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Washington march: Civil rights protest over US police killings

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There is indeed a campaign by the radical right to try to negate the influence of black leaders who are chosen or approved by the black community to speak out for civil rights. This destructive attitude goes back to the early days of the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr who became a focused target of segregationists.

The black leaders of the minority of dispossessed black Americans regularly organize marches such as the one presented in this thread and which the radical right don't ever like to see. So woe be on any black leader who is otherwise rightfully welcomed or accepted by elected officials such as New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio and Prez Barack Obama, among the many others.

And woe be on any police chief such as Bill Bratton who orders additional training of police in their use of deadly force. The radical right prefer very strongly the Ferguson police chief who said Darren Wilson used justified force against an unarmed citizen. They approve of a prosecutor who presented the wrong law to the grand jury, and they approve of chokeholds against vulnerable citizens.

The survey immediately below shows that only 25% of white New Yorkers approve of the Rev Al Sharpton....around and throughout these parts that percentage might be even less.

The bar graph below shows that 65% of Republican party members in the US actually think and believe the criminal justice system treats whites and blacks equally, while the majority of Americans overall say it does not.

Many in Poll See Sharpton as ‘Positive’


The Rev. Al Sharpton—whose profile has been raised recently amid the outcry over the death of Eric Garner while in police custody—is considered a “positive force” in the city by nearly half of New Yorkers, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released on Tuesday.

Of those polled, 49% said Mr. Sharpton is a positive force, while 40% said he was a negative one. His favorability rating varied by race, standing at 72% among black voters and 25% among white voters polled.

“To voters who remember Rev. Sharpton from his street-preacher days, the turnaround is dramatic,” said Maurice Carroll, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.




A Quinnipiac University Poll released today says that Rev. Al Sharpton has been viewed favorably by over 69% of Blacks polled in New York City and viewed negatively by under 20%. He also outpolled everyone including the President as the most important Black leader in the city. The poll says that Blacks overwhelmingly feel (67%) that he has the right amount of influence on the Mayor, as opposed to too much (9%). Generally all polled viewed him as a positive force (47%) in New York City, rather than a negative.



The FBI's secret memos show an agency obsessed with "neutraliz(ing)" MLK

There are dozens of such menacing memos and letters held in the U.S. archives that detail the FBI's systematic plot to "neutralize" the civil rights leader. In retrospect it may be horrifying to know that the government had such a plan, but historians say the plot did have an upside.

Hoping to prove the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was under the influence of Communists, the FBI kept the civil rights leader under constant surveillance.

The FBI's interest in King intensified after the March on Washington in August 1963, when King delivered his "I have a dream speech," which many historians consider the most important speech of the 20th century. After the speech, an FBI memo called King the "most dangerous and effective Negro leader in the country."



I'd hope the NYPD officer's union isn't thinking or believing in the same ways as are some certain others that are outside of mainstream American society and have been outside of it for a very long time.

I'd like to know for example what the mayor of NYC said that so upset the sensibilities of a number of the officers of the NYPD....the exact words of what the mayor said

It might also be presumptuous to try to deny black Americans the leaders of their own choosing and that also speak for low socio-economic status black communities and for black American families of every socio-economic status. It should be noted that low socio-economic black communities constitute a distinct minority of all black communities throughout the USA.

The Rev Al Sharpton is respected and honorable and he is a mainstream black American who is in the mainstream of American society itself, which is why Rev Al is welcome in the NYC mayor's office and in the Oval office at the White House. Extremist carpers against him aside, the Rev Al does a contracted network primetime television program weeknights about current issues and events in addition to his preaching, travelling, grief counseling, marches such as this one etc. The huge majority of black Americans consider that the Reverend Al is one who carries on in the finest traditions of the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Publicus, you are wasting your time trying to show what it is really like! Some people can see only what they want to see!

It isn't what the New York City mayor has said, it is what he has done! Look at the color of his wife; look at the color of his kids! That is what he has done! He married a black woman and has multiracial kids!

