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I am trying to understand Thai logic


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as judged by you.

As judged by me, and many others, who, unlike you, are not blinkered and can see the truth.

your version of truth. many bigots agree

It would seem, by definition, that you are the bigot.

noun: bigot; plural noun: bigots
  1. a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.

Perhaps you should sit in the corner, mumbling to yourself, in fear of being labelled a fool.

noun: fool; plural noun: fools
  1. 1.
    a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person.
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It would seem, by definition, that you are the bigot.

noun: bigot; plural noun: bigots
  1. a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.

Perhaps you should sit in the corner, mumbling to yourself, in fear of being labelled a fool.

noun: fool; plural noun: fools
  1. 1.
    a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person.

an opinion is just that. nothing defines it as the truth! so what is it? an opinion or the truth?is english not your first language?

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as judged by you.

As judged by me, and many others, who, unlike you, are not blinkered and can see the truth.

your version of truth. many bigots agree

So true. And like many others like him, they demonstrate irrational and illogical behavior much more than any Thai. These malcontents who come to Thailand and want nothing to do with the Thais, complain day and night about being treated as 2nd class citizens, the driving, the greedy Thai women, the corruption, the immigration policies, the poor service, blah, blah, blah, YET, they CHOOSE to live here. How illogical is that?

Only a fool would label everyone with the labels you stated... Perhaps you should wait until your balls have dropped, then resume a more mature debate with the adults. Your comment shows no thought, logic or common sense. You and AJ need to remove your blinkers, and see Thais as they truly are, their government/s have never educated them to a level that allows any deep forward thinking or educates them in any form of logical thinking, in fact this, for the government/s, would be counter productive. Logical thinking requires education, both in schooling and in their private lives. Quick example, is it logical to carry more than 2 people on a motor bike, or overload vehicles... far exceeding the design specs, is it logical to ride the wrong way down a street, is it logical to keep voting in the same corrupt officials, is it logical to support a corrupt government institution, eg RTP, is it logical to beat the daylights out of female children but pamper the males, is it logical to blame on spirits/ghost when in fact it is your fault... do I really need to go on.. Oh, is it logical to put motorboats in the river, to help reduce flooding.... grow up you two, Thailand may be a nice place, the people may be friendly, but please OPEN YOUR EYES to the truth.

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It would seem, by definition, that you are the bigot.

noun: bigot; plural noun: bigots
  1. a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.

Perhaps you should sit in the corner, mumbling to yourself, in fear of being labelled a fool.

noun: fool; plural noun: fools
  1. 1.
    a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person.

an opinion is just that. nothing defines it as the truth! so what is it? an opinion or the truth?is english not your first language?

So, it is ok for you to call people "bigots" but when face with the truth about yourself you come up with it's "an opinion", perhaps English isn't the problem here, but maybe the problem lays squarely with you. In case you missed something, on here everyone has their "opinion", some back it up with "evidence." So, we have our opinion/s, but for some reason you call others "bigots," because their "opinion/s differ to yours.... so, once again...WHO IS the BIGOT. This is an argument you can not win...your post are here for ALL to see.

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Only a fool would label everyone with the labels you stated... Perhaps you should wait until your balls have dropped, then resume a more mature debate with the adults. Your comment shows no thought, logic or common sense. You and AJ need to remove your blinkers, and see Thais as they truly are, their government/s have never educated them to a level that allows any deep forward thinking or educates them in any form of logical thinking, in fact this, for the government/s, would be counter productive. Logical thinking requires education, both in schooling and in their private lives. Quick example, is it logical to carry more than 2 people on a motor bike, or overload vehicles... far exceeding the design specs, is it logical to ride the wrong way down a street, is it logical to keep voting in the same corrupt officials, is it logical to support a corrupt government institution, eg RTP, is it logical to beat the daylights out of female children but pamper the males, is it logical to blame on spirits/ghost when in fact it is your fault... do I really need to go on.. Oh, is it logical to put motorboats in the river, to help reduce flooding.... grow up you two, Thailand may be a nice place, the people may be friendly, but please OPEN YOUR EYES to the truth.

if I wanted to live your truth, I'd go live in the place you came from. But that would be unbearable and it seems you agree.

