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Thai Muslims in Australia warned to be more cautious


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Look man, Islam was created long time ago... things evolve in time and people adapt... those who don't are called fanatics which is not necessarly good.

I agree that some statements in the Coran are maybe a little agressive, but it's not better in the Bible.

VERY few Christians take the Bible literally or act on hateful verses written thousands of years ago. There are millions of Muslims who take the Qur'an literally and live by its word on a daily basis. There is no moral equivalence.

I agree with you 100% and I find it sad that some muslims don't evolve and adapt.

Muslims in "muslim countries have however no problem living their lifes following as much as possible the Coran and this DOESN'T make them terrorists. And more than the majority living in Europe adapt to the country they live in (especially for those born in it). Maybe for some not enough, but again this doesn't make them terrorits.

Apparently for some posters here like DiamonKing, because of some crazy ass M&^#!&^%ers that pretend they are muslims (but are not real ones and should be more considered as a Terrorist Sect) and create terror ALL those who are muslims (and look like) should be punished. Unfortunately some fear against arab looking people are established... but it does not mean that all arab, muslim looking and muslims should be punished or are a threat.

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While you were arguing about this Topic.....84 of the 500 children taken hostage in Peshawar (Pakistan) today are DEAD....thats right DEAD!!!!

Thats right...CHILDREN at school...geez what wrong with all these idiots



I really dont think everyone is understanding the gravity of what is going on around the world.....WAKE UP!!!!!

There will be for sure another incident in Australia over the Xmas break....my opinion only.

Mate I was awake years ago.....probably long before you were.

I. Not sure if it was directed at me, but it seems that way since you quoted me.

Shocking !

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I can provide examples of this if you choose but as a Muslim you know i am correct anyway and your Taquiya/Kitman will not work with me wink.png

Wow, I guess you are assuming by my Avatar Name that I am a muslim? Wrong. I am french, I eat saucisson and drink beer, don't give a shit about who is what but don't like that someone generalizes people due to a minority of the same community, religion, color or what ever you call it do (vary saddly) the headlines with terrorist attackes.

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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

Are you really so IGNORANT

Learn what the word racist means before using it because it make you look like an idiot.

Islam is not a race it is a political ideology and is not based on any specific race muslims can be white, black, brown, yellow or any other shade additionally Muslims come from many races

Calling someone who is anti muslim a racist just shows that the person doing that is a complete moron

Diamondking, you're such an ass. Why the stupid insults? People know what I mean, whether it's simple bigotry or racism...what difference does it make, really? Are you trying to defend your hatred of Islam as not being racist? Fine, big deal. Just don't be so retarded all the freakin time.

Because I am sick to death of people using the word racist to describe people who are anti islam (and for good reason) by not educating you on what the word means you will continue to use it out of context and just encourage others to use it when it has NOTHING to do with people not liking islam or what it stands for.

Additionally since I am married to a person of color and have kids the same as well as having family of color it kinda makes it even more ignorant to call me a racist because of my views on Islam.

Call me Anti Islamic or anything else you can think of but Racist is not the word simply because of what I have taught you already about what the word means and it does not apply to people who hate islam.

I don't think you are only anti-islam. With your previous comments you are anti people who are muslims and so racist to arabs (who are 90% muslims).

Maybe I didn't understand you right... I am anti-integrist (islam integrist for example) and against countries wanting to set up islamic states.

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Oh come on, of course Islam is a religion. It shares some commonality with other religions but there are also aspects of it that are characteristically Islamic. It's not helpful to demonize all of Islam or all Muslim people. Are there too many fundamentalist extremist Muslims and too many Muslims supportive of that or at least not opposing that ... I would say yes ... but that's not the same thing as complete intolerance of Islam.

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Because I am sick to death of people using the word racist to describe people who are anti islam (and for good reason) by not educating you on what the word means you will continue to use it out of context and just encourage others to use it when it has NOTHING to do with people not liking islam or what it stands for.

