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And you thought you had seen everything


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That took some time before our famed chip on the shoulder member found the thread and something to start an argument.

Here you go for unfounded rumors.


A THAI volunteer rescue worker has died after rival ambulance squads brawled on the streets of Bangkok, officials say.

Fetch! Good boy.

Amazing Thailand eh?

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That took some time before our famed chip on the shoulder member found the thread and something to start an argument.

Here you go for unfounded rumors.


A THAI volunteer rescue worker has died after rival ambulance squads brawled on the streets of Bangkok, officials say.

Fetch! Good boy.

Insults are not really appreciated on this forum, if you insist on insulting someone, just have a look in the mirror.

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I question Thailand being the right place for OP to live at.

Well, actually I live in Thailand more than 20 years already so I experience what is actually going on here, but you don't don't live in Thailand isn't it?

And some here would claim I have a chip on my shoulder?

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I don't understand. What was he wanting money for?

The service they offer - not that too many people would be lining up to compete in that particular endeavour.

I have read reports about competing rescue teams having gunfights about who is allowed to get the victim. There must be something very profitable in the business.

There you go! Just make a thread about something that cannot possibly be verified and then before the interest wains, and certainly if it looks like it's good for a couple of pages, toss in another completely unverifiable 'shock' item to keep those with equally fragile sensitivities AND ABSOLUTELY NO CONCEPT OR UNDERSTANDING OF THAI CULTURE ticking over in righteous indignation and anger.

They do fight over corpses (or at least they did) in Bangkok. It was all over the papers a while back. It's a Thainess thing - don't try to understand it.

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