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Countries promise not to house anti-Thai government fugitives

Lite Beer

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'The government will try to convince other countries not to allow Thai fugitives to engage in anti-government activities, particularly those who commit lese majeste ...'

Good luck with that! Most civilised democracies, while far from perfect, do recognise individuals' right to free speech. If the members of the Thai government suppose any of those countries will cede to any such posturing, they are sadly delusional.

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Mr. General, in most of the civilized world freedom of speech is a right long fought for. Your request does more harm to Thailand than you will ever know. I feel personally insulted.

better even do you have any idea what you are asking?

Please get off your high white horse, it will be benificial for Thailand.

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The power of social media, now the world can see this Circus and wild wild west country, Lese Majeste is an excuse to shut anyone up, no matter what, nobody but the Thai`s are ruled by it, no other civilised country recognises it.and freedom of speech needs to prevail. I only wish the King would intervene more in his country's matters and help the country move on, he is very wise and the Thai people will listen to him

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urgently make other countries understand the lese majeste law and prevent fugitives from engaging in political activities.

And how are they going to make other countries understand, round up all the ambassadors and send them off to the attitude adjustment room, threaten military actions against those who do not conform to Thailand and the dear leader?

Does this dangerous lunatic not realise that he is not in charge of the world. Power has gone to his head and he now thinks he rules the world and the planet must worship and obey him.

He is increasingly deluded
He does seem to be losing it extremely fast. He needs to step aside and but someone in with at least one brain cell before it's to late for Thailand
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What is somewhat troubling are those expatriotes from democratic country that support the junta's behavior.

I imagine most are under orders to from their wives (there's also these fellas married to reds) or thinking they are some kind of Thai high so because they hang around with some etc.

Supporting a repressive military regime. It begs belief.

I'll be called a red shirt for this within the next ten posts. Like clockwork.


There are many who have managed the incredible feat of knocking up and marrying a Thai lass who then makes him slap on the cheap Tesco Lotus Nylon Shirt and Tie she bought and go off to a grim teaching job every day to support her, her family and Somchai's kids.

They learn all their 'knowledge' about Thailand from her and start to think that because their meagre salaries makes them a 'big shot' in whatever Godforsaken corner of Thailand they have landed in, they are beacons of expatriate society who can dictate their nonsense to others, especially the 'if you don't like it here, go home' brigade who scream this if anyone has the temerity to say something which threatens to knock off their rose tinted glasses, especially when it comes to showing independent thought or greater understanding of Thai issues than they possess.

One noted 'Thaier than Thai' member the other day wrote a huge rant as to how he'd managed the incredible feat of producing three 'model citizen kids' he had the right to demand that if anyone disagreed with the 'PM' wanting to extradite these ''enemies of the state'' then they should leave Thailand at once regardless that their own statuses in Thailand are probably far superior to his own.

I know the guy you mean. His name escapes me now.

I'm a teacher here too (customers and flashy made shirts for me though Haha) and have dated girls that have been hardcore for red or yellow, didn't care for politics at all, or knew what was really going on at the top but knew that they were powerless to stop it.

The ones that had hardcore political leanings I debated with them, and told them that why I disagree with their views that is their opinion and they are entitled to have it. Shame they didn't have that courtesy to their fellow Thais and even more so their leaders for trying to suppress such freedom of thought.

A lot of foreigners tow the line though and are too whipped to think for themselves.

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I wonder how this went down? Did the General call Obama, Cameron and Merkel and summon them to his secret base inside a volcano? Stroking his white cat and telling the three leaders (who were on their knees of course) to tow the line?

Obviously, they said ''It shall be done, oh great one.'' and left (walking backwards while bowing and scraping of course).

At least, that's perhaps how he actually thinks Thais will take this. Incredible. The apologists have a lot to answer for. Muppets.

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The problem is the junta are from an pre Internet age when all any coup leader had to do was decree that TV and newspapers say what he wants and it was gospel truth. They haven't quite woken up to the fact that many Thai's have relatives working overseas who relay some inconvenient truths back home via phone, facebook or whatever.

Case in point, there was a facebook post doing the rounds yesterday discussing recent 'events' of a nature not to be discussed here. My wife had it forwarded to her several times throughout the day.

