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You can't do this. 45 baht tip on 8000 baht bill


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Tipping should be up to the individual, not mandatory. I know that when I lived in California it is a significant extra cost if you eat out a lot. Say menu items add up to 100 bucks: You have sales tax and a (15%) tip on top of that. NYC is worse. It has got totally out of control in the US.

But....the level of service in the USA cannot be compared to the appalling excuse for service here in Thailand. I do tip but if the service is terrible (the norm) then I generally won't. Incidentally I am not sure that servers get the service charge that's added to bills over here. Knowing Thailand I expect the owners pocket that.

And 8000 Baht... Decent restaurant, bottle of wine or two in Bkk and you'll easily hit that for 3-4 people.

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A bit ago now, but one time in a Patpong bar (there for research purposes), a girl handed me my change in one of those black folders and then showed me the palm of her hand with the word TIP written on it.

I thought it was so funny I gave her a whole twenty Baht note.

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A bit ago now, but one time in a Patpong bar (there for research purposes), a girl handed me my change in one of those black folders and then showed me the palm of her hand with the word TIP written on it.

I thought it was so funny I gave her a whole twenty Baht note.

From the girls' point of view that's good business as what have they to lose by being rude and demanding tips? The worst that can happen is you say no.

We could say don't encourage them, but we all know it works well and many customers tip them well. The girls in Patpong are vultures - probably the worst in the country for demanding tips (that I've ever met).

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A lot of the time the tip goes straight to the boss and not the worker.

tipping the equivalent of that persons entire evenings wage is crazy.

This is also one of the reasons that Thais wrongly perceive us as walking ATM machines.

Kind of depends on what the evenings wage is doesn't it? BTW what is the difference between a tip and a commission? For example there are low cost brokerages that offer no advice and don't charge a commission similar to a fast food restaurant and there are full service brokerages that offer advice and service that do charge a commission or no load mutuals and so on (you get the idea). What is the difference between fast food and fine dining? Is it the same as load or no load mutuals? Is the old axiom you get what you pay for true in the stock market as well as the hospitality industry?

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Tipping is up to the individual. It's not demeaning in any way if no tip is given just as much as it is not being seen as the big man if you do tip.

Last week I went to an exclusive seafood restaurant for dinner ... the bill was 3,470 baht including a couple of wines.

I gave 200 baht as the tip which I do most nights if the food is good and the service is similar.

It's each to his own ..... coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4

oh BTW ....... the lobster was excellent !!

Edited by steven100
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Another reason for me tipping is if the staff are friendly and chatty, it's rare but it happens on occasion. My local has one staff member that will always stop for a chat and ask how your day was etc and sit down for a few moments if not busy.

I'll always leave her a tip if she's serving me but the other staff I don't as they don't interact with me at all even if I try and be cordial with them.

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I guess you meant that as a slam. I know because I'm an immoral monger and you have no idea because you are a fine upstanding Bwana type person. Well, shahib most fine dining establishments in Bangkok have already made the transition. When I got to Thailand in 1968 there were perhaps two restaurants in Bangkok where tipping was the norm now I imagine there are a 100.

If on the rare chance that you weren't trying to imply how much better a person you are than I (reference to family and my experience and so on) sorry for the colonial jargon.

How could you possibly pick any offence out of my 2 previous posts? Have a read of them again and get off your high horse. I deferred to your knowledge and experience on the matter of bars across Thailand. If you can possibly take offence to that, so be it.

You wrote, "As for Pattaya. I am not a fan, neither is Mrs Frolly, neither are the Frolettes. So i cannot speak for bars in Pattaya."

For me, I like Pattaya as does Mrs. Thailiketoo and the toolets. So I can't speak to the holier than thou folks that Pattaya freaks out.

I assume you see the sarcasm of my post but feel it is not justified.

Every town in Thailand is a little like Pattaya and Pattaya is a little like every town in Thailand and people who live in Thailand for any long period of time usually figure that out.

I like the night life. Mrs Thailiketoo likes the shopping and the toolets like the water park. How could you have a Thai family and not like Pattaya? The movies have bed seating and the waitstaff crawls on their knees to bring you coke and popcorn during the movie; now that's service !

Despite being a long time resident and staunch defender (I like the sound of thatcool.png.pagespeed.ce.k9KlgmQelfVslCCv-1 ) of Pattaya against all the haters I will readily admit that it's probably not the most family friendly place on the planet (and thank goodness for that!) and not everyone's cup of tea. So if someone with or without a family doesn't like the place then that's perfectly OK, and kudos to "frollywolly" for not resorting to Pattaya bashing - Buddha knows there are enough guys having that as a hobby.

BTW "thailiketoo"; it's a good thing for your children that your handle is not "thaliketoi"!biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77vSjGtd

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went to sushi boy in Bangkok on the weekend, they recommended we try the tuna sush as it was very fresh, told us it came with 2 pieces in the serve so we got it, turned out they came as singles and were 500 baht each, we paid the bill and left 20 baht, figured if they charge 500 for a small piece of sushi they must be making enough profit and paying the staff well without us adding to it but I normally leave a reasonable tip if the wait staff are good and the food is too.

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went to sushi boy in Bangkok on the weekend, they recommended we try the tuna sush as it was very fresh, told us it came with 2 pieces in the serve so we got it, turned out they came as singles and were 500 baht each, we paid the bill and left 20 baht, figured if they charge 500 for a small piece of sushi they must be making enough profit and paying the staff well without us adding to it but I normally leave a reasonable tip if the wait staff are good and the food is too.

Reminds me of the Bangkok lobster scam where they quote you the per partial pound price instead of the total price when you ask how much the lobster is. It's funny to see all the Farang all turn red and scream at the waiter when they get the bill. I can't imagine why anyone would ever return. The menu of course explained that in fine print in Thai. It happened to me the first week I was in Bangkok. After that I never ate at an expensive Thai restaurant in that town again; only Farang or foreign owned chains. And never had another problem.

