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Thailand in WW2


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"Asking when World War II began is a good way to start a long and passionate debate. Some say it was simply a continuation of the First World War that had theoretically ended in 1918. Others point to 1931, when Japan seized Manchuria from China. Italy’s invasion and defeat of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in 1935, Adolf Hitler’s re-militarization of Germany’s Rhineland in 1936, the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), and Germany’s occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1938 are sometimes cited. The two dates most often mentioned as "the beginning of World War II" are July 7, 1937, when the "Marco Polo Bridge Incident" led to a prolonged war between Japan and China, and September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, which led Britain and France to declare war on Hitler’s Nazi state in retaliation. From the invasion of Poland until the war ended with Japan’s surrender in August 1945, multiple nations were at war with each other, some fighting for the ultimately victorious Allies, some for the Axis." - See more at: http://www.historynet.com/world-war-ii#sthash.uWHt3Orm.dpuf

I imagine the Yanks would say 1941, the Brits 1939, the Chinese 1931 or 1937, etc. ad infinitim. Certainly, it was a world war, and one's state of origin's point of entry into the war will be different.

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"Asking when World War II began is a good way to start a long and passionate debate. Some say it was simply a continuation of the First World War that had theoretically ended in 1918. Others point to 1931, when Japan seized Manchuria from China. Italy’s invasion and defeat of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in 1935, Adolf Hitler’s re-militarization of Germany’s Rhineland in 1936, the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), and Germany’s occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1938 are sometimes cited. The two dates most often mentioned as "the beginning of World War II" are July 7, 1937, when the "Marco Polo Bridge Incident" led to a prolonged war between Japan and China, and September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, which led Britain and France to declare war on Hitler’s Nazi state in retaliation. From the invasion of Poland until the war ended with Japan’s surrender in August 1945, multiple nations were at war with each other, some fighting for the ultimately victorious Allies, some for the Axis." - See more at: http://www.historynet.com/world-war-ii#sthash.uWHt3Orm.dpuf

I imagine the Yanks would say 1941, the Brits 1939, the Chinese 1931 or 1937, etc. ad infinitim. Certainly, it was a world war, and one's state of origin's point of entry into the war will be different.

For the pendants, World war is a war that involves most of the principal nations of the world. WW II started in 1939; no debate really. If one wants to debate the causes of the war that is another issue.

Were most the principal nations of the world at war in A. 1938, B. 1939, C. 1940 or D. 1941?

The answer is B; not difficult to answer at all.

If you want to debate the meaning of "most or war or principal or nations or world" I suggest the News forum and then move it to Pub. However, most rational adults know the meaning of the aforementioned words.

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"Asking when World War II began is a good way to start a long and passionate debate. Some say it was simply a continuation of the First World War that had theoretically ended in 1918. Others point to 1931, when Japan seized Manchuria from China. Italy’s invasion and defeat of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in 1935, Adolf Hitler’s re-militarization of Germany’s Rhineland in 1936, the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), and Germany’s occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1938 are sometimes cited. The two dates most often mentioned as "the beginning of World War II" are July 7, 1937, when the "Marco Polo Bridge Incident" led to a prolonged war between Japan and China, and September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, which led Britain and France to declare war on Hitler’s Nazi state in retaliation. From the invasion of Poland until the war ended with Japan’s surrender in August 1945, multiple nations were at war with each other, some fighting for the ultimately victorious Allies, some for the Axis." - See more at: http://www.historynet.com/world-war-ii#sthash.uWHt3Orm.dpuf

I imagine the Yanks would say 1941, the Brits 1939, the Chinese 1931 or 1937, etc. ad infinitim. Certainly, it was a world war, and one's state of origin's point of entry into the war will be different.

For the pendants, World war is a war that involves most of the principal nations of the world. WW II started in 1939; no debate really. If one wants to debate the causes of the war that is another issue.