It all makes the these proclamations all the more farcical when anyone can fact check them. Maybe in Ye olden days, you could have got away with it, but now just makes them look even more idiotic

Send it to me id like a gander smile.png

....and which version of stupid would I have to be to forward something that obviously would have the potential to send me off to the nearest LM Supermax? Search the South China Post or The Straits Times, both not exactly beacons of journalistic excellence and you'll get the picture.

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The problem is the junta are from an pre Internet age when all any coup leader had to do was decree that TV and newspapers say what he wants and it was gospel truth. They haven't quite woken up to the fact that many Thai's have relatives working overseas who relay some inconvenient truths back home via phone, facebook or whatever.

Case in point, there was a facebook post doing the rounds yesterday discussing recent 'events' of a nature not to be discussed here. My wife had it forwarded to her several times throughout the day.

It all makes the these proclamations all the more farcical when anyone can fact check them. Maybe in Ye olden days, you could have got away with it, but now just makes them look even more idiotic

Send it to me id like a gander smile.png

....and which version of stupid would I have to be to forward something that obviously would have the potential to send me off to the nearest LM Supermax? Search the South China Post or The Straits Times, both not exactly beacons of journalistic excellence and you'll get the picture.

Ok what day? I like a good read about true events versus the daily bs made up propaganda. These clowns dont fool me even in the slightest.

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"He said he understood that Western nations value human rights and democracy but the ministry hoped to be able to convince them to consider long-term relations with Thailand."

Considering their long-term relations with a military-led government that will not have elections until (maybe) mid 2016, that has been placed in Tier 3 of human traficking, that blocks the Thai Human Rights Commission, vigorously suppresses freedom of expression, arrests opposition, etc., those Western nations may just decide enough is enough with this seemingly undemocratic gang of hooligans. This continuous pestering of Western nations to concede their democratic principles and people's protection under their constitutions for freedom of speech and association may just trigger someeconomic sanctions against the Junta leaders.

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Western countries like what - Vatican City, Lichenstein, Iceland, Malta? The Thai news media has a responsibility to the Public and even ironically to the government to press Gen. Prayuth to identify these supportive Western nations as a matter of accuracy and transparency. If Gen. Prayuth can't even uphold his own values, he needs to retire as leader of the nation.

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What is somewhat troubling are those expatriotes from democratic country that support the junta's behavior.

I imagine most are under orders to from their wives (there's also these fellas married to reds) or thinking they are some kind of Thai high so because they hang around with some etc.

Supporting a repressive military regime. It begs belief.

I'll be called a red shirt for this within the next ten posts. Like clockwork.

you shameless red shirt, ...


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'The government will try to convince other countries not to allow Thai fugitives to engage in anti-government activities, particularly those who commit lese majeste ...'

Good luck with that! Most civilised democracies, while far from perfect, do recognise individuals' right to free speech. If the members of the Thai government suppose any of those countries will cede to any such posturing, they are sadly delusional.

Have these western countries considered the repercussions of not obeying the dear leader, have they considered the power this man and Thailand now wields across the globe where is admired and adored by all? You poke the tiger and it will pounce and it could get ugly for the world.laugh.png

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The problem is the junta are from an pre Internet age when all any coup leader had to do was decree that TV and newspapers say what he wants and it was gospel truth. They haven't quite woken up to the fact that many Thai's have relatives working overseas who relay some inconvenient truths back home via phone, facebook or whatever.

Case in point, there was a facebook post doing the rounds yesterday discussing recent 'events' of a nature not to be discussed here. My wife had it forwarded to her several times throughout the day.

It all makes the these proclamations all the more farcical when anyone can fact check them. Maybe in Ye olden days, you could have got away with it, but now just makes them look even more idiotic

Send it to me id like a gander smile.png

....and which version of stupid would I have to be to forward something that obviously would have the potential to send me off to the nearest LM Supermax? Search the South China Post or The Straits Times, both not exactly beacons of journalistic excellence and you'll get the picture.

Ok what day? I like a good read about true events versus the daily bs made up propaganda. These clowns dont fool me even in the slightest.

Try Straits Times Dec 08, not a bad article covers most of the main points

Edited by GinBoy2
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