Additionally since I am married to a person of color and have kids the same as well as having family of color it kinda makes it even more ignorant to call me a racist because of my views on Islam.

Call me Anti Islamic or anything else you can think of but Racist is not the word simply because of what I have taught you already about what the word means and it does not apply to people who hate islam.

I don't think you are only anti-islam. With your previous comments you are anti people who are muslims and so racist to arabs (who are 90% muslims).

Maybe I didn't understand you right... I am anti-integrist (islam integrist for example) and against countries wanting to set up islamic states.

No just Anti Islam and anti muslim because I personally believe that based on the muslims of the world have sent a clear message that a cartoon is more important to protest than to protest Islam Atrocities like Lee rigby or 7/7 bombings or 911 or the 23,000 plus Terrorist Islamic attacks since 9-11 it is very clear that a cartoon of Mohammed is way more important to protest than the killing of thousands of infidels.

So yes I am anti any person that wants to kill me because I am not a muslim

Edited by DiamondKing
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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

Islam is not a race, it is a so-called religion. More like a cult.

Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult; it is a complete ideological semi-religious and absolute totalitarian theocracy totally subjugated to Allah with the sole purpose of converting and dominating the world.


At least some people get it

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Because I am sick to death of people using the word racist to describe people who are anti islam (and for good reason) by not educating you on what the word means you will continue to use it out of context and just encourage others to use it when it has NOTHING to do with people not liking islam or what it stands for.

Additionally since I am married to a person of color and have kids the same as well as having family of color it kinda makes it even more ignorant to call me a racist because of my views on Islam.

Call me Anti Islamic or anything else you can think of but Racist is not the word simply because of what I have taught you already about what the word means and it does not apply to people who hate islam.

I don't think you are only anti-islam. With your previous comments you are anti people who are muslims and so racist to arabs (who are 90% muslims).

Maybe I didn't understand you right... I am anti-integrist (islam integrist for example) and against countries wanting to set up islamic states.

No just Anti Islam and anti muslim because I personally believe that based on the muslims of the world have sent a clear message that a cartoon is more important to protest than to protest Islam Atrocities like Lee rigby or 7/7 bombings or 911 or the 23,000 plus Terrorist Islamic attacks since 9-11 it is very clear that a cartoon of Mohammed is way more important to protest than the killing of thousands if infidels.

So yes I am anti any person that wants to kill me because I am not a muslim

Ok got the message. For you all muslims are potential terrorists as all want to kill non muslims.

So are you saying that you are scared of Thai Muslims? They could kill you for not beeing muslim. If That's the case, you should not go to the south of thailand and i am not mentioning the deep south... too many there ;-)

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As a gay Jew I know for a fact a lot of Muslims want to kill me!

Some Christians too!

But percentage-wise, I am sure more Muslims.

I don't think it is "Islamophobia" to be aware and conscious of objective facts.

No not all Muslim people are terrorists. Obviously.

But still, the pervasiveness of radical fundamentalist Islamic/Jihadist beliefs is a problem.

Burying the old head in the sand and singing Kumbaya ain't gonna change that.

Edited by Jingthing
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Because I am sick to death of people using the word racist to describe people who are anti islam (and for good reason) by not educating you on what the word means you will continue to use it out of context and just encourage others to use it when it has NOTHING to do with people not liking islam or what it stands for.

Additionally since I am married to a person of color and have kids the same as well as having family of color it kinda makes it even more ignorant to call me a racist because of my views on Islam.

Call me Anti Islamic or anything else you can think of but Racist is not the word simply because of what I have taught you already about what the word means and it does not apply to people who hate islam.

I don't think you are only anti-islam. With your previous comments you are anti people who are muslims and so racist to arabs (who are 90% muslims).

Maybe I didn't understand you right... I am anti-integrist (islam integrist for example) and against countries wanting to set up islamic states.

