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Whats A Resonable Amount To Send Back Home?


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It's interesting that the amount requested went from 25K to 10K overnight... why would she initially ask for so much more than she actually needed?

As I said I may have misleaded some of you to the correct amount, the figure was more like 18-20, depending on how much she used her mobile to ring me etc etc, the bills were from before and in the future as she will be with me the amount will be considerably less!! I hope that answers your query!!

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Why would you pay for a flat for a year when she isnt there??? (seems to me she'd move out perm for that length of time)

Needs $$$$$ for her real boyfriend.Your problem,think about it :o:D with your real brain! :D:D:D

Yes thats right, she has a real boyfriend back home in BKK and is sacrificing herself for 6 months so he can eat well and get drunk free of charge!!!

Get real mate!! you must of had a toubled life to be so insecure!! try to grow some confidence in yourself!!

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Most replies appear to say that 25K is a lot for the girl to send home.

My ex-gf had a very good job with a salary of 70,000. Out of that she paid 28,000 mortgage on her condo, had a car loan and was supporting her parents and a handful of siblings. If she left her job to stay with me, I'd have to send back a lot more than 25K to cover her commitments. But there again, I would never have invited her if I knew it would be that expensive.

Also, if guy takes a highly paid 'showgirl' from a bar or up-market nightclub, where she can earn upwards of 50,000 a month, then she would certainlt want adequate compensation for the loss of earnings. Unless of course the guy really is a hansum man.

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Most replies appear to say that 25K is a lot for the girl to send home.

My ex-gf had a very good job with a salary of 70,000. Out of that she paid 28,000 mortgage on her condo, had a car loan and was supporting her parents and a handful of siblings. If she left her job to stay with me, I'd have to send back a lot more than 25K to cover her commitments. But there again, I would never have invited her if I knew it would be that expensive.

Also, if guy takes a highly paid 'showgirl' from a bar or up-market nightclub, where she can earn upwards of 50,000 a month, then she would certainlt want adequate compensation for the loss of earnings. Unless of course the guy really is a hansum man.

Like I said before I wouldn't say I'm that handsome but I get by!! :o I don't think its compensation she is after, its just a few bills she wants to sort out, from next month onwards things will be ok and I think 10-15k is an ok amount to give your gf once a month!!

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Bro, 10-15K is certainly within the reasonable range. Folks who are saying you shouldn't give anything aren't very well clued up on dealing with the hot young totties in LOS. Just don't get carried away comparing quid to baht and think you're getting off cheap 'cause it ain't like that... most Thai people can support a family of 4 on less than 20K and if you're kicking down much more than that then you're just getting played, end of story.

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I was planning to come with my TGF (7 years) but unfortunately she is in one of her moods :o so I'll not be coming - have a great time



you seem a reasonable bloke, as I'm new to these forums can you tell me what a few of the abbreviations mean:

LOS (I guess it means Thailand, but how?)


any others you can think of!!

where did you meet your TGF? what was the circumstances?




LOS Land of Smiles

IMHo In my humble opinion

TIT This is THailand

I met my Girlfriend 7 years ago in Soi Cowboy but have been visiting Thailand for 20 odd years and will settle there eventually. - I have never been happier

I'm still a newbie regarding this forum but have learnt not to say too muh as everyone has there own opinion regarding Thailand and TG that of course they are very entitled to but I cany fully understand why some continue arguing when they are obviously poles apart.

Keep smiling and enjoy your time with your GF

All the best :D


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Bro, 10-15K is certainly within the reasonable range. Folks who are saying you shouldn't give anything aren't very well clued up on dealing with the hot young totties in LOS. Just don't get carried away comparing quid to baht and think you're getting off cheap 'cause it ain't like that... most Thai people can support a family of 4 on less than 20K and if you're kicking down much more than that then you're just getting played, end of story.

Yeah I hear ya mate, I just wanted some simple advice, the next thing I was reading was that my gf was practially a pro trying to swindle me!! haha

Some people seem to find it very hard to trust others and ALL thai girls have to be after cash if they are with a farang!!

I'm sure it does happen, I'm not that naive, I'm pretty clued up and I really do believe my gf's intentions are good. At the end of the day if things do go pear shaped the only one to suffer will be me!! :o

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Why would you pay for a flat for a year when she isnt there??? (seems to me she'd move out perm for that length of time)

Needs $$$$$ for her real boyfriend.Your problem,think about it :o:D with your real brain! :D:D:D

Yes thats right, she has a real boyfriend back home in BKK and is sacrificing herself for 6 months so he can eat well and get drunk free of charge!!!