Racists, whether they admit that they are, or whether they pretend to be unbiased, despise him for that!

The point is very well taken and you are entirely correct, so I would add my perspective, which is that the radical right and their protectors provide an excellent service to the cause of justice, equality, and a civil society in the United States.

While the radical right hammer away with their extreme and reactionary views, I post not to them, but to the readers who visit the website to take in the discussions of the various topics at their threads.

A given website has tens of thousands of members, yet only several dozen old timers post anything with regularity. It is the thousand younger readers per day who are swayed by rational argument and by persuasive posts. The agenda driven people who initiate their hard core radical posts are not going to be changed by any posts presented by the other side, that is for sure and for certain.

The old line radical right have dogmatic and ossified views that are set in stone. It's the interested and curious younger visitor reader to whom I post...this always has been so and I will always take that approach. The visitor reader is a more balanced and rational person, more open, than is the hard core radical right older poster whose extreme views will never change. thumbsup.gif


Good riddance is what I say. Armed thug known by local police with an extensive criminal record s caught on video raising a 9 mm toward the cop before the cop fired.

My thoughts exactly. The guy got Trayvoned! One less mutt in mutt land.
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If you truly believe this, I have absolutely zero respect for your judgment.

"The Rev Al Sharpton is respected and honorable and he is a mainstream black American who is in the mainstream of American society itself,"

Fact is, it is people like you and speaking like you that resulted in the deaths of two honorable police officers and have placed many honorable police officers, innocent citizens and innocent businesses in harms way.

There is nothing even remotely honorable about Al Sharpton. Truth is, it is about time sensible, educated, honorable and law abiding citizens take our country back. We are smart enough and there is enough us to do it. The idiot thugs out there are just digging their own graves socially and economically. They are just stupid to see it. Surprised you cannot either.


If you truly believe this, I have absolutely zero respect for your judgment.

Frankly dear poster I don't give a damn.

Which also goes for the rest of the post.

My username is Publicus btw.


Protesters in St. Louis have become violent AGAIN - this time setting off bombs and throwing bricks... after an 18 year old adult man pointed a pistol at a cop and was shot for his stupid action... I suppose the police officer was supposed to ask the young adult man to not do that...- but stupid is as stupid does and now the rest of the buffoons are out throwing bombs and expecting the greater pubic to be sympathetic.

Protesters set off explosives, throw bricks after police officer shoots, kills 18-year-old in Missouri

At least two officers were taken to emergency rooms: one for lower leg injuries from one of the blasts, another for facial abrasions from a brick, according to police... Arsonists set fire to a QuikTrip convenience store across the street, but the fire was extinguished, Belmar said.



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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

what can anyone say.....................?ohmy.png another one..................

St Louis police kill 'armed' black teenager


Good riddance is what I say. Armed thug known by local police with an extensive criminal record s caught on video raising a 9 mm toward the cop before the cop fired.

What do you expect, the cop to do nothing and let the thug shoot him?

Social media then used this to spark a violent protest with about 300 loser protestors without any facts or circumstances of the shooting being reported.

Screw these thugs. Us normal, law abiding and hardworking people and our police force will take back control. There are just not that many violent thug loser protestors, and some mixture of anti establish white idiots who want to loot large chain stores mixed in. Incidents like this and the 2 cops being slated will shift public opinion away from the numbskulls.

What do you expect, the cop to do nothing and let the thug shoot him?

That of course would be a rhetorical question because it would be a mistake to try to realistically pose it to anyone here for him to answer. I only know posters here by their posts so on that basis I can't imagine anyone would oppose obvious self defense, especially on the part of a police officer. I just don't know any poster here by his posts that would answer 'yes' to such a question....do you know any poster who would respond otherwise? I didn't think so but I asked the question because I wanted to make the record clear and unambiguous.

Protesters in St. Louis have become violent AGAIN - this time setting off bombs and throwing bricks... after an 18 year old adult man pointed a pistol at a cop and was shot for his stupid action... I suppose the police officer was supposed to ask the young adult man to not do that...- but stupid is as stupid does and now the rest of the buffoons are out throwing bombs and expecting the greater pubic to be sympathetic.

