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Thai Muslims in Australia warned to be more cautious


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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

yes... however... if you are just a regular guy with arabic origin... it doesn't matter what religion you are... you are considered as a muslim anyhow.

I have three good friends who are brothers. They are Egyptian Coptic Christians and their father ran an arabic-language store in Los Angeles. One week after 9/11, three white guys walked into the store, murdered their father, and fled. It was just horrible.

For years all my Coptic friends insisted to all their relatives that they must plaster American flags and other patriotic symbols on their cars just so they wouldn't be mistaken for terrorists and killed.

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If muslims around the world were a little more vocal in condemning all the attacks by extremists, some of us might start to believe that they don't secretly support them.

Instead we get the odd, carefully worded snippet which is clearly said because of government pressure.

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It's not too unreasonable to expect some kind of anti-Muslim backlash in Australia. It's not fair but it does happen in the wake of such incidents.

Why is it not fair

If the muslim population does not come out onto the streets in their tens of thousands to protest Islams name being taken in vein and denouncing these acts in the name of Islam how do they expect people not to think that they are complicit and SUPPORT that these people are doing .

A guy danish guy drew a cartoon of their prophet with a bomb on his head as a turban and the whole Muslim population were out out on the streets all over the world burning flags shouting kill him I am talking hundreds of thousands of muslims from London to munich ALL OVER A CARTOON

Then again tens of thousands on the streets protesting Israels latest attack on the Palestinians and again there they are in their tens of thousands marching through the streets

Now lets look at the murder of Lee Rigby on the streets of London all in the name of Islam

NO MUSLIM protest on the streets

How about the 7/7 bombings

NO MUSLIM protests on the streets



That's not true:

"British Muslim groups are organising marches and rally in memory of the soldier Lee Rigby, who died last week in Woolwich. A silent march will be held tomorrow afternoon from 5pm in Ilford, starting at Ilford Junction. A Facebook page for the event is here. A coalition of Muslim and anti-racist groups are organising a separate event for Friday afternoon, to be held in Woolwich."


Of course, with hundreds of anti-Muslim hate crimes being committed in the wake of the murder, it's understandable that most Muslims would just stay inside and keep a low profile in this situation.


Here's another related:


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Here's more on the reaction after 9/11:

Mr Karas' death was not the first. A 49-year-old Sikh petrol station owner was shot dead in Arizona "for no other apparent reason than that he was dark-skinned and wore a turban", said the county attorney.

In Dallas, a Pakistani Muslim was also killed in an attack that was apparently racially motivated.

Washington's Council on American-Islamic Relations has recorded more than 350 incidents of anti-Muslim harassment, while the United Sikhs in Service of America lists nearly 200 examples.


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The last thing Muslims do in any country is live in peace with other religious except Saudi Arabia and the only reason they live in peace with everyone else is NO OTHER RELIGION IS TOLERATED

Give me a break Muslims are out to Kill simple as that and can be backed up with hundreds of pages of attacks

This is just the start of Lone Wolf Attacks all over the world and eventually whenever people see anyone that looks remotely like a muslim you can bet that patience and tolerance will not be as much as it is now if every time you go for a coffee your scared some muslim terrorist is going to try and kill you.


I agree Islam is racist and hateful to any non muslim the link you are making is good however Islam is was worse than the KKK ever was

Oh diamondking when did you become such an expert on your own governments midnight meander....

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Yes,should be careful and rightly so,as the saying goes,"what goes round,comes round"

Why? What did the Thai Muslims in Australia do..?
Eat your own words,ask yourself what did the 2 innocent victims of this tragedy do?

They didn't do anything.

Not sure why I'd eat my words. You suggested some sort of retribution would be coming to Thai Muslims in Australia.

Why? What did they do?

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theses aussies always talk arse about face. something to do with all the crap they ingest with the "safe" food and water.

what they meant to say is "if you are planning on going overseas with an australian passport these holidays, you still have time to cancel"

oh yes and while you are cancelling you must reaped aloud three times, "thanks for that tony and bronwyn" try it now as a rehearsal.

