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Jeb Bush to explore White House bid


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Please do not foist another Bush on the world.

He doesn't have a prayer. There's too much negative attached to "Bush" and he's considered a RHINO by conservatives who will nominate the next Republican candidate. The field is wide open for an unknown.

Someone will come out of the woodwork as did Obama, Reagan, Bush 1...

It won't be a retread of same ole same ole. For that reason I don't think it will be Hillary. She may be up on Bush in the polls but maybe not if they polled her against Mickey Mouse. That might be about Bush's negatives, not Hillary's popularity. She has a LOT of negatives for a general election. She had everything going for her but couldn't beat uh, what's his name? Obama.

Look at the thrashing the Democrats got last month. I think people want change. Some nobodies beat some entrenched.

I think it will be someone who isn't on the radar yet, but time will tell.

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It makes you wonder how a nation founded on immigrants with a population of 260 million plus are so short of choice that it is down to a couple of families?

But hey who cares?

The USA is a spent force with a history of military excursions over the last four decades that has achieved nothing more than body bags and memorials.

They even have to pay the Russians to take their people in to space.

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now time for a lady

Condi Rice would get my vote. i like her better than the likely candidates on either side.

Condi wants nothing to do with being President.

Ted Cruz is the obvious candidate. smile.png

Bring him on!

Cake walk to beat by any democrat.

Heh...that's what they said down in Texas when Sarah Palin introduced the brilliant Ted Cruz to National recognition in his first Senate bid.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"The USA is a spent force"

That statement is laughably foolish. The USA has a thriving economy, the most powerful military in the world and is about to achieve energy independence. Your irrational opinions on the United States of America are not worth listening to.

Yep, Obama has done a sterling job.

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Forbes Magazine names Obama best economic president of modern times.


Hardly a bastion of liberal thought, A Forbes magazine article says Obama not only outperformed conservative hero Reagan, but also has reduced the national debt.

220,000,000 Americans have seen their retirement portfolio grow by 200%.

Obama pulled the USA out of a depression, solved the housing & unemployment crisis, reduced dependence of foreign energy, stopped two major wars, killed BinLaden and hundred of AlQueda leaders by running sorties into Pakistan.

Look for his sculpture to be on Mt. Rushmore soon.

Forbes also lists Bill Clinton as the second best economic President since 1927.

FOX "News' hasn't covered this story for some reason...

Edited by CarlTyson
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FOX "News' hasn't covered this story for some reason...

Maybe because it is complete nonsense and typical of the silly far left media that you have used as a "source." What you are referring to is one article in Forbes Magazine, by one guy and it is his OPINION. It is NOT the stance of the magazine itself. Maybe your "source" missed this reminder at the top of the article:

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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FOX "News' hasn't covered this story for some reason...

Maybe because it is complete nonsense and typical of the silly far left media that you have used as a "source." What you are referring to is one article in Forbes Magazine, by one guy and it is his OPINION. It is NOT the stance of the magazine itself. Maybe your "source" missed this reminder at the top of the article:

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

So Forbes is publishing "complete nonsense"? Right.

It's simple mathematics.

FOX viewers are at war with reality and blow their stack when presented with anything positive Obama accomplished.

Roger Ailes would never let one of his "journalists" make that report.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So Forbes is publishing "complete nonsense"? Right.

Most publications publish many different writers and many points of view. "Complete nonsense" is trying to claim that the fact that Forbes publishes someone's opinion means that they endorse it.

If it's their Editorial that's exactly what it means.

[edit] - which apparently is exactly what it wasn't

Edited by Neurath
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You can't argue with a 202% increase in the S&P500 since Obama took office.

I think that was the thrust of the article.

The 220,000,000 Americans with retirement accounts agree with the author.

Investors that were devastated by 50% under Bush have recovered and doubled that.

Thank you President Obama and his economic team.

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So Forbes is publishing "complete nonsense"? Right.

Most publications publish many different writers and many points of view. "Complete nonsense" is trying to claim that the fact that Forbes publishes someone's opinion means that they endorse it.

If it's their Editorial that's exactly what it means.