Get real mate!! you must of had a toubled life to be so insecure!! try to grow some confidence in yourself!!

Well done, you have hit the nail on the head, thats exactly what is probably happening.

Dont believe me... goto stickmans site and read some stories, you dont honestly think a PR girl was faithful to you during your time away... come now mate, back to reality.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

Whatever happens to you, you were well warned, when that time comes all i'll have to say is "som num na".

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This does seem a bit odd Sean. Just under 4000bt for an apartment she will not be using? The rest is debt and a mobile, which she will not be using. As I said before, I can understand her wanting to send a bit back for the family if she has been supporting them up to this point, but obviously that is not the case. Are you 100% sure that no-one else is going to be living in that apartment?

Yeah I'm quite sure, I suggested sub-letting it to a friend but she doesn't want to as she wouldn't want people to go through or use her belongings which is understandable!

Can someone answer me this question? why do most replies come back as being very negative!!

have they tried and failed to have a decent relationship and are so insecure that they just can not have a positive word to say about anything!!!


As you quoted my post when commenting about the motives of TV members, I feel the need to respond. If you actually read my contributions, I have made I believe some constructive points about your question and declined any commentary about your relationship with your g/f.

My comments relate to the amounts requested by your g/f and whether this is reasonable - exactly what your post requested information on. I believe that I have raised some issues for you to consider in terms of checking facts to make sure that you are happy with the evential decision you make.

I could understand a degree of indignation on your part if my comments were simply abusive or ridiculous (as the occasional posters have been). However, if you are not able to take the wide range of opinions that a post like your will attract, without feeling the need to attack those that are trying to help, then I suggest you do not post such topics on the forum.

I get the feeling reading through your replies that whatever people tell you on this forum, you have already decided that everything is fine. I hope that this is the case and that you and your g/f find happiness in the UK.

I too will be at Battersea on Sunday. I suppose I will be one of the "insecure" looking blokes looking very "negative".

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Save a little more with the phone;

Copy all the numbers off the sim card onto the phone.

Get new sim card

Transfer numbers to new card.

Use a bit of credit to let the family and friends the new number.

The new number will also reduce the calls at stupid times of the day and night. "What do mean it is 2am the sun is out here."

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Well done, you have hit the nail on the head, thats exactly what is probably happening.

Dont believe me... goto stickmans site and read some stories, you dont honestly think a PR girl was faithful to you during your time away... come now mate, back to reality.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

Whatever happens to you, you were well warned, when that time comes all i'll have to say is "som num na".

Like I said earlier, we spoke every night on the phone and online with a webcam so I know she was home alone. Instead of insinuating my gf was unfaithful show me some hard evidence PR Girls from The Soprano House do go out with the customers and I may think otherwise and I dont mean showing me a link to a different site with story's of hardship from sour relationships!! I can read those stories in a newspapers problem page!!

I trust my gf 100% and nothing with change that unless I was proven wrong!!

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As you quoted my post when commenting about the motives of TV members, I feel the need to respond. If you actually read my contributions, I have made I believe some constructive points about your question and declined any commentary about your relationship with your g/f.

My comments relate to the amounts requested by your g/f and whether this is reasonable - exactly what your post requested information on. I believe that I have raised some issues for you to consider in terms of checking facts to make sure that you are happy with the evential decision you make.

I could understand a degree of indignation on your part if my comments were simply abusive or ridiculous (as the occasional posters have been). However, if you are not able to take the wide range of opinions that a post like your will attract, without feeling the need to attack those that are trying to help, then I suggest you do not post such topics on the forum.

I get the feeling reading through your replies that whatever people tell you on this forum, you have already decided that everything is fine. I hope that this is the case and that you and your g/f find happiness in the UK.

I too will be at Battersea on Sunday. I suppose I will be one of the "insecure" looking blokes looking very "negative".


I feel you may have read my reply to you wrong!! I appricated your advice and thanked you for it!!, when I said the other part it was more of a question to you not an accusation!!

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Save a little more with the phone;

Copy all the numbers off the sim card onto the phone.

Get new sim card

Transfer numbers to new card.

Use a bit of credit to let the family and friends the new number.

The new number will also reduce the calls at stupid times of the day and night. "What do mean it is 2am the sun is out here."

Yeah will do, I said she can use my spare phone so that will help!!


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So, you're certain she has been faithfull.

you're certain you are not getting mugged.

you're certain there is no other alterior motive.

You don't listen to the negative advice only the positive.

Why bother asking in the first place?

Unless there is some little nagging doubt in the back of your mind!!