Were most the principal nations of the world at war in A. 1938, B. 1939, C. 1940 or D. 1941?

The answer is B; not difficult to answer at all.

If you want to debate the meaning of "most or war or principal or nations or world" I suggest the News forum and then move it to Pub. However, most rational adults know the meaning of the aforementioned words.

Oh, I see, something cannot start until the most people get involved.

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"Asking when World War II began is a good way to start a long and passionate debate. Some say it was simply a continuation of the First World War that had theoretically ended in 1918. Others point to 1931, when Japan seized Manchuria from China. Italy’s invasion and defeat of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in 1935, Adolf Hitler’s re-militarization of Germany’s Rhineland in 1936, the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), and Germany’s occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1938 are sometimes cited. The two dates most often mentioned as "the beginning of World War II" are July 7, 1937, when the "Marco Polo Bridge Incident" led to a prolonged war between Japan and China, and September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, which led Britain and France to declare war on Hitler’s Nazi state in retaliation. From the invasion of Poland until the war ended with Japan’s surrender in August 1945, multiple nations were at war with each other, some fighting for the ultimately victorious Allies, some for the Axis." - See more at: http://www.historynet.com/world-war-ii#sthash.uWHt3Orm.dpuf

I imagine the Yanks would say 1941, the Brits 1939, the Chinese 1931 or 1937, etc. ad infinitim. Certainly, it was a world war, and one's state of origin's point of entry into the war will be different.

For the pendants, World war is a war that involves most of the principal nations of the world. WW II started in 1939; no debate really. If one wants to debate the causes of the war that is another issue.

Were most the principal nations of the world at war in A. 1938, B. 1939, C. 1940 or D. 1941?

The answer is B; not difficult to answer at all.

If you want to debate the meaning of "most or war or principal or nations or world" I suggest the News forum and then move it to Pub. However, most rational adults know the meaning of the aforementioned words.

Oh, I see, something cannot start until the most people get involved.

World war is a war that involves most of the principal nations of the world. I guess you want to debate the meaning of the word, "involved." I should have known.

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No history of Thailand during WWII is complete without mention of Betty McKenzie. Oh wait you never heard of her ? She saved Thailand after WWII, yet I doubt there is any mention of her in Thai " history" books as it must have been slightly embarrassing for Thailand to be saved by a farang woman. In fact there should be a statue in her honor.....


"About two or three months, I can't remember exactly how long but I think it was about two or three months, after the war ended low and behold over our ticker tape came a most horrifying piece of news information. That the United States, Britain, and Thailand had signed a treaty. Because of the puppet government that the Japanese set up in Thailand, Thailand was being ceded to the British Empire. This free country, for a thousand years, being ceded to the British Empire. "

"So about a couple months later, I guess, after we got the treaty reversed, Nai Privi Phanamyong and his wife and all his military retinue came to the United States to pay President Truman a friendship visit for saving Thailand from the British empire. And he stopped off, I was living in LA by then, and he stopped off on, in LA, on his way to President Truman. He rented a cottage, one of the private cottages, at the Beverly Hills Hotel and gave a dinner there in my honor for saving his country of Thailand."

The bold is mine. An amazing piece of Thai history. wai2.gif Here she is with some

Thai broadcasters during her campaign.


Edited by EyesWideOpen
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"Asking when World War II began is a good way to start a long and passionate debate. Some say it was simply a continuation of the First World War that had theoretically ended in 1918. Others point to 1931, when Japan seized Manchuria from China. Italy’s invasion and defeat of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in 1935, Adolf Hitler’s re-militarization of Germany’s Rhineland in 1936, the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), and Germany’s occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1938 are sometimes cited. The two dates most often mentioned as "the beginning of World War II" are July 7, 1937, when the "Marco Polo Bridge Incident" led to a prolonged war between Japan and China, and September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, which led Britain and France to declare war on Hitler’s Nazi state in retaliation. From the invasion of Poland until the war ended with Japan’s surrender in August 1945, multiple nations were at war with each other, some fighting for the ultimately victorious Allies, some for the Axis." - See more at: http://www.historynet.com/world-war-ii#sthash.uWHt3Orm.dpuf

I imagine the Yanks would say 1941, the Brits 1939, the Chinese 1931 or 1937, etc. ad infinitim. Certainly, it was a world war, and one's state of origin's point of entry into the war will be different.

