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Bangkok shakedown: Tourists report increased harassment by police

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Is it tourists, or is it those who live here also? I've never experienced an incident because I speak Thai.

If you live here, learn the lingo. If you don't.... not much will change in ATTACKING tourists, I'm afraid.

Tourists do not generally speak Thai, and they are the ones supposedly being targeted in greater numbers than ever. May I remind you that a senior police officer has stated that you have the right to refuse.
Did he also state you have the right to refuse being planted?

I have yet to see the first case, but beware, it happens a lot in Cambodia, and it is done in Vientiane as well. So Thailand might still be the best option!

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Two of my customers have had reservations cancelled due to reports of police harassment of foreigners in Bangkok.

They went to Vietnam instead.

And Vietnam is a real Communist police state with even stricter drug laws!

Rudeness, force people to pee in a cup right bang in the middle of Suki on the street and taking 200B for not having your passport when it's allowed not to carry it isn't drug laws


Two of my customers have had reservations cancelled due to reports of police harassment of foreigners in Bangkok.

They went to Vietnam instead.

And Vietnam is a real Communist police state with even stricter drug laws!

Rudeness, force people to pee in a cup right bang in the middle of Suki on the street and taking 200B for not having your passport when it's allowed not to carry it isn't drug laws

Carrying ID, unfortunately, is the law even for tourists.


The fine is 2000 for dropping ciggy butts on the floor but I'd bet the farm that the cop just pockets that.

I've never had a problem in Suki with cops but there does seem to be a sharp increase in the number of these stories recently.

I got done for dropping my cigarette butt near Emporium about 6 months ago. I negotiated the fine down to 600 baht.

Seems like you accepted you breached the rule of law and paid the fine without a problem, after using your negotiation skills. One of the few posts that have been written without including any malice. Might be a little P'd off that you got caught, like most of us would be, but at least you did not go on a rant and bag the copper for doing his job.


I don't know why this is news. Been happening for years and years.blink.png

It maybe have been happening for years but now it is making the news something might be done about it.

Let the world see Thailand for what it is.

And pray tell, what is it?


I don't know why this is news. Been happening for years and years.blink.png

It maybe have been happening for years but now it is making the news something might be done about it.

Let the world see Thailand for what it is.

And pray tell, what is it?

An extremely popular place for westerners to visit or live in! It has many faults, but there really isn't anywhere else comparable.


"due to their unofficial nature these reports remain unverifiable."

No real news here.

So that video from Youtube was made by the TAT to promote Thailand or was it made for one of the nightly sitcoms/soaps on TV? Come on get with the program bender.smile.png


Two of my customers have had reservations cancelled due to reports of police harassment of foreigners in Bangkok.

They went to Vietnam instead.

And Vietnam is a real Communist police state with even stricter drug laws!

Rudeness, force people to pee in a cup right bang in the middle of Suki on the street and taking 200B for not having your passport when it's allowed not to carry it isn't drug laws

Are you an ex-pat or tourist. Can you speak any Thai? It helps, believe me. Police at the time they elect to search someone, in particular, a farang, have no knowledge of their status so no matter what, all farangs would present as a tourist, even us expats.

Did this happen to you? Unfortunately, it is the law for foreigners to carry passports and Thais to carry their ID cards. On most occasions police turn a blind eye to the passport bit but if they have a special task, then there would be no exceptions for those that have been stopped.. It would be interesting to determine what your definition of rudeness is?


The fine is 2000 for dropping ciggy butts on the floor but I'd bet the farm that the cop just pockets that.

I've never had a problem in Suki with cops but there does seem to be a sharp increase in the number of these stories recently.

I agree. I got fined 2000 baht for a ciggarette butt about 6 or 7 years ago (asked if 500 baht was ok in thai, and he agreed, (ha loi ok mai?).i had actually put out my ciggarette in a flower-box as i couldn´t find anything else, so i guess I was guilty.

This was between soi 13 and 15 and seen them there ever since, however, this last tuesday I saw the "litter-police" all the way down soi 3 almost, just 50 meter in from the soi about where the swedish embassy sign sits.

I don´t walk there even close to everyday, but for me it was the first time I´ve seen them "below" soi 13.

Have also seen them on the "even" side a week or so back for the first time (around soi 10-12) and they had a booth set up there too, maybe used for urine samples, but can´t confirm that, but it had some "protective cloth" around it.

Both times (soi 3 and soi 10-12) they were checking people, soi 10-12 they had just stopped a "farang" on his bicycle when i walked past and soi 3 they stopped a couple of arabs or indians, not sure which, when I walked past.