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As you quoted my post when commenting about the motives of TV members, I feel the need to respond. If you actually read my contributions, I have made I believe some constructive points about your question and declined any commentary about your relationship with your g/f.

My comments relate to the amounts requested by your g/f and whether this is reasonable - exactly what your post requested information on. I believe that I have raised some issues for you to consider in terms of checking facts to make sure that you are happy with the evential decision you make.

I could understand a degree of indignation on your part if my comments were simply abusive or ridiculous (as the occasional posters have been). However, if you are not able to take the wide range of opinions that a post like your will attract, without feeling the need to attack those that are trying to help, then I suggest you do not post such topics on the forum.

I get the feeling reading through your replies that whatever people tell you on this forum, you have already decided that everything is fine. I hope that this is the case and that you and your g/f find happiness in the UK.

I too will be at Battersea on Sunday. I suppose I will be one of the "insecure" looking blokes looking very "negative".


I feel you may have read my reply to you wrong!! I appricated your advice and thanked you for it!!, when I said the other part it was more of a question to you not an accusation!!

Ahh... I see. Apologies for the rather pompous reply then. Like I said in my first post, there will always be very negative posters, some of whom do border on the abusive/sniping side. A lot of it is done in an attempt at humour. But like I said, there are always nuggets of good advice scattered amongst these. Many of the posters percieved negativity is borne out of a genuine desire to prevent someone getting fleeced. When you read thread after thread of bad stuff, it can seem like that is all that there is. It does happen though and it is always good to have a healthy scepticism and inquisitive approach to all things Thailand. But good relationships do exist, many of them long term.

*edit to sort out quote

Edited by Charma
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So, you're certain she has been faithfull.

you're certain you are not getting mugged.

you're certain there is no other alterior motive.

You don't listen to the negative advice only the positive.

Why bother asking in the first place?

Unless there is some little nagging doubt in the back of your mind!!


Haha no there is nothing nagging in the back of my mind, I'm as certain as I can be but like I said I trust her 100%, why wouldn't I if she has given me no reason not to!! Innocent until proven guilty as it were!!

I've listened to all the advice I have been given I just dont agree with some of the negative things!!

is that so bad or do I have to believe what some random says!! if I did I would be the most confused bloke around!!

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Ahh... I see. Apologies for the rather pompous reply then. Like I said in my first post, there will always be very negative posters, some of whom do border on the abusive/sniping side. A lot of it is done in an attempt at humour. But like I said, there are always nuggets of good advice scattered amongst these. Many of the posters percieved negativity is borne out of a genuine desire to prevent someone getting fleeced. When you read thread after thread of bad stuff, it can seem like that is all that there is. It does happen though and it is always good to have a healthy scepticism and inquisitive approach to all things Thailand. But good relationships do exist, many of them long term.

Yeah no worries mate, I understand there is good and bad to all things in this world not just in Thailand!!

I'm taking it all on board but I honestly do have a gut feeling this is the start of something very good!!

but caution will be taken, I'm not some mug starting a relationship blindfolded.

Thanks again for the advice!

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So, you're certain she has been faithfull.

you're certain you are not getting mugged.

you're certain there is no other alterior motive.

You don't listen to the negative advice only the positive.

Why bother asking in the first place?

Unless there is some little nagging doubt in the back of your mind!!


Haha no there is nothing nagging in the back of my mind, I'm as certain as I can be but like I said I trust her 100%, why wouldn't I if she has given me no reason not to!! Innocent until proven guilty as it were!!

I've listened to all the advice I have been given I just dont agree with some of the negative things!!

is that so bad or do I have to believe what some random says!! if I did I would be the most confused bloke around!!

It is dangerous to trust anyone 100% - this woman has already lied to you - I bet she's already referring to you as Khii nio to her friends - be warned but continue doing your dirty washing in public my friend !

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I'm surprised noone else has mentioned this yet, but does the OP know exactly what a 'PR Girl' is a euphemism for in Thailand.

Sean, a PR Girl for a club like that is not involved in media relations and event planning you know. Jeez . . PR Girl is just another name for a hostess. They can be barfined and taken home for a price.

Get real man.

If it looks like s**t, it smells like s**t and it feels like s**t, it's usually for a good reason.

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If you really want to know whats going on pay one of the agencies here to check things out for you, their rates are around 15-20,000baht from what i understand and then you may get a realistic answer to whats going on rather than a lot of guesswork.

Then it would be case closed?

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I've seen the pictures of her graduation from Uni and her Accountants Certificate so that leads me to believe she actually is true to her word about being an "accountant"!!

I thought she was a PR girl for Sopranos club?