For the pendants, World war is a war that involves most of the principal nations of the world. WW II started in 1939; no debate really. If one wants to debate the causes of the war that is another issue.

Were most the principal nations of the world at war in A. 1938, B. 1939, C. 1940 or D. 1941?

The answer is B; not difficult to answer at all.

If you want to debate the meaning of "most or war or principal or nations or world" I suggest the News forum and then move it to Pub. However, most rational adults know the meaning of the aforementioned words.

Oh, I see, something cannot start until the most people get involved.

World war is a war that involves most of the principal nations of the world. I guess you want to debate the meaning of the word, "involved." I should have known.

dont be ridiculous. he is merely pointing out that an event can begin and other parties may become involved in it later. a simple fist fight can later turn into a full on barroom brawl. but its still the same event!

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All I ever said was Australia entered WWII in 1939. I wrote, "On 3 September 1939, Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies announced that Australia was at war with Germany."

If you want to start a thread about Australian high school education being the equivalent to a MA in Canada go right ahead. I was born in Canada btw.

no, you said a number of times that australia declared war on germany. go back and read your own posts. and then read this: http://www.amazon.com/Parliament-Vision-Hindsight-Geoffrey-Lindell/dp/1862874069. the points made may be too subtle for your simplistic american way of looking at the world so if you have any trouble feel free to ask for assistance.

Australia declared war on Germany in 1939. Australia declared war on Italy in 1940. Australia declared war on Japan in 1941, Australia declared war on Bulgaria in 1942.

Question; What date did Australia declare war against Germany in WWII. Answer: 3 September 1939.

Where Great Britain stands, there also stands the people of the British world". The Australian declaration of war by Menzies was made under immense pressure upon his six month old minority government, his tenure depended upon the seats of the Country Party, who represented the farmers who made a living selling their produce, a sizable portion of which went to Britain, so they would have pushed to decide to declare war on Germany alongside Britain as tenaciously as the conservatives from Menzies' own party, who believed that upholding Australia's end of the imperial defence bargain was vital to Australia's defence. Menzies' declaration of war was representative of the Australian public's opinions at the time. Menzies' decision without parliamentary debate was criticized later in the war, however, in 1939 the support for war against Germany was strong across the entire spectrum of Australian society. When parliament reconvened on 6 September, no parliamentarian challenged the Australian declaration of war.


lol! thats suppose to be an official opinion?? lol. like i said, read up on constitutional law before you try and engage in debate. your own picture of the declaration against japan proves that for australia to declare war AGAINST

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All I ever said was Australia entered WWII in 1939. I wrote, "On 3 September 1939, Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies announced that Australia was at war with Germany."

If you want to start a thread about Australian high school education being the equivalent to a MA in Canada go right ahead. I was born in Canada btw.

no, you said a number of times that australia declared war on germany. go back and read your own posts. and then read this: http://www.amazon.com/Parliament-Vision-Hindsight-Geoffrey-Lindell/dp/1862874069. the points made may be too subtle for your simplistic american way of looking at the world so if you have any trouble feel free to ask for assistance.

Australia declared war on Germany in 1939. Australia declared war on Italy in 1940. Australia declared war on Japan in 1941, Australia declared war on Bulgaria in 1942.

Question; What date did Australia declare war against Germany in WWII. Answer: 3 September 1939.

