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Thailand in WW2


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My great uncle fought in Burma during WW II. He remembered the Thai soldiers. He said you had to be careful with them and that they would kill you if they could.

the thai soldiers were on the other side. why wouldn't they try and kill him?

For the people that are a little slow...They were good soldiers.

Like in Dien Bien Phu!!???

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For the people that are a little slow...They were good soldiers.

Theyre on home soil they know what to eat and wont feel hot sweaty etc imagine being in the jungle as an Englishman...............it must have been a nightmare.

Can you imagine the Thais fighting in Alaska?

I can't imagine the Britts fighting in ALASKA either LOL

As long I remember was in Alaska never a war, the USA bought in 1867 from the russians for 7.2 Mill $, good deal.

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Let's not forget that tens of thousands of Thais died as forced labour during the Japanese occupation. In far greater numbers than the Europeans.

Only to built the Dead Railway costs about 16000 Allied POW lives, mainly from Commonwealth inclusive about 1900 dutch POW, in top estimatad 90,000 to 100,000 Asian victims from thailand, indonesia, malaysia, burma, singapore and some ethnic decent like mon, karen etc.


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Suggest you read the book - The Railway Man by Eric Lomax now a powerful movie with Colin Firth, Nicole Kidman and Jeremy Irvine (as the young P.O.W. - a startlingly good performance). The book is about the Japanese and the almost unbelievable brutality of what was one of the biggest travesties of human rights in SE Asia - the Death Railway. The Thais fully co-operated both the Government of the day and the general populace - they allowed prisoners of war from Singapore, Malaysia, Burma and the Dutch territories to be marched through their country - herded onto their trains, and disembarked from ships in their harbours. They must have know what was going on - they collectively turned a blind eye. They allocated several facilities even some in Bangkok to the Imperial Japanese Army as prisons and detention centres - they returned escaped prisoners to their camps to be punished for escaping - laughed and jeered at pathetic skeletons of men basically starved and worked to death as they were forced to march through their towns and villages - they supplied the Japanese with all their food and supplies and yes even fought alongside them in Burma. The fact that most the prisoners were just farangs may have made it easier for them (just like it was OK for French, Belgium, Polish people to point out the Jews in their communities to the Nazi) but it truly is a period of national shame - despite attempts to re-write it in the years after when by cleverly changing sides at the very last moment and were being seen as a stabilising influence in post colonial French Indo-China and a bulwark against the new enemy - the communists. The book and the movie end with Eric Lomax returning to Thailand in the 1950's to confront one of his torturers then operating in Thailand as a tour guide of the war graves and Death Railway - again in plain site with the support of the Thai Government (actually a wanted war crimes suspect). Anyone living in Thailand and enjoying the love and hospitality of this Kingdom - should visit the very same area and museum (actually used in the movie) and ask themselves how did this cruelty happen in their midst without them being part of it. A sobering thought because it is something that this people have collectively chosen to completely forget and deny.

The Thai's are just opportunists nothings new as the history shows until now.

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To support another OP - when I say prisoners of war I'm not being Eurocentric - most of them were not whites- the word farang means foreigner. Thousands of Indonesians where shipped here - the Dutch had a propensity to recruit Mollucans (an old colonial trick use one tribe or group of islanders to persecute the rest) - a large number of the troops captured in Singapore, Malaysia and Burma were Indian - also all their Non-Commissioned Officers were Punjabi (another colonial trick - getting another religion to manage simple Hindis who joined the British army to avoid the grinding poverty). By the way the Japanese also used the same technique some of the nastiest camp guards were Korean.

All the countries which had still colonies after WWII pay today the bill some for around 3 decades already.

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To support another OP - when I say prisoners of war I'm not being Eurocentric - most of them were not whites- the word farang means foreigner. Thousands of Indonesians where shipped here - the Dutch had a propensity to recruit Mollucans (an old colonial trick use one tribe or group of islanders to persecute the rest) - a large number of the troops captured in Singapore, Malaysia and Burma were Indian - also all their Non-Commissioned Officers were Punjabi (another colonial trick - getting another religion to manage simple Hindis who joined the British army to avoid the grinding poverty). By the way the Japanese also used the same technique some of the nastiest camp guards were Korean.