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The only thing disturbing about the OP is that the guest demands the host pay more tips and when the host did not as is his custom and right, the guest decides to proceed with his own tip anyway.

Kind of insulting to the host, isn't it?

Beggars belief, that the OP had the audacity to even check what the payer is tipping, i would have asked him for 4000 baht back

100% agreed!

His friend paid the full bill. And then, in order to "thank" him, he managed to insult him. How nice!

Some people can't learn manners :-(

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went to sushi boy in Bangkok on the weekend, they recommended we try the tuna sush as it was very fresh, told us it came with 2 pieces in the serve so we got it, turned out they came as singles and were 500 baht each, we paid the bill and left 20 baht, figured if they charge 500 for a small piece of sushi they must be making enough profit and paying the staff well without us adding to it but I normally leave a reasonable tip if the wait staff are good and the food is too.

500 baht for a piece of sushi?

holy shit how big is the piece of sushi?

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went to sushi boy in Bangkok on the weekend, they recommended we try the tuna sush as it was very fresh, told us it came with 2 pieces in the serve so we got it, turned out they came as singles and were 500 baht each, we paid the bill and left 20 baht, figured if they charge 500 for a small piece of sushi they must be making enough profit and paying the staff well without us adding to it but I normally leave a reasonable tip if the wait staff are good and the food is too.

500 baht for a piece of sushi?

holy shit how big is the piece of sushi?

Yea. For that price they should be able to afford to cook it!

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went to sushi boy in Bangkok on the weekend, they recommended we try the tuna sush as it was very fresh, told us it came with 2 pieces in the serve so we got it, turned out they came as singles and were 500 baht each, we paid the bill and left 20 baht, figured if they charge 500 for a small piece of sushi they must be making enough profit and paying the staff well without us adding to it but I normally leave a reasonable tip if the wait staff are good and the food is too.

500 baht for a piece of sushi?

holy shit how big is the piece of sushi?

Yea. For that price they should be able to afford to cook it!

Sushi isn't food. it's bait.

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went to sushi boy in Bangkok on the weekend, they recommended we try the tuna sush as it was very fresh, told us it came with 2 pieces in the serve so we got it, turned out they came as singles and were 500 baht each, we paid the bill and left 20 baht, figured if they charge 500 for a small piece of sushi they must be making enough profit and paying the staff well without us adding to it but I normally leave a reasonable tip if the wait staff are good and the food is too.

500 baht for a piece of sushi?

holy shit how big is the piece of sushi?

Yea. For that price they should be able to afford to cook it!

I eat my chicken noodle soup for 50 baht at my favourite restauant and sometimes I leave a few coins as a tip. 500 baht is lunch for 10 days . We live in 2 different worlds.

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Isnt good service and nice food what you pay for anyway?. doesnt that ensure your return etc which is worth much more than any tip.

Personally, I find 8000 baht for a meal outrageous, but each to there own.

I pay 345Baht for a meal when I go to a restaurant with the wife.

8000Baht would have guaranteed my entrance to the hospital with a heart attack.............................

If the meal is 8000 baht there must be enough profit to pay decent wages to the staff, right? No tip from me for sure. They are payed to serve tasty food and cold drinks! I never tip big "back home" either, when I pay 40 euros for a meal I suppose they are making some profit and can pay decent wages.

Call me Khee-Neeaow ... :)

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went to sushi boy in Bangkok on the weekend, they recommended we try the tuna sush as it was very fresh, told us it came with 2 pieces in the serve so we got it, turned out they came as singles and were 500 baht each, we paid the bill and left 20 baht, figured if they charge 500 for a small piece of sushi they must be making enough profit and paying the staff well without us adding to it but I normally leave a reasonable tip if the wait staff are good and the food is too.

500 baht for a piece of sushi?

holy shit how big is the piece of sushi?

about 2"/6cm. it was bloody nice but not worth 500 baht each, no wonder they dont tell you haw much it is, they just say they want you to try their fresh tuna sushi.

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went to sushi boy in Bangkok on the weekend, they recommended we try the tuna sush as it was very fresh, told us it came with 2 pieces in the serve so we got it, turned out they came as singles and were 500 baht each, we paid the bill and left 20 baht, figured if they charge 500 for a small piece of sushi they must be making enough profit and paying the staff well without us adding to it but I normally leave a reasonable tip if the wait staff are good and the food is too.

500 baht for a piece of sushi?

holy shit how big is the piece of sushi?

Yea. For that price they should be able to afford to cook it!

I eat my chicken noodle soup for 50 baht at my favourite restauant and sometimes I leave a few coins as a tip. 500 baht is lunch for 10 days . We live in 2 different worlds.

dinner for the 2 of us at out local restaurant is 190 baht, it was my wifes birthday so I told her to pick someplace nice, normally would even consider paying that sort of price

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I agree with the posters that say that it is the waiting staff's job to provide good and friendly service and the restaurant's job to provide good food,

that is the normal standard, it sure should be, so why pay extra?

You don't go buy a mobile phone and then pay above the asking price just because it looks nice, do you?

I will only tip if the service was really great, fantastic, super friendly and attentive and welcoming, etc etc.

When that day finally comes, I will post back here............

That being said, I do often leave the coins, or just round up, 20 baht max.

On the other hand, if I really did not like the service, admittedly, by my personal standard, I will even take all the coins back.

For the argument that many waiters depend solely on tips for income from work..........then they should get a better job.

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Your friend generously took care of the bill and you complain about him leaving you to cover the tip!

If you wanna get down to it, your 4% contribution was the cheapest part of the whole deal - both figuratively and literally.

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