Where Great Britain stands, there also stands the people of the British world". The Australian declaration of war by Menzies was made under immense pressure upon his six month old minority government, his tenure depended upon the seats of the Country Party, who represented the farmers who made a living selling their produce, a sizable portion of which went to Britain, so they would have pushed to decide to declare war on Germany alongside Britain as tenaciously as the conservatives from Menzies' own party, who believed that upholding Australia's end of the imperial defence bargain was vital to Australia's defence. Menzies' declaration of war was representative of the Australian public's opinions at the time. Menzies' decision without parliamentary debate was criticized later in the war, however, in 1939 the support for war against Germany was strong across the entire spectrum of Australian society. When parliament reconvened on 6 September, no parliamentarian challenged the Australian declaration of war.


lol! not exactly an official source pal. your own photo of the declaration of war against japan destroys your feeble arguement as it demonstrates that for australia to declare war AGAINST a foreign power there must be a formal document signed by the head of the australian state or his representative. there was no such document declaring war against germany. why? because the declaration of war by britain against germany was taken to mean that australia was AUTOMATICALLY at war with germany. like i said, before you attempt to discuss matters of hich you are so ignorant, it would be best if you did a little reading first.

Australia had not ratified the Westminster Statute, and as a result did not have an independent foreign policy. Menzies recognized this by his speech in 1939, that as Britain was at war with Germany, so Australia was at war with Germany.

Menzie's broadcast declaration above (of Australia being at war with Nazi Germany) was not impeached by the retro-active application of the Westminster Adoption Act 1942.

it seems clear that Menzies speech was a declaration of war. Had Menzies speech not been made would Australia still have been at war? I would imagine they would have. We will never know because Menzies did make his declaration of war speech. It comes under the heading of what if's, the same as was Thailand at war with the USA because a US official refused to accept the ambassador's declaration of war.

In 1942, after a change of government, Australia ratified the Westminster statute, backdated to 1939. Why did they back date it? I would imagine it had something to do with the declaration of war by Menzies.

However I think anyone with a lick of sense would agree that Australia declared war against Germany in 1939 which was my point throughout and that WWII started in 1939.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Australia had not ratified the Westminster Statute, and as a result did not have an independent foreign policy. Menzies recognized this by his speech in 1939, that as Britain was at war with Germany, so Australia was at war with Germany.

Menzie's broadcast declaration above (of Australia being at war with Nazi Germany) was not impeached by the retro-active application of the Westminster Adoption Act 1942.

it seems clear that Menzies speech was a declaration of war. Had Menzies speech not been made would Australia still have been at war? I would imagine they would have. We will never know because Menzies did make his declaration of war speech. It comes under the heading of what if's, the same as was Thailand at war with the USA because a US official refused to accept the ambassador's declaration of war.

In 1942, after a change of government, Australia ratified the Westminster statute, backdated to 1939. Why did they back date it? I would imagine it had something to do with the declaration of war by Menzies.

However I think anyone with a lick of sense would agree that Australia declared war against Germany in 1939 which was my point throughout and that WWII started in 1939.

time to put you out of your misery! The Manager of the legal branch of the cabinet office has a few more licks of sense than you ever will!

Despite the changes in the treaty making regime of the British Commonwealth which
occurred in the 1920s and early 1930s, it was still assumed by Prime Minister Menzies,
when Britain declared war against Germany in 1939, that Australia was also automatically
at war with Germany, without Australia having to take any further act or make an
independent decision. Prime Minister Menzies announced on 3 September 1939 that
Great Britain was at war with Germany and 'as a result, Australia is also at war'.
Anne Twomey1
is the Manager, Legal Branch, The Cabinet Office, NSW. The views expressed are
those of the author, rather than the NSW Government. She has formerly worked for the High Court
and the Parliamentary Research Service and lectured at the University of Sydney. In 1995 she was
secretary of the Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee while it undertook its inquiry
into treaties. Anne Twomey is also a member of the Council of the Constitutional Centenary
Foundation and is a member of the Constitutional Task Force of the NSW Law Society.
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