The word 'falang' means caucasian. It is a racial term.

Indonesians are not falang.

Indians are 'khek' not falang.

The word Farang meant the of the ppl in the franc empire(means not explicit only what is france today, this was much bigger, check the links) from the early middle age in Europe.

Probably the first was the persians who called them farang or farangi, arabs named the afranj, ethiopians faranji, khmer barang, etc.

Later was the word used for all white ppl (caucasians).



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This might be an interesting link....http://countrystudies.us/thailand/21.htm

seems like they complied with the Japanese because the Japanese used the defeat of France by Germany to "gain concessions for Thailand from French indochinese territory"

If this is factually correct, some of this is a pretty bleeding black eye on Thailand's record in that sense

sure we'll let you pass through our country to invade these two other ones, give us amnesty and never mind you have reeked havoc , killed thousands already, and after that give some of the land are occupying to us because it used to be ours and we'll be good

looks like they were interested in an even bigger Siamese state, one that would have included all of Lao, Cambodia Burma and Malaysia, that why was the made these deals with the Japanese.

I see you got the clue, they want to extent it to about the same size as the former Khmer/Mon empire just a little big bigger and gave a damn what is costs, to deal with the evil to reach this target.

Opportunists, in general the same mentality as today.

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They also declared War on Britain and USA. They gave the Japs permission to land in far south of Thailand to invade Burma.

They should have paid the price after the war.

They remember me onto the italians in the WWI and WWII first start on the german site, but changed the site, when they realized they was on the site of the loosers.

They also came out of both wars without any trials or had to pay any compensations.

We having in germany a joke about them.

What is the national flag of Italy!!??? maybe some of you get the clue!

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138 post is a lie. Polish underground, civil population, christian convents saved thousands of Jews playing with their own life (for that all family was shot by Germans) and some underground fighters like Home Army (AK) had small Jewish fighting force within their ranks. 138 post, if you want to publish something here make it according to historical facts and not insinuation, otherwise you are just anti-Polish spreading false information on the net. The smallest Jewish uprising (200 plus on 500 000 population) in Warsaw Ghetto was supplied by Home Army (AK) in all armaments and some fighters where from this group as well.

So stop spreading anti-Polonism nonsense you deviant "historian".

You are right in a way, but it is not the whole truth.

First the Vatican never complained about german politics from 1933 - 1945 about anything it was in their interest to wipe out the Jesus Killers.

Hitler had a deal with pope this was the reason why the Vatican never filed a complain against germany from 1939 until the end of the war, caused Hitler promised to collect from the germans ppl taxes for the church an add of 10% to the normal income taxes about 20 years ago reduced to 8% still works until today.

The Pope Pius XII former Kardinal Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli from 1917 - 1929 Apostolian Nuntius(Ambassador) for the Vatican in germany he spoke good german and was knowing the mentality. Then back to rome in charge for foreign affairs until he was elected as pope from 1939 - 1958.


1 thing more the jews having in general no cooperate identity only wealthy jews and poors, same same as in Thailand and the wealthy give a damn about poors, the use only the word cooperate identity to demonstrate and fighting their wars to getting wealthier.

The jews use the cooperate indentiy mainly as weapon against the germans to extord more compensation money from us.

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My great uncle fought in Burma during WW II. He remembered the Thai soldiers. He said you had to be careful with them and that they would kill you if they could.

the thai soldiers were on the other side. why wouldn't they try and kill him?

For the people that are a little slow...They were good soldiers.

Like in Dien Bien Phu!!???

Battle of Dien Bien Phu nothing to do with Thai soldiers. It was French and Vietnamese. The Vietnamese won.
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Theyre on home soil they know what to eat and wont feel hot sweaty etc imagine being in the jungle as an Englishman...............it must have been a nightmare.

Can you imagine the Thais fighting in Alaska?

I can't imagine the Britts fighting in ALASKA either LOL

As long I remember was in Alaska never a war, the USA bought in 1867 from the russians for 7.2 Mill $, good deal.

Japanese occupied Attu and Kiska; Alaskan territory during WWII. Americans and Japan had a war there.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Let's not forget that tens of thousands of Thais died as forced labour during the Japanese occupation. In far greater numbers than the Europeans.