Protesters set off explosives, throw bricks after police officer shoots, kills 18-year-old in Missouri

At least two officers were taken to emergency rooms: one for lower leg injuries from one of the blasts, another for facial abrasions from a brick, according to police... Arsonists set fire to a QuikTrip convenience store across the street, but the fire was extinguished, Belmar said.



No sympathy for this or anything like it at this website...haven't read a single post advocating or supporting Ferguson violence or any such lawlessness anywhere, anytime, by anyone or any group.

I'd doubt also the rioters would expect any kind of general public support of their lawlessness. I know the Rev Al Sharpton is absolutely opposed to it, as are Attorney General Eric Holder and Prez Obama himself...obviously.


what can anyone say.....................?ohmy.png another one..................

St Louis police kill 'armed' black teenager


Good riddance is what I say. Armed thug known by local police with an extensive criminal record s caught on video raising a 9 mm toward the cop before the cop fired.

What do you expect, the cop to do nothing and let the thug shoot him?

Social media then used this to spark a violent protest with about 300 loser protestors without any facts or circumstances of the shooting being reported.

Screw these thugs. Us normal, law abiding and hardworking people and our police force will take back control. There are just not that many violent thug loser protestors, and some mixture of anti establish white idiots who want to loot large chain stores mixed in. Incidents like this and the 2 cops being slated will shift public opinion away from the numbskulls.

What do you expect, the cop to do nothing and let the thug shoot him?

That of course would be a rhetorical question because it would be a mistake to try to realistically pose it to anyone here for him to answer. I only know posters here by their posts so on that basis I can't imagine anyone would oppose obvious self defense, especially on the part of a police officer. I just don't know any poster here by his posts that would answer 'yes' to such a question....do you know any poster who would respond otherwise? I didn't think so but I asked the question because I wanted to make the record clear and unambiguous.


No Publicus, that is the question that must be answered.

What do you expect a cop to do when a thug raise and points a 9mm at you?

That is what triggered another horrible violent spree. If the cop did nothing and was shot dead, these violent thugs would have been happy to see the loss of an innocent life and would not have hurt more innocent office and caused more damage.

RE: Your Response to JDGruen

What do you mean you don't advocate this craziness. What you posted repeatedly on here is the exact same mentality and rhetoric, attention seeking, money grubbing, bigoted idiots like Sharpton put out into the public to create the anger and racial divide that causes this stuff.

Isn't the ratio of white people dying each year in police incidents 4 to 1 over that of black people. I thought I read about 100 black perpetrators are killed at the hands of cops while about 400 white perpetrators due at the hands of cops. Never once do I hear people like Sharpton or you acknowledge facts which tend to reflect that cops are not cruising around looking for black people to kill.

The fact remains that the Sharpton mentality that you voiced over and over causes the horrible acts which people like Sharpton, and now you, say they don't condone. You guys either do inwardly condone or you are just not utilizing basic analytical or logical skills to to realize it.

I'd invite some responses to the points raised in my posts to the many threads over time, instead of ignoring the posts to make a redundant posting of the same points of opinion over time. It's just not too engaging when I feel I can write a poster's posts for him because of the same thing being said in a succession of posts over time.

The fact is the right are too angry for their own good.

So lemme add something fresh and new, something that is little known, that is constructive rather than divisive, and that lets people vent themselves in the interest of getting past long held prejudices so new avenues can be charted and pursued.

The article from the St Louis Post Dispatch is a rare public look at the four low key community mediation and reconciliation services of the Department of Justice that are authorized by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, so they go back a long way in their peacemaking role and service.

They went to Ferguson the day after Michael Brown was killed and they are in New York City in Bed-Sty where Eric Garner died. They were in Seattle after a cop shot an American Indian sidewalk vendor and after 9/11 went to a Florida community where a large minority of Muslims were under stress....one gets the idea.

The article begins with two DoJ peacemakers arriving in Ferguson the day after the Michael Brown shooting....