She was an accountant for 10 years then changed job and worked in the Soprano House for 8 months

A phony Accountants Certificate is easy to come by in BKK, esp. from the Girlfriend Web site you used, and you didn't mention that cost or the return-airfare+your own airfare& hotel. You said you knew her for 18 mo. But I don't call web chat or e-mails and the occational phone call-also more $$-as really knowing someone. I know you feel like you got yourself a mail-order bride that you like to call a GF. Onlyone you're kidding is yourself, after she's through with you, you'll think why you didn't listen to people here with experience, but that your problem, SeanC07!!!

She got lucking meeting you.

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I'm surprised noone else has mentioned this yet, but does the OP know exactly what a 'PR Girl' is a euphemism for in Thailand.

Sean, a PR Girl for a club like that is not involved in media relations and event planning you know. Jeez . . PR Girl is just another name for a hostess. They can be barfined and taken home for a price.

Get real man.

If it looks like s**t, it smells like s**t and it feels like s**t, it's usually for a good reason.

Dude, now why you gotta go and burst the bloke's bubble? Didn't you read where she's a regular uni girl and accountant type female? :D

Sean old mate you seem to be a top fella and by the piccies someone posted from her workplace I'm sure your sheila's a right crackin bleeder as well.

Now there's lots of pretty Thai girls with uni degrees who realize they can earn ten times more by engaging in some :o horizontal public relations on the side if you get my drift mate.

Considering the dead low wages these ladies would be earning they'd be spittin the dumster if they didn't look for a better way to pay the bills and support the family I'm sure your clever self would agree with that bit of logic.

Crikey there's nothing wrong with that at all and you might do the same if you were a top looking bleeder like your own sheila probably is.

But Crikes old boy the only cockup for you is if you don't call a spade a spade. I mean look in the mirror and ask yourself is that a fool I'm looking at?

And another thing mate is never trust anyone 100% who isn't your mum and I'm not too sure about her.

cheers :D

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So, you're certain she has been faithfull.

you're certain you are not getting mugged.

you're certain there is no other alterior motive.

You don't listen to the negative advice only the positive.

Why bother asking in the first place?

Unless there is some little nagging doubt in the back of your mind!!


Haha no there is nothing nagging in the back of my mind, I'm as certain as I can be but like I said I trust her 100%, why wouldn't I if she has given me no reason not to!! Innocent until proven guilty as it were!!

Ermm, to echo chippie, then why did you feel the need to ask the question in the first place? :D

It is patently clear that you had and probably still do have doubts.... :o

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So, you're certain she has been faithfull.

you're certain you are not getting mugged.

you're certain there is no other alterior motive.

You don't listen to the negative advice only the positive.

Why bother asking in the first place?

Unless there is some little nagging doubt in the back of your mind!!


Haha no there is nothing nagging in the back of my mind, I'm as certain as I can be but like I said I trust her 100%, why wouldn't I if she has given me no reason not to!! Innocent until proven guilty as it were!!

Ermm, to echo chippie, then why did you feel the need to ask the question in the first place? :D

It is patently clear that you had and probably still do have doubts.... :o



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In the fog of the many replies to your many posts Sean I may have got some points mixed up, but I was under the impression that you wasn't looking for relationship advice but on some indication of what was a reasonable amount of money to send home.

You got a lot of replies based on you being a mug and euphenisms on the term PR girl.

Well some advice was good, certainly about keeping an eye on the situation and the drain on the money, but you appear to hace assessed the situation and you don't appear to be a complete ejit.

Some comments are based on real life situations and well founded assumptions on what can happen to people who are blinded by this land of wonderful smiles, what is behind the smiles everybody has to make their own judgement, on the whole the comments including the negative ones were meant to be in good faith, IMHO.

I think you have made yours, so good luck, enjoy your time I wish you well.

BTW (bytheway) I hope to be at Battersea Park and for one, hope I bump into you for the craik and you charma, your advice on this forum always goes down well.

Good Luck to all.


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hahahaha what are you talking about you weirdo? can you read or are you so dumb?
If anybody was wondering whether the original poster, SeanC07, was a troll, the above should have answered the question. One cannot get more trollish than that.



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I'm taking it all on board but I honestly do have a gut feeling this is the start of something very good!!

but caution will be taken, I'm not some mug starting a relationship blindfolded.

Jeez, I think you are quoting me..... I must have said the same..... on 5 or 6 occasions over the years. :D (but I still come back for more!) :o

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It is dangerous to trust anyone 100% - this woman has already lied to you - I bet she's already referring to you as Khii nio to her friends - be warned but continue doing your dirty washing in public my friend !

What makes you think she has lied to me already? and whats a Khii Nio?

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