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The sole reason people don't understand ''Thai logic'' is because there simply is no '' analytical logic involved in the minds of most Thais. That's why we can't UNDERSTAND it is because their minds don't work with logical reasoning. Decisions and conculsions are moslty 99% of the time made out of ''face value'' ''greng jai'' and all sort of jai's. Know what I mean?

nonsense. their logic is different than yours but that doesnt make it less valid.

Perhaps thai definition of "logic," if there is one, is not the same as the "recognised" definition..

noun: logic
  1. 1.
    reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.
noun: validity; plural noun: validities
  1. the quality of being logically or factually sound; soundness or cogency.

It appears something, in the Thai version, is missing.

Your argument seems flawed.

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Only a fool would label everyone with the labels you stated... Perhaps you should wait until your balls have dropped, then resume a more mature debate with the adults. Your comment shows no thought, logic or common sense. You and AJ need to remove your blinkers, and see Thais as they truly are, their government/s have never educated them to a level that allows any deep forward thinking or educates them in any form of logical thinking, in fact this, for the government/s, would be counter productive. Logical thinking requires education, both in schooling and in their private lives. Quick example, is it logical to carry more than 2 people on a motor bike, or overload vehicles... far exceeding the design specs, is it logical to ride the wrong way down a street, is it logical to keep voting in the same corrupt officials, is it logical to support a corrupt government institution, eg RTP, is it logical to beat the daylights out of female children but pamper the males, is it logical to blame on spirits/ghost when in fact it is your fault... do I really need to go on.. Oh, is it logical to put motorboats in the river, to help reduce flooding.... grow up you two, Thailand may be a nice place, the people may be friendly, but please OPEN YOUR EYES to the truth.

if I wanted to live your truth, I'd go live in the place you came from. But that would be unbearable and it seems you agree.

It appears the "truth" here is something you choose to hide from, that is your choice, but then why debate an issues, if you're only here to show how much of a bigot you are.... I, and now all readers, see you have no argument to dispel any of my comment, so I hope this is the last we hear from we hear from you and your bigoted replies, it's ok to disagree but at least back up your opposing views. Perhaps you could show some examples of Thai logic that makes sense.

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The sole reason people don't understand ''Thai logic'' is because there simply is no '' analytical logic involved in the minds of most Thais. That's why we can't UNDERSTAND it is because their minds don't work with logical reasoning. Decisions and conculsions are moslty 99% of the time made out of ''face value'' ''greng jai'' and all sort of jai's. Know what I mean?

nonsense. their logic is different than yours but that doesnt make it less valid.

Perhaps thai definition of "logic," if there is one, is not the same as the "recognised" definition..

noun: logic
  1. 1.
    reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.
noun: validity; plural noun: validities
  1. the quality of being logically or factually sound; soundness or cogency.

It appears something, in the Thai version, is missing.

Your argument seems flawed.

what is valid in your culture is simply that. i suggest you return to a country where you will feel things are more valid.

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Only a fool would label everyone with the labels you stated... Perhaps you should wait until your balls have dropped, then resume a more mature debate with the adults. Your comment shows no thought, logic or common sense. You and AJ need to remove your blinkers, and see Thais as they truly are, their government/s have never educated them to a level that allows any deep forward thinking or educates them in any form of logical thinking, in fact this, for the government/s, would be counter productive. Logical thinking requires education, both in schooling and in their private lives. Quick example, is it logical to carry more than 2 people on a motor bike, or overload vehicles... far exceeding the design specs, is it logical to ride the wrong way down a street, is it logical to keep voting in the same corrupt officials, is it logical to support a corrupt government institution, eg RTP, is it logical to beat the daylights out of female children but pamper the males, is it logical to blame on spirits/ghost when in fact it is your fault... do I really need to go on.. Oh, is it logical to put motorboats in the river, to help reduce flooding.... grow up you two, Thailand may be a nice place, the people may be friendly, but please OPEN YOUR EYES to the truth.

if I wanted to live your truth, I'd go live in the place you came from. But that would be unbearable and it seems you agree.