Only to built the Dead Railway costs about 16000 Allied POW lives, mainly from Commonwealth inclusive about 1900 dutch POW, in top estimatad 90,000 to 100,000 Asian victims from thailand, indonesia, malaysia, burma, singapore and some ethnic decent like mon, karen etc.


If you do the research I think you will find that the Thais got paid to work on the railroad and your link is incorrect as far as including Thais in the death figures.

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1 thing more the jews having in general no cooperate identity only wealthy jews and poors, same same as in Thailand and the wealthy give a damn about poors, the use only the word cooperate identity to demonstrate and fighting their wars to getting wealthier.

The jews use the cooperate indentiy mainly as weapon against the germans to extord more compensation money from us.

Nonsense, since the thread is about WWII I assume your reference is during that time period and is not correct.

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Let's not forget that tens of thousands of Thais died as forced labour during the Japanese occupation. In far greater numbers than the Europeans.

Only to built the Dead Railway costs about 16000 Allied POW lives, mainly from Commonwealth inclusive about 1900 dutch POW, in top estimatad 90,000 to 100,000 Asian victims from thailand, indonesia, malaysia, burma, singapore and some ethnic decent like mon, karen etc.


If you do the research I think you will find that the Thais got paid to work on the railroad and your link is incorrect as far as including Thais in the death figures.

if you did some research you would know that some chinese thais were impressed rather than paid.

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Let's not forget that tens of thousands of Thais died as forced labour during the Japanese occupation. In far greater numbers than the Europeans.

Only to built the Dead Railway costs about 16000 Allied POW lives, mainly from Commonwealth inclusive about 1900 dutch POW, in top estimatad 90,000 to 100,000 Asian victims from thailand, indonesia, malaysia, burma, singapore and some ethnic decent like mon, karen etc.


If you do the research I think you will find that the Thais got paid to work on the railroad and your link is incorrect as far as including Thais in the death figures.

if you did some research you would know that some chinese thais were impressed rather than paid.

Chinese Thai? Link please. What is a Chinese Thai?

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They also declared War on Britain and USA. They gave the Japs permission to land in far south of Thailand to invade Burma.

They should have paid the price after the war.


Take that quiz that is on the forum today about Thailand.

It has, by coincidence, a question on Thailand and World War 2.

It also has the correct answer.

Technically Thailand did NOT declare war against the U.S., because the Thai ambassador never delivered the declaration of war from his government to the U.S. government.

Instead he resigned his post, and the declaration of war was never delivered.

The Thai ambassador to the U.K. did deliver the declaration of war from the Thai government, so Thailand was at war with the U.K., but not the U.S.A. in World War 2.

Burma was a place the Japanese wanted to capture, mainly due to the Rubber plantations there.

It was also the gateway to the ultimate prize for the Japanese....... India. That was what the Japanese really wanted.

And to be fair to the Thais, they never gave the Japanese permission to land in Thailand.

The main military force in opposition to the Japanese in World ar 2 in Southeast Asia was the British.

Both the Royal Navy ships which were the main force against the Japanese in Southeast Asia were taken out of the battle by the Japanese within n 48 hours of the war starting, one being sunk off Malaysia, and the other being forced to beach itself and then it was destroyed by the Japanese Air Force.

At that point, with the British being effectively out of the war as far as Thailand was concerned, the Then Prime Minister of Thailand ordered the stand down of all Thai military forces to the Japanese.

But look it up on Wikipedia for yourself.

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They also declared War on Britain and USA. They gave the Japs permission to land in far south of Thailand to invade Burma.

They should have paid the price after the war.


Technically Thailand did NOT declare war against the U.S., because the Thai ambassador never delivered the declaration of war from his government to the U.S. government.

Instead he resigned his post, and the declaration of war was never delivered.

And to be fair to the Thais, they never gave the Japanese permission to land in Thailand.

At that point, with the British being effectively out of the war as far as Thailand was concerned, the Then Prime Minister of Thailand ordered the stand down of all Thai military forces to the Japanese.

But look it up on Wikipedia for yourself.

What an incredible load of rubbish. I suppose it can be credited to your source - beware of Wiki.