I have never been stopped myself however since my first encounter 6-7 years ago, but feeling a bit uneasy as family and friends are coming for visits now over christmas and new year...

Be safe out there.


What people don't understand is that Thailand DOES NOT NEED tourists anymore.

Thanks to previous backpackers making this place more and more hospitable and comfortable, Bangkok has become the head quarters for all world companies for South East Asia, and this is where the real money is.

The BOI is only a fraction of what Thailand is making as foreign investment.....BOI, 2012 saw an investment of 1.127 trillion baht ($33.5 billion), the highest ever.[2] The number of projects rose by 9% to 2180.

You have a point there ...but a large percent of the tourist business benefits the small Thai operators and small enterprises and or the average Thai....much more so than the big tourism operators.

The tourism business throughout Thailand falls upon near every region while the money gets spread around far more so than it does by way of big corporations and their specific investments setting up shop in certain investment locals.

You are correct that the corporate aspect of the Thai economy is a big part of how Thailand has developed ...but meantime, the tourism industry and all that it entails spreads the money around in places and areas where large corporate investments do not benefit the locals throughout the country the way that tourism could or would benefit the locals throughout the various parts of country.

Just saying...don't be angry.....no angry retorts with attitude, please...only well balanced, reasonable and logical arguments are welcomed...LOL



Thailand does not seem to be able to stay out of world news and NOT in a good light.

This, along with Hitler, along with murders just keeps on coming.

And for some reason little to no damage control at all.

You would think there would be an official statement from authorities to investigate the reports or issue a directive to stop.facepalm.gif

Generally speaking, the Thais really don't care what foreigners think.

I agree but when the gravy train stops they start to listen very carefully.


I don't know why this is news. Been happening for years and years.blink.png

Has it? I've visited Thailand no fewer than twice a year for the past 33 years, amf have never been stopped by police, thus never asked to show identification, mever been asked to submit to a search, nor ever asked foe my bike licence when on a motot cucle

It may happen and I've just been lucky, but my observation is that Thailand is nothing like Indonesia for shaking down foreigners.


What people don't understand is that Thailand DOES NOT NEED tourists anymore.

Thanks to previous backpackers making this place more and more hospitable and comfortable, Bangkok has become the head quarters for all world companies for South East Asia, and this is where the real money is.

The BOI is only a fraction of what Thailand is making as foreign investment.....BOI, 2012 saw an investment of 1.127 trillion baht ($33.5 billion), the highest ever.[2] The number of projects rose by 9% to 2180.

You have a point there ...but a large percent of the tourist business benefits the small Thai operators and small enterprises and or the average Thai....much more so than the big tourism operators.

The tourism business throughout Thailand falls upon near every region while the money gets spread around far more so than it does by way of big corporations and their specific investments setting up shop in certain investment locals.

You are correct that the corporate aspect of the Thai economy is a big part of how Thailand has developed ...but meantime, the tourism industry and all that it entails spreads the money around in places and areas where large corporate investments do not benefit the locals throughout the country the way that tourism could or would benefit the locals throughout the various parts of country.

Just saying...don't be angry.....no angry retorts with attitude, please...only well balanced, reasonable and logical arguments are welcomed...LOL


I keep hearing that Thailand doesn't need tourism anymore, that Thailand doesn't need foreigners etc etc, blah blah blah. But tourism remains 8% of the economy measured directly and closer to 20% with indirect contributions. So Thailand most certainly does need tourism, no doubt about that at all. As far as foreign headquarters being in the country, some are, certainly not all, but like tourism, this means Thailand needs foreigners even more, including Westerners. So mistreating foreigners will backfire in more than just one way and the sooner thai authorities learn this the sooner their behavior will improve. But if it doesn't, then counties like Malaysia and Singapore will eat Thailand's lunch.


What people don't understand is that Thailand DOES NOT NEED tourists anymore.

Thanks to previous backpackers making this place more and more hospitable and comfortable, Bangkok has become the head quarters for all world companies for South East Asia, and this is where the real money is.

The BOI is only a fraction of what Thailand is making as foreign investment.....BOI, 2012 saw an investment of 1.127 trillion baht ($33.5 billion), the highest ever.[2] The number of projects rose by 9% to 2180.

You have a point there ...but a large percent of the tourist business benefits the small Thai operators and small enterprises and or the average Thai....much more so than the big tourism operators.

The tourism business throughout Thailand falls upon near every region while the money gets spread around far more so than it does by way of big corporations and their specific investments setting up shop in certain investment locals.

