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Myanmar says workers innocent of murdering Britons on Koh Tao


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Why should it not be possible to bring the Burmese workers who fled to Burma back

under protection of their government and then back to Burma.

May be even some money could be found as a substitute for their loss of income in Thailand.

Take it one step further: - Why the impartial Thai Court wouldn't grant the witnesses protection in the interest of impartial Justice?

Why? - Because!

The Thai Court should grant prospective witnesses for the defense protection from just whom?

Obviously from whoever they are afraid of or who may have threatened them.

Not rocket science.

So obviously the Thai Court should acknowledge that potential witnesses for the defense of those who are on trial for the crimes are intimidated by the real killers who are not those that are soon to be on trial for the crimes. Where is Lewis Carroll when we need him?

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soccer game, continued.....

The headman's family and friends: They don't need to play the game. They just find where the trophy (getting let go as suspects) is, walk in, brandish knives, and take it. Those guarding the trophy (Thai cops) just smile and step aside - and miraculously find their pockets stuffed with cash.

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Big winner: ThaiVisa.com who owns the copyright to all the voluminous postings on their website by any and all potential and would-be authors who might otherwise choose to publish their voluminous postings herein.

wow, that would be a big book. Would have to cull a lot of redundancies, but might be interesting. There could be a chapter outlining several proposed scenarios (put forth by individuals) of what happened. Due to Thai officials' statements (and the Brit experts who echo them), the book would have to be labeled as fiction.

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Big winner: ThaiVisa.com who owns the copyright to all the voluminous postings on their website by any and all potential and would-be authors who might otherwise choose to publish their voluminous postings herein.

wow, that would be a big book. Would have to cull a lot of redundancies, but might be interesting. There could be a chapter outlining several proposed scenarios (put forth by individuals) of what happened. Due to Thai officials' statements (and the Brit experts who echo them), the book would have to be labeled as fiction.

It is not fiction -- it is all very real. And if everything you have written was on booomerangutang.blogsp-t.com you would own the copyright; not George.

Edited by JLCrab
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just read on a popular Facebook site

A British business man who owns a hotel in Spain is willing to sponsor those come forward as witness in Koh Tao case. He will offer them hotel jobs at his hotel in Spain. This is because he knows these witnesses' lives might be in danger after they testify at the court.

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Justice is slipping away. The world is watching as Thailand railroads this case with no regard for fairness and no sign they intend to change course. Its sickening.

The UK police have not helped, the intention was there I'm sure but they were severely limited in what they could do and given access to cherry picked evidence with no opportunity to verify the authenticity of the evidence. But they should have stated this publicly when they returned, not waited so long and allow the speculation to increase, they have played a part in this and also deserve blame. It does appear they didn't even interview Chris Ware, Sean or any of Hannah's friends? A very poor investigation by them. All we have left is the inquest that should shed some light on a few major discrepancies.

So we have no independent verification of DNA, we have 2 of the main early suspects walking around after refusing to take a DNA test!! None of the evidence in this trial can be trusted and yet it will be used to possibly convict 2 people who are innocent or certainly did not do this alone.

Call in Pol Maj Gen Kittipong Kaosam-ang who said 7 days after the murders that Thai's had attempted to destroy evidence that linked them to the attacks & people on murder Koh Tao had given false information to divert attention.

Bring in the US give him some advanced interrogation techniques to find out who he was talking about and what evidence was tampered with!!

There is still the coroner report. Getting hands on a piece of the victims clothes and defence doing an independent dna, would be a treat. People just need to think out of the box. Have someone go undercover.

It is not over til the fat lady (or worker on Koh Tao )sings.

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First thing we hear after the murders is that 'No Thai could have done this'.

My interpretation of this is 'We know a Thai did this but we're going to try and brainwash you into believing that it wasn't a Thai because we have to and can't divulge why'.

The Burmese are then tested first round and a negative result is found. Thai police round up loads more Burmese to take DNA to make it look like they're doing a grand and thorough job (press overload) but all the while knowing that they are going to chose the suspects they first tested. Why? Because someone who committed the murders saw them on the beach that morning. They may not have seen who they were or known who they were but they would be the perfect scapegoats. And maybe the real killer/s think or know that the B2 witnessed the crime.

McAnna is threatened by Mon and cop to confess to the murder. Mon is on record as saying he did have a word with McAnna as he suspected he may have been involved with the murder. How come the police didn't divulge what Mon suspected to the public like they did almost everything else?