It appears the "truth" here is something you choose to hide from, that is your choice, but then why debate an issues, if you're only here to show how much of a bigot you are.... I, and now all readers, see you have no argument to dispel any of my comment, so I hope this is the last we hear from we hear from you and your bigoted replies, it's ok to disagree but at least back up your opposing views. Perhaps you could show some examples of Thai logic that makes sense.

it makes sense to them and that is all that matters but i dont expect chauvinistic interlopers to see that. and your comments dont need dispelling. they are irrelevant.

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Only a fool would label everyone with the labels you stated... Perhaps you should wait until your balls have dropped, then resume a more mature debate with the adults. Your comment shows no thought, logic or common sense. You and AJ need to remove your blinkers, and see Thais as they truly are, their government/s have never educated them to a level that allows any deep forward thinking or educates them in any form of logical thinking, in fact this, for the government/s, would be counter productive. Logical thinking requires education, both in schooling and in their private lives. Quick example, is it logical to carry more than 2 people on a motor bike, or overload vehicles... far exceeding the design specs, is it logical to ride the wrong way down a street, is it logical to keep voting in the same corrupt officials, is it logical to support a corrupt government institution, eg RTP, is it logical to beat the daylights out of female children but pamper the males, is it logical to blame on spirits/ghost when in fact it is your fault... do I really need to go on.. Oh, is it logical to put motorboats in the river, to help reduce flooding.... grow up you two, Thailand may be a nice place, the people may be friendly, but please OPEN YOUR EYES to the truth.

if I wanted to live your truth, I'd go live in the place you came from. But that would be unbearable and it seems you agree.

It appears the "truth" here is something you choose to hide from, that is your choice, but then why debate an issues, if you're only here to show how much of a bigot you are.... I, and now all readers, see you have no argument to dispel any of my comment, so I hope this is the last we hear from we hear from you and your bigoted replies, it's ok to disagree but at least back up your opposing views. Perhaps you could show some examples of Thai logic that makes sense.

Talking about bigoted you try to apply your what ever country of origin logic to Thai logic and say you are right and they are illogical. Well yes they are to you but to them it is logical to put three people on a bike because there is room and they don't have to buy two bikes plus two seven year olds should not be riding a bike alone. I guess that is logical where you come from to put two seven year olds on a bike alone and buy another bike for the adult. A Thai would think it was illogical.

You sound to me like some one who has been around for quite a while and has made no attempt to intergrade themselves in to Thai culture. You like many others come here because it is cheaper or certain luxurious are easier to get than where you come from. Thailand is 85 on a list of corrupt countries half way through the pack where is your country?

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Only a fool would label everyone with the labels you stated... Perhaps you should wait until your balls have dropped, then resume a more mature debate with the adults. Your comment shows no thought, logic or common sense. You and AJ need to remove your blinkers, and see Thais as they truly are, their government/s have never educated them to a level that allows any deep forward thinking or educates them in any form of logical thinking, in fact this, for the government/s, would be counter productive. Logical thinking requires education, both in schooling and in their private lives. Quick example, is it logical to carry more than 2 people on a motor bike, or overload vehicles... far exceeding the design specs, is it logical to ride the wrong way down a street, is it logical to keep voting in the same corrupt officials, is it logical to support a corrupt government institution, eg RTP, is it logical to beat the daylights out of female children but pamper the males, is it logical to blame on spirits/ghost when in fact it is your fault... do I really need to go on.. Oh, is it logical to put motorboats in the river, to help reduce flooding.... grow up you two, Thailand may be a nice place, the people may be friendly, but please OPEN YOUR EYES to the truth.

if I wanted to live your truth, I'd go live in the place you came from. But that would be unbearable and it seems you agree.

It appears the "truth" here is something you choose to hide from, that is your choice, but then why debate an issues, if you're only here to show how much of a bigot you are.... I, and now all readers, see you have no argument to dispel any of my comment, so I hope this is the last we hear from we hear from you and your bigoted replies, it's ok to disagree but at least back up your opposing views. Perhaps you could show some examples of Thai logic that makes sense.

Talking about bigoted you try to apply your what ever country of origin logic to Thai logic and say you are right and they are illogical. Well yes they are to you but to them it is logical to put three people on a bike because there is room and they don't have to buy two bikes plus two seven year olds should not be riding a bike alone. I guess that is logical where you come from to put two seven year olds on a bike alone and buy another bike for the adult. A Thai would think it was illogical.