There are no "technical" rules about having to actually hand over a written declaration of war. Yes, Thailand did declare war on all the Allied countries. Did an ambassador run about to get a piece of paper to the Dutch government, by that time, if I recall correctly, resident in Canada! No, absolutely not - as it wasn't necessary. No paper sent through post, Thai or otherwise, to Canberra, either, but war was declared.

The government of Thailand, through its Prime Minister, negotiated with the Japanese for several months in 1941 previous to the landing of the Japanese forces, and specifically gave permission for those landings.

The Japanese were pleased with that, but were actually surprised when Thailand joined them by declaring war.

The "stand down" of Thai forces did not come when the British were, as you so amusingly suggest, were out of the war (never happened, did it?) but Phibun issued the stand down order when there was some minor resistance against the landings, as the local police and military hadn't been forewarned about the permission having been granted.

But of course, rather than doing some real research, go look at Wikipedia again. Post some more foolishness.

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They also declared War on Britain and USA. They gave the Japs permission to land in far south of Thailand to invade Burma.

They should have paid the price after the war.


Take that quiz that is on the forum today about Thailand.

It has, by coincidence, a question on Thailand and World War 2.

It also has the correct answer.

Technically Thailand did NOT declare war against the U.S., because the Thai ambassador never delivered the declaration of war from his government to the U.S. government.

Instead he resigned his post, and the declaration of war was never delivered.

The Thai ambassador to the U.K. did deliver the declaration of war from the Thai government, so Thailand was at war with the U.K., but not the U.S.A. in World War 2.

Burma was a place the Japanese wanted to capture, mainly due to the Rubber plantations there.

It was also the gateway to the ultimate prize for the Japanese....... India. That was what the Japanese really wanted.

And to be fair to the Thais, they never gave the Japanese permission to land in Thailand.

The main military force in opposition to the Japanese in World ar 2 in Southeast Asia was the British.

Both the Royal Navy ships which were the main force against the Japanese in Southeast Asia were taken out of the battle by the Japanese within n 48 hours of the war starting, one being sunk off Malaysia, and the other being forced to beach itself and then it was destroyed by the Japanese Air Force.

At that point, with the British being effectively out of the war as far as Thailand was concerned, the Then Prime Minister of Thailand ordered the stand down of all Thai military forces to the Japanese.

But look it up on Wikipedia for yourself.

1. Thailand repealed the declaration of war against the US and UK. Why did they do that if they didn't declare war against the US in the first place?

2. Did the US government bomb Bangkok all during WW2?

3. Did Thailand pay war reparations after WW2?

4. Was Thailand occupied by the British after WW2?

5. Did Thailand invade Burma during WW2?

6. Was Thailand forced to give up the land it stole during WW2?

7. Did Thailand have a secret agreement with Japan before Japan invaded Thailand?

Thailand's Secret War: OSS, SOE and the Free Thai Underground During World

Thailand's Free Thai movement causalities during WW2. 1 OSS enlisted man and 2 Thai officers.

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My great uncle fought in Burma during WW II. He remembered the Thai soldiers. He said you had to be careful with them and that they would kill you if they could.

the thai soldiers were on the other side. why wouldn't they try and kill him?

For the people that are a little slow...They were good soldiers.

Like in Dien Bien Phu!!???

Battle of Dien Bien Phu nothing to do with Thai soldiers. It was French and Vietnamese. The Vietnamese won.

You having no idea 1 Battalion Thai fought on the french side and running over to the Viet Minh on the first day.

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Let's not forget that tens of thousands of Thais died as forced labour during the Japanese occupation. In far greater numbers than the Europeans.

Only to built the Dead Railway costs about 16000 Allied POW lives, mainly from Commonwealth inclusive about 1900 dutch POW, in top estimatad 90,000 to 100,000 Asian victims from thailand, indonesia, malaysia, burma, singapore and some ethnic decent like mon, karen etc.


If you do the research I think you will find that the Thais got paid to work on the railroad and your link is incorrect as far as including Thais in the death figures.

I did'nt said anything they worked as slaves there, I said victims and meant death figures I was probably not precise enough.

If you have another link, then please provide and not only blabla.

