, great parks, i wished our new HQ was moving there but Hongkong is also not bad.

I agree - Singapore is great and many Thais think so too. They are embarrassed about how much more chaotic, dirty, polluted, less developed and corrupt Bangkok (and Thailand) is compared to Singapore.

Don't forget that Singapore too has ladies of the night (just in case you are a bad boy) although it's a lot tamer than Bangkok, but you do have a choice of Chinese, Malaysians, Vietnamese, Indonesians and even Thais not just Thais (and the odd illegal from some neighboring country) like you do in Thailand.

There are also legal casinos, which you won't find in Thailand.

brewster, no idea what makes Bangkok so much "fun" and why Singapore is "sterile" but obviously you are a weird one. Bangkok is fine, but it's really not all that different from Singapore these days. Also, do you speak Thai? If not, then you'll find Bangkok frustrating, because even smack bang in tourist central, Thais can't speak more than a smattering of English (aka known as the "farang language")! Whereas in Singapore you can get by very easily with English, as that's their main official language. Personally, once you've seen the Bangkok sights, most of which are tourist traps and full of dual pricing you can easily get the picture that the Thais just want your money anyway. In that sense Singapore is more welcoming and there's just as much to see and do. The difference of course is that Singapore is an island state, while Bangkok is merely the capital of a much larger country, so obviously the Thai hinterland will offer attractions that you can't find in either Bangkok or Singapore.

Once you know both places and have seen all the sights you focus simply on the shopping, eating and entertainment, and in my book both cities are about equal, just in different ways. But it is absurd to blast Singapore in such a negative light - I have lived in Bangkok for eons but sometimes I get bored and want to travel elsewhere too - there are other fun places apart from Bangkok and the occasional trip to Singapore for me is always delightful and fun. There always seems to be something new - whether it's Universal Studios, the casinos etc. oh but you brewster don't like fun.

The only major advantage of Bangkok over Singapore is that it's generally a fair bit cheaper.

it will highlight that

On Friday night I was stopped by two policemen on a bike on Asoke around 2AM. I am a white male and stood in traffic until the issue was resolved. I refused to go to the police station and was in the middle of the street because I knew they were trying to extort $$$. I yelled that I lived in the building nearby and they finally let me go. I tried to take video but they would not let me and if anyone has a copy please let me know. I was quite loud and disruptive and would suggest that all foreigners do the same and make a spectacle of themselves if placed in the same situation. Thai police are lazy and the more we make them work to get $$$ the less they will bother us. Try to get video of others getting harrased and this will stop temporarily.

Are you a tourist or an expat? Why did they stop you, did they ask for your passport or other ID? You're a white male, so what? What is your point with this little snippet of information. Are you just making sure that others of the same ilk know that police are allegedly picking on a farang? Stirring the pot a little more? So you yelled at them, stood in the middle of the road and refused to go to the Police station as you knew they were trying to extort money from you. How did you know they wanted you to go to the police station? How do you know they wanted to extort money from you? So they understood what you said? They spoke and understood English, did they? It appears from you post they must have or maybe you told them off in Thai

How was the issue resolved? So you come to a country as a guest, go on like a yobbo, and then look for others to help you, as you allege police prevented you from filming them. They allegedly let you go, without penalty, so why are you trying to get others to place themselves in a situation such as you highlight here, where they might find themselves worse off, fined and/or inside the Hilton for a few nights. Not very wise advise. You want others to make a spectacle of themselves because you did? Just keep up the good work, and if your storey is even half way true, then be very vary because the next time you might not meet policemen who are so forgiving. And for you sake, I hope it is sooner than later, and maybe you will learn how to act in a civilised manner and not like a feral, which you post indicates you did.

I don't know where you are from but it is evident you are another fine quality import, one which we could quite easily do without. I, for one, do not want to be tarred with the same brush. I wouldn't say loud and disruptive, the word you are looking for is actually, "belligerent." Look it up if you do not know the meaning. An attitude such as yours we can all do without and if you are so unhappy here then there are always other avenues you can explore.

A fairy tale I think. Nothing written that is factual. They let you go without any further action after you allegedly gave them a mouthful. So you are above the law or think you are and you want others to act similarly. Honestly, Hans Christian Anderson could not have written a better fairy tale than this. You may have found your true vocation without knowing it.