Round about 23rd Sept Headman offers a massive cash reward to police:

“I would never protect anyone who has committed a crime, even if it was a close friend, my own brother or son. I am an honest and straight forward person. If the provincial police are able to obtain evidence proving this I would gladly give them a one million baht reward.”“I would never protect anyone who has committed a crime, even if it was a close friend, my own brother or son. I am an honest and straight forward person. If the provincial police are able to obtain evidence proving this I would gladly give them a one million baht reward.”

But by this time the deal is in the bag and the DNA has been messed around with/relabelled in the mobile unit on Koh Tao which no doubt Mon had access to as he seemed to have had access to everywhere else to do with the investigation. So headman could speak with utmost confidence.

Then the police got McAnna off the island post haste because they didn't want him blabbing anymore. His silence now speaks volumes. Someone gets enough threats they're eventually going to crack. As did the Burmese men.

And the pantomime re-enactment - that was done in an attempt to convince the whole world watching that the men were guilty without a doubt. The world is not as stupid as the RTP think clearly. How much longer can they keep this up?

"The Burmese are then tested first round and a negative result is found. Thai police round up loads more Burmese to take DNA to make it look like they're doing a grand and thorough job (press overload) but all the while knowing that they are going to chose the suspects they first tested. Why? Because someone who committed the murders saw them on the beach that morning. They may not have seen who they were or known who they were but they would be the perfect scapegoats. And maybe the real killer/s think or know that the B2 witnessed the crime."

Since the premise of your argument is false (That they were tested and cleared), your whole "theory" is nothing but hotair; then on top of that you follow with baseless speculations, there´s a term in computer sciences that applies here: GIGO.

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First thing we hear after the murders is that 'No Thai could have done this'.

My interpretation of this is 'We know a Thai did this but we're going to try and brainwash you into believing that it wasn't a Thai because we have to and can't divulge why'.

The Burmese are then tested first round and a negative result is found. Thai police round up loads more Burmese to take DNA to make it look like they're doing a grand and thorough job (press overload) but all the while knowing that they are going to chose the suspects they first tested. Why? Because someone who committed the murders saw them on the beach that morning. They may not have seen who they were or known who they were but they would be the perfect scapegoats. And maybe the real killer/s think or know that the B2 witnessed the crime.

McAnna is threatened by Mon and cop to confess to the murder. Mon is on record as saying he did have a word with McAnna as he suspected he may have been involved with the murder. How come the police didn't divulge what Mon suspected to the public like they did almost everything else?

Round about 23rd Sept Headman offers a massive cash reward to police:

“I would never protect anyone who has committed a crime, even if it was a close friend, my own brother or son. I am an honest and straight forward person. If the provincial police are able to obtain evidence proving this I would gladly give them a one million baht reward.”“I would never protect anyone who has committed a crime, even if it was a close friend, my own brother or son. I am an honest and straight forward person. If the provincial police are able to obtain evidence proving this I would gladly give them a one million baht reward.”

But by this time the deal is in the bag and the DNA has been messed around with/relabelled in the mobile unit on Koh Tao which no doubt Mon had access to as he seemed to have had access to everywhere else to do with the investigation. So headman could speak with utmost confidence.

Then the police got McAnna off the island post haste because they didn't want him blabbing anymore. His silence now speaks volumes. Someone gets enough threats they're eventually going to crack. As did the Burmese men.

And the pantomime re-enactment - that was done in an attempt to convince the whole world watching that the men were guilty without a doubt. The world is not as stupid as the RTP think clearly. How much longer can they keep this up?

"The Burmese are then tested first round and a negative result is found. Thai police round up loads more Burmese to take DNA to make it look like they're doing a grand and thorough job (press overload) but all the while knowing that they are going to chose the suspects they first tested. Why? Because someone who committed the murders saw them on the beach that morning. They may not have seen who they were or known who they were but they would be the perfect scapegoats. And maybe the real killer/s think or know that the B2 witnessed the crime."

Since the premise of your argument is false (That they were tested and cleared), your whole "theory" is nothing but hotair; then on top of that you follow with baseless speculations, there´s a term in computer sciences that applies here: GIGO.

Everything I've learned about baseless speculations I've learned from the RTP in the past three months.

Thanks for reading. Happy Christmas.

