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Extending Junior's UK Passport

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Apparently Junior's British passport, which expires end of January, can be extended for free for a further twelve months, see https://www.gov.uk/get-an-emergency-passport-extension-or-child-travel-document. As Junior is a happy little schoolboy in provincial Thailand this new extension system is ideal as mum and dad aren't planning any major upheavals in the next 12 months and it might save a few shillings. We are planning to stay put in LOS for the moment and most of the places he is likely to travel to are on the approved list. As with all new passports this extension process starts in Trendy Towers ℅ VFS Global. There is a simple form for completion available here https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/322053/Application_for_a_12month__Extn_to_your_UK_passport_20_6_14.pdf

Now, as Junior's papa, will I need to provide proof of residence or anything else or is it as good as it sounds?

Would be interested to hear from anybody who has actually experienced this new procedure. Best regards and thx.

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Just an update. I enquired by email and got the rather depressing, automated response saying they would endeavour to reply in the next century. Then within 24 hours I got another email with a number. I called, cleared the switchboard without too much fuss and we have an appointment for Junior this Monday at 10:00 am at the embassy. They offered this Friday but that's our last day of term, so Monday is perfect as I am on holiday. They were eager to ensure we had all the documents and certifications, including three empty page's in Junior's passport. How good is that?!

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Well Junior's passport was extended today in a process that has been characterised by its high level of efficiency. We arrived 45 minutes early, were seen almost immediately, and provided the staff with our paperwork. Five minutes later Junior got his passport back with a one year extension stamped into it. My only gripe is that his current passport expires 25.01.15 and the 12 months doesn't commence from them but from today. Anyhow a minor grumble in the great scheme of things.

We submitted the following documents:

  • 1 page A4 application form, downloadable;
  • Juniors passport;
  • his Thai birth certificate with translation and his British consular birth certificate;
  • mum and dad's passports;
  • mum and dad's Thai marriage certificate & registration details and translation;
  • consent letter from mummy - she's a filipina.

We were out of the embassy by 0945, a full 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment. It took less than 5 minutes for the passport to be returned…...

Not sure this is ideal for everyone but I reckon we'll definitely do it for the kids. Apart from our travel costs, it was free.

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