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A sad event.


But what was the motorcycle driver doing in the middle of the road?

You can't be serious! Use your head!

Either the momentum of the truck carried him and the bike over there or at the last minute he was trying to swerve around the truck or a combination of both.

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No tyre marks from the bike or truck being pushed sideways, something on the road infront of truck as though it's been dragged back to clear road so is that the crash point or not?.


Things such as this serve to drive home the point that even the best of us, even the most seasoned riders, are far too often at the mercy of some unthinking idiot.


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No tyre marks from the bike or truck being pushed sideways, something on the road infront of truck as though it's been dragged back to clear road so is that the crash point or not?.

Huge speculation as too what happened, we can only make up our own minds as to what happened by looking at the picture posted, no skid marks from the bike and it's buried half way through the pick up's front, looks like the bike hit the pick up at high speed and without braking, What a waste, obviously this is my opinion purely based on the picture, I dare say their will be witnesses who can actually say what happened, all that can be said for certain is the pick up appears to be making a u turn, speed of the bike will be speculated for a long time by many.


Sad but then if you ride a motorcycle like most of these people you are the only one to blame if you get killed.

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Many times I've had farmers pulling out in front of me, illegally making u - turns, etc... they see a single headlight and they automatically think a slow scooter so they think they have time to execute their maneuver.

You are lucky in many cases if any thought with regards other drivers/riders, goes into the sudden maneuver.

A sad event.


But what was the motorcycle driver doing in the middle of the road?

He tried to avoid the car by the right!

yes but if he should have stayed left side of the road and not over-speed .., he would never have to do that .. I think


RIP fallen bro:(

u turning f.....ing careless trucks are big problem here in Thailand. many times i needed to do acrobatic maneuvers bc of a vehicle wants to us turn suddenly without any notice and without even checking.

all legal u turns at every 2 km are also a problem if you ask me. invitation to accident and according to people, u turns are major cause of accidents here.

Only in Thailand i have seen that many u turns!

because people do not keep LEFT


There is a sense of beauty, of joy, of freedom that comes from riding a "big bike" that those who don't ride can never understand. We can try to explain it to them, but they will never really feel it the way we have. Yet, along with those things comes the knowledge that at any moment, for countless reasons, our life could end. And maybe living with that knowledge (not fear) is one of the things that adds to the excitement of riding.

I've been all over the north and north east of Thailand on my CBR, fully kitted, and I love it. I've received more than a few curious looks from the locals, and my wife call my kit my "alien suit", but she's also glad I wear it. I love riding in the mountains, but I'm always aware of the fact that the next curve could be the one where some idiot coming from the other direction is trying to pass someone else. Normally I ride in the right lane, but when I see a U-Turn sign, I move to the left and slow down if there is any traffic in either direction.

Now I've been "sidelined" by a stroke and had to sell my CBR. I'm recovering, but I have my doubts as to whether I'll ever ride a CBR or Ninja again. Yet, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't look out the window and wish I could kit up, straddle a bike and just go. No particular destination, but just go for the joy of riding. For those of you who have never been on a big bike, I can't really explain to you what it feels like, because you just wouldn't understand.

For those of you who ride, keep riding as long as you can. Believe me when I tell you that having to give it up takes something from your life that nothing else can fill the place of. Ride smart, ride safe, and have a moment of silent grace for the brother who died while doing what he loved.

Wow, living with the knowledge (not fear) that my or anyone's life could end is exciting, seriously!! I can assure you I do not have any excitement in me regarding riding my bike and being killed in an accident.


Sad but then if you ride a motorcycle like most of these people you are the only one to blame if you get killed.

You are talking total rubbish and are obviously NOT a motorcyclist.

By the way I am one of "these" people too as are most of the guys who responded.

What type are you, the same as those who have responded?


RIP fallen bro:(

u turning <deleted> careless trucks are big problem here in Thailand. many times i needed to do acrobatic maneuvers bc of a vehicle wants to us turn suddenly without any notice and without even checking.

all legal u turns at every 2 km are also a problem if you ask me. invitation to accident and according to people, u turns are major cause of accidents here.