It was not. It was a random article by one guy expressing his own opinion and it stated that clearly at the top. There are plenty of experts that think his opinion is a load of BS and the American people think Obama is the worst president since WW II. At least Jeb Bush can safely say that he had nothing to do with that nightmare.

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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So Forbes is publishing "complete nonsense"? Right.

Most publications publish many different writers and many points of view. "Complete nonsense" is trying to claim that the fact that Forbes publishes someone's opinion means that they endorse it.
If it's their Editorial that's exactly what it means.
It was not. It was a random article by one guy expressing his own opinion and it stated that clearly at the top. There are plenty of experts that think his opinion is a load of BS and the American people think Obama is the worst president since WW II. At least Jeb Bush can safely say that he had nothing to do with that nightmare.

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Now we have FOX viewers at war with mathematics. ?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So Forbes is publishing "complete nonsense"? Right.

Most publications publish many different writers and many points of view. "Complete nonsense" is trying to claim that the fact that Forbes publishes someone's opinion means that they endorse it.
If it's their Editorial that's exactly what it means.

It was not. It was a random article by one guy expressing his own opinion and it stated that clearly at the top. There are plenty of experts that think his opinion is a load of BS and the American people think Obama is the worst president since WW II. At least Jeb Bush can safely say that he had nothing to do with that nightmare.

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Thanks for including my edit. Most gentlemanly.smile.png

Winner for rhetorical juxtaposition is found!

On the one hand we have: Random Article/One Guy/Expressing His Own Opinion. On the other hand we have Experts. Experts who aren't expressing Opinions in Random Articles. Nice work, couldn't have made it up had one wanted to biggrin.png

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You can't argue with a 202% increase in the S&P500 since Obama took office.

I think that was the thrust of the article.

The 220,000,000 Americans with retirement accounts agree with the author.

Investors that were devastated by 50% under Bush have recovered and doubled that.

Thank you President Obama and his economic team.

In most cases, a president’s influence on the stock market is negligible. People tend to give presidents far to much credit for what happens in the stock market, good or bad than they should. If you want to thank Obama for something, thank him for being the most inept president to ever occupy the White House.

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Speaking of FOX 'News." How many times have they shown you this chart?



This chart tracks the USA economic performance since Obama took office. Up 204%

The millions of Americans with pensions, retirement/IRA/401k plans (most in the SP500) are up 204%.

The great Obama recovery will put him on Mt. Rushmore.

The conservative dummies that watch the biased reporting of FOX 'News" has scared them and kept them out of the best economic performance of all times.

Now they are bitter.

The Conservatives for some odd reason think they are better at handling economics, but the charts show a different story.

Here is the SP500 chart for the Bush years. Fell from 1562 - 683. Down over 50%



An American with $100,000 retirement under Bush was left with under $50,000 and a devastated housing/banking/jobs industry, having to work instead of retiring.

An American with $100,000 retirement under Obama now has over $400,000 and a booming housing, banking, jobs recovery and an enjoyable retirement.

That is why I probably won't vote for Jeb Bush.

Edited by CarlTyson
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Let's keep the discussion civil and on the thread. Obama will not be running for president, but his record will certainly be a factor in the election. Also Fox news isn't running and neither is the MSM. I would expect that Fox news would be covering the possible Republican candidates in great depth.

The thread isn't about the sources used, but the information they provide.

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Let's take a little closer look at this wonderous recovery that is now the longest recovery in US history. All of these items will be up for discussion in the upcoming Presidential election, whoever runs for the office.