You are correct that the corporate aspect of the Thai economy is a big part of how Thailand has developed ...but meantime, the tourism industry and all that it entails spreads the money around in places and areas where large corporate investments do not benefit the locals throughout the country the way that tourism could or would benefit the locals throughout the various parts of country.

Just saying...don't be angry.....no angry retorts with attitude, please...only well balanced, reasonable and logical arguments are welcomed...LOL


I keep hearing that Thailand doesn't need tourism anymore, that Thailand doesn't need foreigners etc etc, blah blah blah. But tourism remains 8% of the economy measured directly and closer to 20% with indirect contributions. So Thailand most certainly does need tourism, no doubt about that at all. As far as foreign headquarters being in the country, some are, certainly not all, but like tourism, this means Thailand needs foreigners even more, including Westerners. So mistreating foreigners will backfire in more than just one way and the sooner thai authorities learn this the sooner their behavior will improve. But if it doesn't, then counties like Malaysia and Singapore will eat Thailand's lunch.
Malaysia and Singapore don't offer nearly as much for tourists as Thailand. Police stops and searches in one small part of the capital will have zero effect on the overall tourist industry.
But if it doesn't, then counties like Malaysia and Singapore will eat Thailand's lunch.

Well put Paddy. Cambodia and the Pips have already eaten the soup and starter...after this 'high' season they could have eaten the meat and two veg as well, possibly the pudding, paid the bill and ordered a cab home with two of the waitresses...


The fine is 2000 for dropping ciggy butts on the floor but I'd bet the farm that the cop just pockets that.

I've never had a problem in Suki with cops but there does seem to be a sharp increase in the number of these stories recently.

I got done for dropping my cigarette butt near Emporium about 6 months ago. I negotiated the fine down to 600 baht.
Me too at Asoke in front of times square. It was the regular rent a cop security guard that caught me but took me over to a police box with the real cops. I had a conversation and made a few jokes with them in Thai and he let me off with just 500. They even seemed to have a little metal bribe box to keep their takings in.

Cops have let me off scott free for minor offences because my spoken Thai isn't too bad. Not in every case though. And most tourists don't have that luxury.

It is a fine box,and you where fined for your filthy habit of dropping ciggy's where ever you feel like it.Both of you.

I have recently quit and the security guard showed me where the huge outside ash trey was as I had no idea where it was before. I would of put the dead butt in the bin but there is a notorious lack of them in this city. So get stuffed with your high and mighty judgements thinking you are my moral superior there pal.

Edit - and it's mostly a bribe box seeing as the full amount wasn't taken. Where do you think that money goes? Back to the city to buy more bins? Give over!

So you throw your garbage on the street? Brillant...


i'm shore this is helping the public image of thailand seen in the world ...

fake promisses to take corruption serious, specially by the rotten tomatoes who are paid & supposed to do their job, but find more lucrative ways to fill their pockets

and thainess justice, just see the koh toa murder case, that has to be handled asap for the sake of thailands billions of tourist money


People should be fined but more than 2000 baht for dropping cigarette butts - disgusting.

Even more disgusting is removing the bins to increase fine potential.

Very Thai.


Happened to me once, maybe 5 years ago, outside Ekkamai bus station. Asked for a bag search by a young Policeman, and terrified he would plant something. I believe if not being told by a more senior Policeman to back off that is what the young bloke was all about. Couldn't get to the bus quick enough Ha Ha, so been happening for a long time EH?


Dear Sir,

My love of Thailand, and it's people is indeed relevant. It's helped me understand just what to expect in any day to day issue which becomes apparent.

You may have been here since the 80's...... I, since the 70's........ 1970 infact.

Did I say I live here? No, but I'm here often enough to know how it works here!

Let us see if the dramatic upswing you speak of dwindles. In actual fact it's not so dramatic, but does happen at such irregular intervals it's impossible to predict.

I'm not in anyway saying it's acceptable, but from time to time it will happen and will not change.

Oh, and just by the way, you mentioned about pensioners or teenagers on a dream trip. I am the pensioner you speak of and have been for ten years, just as I have been here regularly over recent years.

PM me when you see the changes you dream of start to occur and we will continue this little chat.

Just because you've been here or coming here for decades, does that therefore set the precedent with your views as to set an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time or era for all and sundry to take on as Gospel. Thus, how we should all take this onboard as everyday behaviour. Get a grip. I suggest you get out a bit more often my friend and breath in some fresh air to help circulate a bit more oxygen to invigorate the brain cells. Personally, think they've become somewhat clogged......... coffee1.gif

All I can do "ScotBkk" is offer you the same invitation as I did previously to the other Poster. Please PM me when you see the changes you dream of commence. Then we can celebrate together, yes a threesome celebration of Thailand changing, just the way Farangs have demanded on Thaivisa.