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First thing we hear after the murders is that 'No Thai could have done this'.

My interpretation of this is 'We know a Thai did this but we're going to try and brainwash you into believing that it wasn't a Thai because we have to and can't divulge why'.

The Burmese are then tested first round and a negative result is found. Thai police round up loads more Burmese to take DNA to make it look like they're doing a grand and thorough job (press overload) but all the while knowing that they are going to chose the suspects they first tested. Why? Because someone who committed the murders saw them on the beach that morning. They may not have seen who they were or known who they were but they would be the perfect scapegoats. And maybe the real killer/s think or know that the B2 witnessed the crime.

McAnna is threatened by Mon and cop to confess to the murder. Mon is on record as saying he did have a word with McAnna as he suspected he may have been involved with the murder. How come the police didn't divulge what Mon suspected to the public like they did almost everything else?

Round about 23rd Sept Headman offers a massive cash reward to police:

“I would never protect anyone who has committed a crime, even if it was a close friend, my own brother or son. I am an honest and straight forward person. If the provincial police are able to obtain evidence proving this I would gladly give them a one million baht reward.”“I would never protect anyone who has committed a crime, even if it was a close friend, my own brother or son. I am an honest and straight forward person. If the provincial police are able to obtain evidence proving this I would gladly give them a one million baht reward.”

But by this time the deal is in the bag and the DNA has been messed around with/relabelled in the mobile unit on Koh Tao which no doubt Mon had access to as he seemed to have had access to everywhere else to do with the investigation. So headman could speak with utmost confidence.

Then the police got McAnna off the island post haste because they didn't want him blabbing anymore. His silence now speaks volumes. Someone gets enough threats they're eventually going to crack. As did the Burmese men.

And the pantomime re-enactment - that was done in an attempt to convince the whole world watching that the men were guilty without a doubt. The world is not as stupid as the RTP think clearly. How much longer can they keep this up?

"The Burmese are then tested first round and a negative result is found. Thai police round up loads more Burmese to take DNA to make it look like they're doing a grand and thorough job (press overload) but all the while knowing that they are going to chose the suspects they first tested. Why? Because someone who committed the murders saw them on the beach that morning. They may not have seen who they were or known who they were but they would be the perfect scapegoats. And maybe the real killer/s think or know that the B2 witnessed the crime."

Since the premise of your argument is false (That they were tested and cleared), your whole "theory" is nothing but hotair; then on top of that you follow with baseless speculations, there´s a term in computer sciences that applies here: GIGO.

Sure everyone opinion is all baseless but probable. Even yours, as you have no evidence to back it up yourself. So what are we discussing here on this forum? I think most people are refuting the police claim because

1. The police investigation has been done poorly. If that is true, it's a high probability that the police report was also done poorly.

2. With the reputation of the RTP, it made the inconsistency even worst. Credibility is very important. And as you know and most Thais know, RTP lacks that.

I am sure there are many more. These makes the probability high that the police report is tainted. I don't think any one can discount anything, if no one has access to the evidence. So people statement here are not baseless at all. If anyone clings on to the police statement as truth, then they have forfeited their ability to think.

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there´s a term in computer sciences that applies here: GIGO.

GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) applies hand-in-glove with what the Brit experts conveyed to the families of the victims. Brits were explicitly told they were 'observers only' and they were not given some key DNA evidence ("they know we're doing a great job, so they don't need to see DNA").

One of the key moments in the case, from my view, was when the replacement head man came on the scene. The first utterance from Thai officialdom at that juncture was, "We're going to look for Burmese." That, among a series of other screw-ups should make it clear to anyone (other than the Gang of 4) that SCAPEGOAT is written all over this sham of a faux investigation.

Who will be the next victims of the murderers/rapists who still roam free on Ko Tao? The island where some well-connected men know they're untouchable by the armless law.

Edited by boomerangutang
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ABC also carrying the story Myanmar investigators say accused workers are innocent of murdering British tourists in Thailand

Posted Thu at 10:36pmThu 18 Dec 2014, 10:36pm

5754838-3x2-340x227.jpgPHOTO: Thai authorities were under pressure to quickly find those responsible for David Miller and Hannah Witheridge's deaths. September 14, 2014. (Facebook)

RELATED STORY: Migrant workers deny killing British tourists on Thai island

MAP: Burma

Two Myanmar men accused of murdering two British tourists in Thailand are innocent but witnesses who might be able to prove their case will not testify because they fear Thai police, Myanmar investigators say.