Only in Thailand i have seen that many u turns!

because people do not keep LEFT

Which other countries have this retarded LEFT lane rule? The left lane is for the scooters which can't maintain the highway speeds, if scooters left to ride where they with, it would be a disaster. Big bikes are more than capable to keep up with the traffic so why do we need to ride on the side of the road with gravel, sand and all the potholes?

Don't blame the rider, if all the car riders were obeying the simple road rules, as in the care of this pick up driver who tried to make an illegal u-turn, shit like this wouldn't happen!

Am I right in saying that the pick up driver was doing two illegal things, talking on the phone and making an illegal u turn? was the motorbike driver traveling at a legal speed or an illegal speed?


2 years ago I was in Nakhon Sawan on my Honda Phantom at a set of traffic lights. Every set was at red and our lights turned green.

I went straight across but got T-boned from the left behind my lrg but under my ass by 2 little old ladies in an old pickup truck who ran the red light from my left.

My bike got a bit bent and so did I and luckily I had dropped my mate off who was riding pillion 5 minutes earlier or he would have had a mangled leg.

Fortunately for me there was a police box at the junction and the cop saw what happened and the old ladies stopped as well. We sorted it out at the big police station in my favour.

Now at 70 I figure I have another year or so before I give up distance biking and just keep the Phantom for popping down the village. I also ride a Honda CB 400. No mia noi, no gik just my toy which is much more fun and cheaper to run and maintain.

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Wait until they start to text! I have on two occasions had to pull over to the left because the oncoming car was coming towards me! If it wasn't for the large population of India, Thailand would be number #1

Which other countries have this retarded LEFT lane rule? The left lane is for the scooters which can't maintain the highway speeds, if scooters left to ride where they with, it would be a disaster. Big bikes are more than capable to keep up with the traffic so why do we need to ride on the side of the road with gravel, sand and all the potholes?

Don't blame the rider, if all the car riders were obeying the simple road rules, as in the care of this pick up driver who tried to make an illegal u-turn, shit like this wouldn't happen!

Am I right in saying that the pick up driver was doing two illegal things, talking on the phone and making an illegal u turn? was the motorbike driver traveling at a legal speed or an illegal speed?

Judging by how far the bike got impelled inside the pick up, it's obvious the bike was going way too fast but I still blame the pick up driver for the accident, even IF the bike was traveling at the lower speed rate, the accident would probably still have happened, although not so dramatic.

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Nothing is enforced in this country due to a poor almost non existent police force, people do what they want because they have no fear of the police, break the laws observed by so many in their own countries and the consequences have to be accepted, yes it's very sad and even sadder for the family left behind, if indeed he was driving at high speed he would have understood the consequences of having an accident! as a previous poster has stated, it is exciting!


Which other countries have this retarded LEFT lane rule? The left lane is for the scooters which can't maintain the highway speeds, if scooters left to ride where they with, it would be a disaster. Big bikes are more than capable to keep up with the traffic so why do we need to ride on the side of the road with gravel, sand and all the potholes?

Don't blame the rider, if all the car riders were obeying the simple road rules, as in the care of this pick up driver who tried to make an illegal u-turn, shit like this wouldn't happen!

Am I right in saying that the pick up driver was doing two illegal things, talking on the phone and making an illegal u turn? was the motorbike driver traveling at a legal speed or an illegal speed?
Judging by how far the bike got impelled inside the pick up, it's obvious the bike was going way too fast but I still blame the pick up driver for the accident, even IF the bike was traveling at the lower speed rate, the accident would probably still have happened, although not so dramatic.
No the accident would not have happened if the bike had being traveling at a sensible speed, at high speed you have virtually no reaction time to anything in front of you, at lower speed you are able to make decisions well before anything happens, again no one knows how fast the bike was actually traveling, it's all opinion but take a good hard look at the picture does that look like a low speed accident?
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Even if the truck was at fault, the biker paid the price. My advice ride at a controlled speed and expect everyone to pull out in front of you. Speed kills, dead men don't argue. The bike looks as if it was driven halfway into the truck.

Judging by how far the bike got impelled inside the pick up, it's obvious the bike was going way too fast but I still blame the pick up driver for the accident, even IF the bike was traveling at the lower speed rate, the accident would probably still have happened, although not so dramatic.
No the accident would not have happened if the bike had being traveling at a sensible speed, at high speed you have virtually no reaction time to anything in front of you, at lower speed you are able to make decisions well before anything happens, again no one knows how fast the bike was actually traveling, it's all opinion but take a good hard look at the picture does that look like a low speed accident?