Edited by morning gory
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The incident in Australia, has cause the Islamist Groups to televise a statement condemning this action by one of their own....WHY?

Because they know they were given a "Fair Go"....and blew it.

My condolences go to the Families of the 2 Australians who gave their lives to help save other Australians....

Every Australian will remember that, as thats what makes Australia what it is...

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The incident in Australia, has cause the Islamist Groups to televise a statement condemning this action by one of their own....WHY?

Because they know they were given a "Fair Go"....and blew it.

My condolences go to the Families of the 2 Australians who gave their lives to help save other Australians....

Every Australian will remember that, as thats what makes Australia what it is...

They were given a "Fair Go" and blew it?

As if no White people have killed anyone in Australia this year.

Heaven help you if every White Australian was judged by the actions of the other White people when they came to that country. Muslims in Australia aren't 1% of the way to the killings and massacres and horrific racist that White people unleashed on the country.

Sorry to be so blunt. But we shouldn't go around stereotyping other groups of people when we have enormous logs in our own people's eyes.

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Let's set a few things straight.

After Mr Rigby's murder there was a huge anti Islam back lash in the UK. Multiple Muslim buildings were attached and set on fire. This was nearly completely hidden from the media to stop it escalating. Honestly this is true I know this for a fact.

There are no anti Islam protests in London because we are now outnumbered by them. I'm not racist I have more Muslim friends than from other religious backgrounds. That's a fact. They control London. They control our schools. That's why they're aren't any protests.

Also the WEST are responsible for all of those kids that got killed yesterday. Why? Because we made a Marta out of that girl who got shot by the Taliban and survived to speak out.

I mean the day after she wins the noble peace price the Taliban launch this attack on a SCHOOL. Think about that for a second!

Also for what its worth in my small experience of about 10 weeks in Thailand over the last few years Thais generally look down on and dislike people of colour, eg my Indian friends get a rough time in all tourist areas.

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My rationale is this.

We hear the sky gods of christian faith here in Sydney spinning their "Prince of peace " who transcends the horrors of this terrible event of recent days.

The flowers and Muslims very sincere in their regrets at the site and all media coverage.

I would be very little concerned at this warning were i a Thai Muslim.

Unless out west of Sydney.

My advice might be to not wear Muslim Head gear.

The whole point is religion is being clearly seen as a negative in some contexts .

Fundamental beliefs .

One or the another

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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

Islam is a religion, not a race. Sell your computer and get off the internet!

We already covered this you rube. Learn to read.

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Also the WEST are responsible for all of those kids that got killed yesterday. Why? Because we made a Marta out of that girl who got shot by the Taliban and survived to speak out.

I mean the day after she wins the noble peace price the Taliban launch this attack on a SCHOOL. Think about that for a second!

My God, man, your rationalizing is unbelievable, not to mention dangerous. You're saying the west is responsible for all those kids that got killed because the west recognized Malala for her work? NO. NO. NO. The only ones responsible for those kids getting killed are the murderers who killed them and the Taliban leadership for ordering it. Your line of thinking basically gives these murderers justification, which is absurd.

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Racial hatred usually employs a simple, stereotypical approach. So if a Thai Muslim doesn't dress like a Muslim, no one will know that they're Muslim.

yes... however... if you are just a regular guy with arabic origin... it doesn't matter what religion you are... you are considered as a muslim anyhow.

Sadly, you're correct. You don't even have to be Muslim, but just "look" Muslim or Arabic. When I was in the USA after 9/11, some Indian/Hindu guy got beat to a pulp because some hoodlums thought the guy was Arabic. Sad.

We had the same in the UK. Men with beards and turbans were attacked because they were 'Muslims'. Just the same as paediatricians were attacked as kiddie fiddlers. There is no excusing the stupid amongst us...

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Let's set a few things straight.

After Mr Rigby's murder there was a huge anti Islam back lash in the UK. Multiple Muslim buildings were attached and set on fire. This was nearly completely hidden from the media to stop it escalating. Honestly this is true I know this for a fact.

There are no anti Islam protests in London because we are now outnumbered by them.

Can you give us the religious population demographic statistics for London please?