OK, we get it, you believe in absolute obedience to authority even if that power is being used corruptly. If the police really wanted to deal with the serious drug problem it wouldn't be by randomly violating visitors' human rights, and their own Thai laws to boot, by making them piss in a cup without cause (which in case you missed it is proven to give false positives, even provided the cup is clean and there's no funny business on the part of the cops, who have an incentive to get positives), it would be by going after the dealers and their higher-ups.

Lumping cannabis in with meth, cocaine and heroin is pretty silly, in fact it's ironic that such a proud country as Thailand--and I have no problem with that--is so harsh on its own, mild inebriant, used here and elsewhere in Asia (including Japan, another Asian country too beholden to certain US policies with similarly hysterical persecution of the plant) in moderation for centuries or millenia, but gives the foreign-born, and much more harmful inebriant, alcohol, free run so that it can damage countless lives (and livers, notice the linguistic connection btw).

I'll bet if people were being stopped on the street and arrested if they had any alcohol in their system you and the others defending this practice would be "outraged, I tell you, outraged!"

Don't write such garbage. What are you talking about, absolute obedience to authority? Did I make any mention or even allude to that? Just putting in words that suit your agenda. Cannot answer anything that I listed? If the police are corrupt, then deal with them, you should know what avenues you can take. And yes, when I visit any country I abide by their rules so maybe that is why in 40 years of travelling the world, I, it appears, unlike you, have never experienced any problems with law enforcement. But then being an ex-law enforcement officer and still a Justice of the Peace, I know how to conduct myself when in another country or out in public. Something I think you should learn.

Oh, we're off again hey. Drugs, lumping cannabis in with the others you've mentioned is pretty silly is it? Your opinion but I can see why now you experience problems with police and post in the manner that you do. What else are you into? You should know that alcohol is legal, the others you mentioned are not, so please do not conduct a comparison. Your last statement is so ludicrous that I cannot find a more apt word to describe it. And again, you post further misinformation. No where, and I tell you no where, have I ever condoned any illegal practise, let alone in my post. Again, writing something to suit your agenda, which to me now is very obvious.

Not only can't you digest what has been written, I don't think you have the ability to read anything, let alone provide a relevant answer. if you read the post it was asking for proof to substantiate your fallacious statements but like many one eyed posters you will not answer, as it will only highlight the total BS you expect sensible people to consume.


Don't write such garbage. What are you talking about, absolute obedience to authority? Did I make any mention or even allude to that? Just putting in words that suit your agenda. Cannot answer anything that I listed? If the police are corrupt, then deal with them, you should know what avenues you can take. And yes, when I visit any country I abide by their rules so maybe that is why in 40 years of travelling the world, I, it appears, unlike you, have never experienced any problems with law enforcement. But then being an ex-law enforcement officer and still a Justice of the Peace, I know how to conduct myself when in another country or out in public. Something I think you should learn.

Oh, we're off again hey. Drugs, lumping cannabis in with the others you've mentioned is pretty silly is it? Your opinion but I can see why now you experience problems with police and post in the manner that you do. What else are you into? You should know that alcohol is legal, the others you mentioned are not, so please do not conduct a comparison. Your last statement is so ludicrous that I cannot find a more apt word to describe it. And again, you post further misinformation. No where, and I tell you no where, have I ever condoned any illegal practise, let alone in my post. Again, writing something to suit your agenda, which to me now is very obvious.

Not only can't you digest what has been written, I don't think you have the ability to read anything, let alone provide a relevant answer. if you read the post it was asking for proof to substantiate your fallacious statements but like many one eyed posters you will not answer, as it will only highlight the total BS you expect sensible people to consume.

OK, it's true I was referring to other posts you've written in this thread telling others that you should go along with what the police tell you to do and if you don't want to do that then that's "your problem."

Someone else responded to you saying if you want to be a doormat that's YOUR problem so I'm not alone in my take on your POV.

Since you call what I write "garbage," tell me what I should write, and go right to ad hominem attacks, I recommend some reading for you:


And you're making a typically huge assumption that I'm a druggie, just because I see how out of balance the drug laws are in this and other countries doesn't mean I use any of them, in fact I don't, not that I need to defend myself especially to the likes of you.

And I don't experience problems with the police, you've got quite an active imagination don't you.