It is great the international papers continue to monitor this story. How do you make the jump at 21 years old. From I am singing songs on the beach. To we both suddenly decided to do that terrible thing. Clear it all up,stage it all up. Then run home and be found sleeping 1 hour later. The glove really does not fit.

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The trial judge will be adjourning this trial over and over for months and months waiting for guidance from the executive. I said this trial will run for a long time. The Thai police and govt. have already put their feet in their mouths many times over this case and subsequent cover-up. I believe now they will wait for the parties outside of their control to show what evidence they have before proceeding with the case.

Remember, they are now where they want to be. They have kept the Tuvichian connection out of jail, not charged and that is the goal. The Thai police and politicians orchestrating this can now sit back and wait.

I agree with all above, except 'they are now where they want to be.' I think Thai officials are uncomfortable with where things are at now. When they first fingered the scapegoats, they thought things would go as they usually do, in Thailand. They thought the Thai populace would grumble a bit, saying things to each-other like "it looks they have scapegoats, and are allowing the rich kids in the VIP family to go free" ....and then the general public would lose interest and go on to other things. But that's obviously not happened, and a big reason is social media (understandably dreaded by the Gang of 4). But, Thai officialdom is in deep, and they can't pick up the remote control and switch channels. They've got to keep trudging on with the frame-up. Perhaps I should feel sorry for Thai officialdom, as they've got their boots so deep in the doo-doo, ....but I don't.

I think you both may be correct in a way.

They probably are comfortable with where they are now but, its not where they wanted or envisaged being!!

From a logical aspect, if there has been a cover up, the simple way out is to have a trial, get a not guilty verdict, make a statement saying we are not looking for any other suspects in this case and voila! case closed.

What they are not sure of is the reactions on social media and international press, this is what will make them a tad wary of the case.

Make no mistake, this has become much more than a murder case in Thailand and the rest of the World and it would be a fitting epitaph for Hannah and David if their brutal deaths were to change things for the better for the Thai people and tourism safety.

Whatever the verdict, this case is not going away and the authorities are becoming aware of it.

Most people understand the need for the trial. Truth be known the piece of evidence that shows them unequivocally innocent might not be available. The key word though is fair.

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it would seem some posters are more interested in their egos than a fair trial

If the 2 Burmese guys are found not guilty there will be at least four people on here doing the best to try and convince people there would be no point in trying to find anybody else guilty of the crime, and hope it all dies quietly away.

One does wonder if the investigation would be reopened, or let go by the by.

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Looks like Andy Hall is asking the same questions (tweeted 1 hour ago):

Koh Tao defense case:if anyone has evidence UK police/officials took statements from witnesses either in UK/Thailand pls contact me ASAP


Depending on the response Andy gets this could change things dramatically.

IF the court allows the defence to call witnesses from abroad and they call Brits who have made statements to the UK police things could change very quickly.

I am wondering if the Brit authorities have suggested this move, it takes them out of the loop whilst giving the defence some room.

Remember the FCO declared on the family statements that it did not necessarily reflect their own views.

Standard caveat but not so usual when explaining released documents of this type.

Instead of relying on TV readers. Why don't the defense team simply write an email to the brit police and ask them.though the interview might be confidential .asking simply if they were interview would be fine.

I am sure there must be a picture somewhere of the boys going back to their room. Anybody who had pictures the defense could use, can send it anonymous.

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Justice is slipping away. The world is watching as Thailand railroads this case with no regard for fairness and no sign they intend to change course. Its sickening.

The UK police have not helped, the intention was there I'm sure but they were severely limited in what they could do and given access to cherry picked evidence with no opportunity to verify the authenticity of the evidence. But they should have stated this publicly when they returned, not waited so long and allow the speculation to increase, they have played a part in this and also deserve blame. It does appear they didn't even interview Chris Ware, Sean or any of Hannah's friends? A very poor investigation by them. All we have left is the inquest that should shed some light on a few major discrepancies.

So we have no independent verification of DNA, we have 2 of the main early suspects walking around after refusing to take a DNA test!! None of the evidence in this trial can be trusted and yet it will be used to possibly convict 2 people who are innocent or certainly did not do this alone.

