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PM confident Sydney hostage incident has 'no links to Thailand's security'


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The man is clearly a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Thank god Thailand is not being affected by the hostage situation in Sydney. Meanwhile innocent bystanders are getting killed and maimed in the south of the country almost on a daily basis. And 40 + people are killed on Thailand's roads every day of the year.

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One wonders where the implication can be found , this comment at its best says many things about the leadership ability of Thailand, One fruitcake in Sydney would hardly have any links to anyone, except a swat bullet , don't rest on your laurels Thailand you have plenty of nutters to contend with , for those interested , latest feed from 7 studio's across the street indicates an all night sitting, this fruity will be pretty tired by tomorrow, there are around 15 to 30 believed to be inside looks like a one man crusade with a grudge against the world.

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And despite the Sydney situation, it's still 10 times safer than any Thai tourist area, the police are competent to deal with it, it's organised, planned for, there is no adhoc actions by those wanting their picture in the media and there is no bullshit unlike that which daily dribbles from the mouth of a certain PM

Edited by Reigntax
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Why did he even feel the need to comment?

...and then tell Thais to avoid Sydney because one guy take a coffee shop hostage?

If this is his take on "tourist safety" then one can only assume he has zero idea of the problems in the South.


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I hope the good general understands Thailand doesn't need 'direct conflicts with other countries' for it to experience problems as it has its own domestic Islamic insurgency to worry about. What is happening in Sydney right now could very well happen in Bangkok if just a single southerner would decide to come north 'for a visit'.

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This self centered Thai view is typical. Ensuring that Thailand is "secure." He "ensures" it. The key self centered comment is that he is confirming that no Thais are hostages. That's all he cares about. That there are no risks of this happening in Thailand because of Thailand's security systems and that no Thais are on board. he could care less about the "other" hostages, the act in general, and the despicable nature of taking hostages and the disruption of peaceful life in Australia.

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When a lone nutter commandeers a chocolate shop across the road from channel 7 and demands to be supplied with an ISIS flag and local synagogues go into immediate lockdown, you know that something might not be quite right.

Even the US media are staying silent on this one.

If they pull it off, I guess Australian soldiers will be going to Syria.

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It seems this guy is not a radical Islamist, just claiming a spurious connection to Islam, and is well known to the NSW police. He's facing some very serious criminal charges atm. About the only connection he has to Thailand is that he did not think about doing a runner from Sydney and taking a house in Villain Retirement Village in Pattaya.

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Must be missing something, what has this got to do with Thailand ?

It enables him to suggest, to a gullible public, that he has his 'finger on the pulse' of international events. problem is, he says the wrong things. Let's hope none of these middle east maniacs decide to choose a soft target in Thailand just to the General how complacent he is.

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This self centered Thai view is typical. Ensuring that Thailand is "secure." He "ensures" it. The key self centered comment is that he is confirming that no Thais are hostages. That's all he cares about. That there are no risks of this happening in Thailand because of Thailand's security systems and that no Thais are on board. he could care less about the "other" hostages, the act in general, and the despicable nature of taking hostages and the disruption of peaceful life in Australia.

I know where you are coming from. The man fancies himself as a bit of a leader and statesman these days, so he should at least pretend he is going through the motions of being interested in others, but no.

Once again he demonstrates about as much class as a rat with a gold tooth.

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OMG is right. I wonder how many of our TV Saints and heroes have been in the position of being asked a stupid question and had to say something other than what a stupid question, or even better, NO COMMENT?

Then there'd be a field day because he said NO COMMENT

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This terrible crime was committed by an unhinged criminal, he was not associated or affiliated with any terrorist organisations he is being called a "Lone Wolf terrorist" but in fact all he was was a criminal that was looking at a long time in jail for conspiring to kill his former wife and sexual assault on several women.

As he was acting alone and was just a criminal and not a terrorist this incident poses no threat to Thailand or Thailand security, as for how bad the statement reads you can put that down to translation

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AsI have stated earlier, the General should refrain from appearing before the press altogether as much as possible, especially since his 'bikini' speech re the Koa Tao case, and hire a spokesperson or several.

These then should be backed up by a team of highly educated minds, something like a think tank, to provide the spokesperson(s) with decent texts...

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