So you're a visitor here and it's your obligation to get in the face of the police and give them a hard time. Your not a Thai so what gives you the right to do anything? Mate, your nothing but an A of the biggest kind and hopefully you will meet your match and very soon. Clowns like you come here and make it hard for the rest of us who are law abiding. Tell me, do you feel big and brave that you are acting like a bully of the highest order.

Go to Australia and find out how long you would last with an attitude such as yours. You would be in the slammer quicker then you feet would touch the ground. Try it in the States, Russia or England. No, you come here and pull you tosser on a forum hoping that like minded fools will agree with you. Are you even in Thailand or just playing with yourself from afar?

Honestly, if anyone took you advise then they two must have a couple of screws loose because your certainly do, and as we say back home, you are definitely not the full quid.

Harsh but fair! thumbsup.gif

Quite the opposite. I find that because I am a foreigner, the police are far more tolerant, and far less likely to cross the line. I can get away with the kinds of things a Thai would get arrested, locked up, or beaten up for. I do not push the line to the point of being obnoxious. Only enough pushback for them to get the idea I am not an ignorant patsy. It takes a bit of courage. I recommend you try it sometime. No sense in just making yourself a doormat for a corrupt policeman, who is breaking every oath he has taken by behaving poorly. I have also used this strategy in Cuba. Worked every time. The police seemed afraid to cross that line.

Tell me, why is it our obligation to get in the face of police and give them a hard time. So if I abide by the rules and show respect, do you think I would have similar problems. If you are a law abiding guest in this country, then why do you appear to draw the police to you. What do you get up to that draws the police to you. Your post shows me that you seem full of your own importance, just who the hell do you think you are? Next time you have an alleged rant, please film it and then post it to prove the veracity of your fairy tale. I don't think you will be able to and we will all see you are just full of hot air.

What rights do you think you have that enables you to carry on like a yobbo, calling the police names, swearing at them, telling them they can't do this or that, Despite your alleged rant, as posted, the police are so very tolerant toward you and did not cross the line. Forgive me if I find your scenario a little hard to swallow. Your a guest in this country, don't you think you should act like one, no, not you, you just want to paint yourself as a real bother boy, one who can stand over police, no matter what the situation. Even if this was a little bit true, watch out for the Karma.

Despite all you bravado you do not push the line to the point of being obnoxious. I would suggest you learn the meaning of the word because what you boast about is at least you being extremely unpleasant if not bordering on the belligerent. This word has another meaning. You do enough to show them that you are not an ignorant patsy? I can tell you that from what your original post tells us you, you are right, your not a patsy but you left out another adjective and if you don't understand you should have written, "I'll show them that I am ignorant and arrogant fool."

I have never read such garbage. A post in which you are inciting others to carry on in such a manner that could see themselves in some very serious trouble. Do you call this responsible reporting and posting. I think you should think very carefully about what you post in the future, as if someone takes you advise, which places them in jeopardy, then the foolishness you've posted could very well come back to bite you.

I was too lazy to read your entire reply because I already read your other one. Anyway, you suggest it's expected to follow police instructions for "random unsolicited inspection" when there is no probable cause and to refuse would be arrogant etc.? Where do you come off saying just because you are a guest you have no rights? Well try using that argument back home, that minorities have no rights because they aren't part of the majority. Don't be surprised if someone hits you with a brick from behind.

Anyway, there is no point comparing the police in Thailand with the police back home. If you have been subjected to a random inspection for no good reason, especially if there's no checkpoint in front of you, it's a scam. You have every right to object, to shout, to run away. If the police think it's too much trouble to search you or take the matter further they won't. There's a HUGE difference between the police in Thailand and the police in the USA, Australia and other countries. There's no point getting on your high horse and saying crap like "oh, well try doing that in Australia, the USA, Russia etc." well in those countries you also don't have police doing random inspections (don't know about Russia, but certainly not Australia or the USA) and so you don't have to worry about racial profiling, random pee tests and other nonsense like in these incidents.

Do you know that even most Thais have no respect for the police here? Good for you, that you are OK with being a doormat but the rest of us know what rights we have. That being said I have never had any bad encounters with the police - my fluent Thai, playful wrangling with the police etc. and knowing some policemen high up have always gotten me out of any traffic fines. Try using those as excuses to get out of speeding fines back home - doesn't work. But who you know here DOES work.

Now try to remember where you are - stop trying to apply the same logic as back home to Thailand. Thailand isn't the same as back home, no matter how much you want it to be. End of rant.