No just Anti Islam and anti muslim because I personally believe that based on the muslims of the world have sent a clear message that a cartoon is more important to protest than to protest Islam Atrocities like Lee rigby or 7/7 bombings or 911 or the 23,000 plus Terrorist Islamic attacks since 9-11 it is very clear that a cartoon of Mohammed is way more important to protest than the killing of thousands if infidels.

So yes I am anti any person that wants to kill me because I am not a muslim

Ok got the message. For you all muslims are potential terrorists as all want to kill non muslims.

So are you saying that you are scared of Thai Muslims? They could kill you for not beeing muslim. If That's the case, you should not go to the south of thailand and i am not mentioning the deep south... too many there ;-)

Ok got the message. For you all muslims are potential terrorists as all want to kill non muslims.

Correct the goal of Islam is to spread all over the world and have those countries submit to islam which is the main goal and you can see that happening in France Germany UK Sweden Belgium Denmark all those countries they are getting a grip on.

So are you saying that you are scared of Thai Muslims? They could kill you for not beeing muslim. If That's the case, you should not go to the south of thailand and i am not mentioning the deep south... too many there ;-)

No I am not scared at all but I make a point of NEVER visiting a muslim country (not even stop over) Never eating at a muslim restaurant Never buying or eating Halal you may think this is extreme but I would never actually go out and kill anyone unlike the thai muslims you mention who ARE actually killing people because they are not muslim as are the Muslims that are killing people all over the world including 53 Children just today now that is what I calle EXTREME not my actions.

Amir you may not think you are a muslim because you drink and hang out with women but that means nothing you can see muslims all over bkk and pattaya doing the exact same thing but that is a whole nother debate.

I think your heritage is islamic even if you are not a practicing muslim.

Edited by DiamondKing
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As a gay Jew I know for a fact a lot of Muslims want to kill me!

Some Christians too!

But percentage-wise, I am sure more Muslims.

I don't think it is "Islamophobia" to be aware and conscious of objective facts.

Probably because Muslims who for most of them live in arabic countries have a much slower development level (and so less open mind) than in Christians countries which for most of them are developed. Religion (islam) but also education and I would even say especially education has a big responsability in this.

I hope this will change with time and that muslims become more adapted to modern world. I don't think anyone is denying facts, but again putting everyone in the same bag is not fair.

Rejecting and hating muslims in general will not help for sure.

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While you were arguing about this Topic.....84 of the 500 children taken hostage in Peshawar (Pakistan) today are DEAD....thats right DEAD!!!!

Thats right...CHILDREN at school...geez what wrong with all these idiots

Update:- Now there are 126 KIDS DEAD!!!! and thats in a few hours.

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As a gay Jew I know for a fact a lot of Muslims want to kill me!

Some Christians too!

But percentage-wise, I am sure more Muslims.

I don't think it is "Islamophobia" to be aware and conscious of objective facts.

Probably because Muslims who for most of them live in arabic countries have a much slower development level (and so less open mind) than in Christians countries which for most of them are developed. Religion (islam) but also education and I would even say especially education has a big responsability in this.

I hope this will change with time and that muslims become more adapted to modern world. I don't think anyone is denying facts, but again putting everyone in the same bag is not fair.

Rejecting and hating muslims in general will not help for sure.

Rejecting and hating muslims in general will not help for sure

Maybe not, but you have to expect it and understand why

As more and more attacks happen around the world all in the name of Islam it is completely understandable peoples hatred will continue to grow as they see more and more innocent people killed just like today as 126 innocent kids were slaughtered all in the name of Islam the religion of peace (my A.S.S)

Edited by DiamondKing
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As a gay Jew I know for a fact a lot of Muslims want to kill me!

Some Christians too!

But percentage-wise, I am sure more Muslims.

I don't think it is "Islamophobia" to be aware and conscious of objective facts.

Probably because Muslims who for most of them live in arabic countries have a much slower development level (and so less open mind) than in Christians countries which for most of them are developed. Religion (islam) but also education and I would even say especially education has a big responsability in this.