The Justice Department's soft side: How one federal agency hopes to change Ferguson

Since then, as many as eight have worked behind the scenes in Ferguson daily. They’ve held dozens of meetings with police, residents and community leaders, nearly all of them in secret. They have run town hall meetings closed to all but residents. They often ask attendees not to name names or talk specifics.

The agency is playing what may prove to be the most important role of any in Ferguson: persuading apprehensive residents, overwhelmed city officials, angry protesters and frustrated police to sit together and talk.

The Community Relations Service is just one part of four Justice Department operations here.



Publicus, you live in fantasy land.

Here is reality and I actually saw 4 or 5 cop cars speeding to this scene leaving my 18 year-old's birthday dinner Tuesday.

This woman beating trying to cops POS should have been shot by the cops, but noooo. This scum gets to live off tax payers for a while. If it was open season in blacks, he would have never made it out if that house.

You my man are oblivious to reality or what it is like in these cities where blacks are the majority.


Jermaine Morrison, 26, was arrested on April 20, 2014 for threatening to put a gun to his girlfriend's head and have a shoot out with police.

. . .

According to court documents uncovered by the WMC Action News 5 investigators, Morrison has been arrested six times for hitting and threatening several girlfriends with a gun, dating back to 2011.

His latest incident started Tuesday when police were called to a domestic violence incident near Kimball Avenue and Semmes Street.

Morrison was reportedly firing shots into the floor inside a house where his girlfriend's family lives. Three of them, ages 47, 31, and 10, were able to get out of the house and call police.

When officers arrived on the scene, the suspect began firing shots at the officers from a window. According to MPD, the officers did not fire back.

"Imagine the the amount of strength you would have to know someone is firing at you and not return fire," said Memphis Police Director Toney Armstrong.


  • Like 1

A long train of horror stories linked together one after the other contributes nothing constructive to the discussions. It simply dwells on the anecdotal, never to get beyond it. Presenting a horror story as an example can conversely be illustrative and can assist in communicating an important point or proposed course of action toward resolving problems, differences, challenges.

I'm kicking myself because I've strayed from my own rule to write my posts to the visitor-reader who is open to argument and discussion, rather than to the regular poster who is convinced and closed. By "the" poster I mean in general and broadly speaking. So I will resume my normal practice and write to the visitor-reader....

According to Justice Department statistics, 84% of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. Which means the term "black on black" crime is a racialized colloquialism that perpetuates the myth that black people are somehow more prone to violence. The myth is demolished by the long term data collected by the FBI, DoJ and the census.

The Guardian newspaper has banned the use of the phrase "black on black violence." The paper's Stylebook advocates a racial neutrality towards violence because it doesn't use any term such as "white on white violence." I would here add what has been said already, that the term "black on black" violence is a slander against the vast majority of law abiding Black Americans whether rich or poor who get painted by the broad and crude brush that the phrase is.

Aggressive terms such as that one give support for racial profiling and they promote the disproportionate policing of black neighborhoods as a legitimate and acceptable approach to keeping peace and order. The resulting over-policing such as in Ferguson concerning Michael Brown, in NYC concerning Eric Garner, in Cleveland where a 12 year old boy was shot to death -- and in so many other instances -- has led to disproportionately higher rates or arrest in black communities, which in turn reinforces the notion that blacks naturally commit crime.

Civil rights progress in the United States has ebbed and flowed during the post civil war period, which includes up to the present. The current period with the first black president is actually a low point and the US will move out of it once race is less of a high profile issue than it has been the past six or so years. G.W. Bush doesn't look any better to me now than he did while he wuz in the White House, but a number of Americans have come to view him more favorably...the less one sees of him the better he looks I guess.

The same is true of every president to include Jimmy Carter, so although Barack Obama is no Jimmy Carter, after Prez Obama comes out swinging over the next two years he will have earned a new appreciation by the time he exits Washington. The appreciation of him will only increase once he begins his new life as the former president when his countrymen will view him with perspective.