I could not agree more with your point of view. And I could not disagree more with sithea01. He sounds like a police lapdog. Just lay down for the corrupt cops? What kind of reasoning is that? I am a foreigner, so I should hand over whatever amount of cash they request? What kind of reasoning is that? I am not advocating being an <deleted> to the cops. I am encouraging pushing back with corrupt cops, who are without a cause, or a premise for their actions. And I am quite proud of that position. I do it, and it works. I am polite. I am respectful. I do not insult them. Any guy would be a fool to do so. But, I simply say no. I am not going to pay the fine. Take me to see the captain. It has worked many times. Sithea01 may want to try to muster up the courage to do that. The reality is, you are improving Thai society by saying no to corrupt police. Many Thai people feel the same way, but may not want to stand up to the cops. As a legal, law abiding foreigner, I feel more comfortable doing so.


Er the response 'the nasty red shirts', (Brilliant Political Analysis BTW) used to have was called a vote and like in the UK, the Army have never been voted into power.


Signapore is notoriously so sterile that the goverment tried to make it a bit more funky in the 90s. They destroyed the character of Signapore in the 60s and destroyed it as a tourist destinationwhen when the filthy customs officers cut off men'shair at the border if they thoughtnit was too long. Signapore sucks and is really expensive. OK for middle aged old f**ts who like soft slippers and a safe place to sh*t followed by Horlicks as a dream holiday but it is the cleanest sh**hole in Asia. People flock over the border to Malaysia or go to Thailand for fun.


Signapore is notoriously so sterile that the goverment tried to make it a bit more funky in the 90s. They destroyed the character of Signapore in the 60s and destroyed it as a tourist destinationwhen when the filthy customs officers cut off men'shair at the border if they thoughtnit was too long. Signapore sucks and is really expensive. OK for middle aged old f**ts who like soft slippers and a safe place to sh*t followed by Horlicks as a dream holiday but it is the cleanest sh**hole in Asia. People flock over the border to Malaysia or go to Thailand for fun.

Singapore is stupid expensive. Paid $86 for a two liter tower of beer in a pub. $250 for a bottle of good vodka in a club. $265 for dinner for four at a seafood court, with one beer each and no special items. $108 for a room near the red light district that was barely large enough to maneuver around the bed to get to the bathroom. Went through about $3000 in five days and I was being careful with the money, and I drink very little. Crazy expensive place.


Walked through the alleged shakedown zone twice today. No police in sight.

Both the police and the army are becoming famous for a lack of follow up. A crackdown, then nothing. Sometimes that is a good thing. In the case of the jet ski scammers, the Samui taxis, the beach clean ups, etc., sometimes not.


My pal just returned from BKK last week and he said he saw a lot of stop and checks between soi three and soi 19 but he just presumed they were valid passport checks and maybe they were. My other pal who I have not seen for three years but with whom I met up recently told me the time before last he was in BKK he was stopped in a taxi around 2am around surawong and the police found 15 Es for which he had to pay 10 to 15 K Baht. They confiscated the Es for themselves.


My pal just returned from BKK last week and he said he saw a lot of stop and checks between soi three and soi 19 but he just presumed they were valid passport checks and maybe they were. My other pal who I have not seen for three years but with whom I met up recently told me the time before last he was in BKK he was stopped in a taxi around 2am around surawong and the police found 15 Es for which he had to pay 10 to 15 K Baht. They confiscated the Es for themselves.

Your pal was a lucky boy! It was good for him that the cops were corrupt, or he'd still be doing time in the Hilton!


Your pals experience rather justifies police stopping falangs and searching them doesn't it?

The informal fines are maybe another matter...


I've read on another thread on this subject that the Police are also all over Soi 5 and Soi 11. I've stayed in Soi 11 a number of times and never had a problem.

Silom, yesterday was hammered the shakedown disease is spreading.


I've read on another thread on this subject that the Police are also all over Soi 5 and Soi 11. I've stayed in Soi 11 a number of times and never had a problem.

Silom, yesterday was hammered the shakedown disease is spreading.

I was working in Silom yesterday and everythng was absolutely normal.


I've read on another thread on this subject that the Police are also all over Soi 5 and Soi 11. I've stayed in Soi 11 a number of times and never had a problem.

Silom, yesterday was hammered the shakedown disease is spreading.

I was working in Silom yesterday and everythng was absolutely normal.

Normal? You mean just the plain clothes ones on all the major corners, intercepting tourists and steering them into the gem scam?


