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I have 3BB fiber 30Mb/3Mb and use a WRT54GL router. Using wifi I get 15-25Mb. Using An Ethernet cable I get 30-40Mb. Would I see the Ethernet cable speeds if I invested in a wireless N router? My computers, phones and Apple TV all support N. Could even jump to an AC router for future devices that support it. Thoughts?


Wireless N rtoruters will give you better spoeed and range than Wireless G and I would advise the updgrade. For Wireless AC I bbought a TP-Link C7 Archer from the UK for Wireless AC support and am very disjointed in the range of the AC signal with my Galaxy S4 phone which is the only device I have that supports it.

In hindsight I would not recommend buying Wireless AC until the standard is ratified

For more detailed information on the various pros and cons, see this link or this one


If you WRT54L wireless channel bandwidth is set to a 20MHz that's could be what's limiting your Wifi bandwdith assuming you are not too far away from the wifi router as distance between your computer and wifi router can definitely affect bandwidth. A 20MHz channel bandwidth will usually limit wifi speed to around 22-24MHz with a good signal.

If the WRT54L has a wireless bandwidth setting of 40MHz try that and it just may give you your 30Mhz speed you are looking for.


You have a 30Mb connection and you're getting up to 40Mb on Ethernet?

Anyway, to put it into perspective, on 802.11AC I can transfer files at around 9-10Mb/s which is a lot faster than my 16Mb Internet connection that can download at ~1.6Mb/s if it's maxed out.


You have a 30Mb connection and you're getting up to 40Mb on Ethernet?

Anyway, to put it into perspective, on 802.11AC I can transfer files at around 9-10Mb/s which is a lot faster than my 16Mb Internet connection that can download at ~1.6Mb/s if it's maxed out.

40 on the very high end but consistently over 30. I've used 3BB almost 10 years now and almost always get at or above what I pay for. Assuming those bandwidth speed testers are accurate...

Which router are you using?


Why don't you use 3bb provided wireless router? WRT54GL is way too old, you know they made several new routers after that!

max speed achieveable on G router is 25-27mbit in best conditions.


Wired internet wont get faster. Wifi will with N. Local network will get better with gigabit assuming the rest of the network supports it.

I still use a wrt54gl running tomato, tried and tested very good and reliable hardware, aging a bit for sure but not dying.

But my internet is 10mbps not 30, so fine for me.

If you need full speed on wifi the upgrade, if not stick with it.

My phone and xbmc use wifi, dont need max speed. My pc does the hard work through cable (gigabit switch to nas and wrt)


See this link for other folks talking Wifi speed of the WRT54GL....Wifi speed of around 25Mb is the most you'll be able to consistantly squeeze out of this old puppy. It's a very good G router but the higher internet speeds have passed it by...I've got one in storage that I retired. But if using an internet plan say up to 20-25Mb is should do fine for "most" plans, but not all.

By not all plans I mean some plans actually delivered download speeds for brief periods faster than their rated/advertised speed. For example, if a person has a True DOCSIS (cable) 15Mb down/1.5Mb up plan like I have they would be missing out on some top speed if using a G Wifi router because the True DOCSIS uses "bursting" which allows a person's download speed to approx double for 30 to 60 seconds......upload speed not affected. I pull approx 30Mb download speed, give or take a Mb, on speed tests because of the bursting and since the bursting last longer than a typical speed test. For example, it's around 10:45am on this fine Saturday morning, I just did a speed test via Wifi connection and got a 32Mb download speed...I'm using a N Wifi router. If I had a G Wifi router, I would have probably topped out at around 25Mb losing out on possible internet speed.



On my current setup today I'm getting 32Mb wired and 13Mb via wifi. I just installed some Ethernet cable directly to my Apple TV and the stability and clarity improvement is night and day. Also just ordered an AirPort Extreme. Things are looking up for my home network.

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