A long train of horror stories linked together one after the other contributes nothing constructive to the discussions. It simply dwells on the anecdotal, never to get beyond it. Presenting a horror story as an example can conversely be illustrative and can assist in communicating an important point or proposed course of action toward resolving problems, differences, challenges.

I'm kicking myself because I've strayed from my own rule to write my posts to the visitor-reader who is open to argument and discussion, rather than to the regular poster who is convinced and closed. By "the" poster I mean in general and broadly speaking. So I will resume my normal practice and write to the visitor-reader....

According to Justice Department statistics, 84% of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. Which means the term "black on black" crime is a racialized colloquialism that perpetuates the myth that black people are somehow more prone to violence. The myth is demolished by the long term data collected by the FBI, DoJ and the census.

The Guardian newspaper has banned the use of the phrase "black on black violence." The paper's Stylebook advocates a racial neutrality towards violence because it doesn't use any term such as "white on white violence." I would here add what has been said already, that the term "black on black" violence is a slander against the vast majority of law abiding Black Americans whether rich or poor who get painted by the broad and crude brush that the phrase is.

Aggressive terms such as that one give support for racial profiling and they promote the disproportionate policing of black neighborhoods as a legitimate and acceptable approach to keeping peace and order. The resulting over-policing such as in Ferguson concerning Michael Brown, in NYC concerning Eric Garner, in Cleveland where a 12 year old boy was shot to death -- and in so many other instances -- has led to disproportionately higher rates or arrest in black communities, which in turn reinforces the notion that blacks naturally commit crime.

Civil rights progress in the United States has ebbed and flowed during the post civil war period, which includes up to the present. The current period with the first black president is actually a low point and the US will move out of it once race is less of a high profile issue than it has been the past six or so years. G.W. Bush doesn't look any better to me now than he did while he wuz in the White House, but a number of Americans have come to view him more favorably...the less one sees of him the better he looks I guess.

The same is true of every president to include Jimmy Carter, so although Barack Obama is no Jimmy Carter, after Prez Obama comes out swinging over the next two years he will have earned a new appreciation by the time he exits Washington. The appreciation of him will only increase once he begins his new life as the former president when his countrymen will view him with perspective.

Cannot answer basic questions or accept the reality of the situation. Clueless about what it is like to live in dangerous US cities full of blacks that will literally shoot you over a piece of chicken. Life is cheap and meaningless to blacks when the kill each other, but somehow they say it is meaningless when one gets gunned down while committing criminal acts or assaulting police officers.

You and your side full if thugs and losers that cannot even commit to getting an education or GED has the inconsistencies.

How long has it been since you lived in the US and what city was it. I had many friends from up North that attended law school in the South that did not get and thought Southerners were just a bunch of bigots. After about a year in the. South, they were like oh my God, I get it now.

If you have not lived in or been to cities like St. Louis, Memphis, Atlanta and etc. in the 10 years, you are clueless, uninformed and being judgmental without haver he benefit of any knowledge from which to form a reasonable basis of judgment.

Smart, law abiding people get it and we will take back control. The Obama/Holder types have 2 more years and then never again.

I don't get my information or my experience from Memphis if that's what is meant.

For one thing it is in a state, Tennessee, that in 2008 and again in 2012 gave its popular and electoral vote for president to the Republican party candidate, John McCain and Willard Mitt Romney respectively, both its US Senators are Republicans, 7 of 9 of its US Reps in the House are Republican, the governor is Republican as is its state legislature Republican.

In 2012 Romney got 60% of the vote in Tennessee. No Democrat anywhere for anything needs your vote and black Democrats need it even less.

I lived 15 years in Washington DC which as you'd know is 70% black so I know how the real estate agents go about their business, and the banks, and the police and so on...and I've been there anyway. One night we suddenly and shockingly found ourselves in the middle of a shootout between gangstas and the police that we managed to survive unharmed. While I was in grad school on a tight budget I lived in mid-town where I socialized with my low income black neighbors, but I certainly didn't know every black in the area. Growing up in my hometown 500 miles north of DC my best buddy was black which made me a bro in neighborhoods others stayed out of.