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Let's not forget that tens of thousands of Thais died as forced labour during the Japanese occupation. In far greater numbers than the Europeans.

Only to built the Dead Railway costs about 16000 Allied POW lives, mainly from Commonwealth inclusive about 1900 dutch POW, in top estimatad 90,000 to 100,000 Asian victims from thailand, indonesia, malaysia, burma, singapore and some ethnic decent like mon, karen etc.


If you do the research I think you will find that the Thais got paid to work on the railroad and your link is incorrect as far as including Thais in the death figures.

I did'nt said anything they worked as slaves there, I said victims and meant death figures I was probably not precise enough.

If you have another link, then please provide and not only blabla.

Forced labour was used in its construction. About 180,000 Asian civilian labourers (mainly romusha) and 60,000 Allied prisoners of war (POWs) worked on the railway. Of these, around 90,000 Asian civilian labourers and 12,399 Allied POWs died as a direct result of the project. The dead POWs included 6,318 British personnel, 2,815 Australians, 2,490 Dutch, about 356 Americans, and about 20 POWs from other British Commonwealth countries (the Indian Empire, New Zealand and Canada)


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My great uncle fought in Burma during WW II. He remembered the Thai soldiers. He said you had to be careful with them and that they would kill you if they could.

the thai soldiers were on the other side. why wouldn't they try and kill him?

For the people that are a little slow...They were good soldiers.

Like in Dien Bien Phu!!???

Battle of Dien Bien Phu nothing to do with Thai soldiers. It was French and Vietnamese. The Vietnamese won.

You having no idea 1 Battalion Thai fought on the french side and running over to the Viet Minh on the first day.

The Last Valley: Dien Bien Phu and the French Defeat in Vietnam

Black Thais and Nungs are not Thai. The unit was founded in 1947 in the mountains. The highlands of northern Vietnam are inhabited primarily by speakers of the Austroasiatic family of languages, and especially from the Tai-Kadai and Vietic groups of languages such as Tay, Thai, Muong, Dzao and Nung. The Thai, for instance, are differentiated as Black Thai, White Thai and Red Thai, according to the distinctive clothing worn by the women of respective groups.


I guess it is you who have no idea. Apology would be nice.

Edited by thailiketoo
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So how is German Viking doing? Strike one, Alaska had a war, Strike two, Thais were not forced labor on the Death Railroad, Strike three, Thais nationals did not fight at Dien Bien Phu.

there were thai nationals of chinese ancestry used as forced labour on the death railway. you grounded out.

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Only to built the Dead Railway costs about 16000 Allied POW lives, mainly from Commonwealth inclusive about 1900 dutch POW, in top estimatad 90,000 to 100,000 Asian victims from thailand, indonesia, malaysia, burma, singapore and some ethnic decent like mon, karen etc.


If you do the research I think you will find that the Thais got paid to work on the railroad and your link is incorrect as far as including Thais in the death figures.

I did'nt said anything they worked as slaves there, I said victims and meant death figures I was probably not precise enough.

If you have another link, then please provide and not only blabla.

Forced labour was used in its construction. About 180,000 Asian civilian labourers (mainly romusha) and 60,000 Allied prisoners of war (POWs) worked on the railway. Of these, around 90,000 Asian civilian labourers and 12,399 Allied POWs died as a direct result of the project. The dead POWs included 6,318 British personnel, 2,815 Australians, 2,490 Dutch, about 356 Americans, and about 20 POWs from other British Commonwealth countries (the Indian Empire, New Zealand and Canada)


in the link you provide is fairly the follwing written in frame:

This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear, because it has insufficient inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (September 2011)

I recommend before you provide any link as truth, read it first yourself carefully in top when it come from Wikipedia, caused you don't know the source.

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Guess it all depends on whom one talks to... And also what area of Thail;and, that one would refer to...... I have heard some different stories from old people in many northern parts of Thailand.

I called them the old tales, of the village.... But the Thais did suffer inmany ways during this time period, as they did during Viet Nam.... JUst my thoughts......wai.gifwai.gif

I never heard that the thai suffered during Vietnam War it's more that they provided airports like Udorn(Udon Thani) to the USA for bombing during Vietnam War nothern Laos illegally and for sure not for free they got a lot off benefits.

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