With due respect and to keep the Forum nice.......Live it here either long term or just a tourist, IT AINT GOING TO CHANGE!

Let me make it abundantly clear. I am not saying it is right, proper, correct or even decent. But it is Thailand!


I'm by no means trying to change Thailand. That will never happen. However, if enough people get pissed off about this crap it will help to reduce the legal,illegal thieving by these Mafia types pent on creating bedlam in these particular areas. There comes a time when somebody has to take a stance and say' Enough is a F**%ing NUFF!!!!!

Incidentally, spoke to some Farangs last night them saying all their friends and colleagues are avoiding Thonglor/Asoke like the bubonic Plague. God knows what the poor tourists must think since the ramifications of having something planted on you are too much to bare. As, you say' THIS IS THAILAND ....


Thanks to previous backpackers making this place more and more hospitable and comfortable, Bangkok has become the head quarters for all world companies for South East Asia, and this is where the real money is

I'm fascinated as to how you made the correlation between backpackers and Bangkok becoming a regional HQ for all 'World Companies in SEA' apart from making up incorrect nonsense.

What people don't understand is that Thailand DOES NOT NEED tourists anymore.

World company managers :

Bring 100 times more money than tourists.

Give each obligatory employment to four Thai people in their company, plus hire staff (drivers/maid/nannies)

Stay in designated areas like Nichada where everything is artificially high priced, and are easily taxable.

Don't mix with locals and are not visible and don't cause troubles

This is what Thai immigration call "quality tourists"

So are you saying that a few hundred expatriate managers living in dumps like Nichida Thani are providing more to the Thai economy than several million tourists are?

I think you need to come away from Cuckoo land......

Actually I disagree, I think he should stay there, he's better off!


What people don't understand is that Thailand DOES NOT NEED tourists anymore.

Thanks to previous backpackers making this place more and more hospitable and comfortable, Bangkok has become the head quarters for all world companies for South East Asia, and this is where the real money is.

The BOI is only a fraction of what Thailand is making as foreign investment.....BOI, 2012 saw an investment of 1.127 trillion baht ($33.5 billion), the highest ever.[2] The number of projects rose by 9% to 2180.

You have a point there ...but a large percent of the tourist business benefits the small Thai operators and small enterprises and or the average Thai....much more so than the big tourism operators.

The tourism business throughout Thailand falls upon near every region while the money gets spread around far more so than it does by way of big corporations and their specific investments setting up shop in certain investment locals.

You are correct that the corporate aspect of the Thai economy is a big part of how Thailand has developed ...but meantime, the tourism industry and all that it entails spreads the money around in places and areas where large corporate investments do not benefit the locals throughout the country the way that tourism could or would benefit the locals throughout the various parts of country.

Just saying...don't be angry.....no angry retorts with attitude, please...only well balanced, reasonable and logical arguments are welcomed...LOL


I keep hearing that Thailand doesn't need tourism anymore, that Thailand doesn't need foreigners etc etc, blah blah blah. But tourism remains 8% of the economy measured directly and closer to 20% with indirect contributions. So Thailand most certainly does need tourism, no doubt about that at all. As far as foreign headquarters being in the country, some are, certainly not all, but like tourism, this means Thailand needs foreigners even more, including Westerners. So mistreating foreigners will backfire in more than just one way and the sooner thai authorities learn this the sooner their behavior will improve. But if it doesn't, then counties like Malaysia and Singapore will eat Thailand's lunch.
Malaysia and Singapore don't offer nearly as much for tourists as Thailand. Police stops and searches in one small part of the capital will have zero effect on the overall tourist industry.

Then you are naive at best

What people don't understand is that Thailand DOES NOT NEED tourists anymore.

Thanks to previous backpackers making this place more and more hospitable and comfortable, Bangkok has become the head quarters for all world companies for South East Asia, and this is where the real money is.

The BOI is only a fraction of what Thailand is making as foreign investment.....BOI, 2012 saw an investment of 1.127 trillion baht ($33.5 billion), the highest ever.[2] The number of projects rose by 9% to 2180.

You have a point there ...but a large percent of the tourist business benefits the small Thai operators and small enterprises and or the average Thai....much more so than the big tourism operators.

The tourism business throughout Thailand falls upon near every region while the money gets spread around far more so than it does by way of big corporations and their specific investments setting up shop in certain investment locals.