Call in Pol Maj Gen Kittipong Kaosam-ang who said 7 days after the murders that Thai's had attempted to destroy evidence that linked them to the attacks & people on murder Koh Tao had given false information to divert attention.

Bring in the US give him some advanced interrogation techniques to find out who he was talking about and what evidence was tampered with!!

No the fight is on.

Never give up.

Never give in.

Never surrender.

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need a photo appeal

there must be thousands of holiday pics of the fateful night

Yes, I am not that computer savvy, but there must be a way to start a Facebook page only for photos. A 'we are anonymous type of page.' No comments,specifically for pictures of that night only. Is it possible to make all names come up as bob (example) No names all entries would be completely anonymous. Then put posters up around Koh Tao promoting it. Something might come up.

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need a photo appeal

there must be thousands of holiday pics of the fateful night

Yes, I am not that computer savvy, but there must be a way to start a Facebook page only for photos. A 'we are anonymous type of page.' No comments,specifically for pictures of that night only. Is it possible to make all names come up as bob (example) No names all entries would be completely anonymous. Then put posters up around Koh Tao promoting it. Something might come up.

I know you mean well, but anonymously supplied evidence (definitely including photos that could easily be faked and are rarely reliably dateable) will rarely be admissible in court.

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need a photo appeal

there must be thousands of holiday pics of the fateful night

Yes, I am not that computer savvy, but there must be a way to start a Facebook page only for photos. A 'we are anonymous type of page.' No comments,specifically for pictures of that night only. Is it possible to make all names come up as bob (example) No names all entries would be completely anonymous. Then put posters up around Koh Tao promoting it. Something might come up.

I know you mean well, but anonymously supplied evidence (definitely including photos that could easily be faked and are rarely reliably dateable) will rarely be admissible in court.

Well,the spirit of the post is to get people to contribute ideas on how to help the defense prove the boys are innocent.

What's your bright idea then?

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There's a very recent post on a FB page that is not allowed to be mentioned on TV saying the trial may be postponed till next year!

I translated that page but it is a bit hard to understand I think they questioning the DNA Collection is that right?

As I read it it says that the defence may ask for a postponement as they have not been supplied with the prosecution case, as is required under Thai law.

Though the boys just want to go home. A postponement really is the best solution.

1.they are entitled to see the evidence against them.

2.they entitled to unrestricted access to their lawyers.

3.the coroners report is essential to all parties.

4.the dna must be redone by the defense. There would be dna everywhere. On the clothes, on the phone, on the body. (Not talking about ciggies)

If the b2 dna is on any part of these 2 people. They just better fess up. If not. Let them go

Did anyone hear about the postponement.

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I know you mean well, but anonymously supplied evidence (definitely including photos that could easily be faked and are rarely reliably dateable) will rarely be admissible in court.

Well,the spirit of the post is to get people to contribute ideas on how to help the defense prove the boys are innocent.

What's your bright idea then?

Why does the defense need that?

"Myanmar says workers innocent of murdering Britons on Koh Tao"

They know they are innocent, it stands to reason that they know this because they have the evidence to prove it. Or don't they?

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falangjim, on 19 Dec 2014 - 17:13, said:falangjim, on 19 Dec 2014 - 17:13, said:

According to the 2B lawyer in the most recent article published in a Myanmar press, Scotland Yard never interviewed Ware or McAnna. Now both of these two have been summoned. I don't know enough about international law to say if they have to come forward as witnesses or not. The defense lawyer is implying they are implicated due to Sean's wounds, blood on his guitar. Of the two Brits, Ware seems to have his head screwed on tight. I'd be happy if they could create enough doubt in the judges mind as to what happened. We shall see. By the way, I'm over the moon that the Myanmar team have made this statement. The RTP have a lot to answer for, and no, I don't care if comments about a stitch up make them "feel sad" over doubts in their work.

I find it absolutely unbelievable that Scotland Yard have never interviewed Chris Ware. After all, Chris Ware shared a room with David Miller and knew of his movements on the night of the murders. He must have been one of the last people to see David alive. And what about Hannah's travelling companions? McAnna on the other hand could be viewed as an "unreliable witness" due to his fondness for alcohol and/or drugs, not to mention all the lies/half truths he's told so far. If this is true, then it's a serious dereliction of duty on the part of the British police.

It is interesting that the defence may call Sean. Hope he can man up and not let these boys lose their lives.

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