1. Labor Force Participation Rate at lowest point since 1978:

Record 92,269,000 Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Matches 36-Year Low
September 5, 2014 - 8:07 AM
2. New jobs going to immigrants...from a source no self respecting liberal will question:
FRI JUN 27, 2014 AT 12:05 PM PDT
Report: All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants
3. Middle Class suffering under Obama...yet another liberal media source
Obama Poll: Few Think Middle Class Helped By President's Policies
The Huffington Post | By Ariel Edwards-Levy
4. Unemployment rate of U-6 class stil over 12%
Tackling The Real Unemployment Rate: 12.6%
5. Black unemployment rate grows higher under Obama:
Black unemployment is always much worse than white unemployment. But the gap depends on where you live.
6. National Debt under Obama
Does Obama have the ‘worst’ record of any president on the national debt?
7. Oil and gas industry growing but drilling on privately owned property only. Federal permits not being issued.
Why the Shale Revolution Could Have Happened Only in America
8. Food stamp participation has grown from 28.2 Billion at the end of 2008 to the current 46.5 Billion participants. an increase of 65%.
9. Obama bailed the US out of a depression is a false assumption. The recession of 2007 was declared officially over in June 2009, which was little more than 4 months after Obama took office. His policies had nothing to do with it.
Note that not one Fox News source was harmed in the making of this post.
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"9. Obama bailed the US out of a depression is a false assumption. The recession of 2007 was declared officially over in June 2009, which was little more than 4 months after Obama took office. His policies had nothing to do with it."

Obamas economic policy had lots to do with the recovery. Give him some credit.

It's true that Bush started the recovery with the $700 Billion bailout of Banks / Wall Street & $17 Billion to General Motors in 2008.

Don't you love how Bush conveniently escaped being called "a socialist" and a pushing "a massive government" by FOX 'News" despite pushing through the most socialist legislation in Western Civ history. By far the largest bail out up to that point in any Western society.

Bush the socialist. You didn't hear that on FOX.

How is Jeb Bush ever going to escape the shadow of his brother?

Will he have George out there campaigning? cheesy.gif

Edited by CarlTyson
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These two charts are going to make it difficult for Jeb Bush to talk about the economy if he runs. The best he can probably do is to say that President Obama's policies took too long to help the economy recover. But even that will only open him up to questions about what happened to the economy in the first place. He's in a tight spot, but he's a bright guy who will have good talent behind him.

I was listening to someone on the radio the other day who brought up an interesting point: Jeb Bush has been out of office for a long time and it's been even longer since he was on the campaign trail. As we witnessed with former President Bill Clinton when he was on the trail with his wife in 2012, time seems to dull certain soft skills needed in the political arena. Clinton made several gaffes during that campaign that he never would have made in '92 or '96. It will be interesting to see if former Governor Bush will be the same.

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That's what America needs,another f'ing Bush or Clinton in the white house.

Bill Clinton has 2nd place when it comes to presidents and economic performance. According to Forbes.

He cleaned up the hugh economic mess left by Reagan and Bush Sr. Remember Reagan left office with more debt than all previous presidents combined. Then Bush Sr. added more debt to that!

"It's the economy stupid" was Clintons campaign slogan. Clinton performed & balanced the budget.

When Clinton handed over the keys to the white house, he handed Bush Jr. a nice budget surplus.

Then Bush Jr. started 2 trillion dollar wars. Ran the economy into the ground.

Why would anyone want another Bush?

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G.H.W. Bush #41 got fired from the presidency in 1992 because the country was in a recession and because he increased taxes which drove much of the Republican party base to vote for Ross Perot, the independent on the ballot in all 50 states.

G.W. Bush #43 got two terms so after doubling his father's time as president shrub Bush left the presidency in January 2009 after the economy had gone beyond a slowdown into a wild free fall with millions of jobs suddenly lost over only several consecutive months, Wall Street crashing, banks running around in a panic, American soldiers being blown up in Iraq as well as in Afghanistan.

No doubt it would be hard for yet another Bush to surpass the family's ever increasing whopping disasters inflicted on the country and the world so I wonder what Jeb as president might do...cut or eliminate all taxes for the 1% and quadruple all taxes on you and I while finding places to start two or more new wars ....put Paul Ryan in charge of the budget, Ted Cruz as attorney general (Cruz once was John Boehner's lawyer), chuckd as press secretary, Sarah Palin in charge of Obamacare, Mitt Romney as secretary of state, Rick Santorum ambassador to the Vatican to take on the liberal leftist pope, John McCain as secretary of defense, Ron Paul as secretary of treasury to put the US back on the gold standard, Bill O'Reily as ambassador to the UN to straighten out Russia.......

The fact is Jeb Bush is a Republican so he would appoint Republicans to the cabinet and advance Republican party generals and admirals at the Pentagon....there are no moderates left in the Republican party...none, to include Jeb Bush.

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