Yes that was then and this is now yet still the post includes for the umpteenth time the instant replay of somebody killing another over a piece of chicken. So now the good and the great of Memphis are ready to take back their fine city from this and other brainless violence, but by what means? Certainly not by force of arms, right? Your side does know that violence begets violence, right? And your side knows that jammed packed prisons cost money and waste lives, right?

Let me advise your side like a Dutch Uncle (which I am not), the good and the great of Memphis need people who move reasonably well and effectively on both sides of the tracks if the good and the great are to have any realistic possibility of taking back their fair city in any meaningful and sustainable way. That is true because I don't see or hear anything realistic, adept or savvy coming off these pages from the other side. All I hear instead is a fierce negativity that is at the least equal to that of the gangstas.

Most clear from over here is that there are too many people over there who have a deep red hue in the area of the neck.


black people v niggers

I'm looking for the other half of the trite cliche' video you present, which is the video that says there are white people and there are white people who have red necks....

...when I find the complete video set it I'll post it...

fear not cause I'm searching.....

I've googled "white people with red necks" but all that keeps coming up is "rednecks"....

....still working....


A long train of horror stories linked together one after the other contributes nothing constructive to the discussions. It simply dwells on the anecdotal, never to get beyond it. Presenting a horror story as an example can conversely be illustrative and can assist in communicating an important point or proposed course of action toward resolving problems, differences, challenges.

I'm kicking myself because I've strayed from my own rule to write my posts to the visitor-reader who is open to argument and discussion, rather than to the regular poster who is convinced and closed. By "the" poster I mean in general and broadly speaking. So I will resume my normal practice and write to the visitor-reader....

According to Justice Department statistics, 84% of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. Which means the term "black on black" crime is a racialized colloquialism that perpetuates the myth that black people are somehow more prone to violence. The myth is demolished by the long term data collected by the FBI, DoJ and the census.

The Guardian newspaper has banned the use of the phrase "black on black violence." The paper's Stylebook advocates a racial neutrality towards violence because it doesn't use any term such as "white on white violence." I would here add what has been said already, that the term "black on black" violence is a slander against the vast majority of law abiding Black Americans whether rich or poor who get painted by the broad and crude brush that the phrase is.

Aggressive terms such as that one give support for racial profiling and they promote the disproportionate policing of black neighborhoods as a legitimate and acceptable approach to keeping peace and order. The resulting over-policing such as in Ferguson concerning Michael Brown, in NYC concerning Eric Garner, in Cleveland where a 12 year old boy was shot to death -- and in so many other instances -- has led to disproportionately higher rates or arrest in black communities, which in turn reinforces the notion that blacks naturally commit crime.

Civil rights progress in the United States has ebbed and flowed during the post civil war period, which includes up to the present. The current period with the first black president is actually a low point and the US will move out of it once race is less of a high profile issue than it has been the past six or so years. G.W. Bush doesn't look any better to me now than he did while he wuz in the White House, but a number of Americans have come to view him more favorably...the less one sees of him the better he looks I guess.

The same is true of every president to include Jimmy Carter, so although Barack Obama is no Jimmy Carter, after Prez Obama comes out swinging over the next two years he will have earned a new appreciation by the time he exits Washington. The appreciation of him will only increase once he begins his new life as the former president when his countrymen will view him with perspective.

Cannot answer basic questions or accept the reality of the situation. Clueless about what it is like to live in dangerous US cities full of blacks that will literally shoot you over a piece of chicken. Life is cheap and meaningless to blacks when the kill each other, but somehow they say it is meaningless when one gets gunned down while committing criminal acts or assaulting police officers.

You and your side full if thugs and losers that cannot even commit to getting an education or GED has the inconsistencies.

How long has it been since you lived in the US and what city was it. I had many friends from up North that attended law school in the South that did not get and thought Southerners were just a bunch of bigots. After about a year in the. South, they were like oh my God, I get it now.