You say that 'we are now outnumbered by them'. Do you have any reliable independent evidence to prove this assertion?

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Man Manis was a mentally ill person. It was his lunacy that precipitated this incident. He could just as easily have been Catholic,Jewish or a Buddhist. Sure, he was influenced by our focus on an the actions of ISIL but even without them something else would likely have created part of the trigger for his deranged actions.

BTW: I'm CoE and lived not far from Lakemba in Sydney for a long time. It was always live and let live and we never had any trouble with any ethnic or religious groups. To my mind Australia has always been a great example of multi-cultural tolerance, peace and a wonderful melting pot.

Sure there are exceptions, such as the Cronulla 'riots' and we have our share of racist rednecks but we are a generally peaceful and tolerant bunch.

Rant over.

Not that I disagree with your general sentiment, but the racial issues the country sees is a little more than that.

There are numerous racially related crimes, many of them small and go unnoticed by the media and the like. They happen bit overall it is as you say, IMO.

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While you were arguing about this Topic.....84 of the 500 children taken hostage in Peshawar (Pakistan) today are DEAD....thats right DEAD!!!!

Thats right...CHILDREN at school...geez what wrong with all these idiots

They are just following Islam, the instructions are explicit and cited universally by those murdering, maiming and torturing in its name.


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While you were arguing about this Topic.....84 of the 500 children taken hostage in Peshawar (Pakistan) today are DEAD....thats right DEAD!!!!

Thats right...CHILDREN at school...geez what wrong with all these idiots

They are just following Islam, the instructions are explicit and cited universally by those murdering, maiming and torturing in its name.


Your Islam bashing bigoted agenda is transparent. My kind and generous Muslim neighbors obviously haven't read their instructions yet. They are too busy concentrating on just being decent fellow citizens.

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Let's set a few things straight.

After Mr Rigby's murder there was a huge anti Islam back lash in the UK. Multiple Muslim buildings were attached and set on fire. This was nearly completely hidden from the media to stop it escalating. Honestly this is true I know this for a fact.

There are no anti Islam protests in London because we are now outnumbered by them.

Can you give us the religious population demographic statistics for London please?

You say that 'we are now outnumbered by them'. Do you have any reliable independent evidence to prove this assertion?

No sir I do not have anything reliable or official to back this up at all.

I am just saying what I see. You only need to get on a tube a train or a bus to see the increase in the last 15 years.

I'm not kidding its unbelievable compared to to 90s / 00s

I'm not racist at all I'm just saying that right now the tube train that I'm on is far far more than half of the people are from an Asian back ground.

Really just take a journey through London and you will see.

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Pamela Geller isn't exactly a good source for knowledge about Islam. Even the CPAC, a quite conservative group, banned her from their meetings. She called Grover Norquist a "member of the Muslim Brotherhood and secret Islamic agent". (For those who don't know, Norquist is a famous American anti-tax advocate and conservative activist. And a Methodist.)

She also thinks Obama is some sort of secret anti-American agent and posts pictures of him urinating on the American flag.

Man Manis was a mentally ill person. It was his lunacy that precipitated this incident. He could just as easily have been Catholic,Jewish or a Buddhist.

Not really. He may be mentally ill, but the same could be said of many Islamic terrorists who carry out attacks. If he was Catholic, Jewish or a Buddhist, his religion would tell him to not hurt other people. The Quran calls for violence against unbelievers and Mohammad Hassan Manteghi Bourjerdi was only too happy to oblige.

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

One of many verses taken out of context by ignorant violent Muslims and ignorant Muslim-haters alike. Why did you chop off the first half of the verse? Hmmm...let's see what the actual verse says:

Quran 8:12 - "When your Lord commanded the angels, saying, 'I am with you, so make those who believe stand firm. I will instill fear in the hearts of those who deny the truth: so strike their necks and strike all their finger joints.'"

Yes, the verse is talking about something that happened past tense and involves God speaking to the angels, NOT a command God speaking to human followers of Islam. And the whole chapter is about events that happened in the midst of a war.

Edited by Bangkok Herps
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