I've read on another thread on this subject that the Police are also all over Soi 5 and Soi 11. I've stayed in Soi 11 a number of times and never had a problem.

Silom, yesterday was hammered the shakedown disease is spreading.

I was working in Silom yesterday and everythng was absolutely normal.

Normal? You mean just the plain clothes ones on all the major corners, intercepting tourists and steering them into the gem scam?

Unfortunately opportunist scammers are normal in many parts of Bangkok and the gem scam has been going on for decades!


I've read on another thread on this subject that the Police are also all over Soi 5 and Soi 11. I've stayed in Soi 11 a number of times and never had a problem.

Silom, yesterday was hammered the shakedown disease is spreading.

I was working in Silom yesterday and everythng was absolutely normal.

Normal? You mean just the plain clothes ones on all the major corners, intercepting tourists and steering them into the gem scam?

Unfortunately opportunist scammers are normal in many parts of Bangkok and the gem scam has been going on for decades!

Run by police. I've seen the gem scammers riding police motorbikes.


Bangkok NANA

TODAY Tuesday 16 th was in Nana visit friend had backpack on and live in PATTAYA. Stopping for a cigarette I see a dirty looking police officer LOL sitting with some dirtier taxi motorbikes. Thinking nothing of it I walked off on phone and to my suprise this police or rat approaches me !


Where you from bla bla

Australia and my mate is police commander here

Which he is !





All of a sudden this chimps radio goes SAYING LET HIM GO !!

So off I went and I promise you those monkeys won't get 2 baht from me


I've read on another thread on this subject that the Police are also all over Soi 5 and Soi 11. I've stayed in Soi 11 a number of times and never had a problem.

Silom, yesterday was hammered the shakedown disease is spreading.

I was working in Silom yesterday and everythng was absolutely normal.

Normal? You mean just the plain clothes ones on all the major corners, intercepting tourists and steering them into the gem scam?

Unfortunately opportunist scammers are normal in many parts of Bangkok and the gem scam has been going on for decades!

Run by police. I've seen the gem scammers riding police motorbikes.

Of course you have...ph34r.png


Bangkok NANA

TODAY Tuesday 16 th was in Nana visit friend had backpack on and live in PATTAYA. Stopping for a cigarette I see a dirty looking police officer LOL sitting with some dirtier taxi motorbikes. Thinking nothing of it I walked off on phone and to my suprise this police or rat approaches me !


Where you from bla bla

Australia and my mate is police commander here

Which he is !





All of a sudden this chimps radio goes SAYING LET HIM GO !!

So off I went and I promise you those monkeys won't get 2 baht from me

At last. An actual first-hand report, on topic post. Thank you. Makes a nice change from the bickering and backbiting that this thread has become


Run by police. I've seen the gem scammers riding police motorbikes.

Of course you have...ph34r.png

Yes. The Gem Scammer that was on the corner of Wireless Rd. for years, sometimes hanging out inside the air con police box, rides off on a police motorbike.

I lived around the corner and saw him scamming tourists almost everyday for years.

Now you know.

Would a picture I took satisfy you?


My pal just returned from BKK last week and he said he saw a lot of stop and checks between soi three and soi 19 but he just presumed they were valid passport checks and maybe they were. My other pal who I have not seen for three years but with whom I met up recently told me the time before last he was in BKK he was stopped in a taxi around 2am around surawong and the police found 15 Es for which he had to pay 10 to 15 K Baht. They confiscated the Es for themselves.

Your pal was a lucky boy! It was good for him that the cops were corrupt, or he'd still be doing time in the Hilton!

Well in this case the cops caught the right guy. While I think random checks are unfounded and should not occur, if he had ecstasy on him then obviously he was breaking the law and the cops were in the right to fine him, having said that in less corrupt countries he would have been arrested and then a court would have handed down either a fine or perhaps a prison sentence. But Thailand being what it is, you pay off the police and are let free.


Run by police. I've seen the gem scammers riding police motorbikes.

Of course you have...ph34r.png

Yes. The Gem Scammer that was on the corner of Wireless Rd. for years, sometimes hanging out inside the air con police box, rides off on a police motorbike.

I lived around the corner and saw him scamming tourists almost everyday for years.

Now you know.

Would a picture I took satisfy you?

Not really. How do you know he is scamming tourists?