I hope this will change with time and that muslims become more adapted to modern world. I don't think anyone is denying facts, but again putting everyone in the same bag is not fair.

Rejecting and hating muslims in general will not help for sure.

I hope it's OK with you if I "reject" and "hate" any persons, Muslim or not, who wish to kill me based only on my ethnicity and/or sexual orientation. coffee1.gif

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While you were arguing about this Topic.....84 of the 500 children taken hostage in Peshawar (Pakistan) today are DEAD....thats right DEAD!!!!

Thats right...CHILDREN at school...geez what wrong with all these idiots



I really dont think everyone is understanding the gravity of what is going on around the world.....WAKE UP!!!!!

There will be for sure another incident in Australia over the Xmas break....my opinion only.

Gee that was quick...while I was posting this above there has been a bomb scare in Canberra somewhere near Parliament House i believe...

Yes i think Thai Muslims should be very aware now....they should return home asap.

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How many Thai Muslims in Australia then? If they do get any trouble it's likely to be a bit of verbal or graffiti, not quite the same as what Australians and the rest of us have to be worried about is it. Actually I think Australians are a bit more mature than this and Thai Muslims don't tend to walk around sporting the look at me i'm a Muslim outfit, bringing attention to themselves.

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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

Are you really so IGNORANT

Learn what the word racist means before using it because it make you look like an idiot.

Islam is not a race it is a political ideology and is not based on any specific race muslims can be white, black, brown, yellow or any other shade additionally Muslims come from many races

Calling someone who is anti muslim a racist just shows that the person doing that is a complete moron

"IGNORANT, idiot, complete moron". Wow, Big words. You are treating your wife/girl friend in the same way?

Please look into the mirror, before uttering such, not very socially accepted, words.

You too are not 100% correct: Islam is not a political ideology, it is a Religion.

Many muslims however do not like a separation between Church and State; a principle that also give rights to people with other religions or philosophies.

If people do not give way to each other, fights and religous/political dictatorships starts. But in the end dictators are destroyed. Because love is stronger than hatred.

Love your neighbour, also when they make one mistake by using a wrong word.

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This is a Muslim problem, so with the amount of decent Muslims out numbering the bad Muslims, why don't they do more like inform on the radicals they know who most of them are, but remain silent, is that their faith, and I can understand people's frustration,

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It's not too unreasonable to expect some kind of anti-Muslim backlash in Australia. It's not fair but it does happen in the wake of such incidents.

Why is it not fair

If the muslim population does not come out onto the streets in their tens of thousands to protest Islams name being taken in vein and denouncing these acts in the name of Islam how do they expect people not to think that they are complicit and SUPPORT that these people are doing .

A guy danish guy drew a cartoon of their prophet with a bomb on his head as a turban and the whole Muslim population were out out on the streets all over the world burning flags shouting kill him I am talking hundreds of thousands of muslims from London to munich ALL OVER A CARTOON

Then again tens of thousands on the streets protesting Israels latest attack on the Palestinians and again there they are in their tens of thousands marching through the streets

Now lets look at the murder of Lee Rigby on the streets of London all in the name of Islam

NO MUSLIM protest on the streets

How about the 7/7 bombings

NO MUSLIM protests on the streets



50 Islamic groups in Australia had condemned the actions of the crazed lunatic in Sydney by Monday night. Non Muslims came out in support of Islamic people feeling scapegoated by the incident, offering to ride with them on public transport if they were afraid to wear hijabs or appear Islamic. I have often thought as you do that Islamic groups need to voice their disapproval of extremism, but have to say that they did on this occasion. If anything, the Sydney incident may help initiate a more genuine understanding and trust between Muslims and non Muslims. Nobody in Australia feels empowered by the actions of the Iranian lunatic who decided to be a one man representative for Islamic extremism, least alone the Muslims themselves who do not wish to be further marginalised by being linked to his lunacy by religion.

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