You are correct that the corporate aspect of the Thai economy is a big part of how Thailand has developed ...but meantime, the tourism industry and all that it entails spreads the money around in places and areas where large corporate investments do not benefit the locals throughout the country the way that tourism could or would benefit the locals throughout the various parts of country.

Just saying...don't be angry.....no angry retorts with attitude, please...only well balanced, reasonable and logical arguments are welcomed...LOL


I keep hearing that Thailand doesn't need tourism anymore, that Thailand doesn't need foreigners etc etc, blah blah blah. But tourism remains 8% of the economy measured directly and closer to 20% with indirect contributions. So Thailand most certainly does need tourism, no doubt about that at all. As far as foreign headquarters being in the country, some are, certainly not all, but like tourism, this means Thailand needs foreigners even more, including Westerners. So mistreating foreigners will backfire in more than just one way and the sooner thai authorities learn this the sooner their behavior will improve. But if it doesn't, then counties like Malaysia and Singapore will eat Thailand's lunch.
Malaysia and Singapore don't offer nearly as much for tourists as Thailand. Police stops and searches in one small part of the capital will have zero effect on the overall tourist industry.

Then you are naive at best

I agree, it's naive and stupid, I just thought it was pointless bothering to reply to it


If you had to pick between Asoke and Nana to stay in would you go for?


Really? From what's being reported here most of the harassment is occurring in the asoke area. I would have though nana would have been better.

What's being reported here is mostly hysterical over-reaction from people who've never been near the place. And Nana is a dump.

Absolute and utter rubbish. AVOID Asoke. There definitely are some nicer hotels in the Nana area (along with a lot of more mediocre ones of course) to choose from, with no harassment from the Thong Lor thugs. What's being reported needs to be taken seriously, unless you have the connections to make them want to pass on you. Ignore the head-in-the-sand types: stay away from Asoke. Common sense.

If you had to pick between Asoke and Nana to stay in would you go for?


Really? From what's being reported here most of the harassment is occurring in the asoke area. I would have though nana would have been better.

What's being reported here is mostly hysterical over-reaction from people who've never been near the place. And Nana is a dump.

Absolute and utter rubbish. AVOID Asoke. There definitely are some nicer hotels in the Nana area (along with a lot of more mediocre ones of course) to choose from, with no harassment from the Thong Lor thugs. What's being reported needs to be taken seriously, unless you have the connections to make them want to pass on you. Ignore the head-in-the-sand types: stay away from Asoke. Common sense.

Thank you. I had originally booked at grande centre point but after reading that's ground zero for nonsense I've moved to majestic grande on soi 2.


Hell, if I was that worried I wouldn't come to this part of the world at all. Weird how all of a sudden people are all concerned that the police here aren't like they are at home.

Someone is pulling your strings.

What people don't understand is that Thailand DOES NOT NEED tourists anymore.

Thanks to previous backpackers making this place more and more hospitable and comfortable, Bangkok has become the head quarters for all world companies for South East Asia, and this is where the real money is.

The BOI is only a fraction of what Thailand is making as foreign investment.....BOI, 2012 saw an investment of 1.127 trillion baht ($33.5 billion), the highest ever.[2] The number of projects rose by 9% to 2180.

You have a point there ...but a large percent of the tourist business benefits the small Thai operators and small enterprises and or the average Thai....much more so than the big tourism operators.

The tourism business throughout Thailand falls upon near every region while the money gets spread around far more so than it does by way of big corporations and their specific investments setting up shop in certain investment locals.

You are correct that the corporate aspect of the Thai economy is a big part of how Thailand has developed ...but meantime, the tourism industry and all that it entails spreads the money around in places and areas where large corporate investments do not benefit the locals throughout the country the way that tourism could or would benefit the locals throughout the various parts of country.

Just saying...don't be angry.....no angry retorts with attitude, please...only well balanced, reasonable and logical arguments are welcomed...LOL


I keep hearing that Thailand doesn't need tourism anymore, that Thailand doesn't need foreigners etc etc, blah blah blah. But tourism remains 8% of the economy measured directly and closer to 20% with indirect contributions. So Thailand most certainly does need tourism, no doubt about that at all. As far as foreign headquarters being in the country, some are, certainly not all, but like tourism, this means Thailand needs foreigners even more, including Westerners. So mistreating foreigners will backfire in more than just one way and the sooner thai authorities learn this the sooner their behavior will improve. But if it doesn't, then counties like Malaysia and Singapore will eat Thailand's lunch.
Malaysia and Singapore don't offer nearly as much for tourists as Thailand. Police stops and searches in one small part of the capital will have zero effect on the overall tourist industry.

Then you are naive at best

No, I just live here.

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