Accidents happen at way lower than the highway speeds, too many factors are involved like how close one vehicle follows another one, speed, etc. In this particular case we would never know whether the accident would or would not have happened if the speed was lower, one thing is clear - the biker would probably still be alive.

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Judging by how far the bike got impelled inside the pick up, it's obvious the bike was going way too fast but I still blame the pick up driver for the accident, even IF the bike was traveling at the lower speed rate, the accident would probably still have happened, although not so dramatic.

No the accident would not have happened if the bike had being traveling at a sensible speed, at high speed you have virtually no reaction time to anything in front of you, at lower speed you are able to make decisions well before anything happens, again no one knows how fast the bike was actually traveling, it's all opinion but take a good hard look at the picture does that look like a low speed accident?
Accidents happen at way lower than the highway speeds, too many factors are involved like how close one vehicle follows another one, speed, etc. In this particular case we would never know whether the accident would or would not have happened if the speed was lower, one thing is clear - the biker would probably still be alive.

Well if you drive your vehicle at a similar speed to a jet the consequences are not going to be good should you hit something or somebody, my suggestion is too drive at a speed where you can react and make decisions on things that are or might be happening in front of you, God knows how the family must be feeling.


What if this had been you in your pick-up, I very much doubt you would be so supportive of the biker, I have had my Z1000 for 3 months and after only a month I had thoughts of changing to something more sedate, now I am becoming a bit nervous of driving here, I have never seen it so bad on the roads, lunatic mini van and pick-up drivers who are prepared to drive behind you within inches just to get past and a few hundred meters further up the road, it doesn't help when you read a quote saying " it's exciting knowing that you might die, it's what makes driving a bike exciting" my bike is advertised as I'm not sure if I want to carry on driving big bikes here! too many people sit on the fence and are not prepared to say what they really feel, I'm not one of them!


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Even if the truck was at fault, the biker paid the price. My advice ride at a controlled speed and expect everyone to pull out in front of you. Speed kills, dead men don't argue. The bike looks as if it was driven halfway into the truck.

+1 very good advice.

Many so called bikers armed with flashy gears and helmet, may self assume "safe". Ride at a speed where it is "safe", nothing else is safe. This speed, what I like to call the zen of speed, varies according to surroundings and situations. In a small soi, the speed becomes 10-20, not because the sign said so. BECAUSE I SAID SO. Humans, flying debris, dogs, cats, they are all out to kill you, adjust speed accordingly.

Give it a thought, if today you can go out there and ride without a helmet and protective gear, how would you ride?

Take that exact same attitude, and ride with your gears. That makes safety 100%+100%= best protection for your life.

On the road, if there is anything that even hints danger, start thinking how to evade it. Only until the road is clear of ALL road users, may you increase your speed accordingly while watching for road conditions and weather.

A long stretch road with good payment, but a cat sitting at the left in front of you? Immediately stop to 20-30km/h, EVEN if the cat doesn't want to cross. That same concept applies to all.

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^ That's pretty much how I ride, I don't care what speed signs say, I go by what speed I feel comfortable at, can be faster or slower than the posted speed. Always try to be aware of all of your surroundings, always leave yourself room to escape, especially going around blind hills and corners.

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My OP wasnt intending to lay the blame on either car driver or bike rider, it was just a reminder to be careful when you are out there.

I think we can all deduce that the driver turned illegally and the bike was going pretty fast.

Wear your kit, keep your senses on high alert but try and have fun.

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My OP wasnt intending to lay the blame on either car driver or bike rider, it was just a reminder to be careful when you are out there.

I think we can all deduce that the driver turned illegally and the bike was going pretty fast.

Wear your kit, keep your senses on high alert but try and have fun.

Fun is what it is all about, unfortunately the fun seems to have vanished in me some what, for the first time in over 40 yrs I have become slightly apprehensive about driving the big bike, seriously considering giving up big bikes all together, trust me when I say driving a bike is everything to me, my Zed is awesome but my passion for it has declined slightly, going out tomorrow as it's Sunday and hopefully it will be uneventful and enjoyable, their have been so many accidents here recently more than I can ever remember, lunatics seem to be multiplying!

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