If you have not lived in or been to cities like St. Louis, Memphis, Atlanta and etc. in the 10 years, you are clueless, uninformed and being judgmental without haver he benefit of any knowledge from which to form a reasonable basis of judgment.

Smart, law abiding people get it and we will take back control. The Obama/Holder types have 2 more years and then never again.

I don't get my information or my experience from Memphis if that's what is meant.

For one thing it is in a state, Tennessee, that in 2008 and again in 2012 gave its popular and electoral vote for president to the Republican party candidate, John McCain and Willard Mitt Romney respectively, both its US Senators are Republicans, 7 of 9 of its US Reps in the House are Republican, the governor is Republican as is its state legislature Republican.

In 2012 Romney got 60% of the vote in Tennessee. No Democrat anywhere for anything needs your vote and black Democrats need it even less.

I lived 15 years in Washington DC which as you'd know is 70% black so I know how the real estate agents go about their business, and the banks, and the police and so on...and I've been there anyway. One night we suddenly and shockingly found ourselves in the middle of a shootout between gangstas and the police that we managed to survive unharmed. While I was in grad school on a tight budget I lived in mid-town where I socialized with my low income black neighbors, but I certainly didn't know every black in the area. Growing up in my hometown 500 miles north of DC my best buddy was black which made me a bro in neighborhoods others stayed out of.

Yes that was then and this is now yet still the post includes for the umpteenth time the instant replay of somebody killing another over a piece of chicken. So now the good and the great of Memphis are ready to take back their fine city from this and other brainless violence, but by what means? Certainly not by force of arms, right? Your side does know that violence begets violence, right? And your side knows that jammed packed prisons cost money and waste lives, right?

Let me advise your side like a Dutch Uncle (which I am not), the good and the great of Memphis need people who move reasonably well and effectively on both sides of the tracks if the good and the great are to have any realistic possibility of taking back their fair city in any meaningful and sustainable way. That is true because I don't see or hear anything realistic, adept or savvy coming off these pages from the other side. All I hear instead is a fierce negativity that is at the least equal to that of the gangstas.

Most clear from over here is that there are too many people over there who have a deep red hue in the area of the neck.

Imagine. The "negativity" of gangsta violence (which of course includes cop-killing) being compared with "negativity" of those simply, if futilely, exercising free speech in criticism. Kudos as always for the word count, tho'.

  • Like 2

A long train of horror stories linked together one after the other contributes nothing constructive to the discussions. It simply dwells on the anecdotal, never to get beyond it. Presenting a horror story as an example can conversely be illustrative and can assist in communicating an important point or proposed course of action toward resolving problems, differences, challenges.

I'm kicking myself because I've strayed from my own rule to write my posts to the visitor-reader who is open to argument and discussion, rather than to the regular poster who is convinced and closed. By "the" poster I mean in general and broadly speaking. So I will resume my normal practice and write to the visitor-reader....

According to Justice Department statistics, 84% of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. Which means the term "black on black" crime is a racialized colloquialism that perpetuates the myth that black people are somehow more prone to violence. The myth is demolished by the long term data collected by the FBI, DoJ and the census.

The Guardian newspaper has banned the use of the phrase "black on black violence." The paper's Stylebook advocates a racial neutrality towards violence because it doesn't use any term such as "white on white violence." I would here add what has been said already, that the term "black on black" violence is a slander against the vast majority of law abiding Black Americans whether rich or poor who get painted by the broad and crude brush that the phrase is.

Aggressive terms such as that one give support for racial profiling and they promote the disproportionate policing of black neighborhoods as a legitimate and acceptable approach to keeping peace and order. The resulting over-policing such as in Ferguson concerning Michael Brown, in NYC concerning Eric Garner, in Cleveland where a 12 year old boy was shot to death -- and in so many other instances -- has led to disproportionately higher rates or arrest in black communities, which in turn reinforces the notion that blacks naturally commit crime.