You sound to me like some one who has been around for quite a while and has made no attempt to intergrade themselves in to Thai culture. You like many others come here because it is cheaper or certain luxurious are easier to get than where you come from. Thailand is 85 on a list of corrupt countries half way through the pack where is your country?

hey! youre too late. as you can see you have been grouped together with the rest of the "all readers" and its your duty now to agree with "the truth"!!

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Only a fool would label everyone with the labels you stated... Perhaps you should wait until your balls have dropped, then resume a more mature debate with the adults. Your comment shows no thought, logic or common sense. You and AJ need to remove your blinkers, and see Thais as they truly are, their government/s have never educated them to a level that allows any deep forward thinking or educates them in any form of logical thinking, in fact this, for the government/s, would be counter productive. Logical thinking requires education, both in schooling and in their private lives. Quick example, is it logical to carry more than 2 people on a motor bike, or overload vehicles... far exceeding the design specs, is it logical to ride the wrong way down a street, is it logical to keep voting in the same corrupt officials, is it logical to support a corrupt government institution, eg RTP, is it logical to beat the daylights out of female children but pamper the males, is it logical to blame on spirits/ghost when in fact it is your fault... do I really need to go on.. Oh, is it logical to put motorboats in the river, to help reduce flooding.... grow up you two, Thailand may be a nice place, the people may be friendly, but please OPEN YOUR EYES to the truth.

if I wanted to live your truth, I'd go live in the place you came from. But that would be unbearable and it seems you agree.

It appears the "truth" here is something you choose to hide from, that is your choice, but then why debate an issues, if you're only here to show how much of a bigot you are.... I, and now all readers, see you have no argument to dispel any of my comment, so I hope this is the last we hear from we hear from you and your bigoted replies, it's ok to disagree but at least back up your opposing views. Perhaps you could show some examples of Thai logic that makes sense.

it makes sense to them and that is all that matters but i dont expect chauvinistic interlopers to see that. and your comments dont need dispelling. they are irrelevant.

I guess once you have lost the debate you need to attempt to gain some credibility... but to say I am chauvinistic is simply the ranting's of a loser, with nothing else to add... as for my comments being "irrelevant" well you seem to have a lot to say about them, but then to some so are you comments, especially as you seem to have a very blinkered view of Thai society... go forward you blind bigot, and live your life with your head firmly stuck in a hole. He who seeks the truth seeks wisdom...mmm, you will never be wise.

Edited by MediaWatcher
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I guess once you have lost the debate you need to attempt to gain some credibility... but to say I am chauvinistic is simply the ranting's of a loser, with nothing else to add... as for my comments being "irrelevant" well you seem to have a lot to say about them, but then to some so are you comments, especially as you seem to have a very blinkered view of Thai society... go forward you blind bigot, and live your life with your head firmly stuck in a hole. He who seeks the truth seeks wisdom...mmm, you will never be wise.

lol! i see ive been talkin to a self proclaimed hotshot! spend a lot of time in front of a mirror?? lol

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if I wanted to live your truth, I'd go live in the place you came from. But that would be unbearable and it seems you agree.

It appears the "truth" here is something you choose to hide from, that is your choice, but then why debate an issues, if you're only here to show how much of a bigot you are.... I, and now all readers, see you have no argument to dispel any of my comment, so I hope this is the last we hear from we hear from you and your bigoted replies, it's ok to disagree but at least back up your opposing views. Perhaps you could show some examples of Thai logic that makes sense.

Talking about bigoted you try to apply your what ever country of origin logic to Thai logic and say you are right and they are illogical. Well yes they are to you but to them it is logical to put three people on a bike because there is room and they don't have to buy two bikes plus two seven year olds should not be riding a bike alone. I guess that is logical where you come from to put two seven year olds on a bike alone and buy another bike for the adult. A Thai would think it was illogical.

You sound to me like some one who has been around for quite a while and has made no attempt to intergrade themselves in to Thai culture. You like many others come here because it is cheaper or certain luxurious are easier to get than where you come from. Thailand is 85 on a list of corrupt countries half way through the pack where is your country?