<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

My pal just returned from BKK last week and he said he saw a lot of stop and checks between soi three and soi 19 but he just presumed they were valid passport checks and maybe they were. My other pal who I have not seen for three years but with whom I met up recently told me the time before last he was in BKK he was stopped in a taxi around 2am around surawong and the police found 15 Es for which he had to pay 10 to 15 K Baht. They confiscated the Es for themselves.

Your pal was a lucky boy! It was good for him that the cops were corrupt, or he'd still be doing time in the Hilton!

Well in this case the cops caught the right guy. While I think random checks are unfounded and should not occur, if he had ecstasy on him then obviously he was breaking the law and the cops were in the right to fine him, having said that in less corrupt countries he would have been arrested and then a court would have handed down either a fine or perhaps a prison sentence. But Thailand being what it is, you pay off the police and are let free.

If they'd of nicked him he could have done a bit of time for 15 E's


Bangkok NANA

TODAY Tuesday 16 th was in Nana visit friend had backpack on and live in PATTAYA. Stopping for a cigarette I see a dirty looking police officer LOL sitting with some dirtier taxi motorbikes. Thinking nothing of it I walked off on phone and to my suprise this police or rat approaches me !


Where you from bla bla

Australia and my mate is police commander here

Which he is !





All of a sudden this chimps radio goes SAYING LET HIM GO !!

So off I went and I promise you those monkeys won't get 2 baht from me

Sounds like the crime you committed was stopping for a cigarette. As a non-smoker, luckily I won't ever have to go through the humility of being "fined" for dropping a cigarette although since there is a law that says 2000 Baht fine for smoking in non-smoking areas or littering, the police do have the right to enforce that law.

But seriously though, in your case it sounds like you didn't do anything wrong at all and you rightfully got rid of the pigs.


"The fine is 2000 for dropping ciggy butts on the floor"

Just think of it as a tax on Stupid selfish slobs...

If you put a ciggy butt in something that looks like a binbag which happens to be on the street then you also have to pay 2000 baht.

Even if you put one in a drain the cops will pick another butt from the street and then that was yours. 2000 baht.


"The fine is 2000 for dropping ciggy butts on the floor"

Just think of it as a tax on Stupid selfish slobs...

If you put a ciggy butt in something that looks like a binbag which happens to be on the street then you also have to pay 2000 baht.

Even if you put one in a drain the cops will pick another butt from the street and then that was yours. 2000 baht.

Here's a brilliant idea:

Go into Tesco or 7-11 and buy a metal tin of mints, something that's small enough to fit in your pocket.

You know, Altoids or something similar:


I can't imagine it would be more than 100B.

Dump out the mints. Carry the empty tin around with you everywhere. When you finish your cancer stick, take the tin out of your pocket and put the butt in the tin. Put the tin back in your pocket.

Bada bing, bada boom! You've just saved 1900B.

You're welcome.

Like I said, the littering fine is a tax on stupid, inconsiderate slobs...


"The fine is 2000 for dropping ciggy butts on the floor"

Just think of it as a tax on Stupid selfish slobs...

If you put a ciggy butt in something that looks like a binbag which happens to be on the street then you also have to pay 2000 baht.

Even if you put one in a drain the cops will pick another butt from the street and then that was yours. 2000 baht.

Here's a brilliant idea:

Go into Tesco or 7-11 and buy a metal tin of mints, something that's small enough to fit in your pocket.

You know, Altoids or something similar:


I can't imagine it would be more than 100B.

Dump out the mints. Carry the empty tin around with you everywhere. When you finish your cancer stick, take the tin out of your pocket and put the butt in the tin. Put the tin back in your pocket.

Bada bing, bada boom! You've just saved 1900B.

You're welcome.

Like I said, the littering fine is a tax on stupid, inconsiderate slobs...

2 weeks ago i was shopping with the wife in Siam Paragon. She went to the clinic to buy foundation so i went outside to smoke.

There was no ashtray or bin around so i walked around with the butt in my hand for a while.

Then i took an escalator and you know what? When i reached the next floor the butt was gone! No idea where it went but i guess the escalator had to do with it. I hope he is fine because what is a mall without an escalator? That's even worse then a mall without any ashtrays don't you think?

I don't want to carry stinky cigaret butts with me, after all i'm a quality tourist as well as an international consultant. My pockets are full of plastic money and keys, no space for a portable ashtray....solly krab.

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