Civil rights progress in the United States has ebbed and flowed during the post civil war period, which includes up to the present. The current period with the first black president is actually a low point and the US will move out of it once race is less of a high profile issue than it has been the past six or so years. G.W. Bush doesn't look any better to me now than he did while he wuz in the White House, but a number of Americans have come to view him more favorably...the less one sees of him the better he looks I guess.

The same is true of every president to include Jimmy Carter, so although Barack Obama is no Jimmy Carter, after Prez Obama comes out swinging over the next two years he will have earned a new appreciation by the time he exits Washington. The appreciation of him will only increase once he begins his new life as the former president when his countrymen will view him with perspective.

Cannot answer basic questions or accept the reality of the situation. Clueless about what it is like to live in dangerous US cities full of blacks that will literally shoot you over a piece of chicken. Life is cheap and meaningless to blacks when the kill each other, but somehow they say it is meaningless when one gets gunned down while committing criminal acts or assaulting police officers.

You and your side full if thugs and losers that cannot even commit to getting an education or GED has the inconsistencies.

How long has it been since you lived in the US and what city was it. I had many friends from up North that attended law school in the South that did not get and thought Southerners were just a bunch of bigots. After about a year in the. South, they were like oh my God, I get it now.

If you have not lived in or been to cities like St. Louis, Memphis, Atlanta and etc. in the 10 years, you are clueless, uninformed and being judgmental without haver he benefit of any knowledge from which to form a reasonable basis of judgment.

Smart, law abiding people get it and we will take back control. The Obama/Holder types have 2 more years and then never again.

I don't get my information or my experience from Memphis if that's what is meant.

For one thing it is in a state, Tennessee, that in 2008 and again in 2012 gave its popular and electoral vote for president to the Republican party candidate, John McCain and Willard Mitt Romney respectively, both its US Senators are Republicans, 7 of 9 of its US Reps in the House are Republican, the governor is Republican as is its state legislature Republican.

In 2012 Romney got 60% of the vote in Tennessee. No Democrat anywhere for anything needs your vote and black Democrats need it even less.

I lived 15 years in Washington DC which as you'd know is 70% black so I know how the real estate agents go about their business, and the banks, and the police and so on...and I've been there anyway. One night we suddenly and shockingly found ourselves in the middle of a shootout between gangstas and the police that we managed to survive unharmed. While I was in grad school on a tight budget I lived in mid-town where I socialized with my low income black neighbors, but I certainly didn't know every black in the area. Growing up in my hometown 500 miles north of DC my best buddy was black which made me a bro in neighborhoods others stayed out of.

Yes that was then and this is now yet still the post includes for the umpteenth time the instant replay of somebody killing another over a piece of chicken. So now the good and the great of Memphis are ready to take back their fine city from this and other brainless violence, but by what means? Certainly not by force of arms, right? Your side does know that violence begets violence, right? And your side knows that jammed packed prisons cost money and waste lives, right?

Let me advise your side like a Dutch Uncle (which I am not), the good and the great of Memphis need people who move reasonably well and effectively on both sides of the tracks if the good and the great are to have any realistic possibility of taking back their fair city in any meaningful and sustainable way. That is true because I don't see or hear anything realistic, adept or savvy coming off these pages from the other side. All I hear instead is a fierce negativity that is at the least equal to that of the gangstas.

Most clear from over here is that there are too many people over there who have a deep red hue in the area of the neck.

Imagine. The "negativity" of gangsta violence (which of course includes cop-killing) being compared with "negativity" of those simply, if futilely, exercising free speech in criticism. Kudos as always for the word count, tho'.

As to my word count you should see my notes....smile.png

When each side -- whitey vs the gangbangers -- are convinced violence is the only answer to self-protection and self-preservation, it's only going to make things a hellovalot worse.

Yes a certain number of gangbangers are going to have to be put down before a measure of calm and peace can be restored that would facilitate dialogue and active reconciliation, integration, It won't be pretty but it will be necessary.

Neither do I trust the rednecks to be effective peacemakers....not in any way do I have confidence or trust in these other whitey types.

No confidence whatsoever at all..

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