What he won't admit and will cause his head to explode is that he is a direct beneficiary of "Thai" logic. He doesn't know or appreciate how good he has it here. Just complain about the illogical natives.

I would love to hear the logic he is using to stay in Thailand.

Makes me wonder weather it is logic from above the belt or

logic from below the belt.

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Well, you certainly have come unarmed to this “debate.” Let’s recap. The initial post introduced the Thai penchant for trying to look rich. I countered by saying farangs do that too. You called that rubbish, but even admitted some might, “ . . . granted a minority might . . .” I’ll let the poor word choice slip by without comment; and agree that farangs are indeed a minority here.

Then you tried to interject your version of the premise by saying, “ . . . Thailand has a very high percentage of illogical thinkers . . .” to which I replied, “ . . . you think a lot of the farangs who come here are not illogical thinkers?” I even gave you an example when tourists spend money like they were rich.

Apparently, you were embarrassed by your lack of cognizance and resorted to name-calling by suggesting you were the grown-up and I should wait until my balls have dropped to be able to debate you.

Perhaps I should give you an example of farang illogical thinking. Try reading TV and the tales of all the poor sods who have been taken by their Thai wives/gfs. I can't think of how many of those stories I have read herein, but suffice to say, they are frequent.

Now, before you go off half-cocked again. If you are capable, try to realize that words like “some” or “many” or "frequent" or word groups like “a lot of” or “of all the” don’t mean every person every time; they mean some people some time.

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it makes sense to them and that is all that matters but i dont expect chauvinistic interlopers to see that. and your comments dont need dispelling. they are irrelevant.

I guess once you have lost the debate you need to attempt to gain some credibility... but to say I am chauvinistic is simply the ranting's of a loser, with nothing else to add... as for my comments being "irrelevant" well you seem to have a lot to say about them, but then to some so are you comments, especially as you seem to have a very blinkered view of Thai society... go forward you blind bigot, and live your life with your head firmly stuck in a hole. He who seeks the truth seeks wisdom...mmm, you will never be wise.

MediaWatcher, you are an ignorant, racist scumbag of the worst kind. And those are your good points.

Reading Smotherb his reply and yours....i prefer his style......a decent one without cursing and namecalling. Follow him and you might learn some manners.

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it makes sense to them and that is all that matters but i dont expect chauvinistic interlopers to see that. and your comments dont need dispelling. they are irrelevant.

I guess once you have lost the debate you need to attempt to gain some credibility... but to say I am chauvinistic is simply the ranting's of a loser, with nothing else to add... as for my comments being "irrelevant" well you seem to have a lot to say about them, but then to some so are you comments, especially as you seem to have a very blinkered view of Thai society... go forward you blind bigot, and live your life with your head firmly stuck in a hole. He who seeks the truth seeks wisdom...mmm, you will never be wise.

MediaWatcher, you are an ignorant, racist scumbag of the worst kind. And those are your good points.

Reading Smotherb his reply and yours....i prefer his style......a decent one without cursing and namecalling. Follow him and you might learn some manners.

Benalibina, I realize you're a little slow on the uptake, but surely by now you've figured out that your opinion means squat to me.

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Logic is a mystery to most. In the West, we usually refer to the thinking of Aristotle, but, there are other concepts of logic, e.g. paradox logic of Eastern philosophy or the illogical behaviour of particles in quantum physics.

It is nonsense to apply rules of logic to the decisions of a Thai lady. That is also true for the boastful assessments of their "tamers" . It is more about experience and the lack thereof. . A high IQ may help to make logical decisions. A high EQ may help to make better decisions. Example: They say that Jimmy Carter had a high IQ and low EQ. He was very unsuccessful. Ronald Reagan had a low IQ but a high EQ. He was successful.

Why don't we take a look at the decisions of our highly educated, highly paid Government officials and their logic when it comes to wasting tax payers money, just to pick one example. Did you know that the U.S. National Institutes of Health was given $800,000 to study the impact of a "genital washing program" on men in South Africa? Kudos also to the U.S. Department of Agriculture for giving $700,000 to find out that dairy cows emit more gas through burping than farting.

I rest my case. CapeCobra


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