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When you first came to Thailand - Do you remember what you ate?


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It took a while for me to adjust to Thai food so I stuck to western food for a long time.

2 memorable places were a restaurant called Post Laser Disc in Hadyai where I enjoyed steak not as you know it. It was made up of thin layers of indian beef like plywood to give it a bit of tenderness. The other was a pub restaurant where Robinsons on Suk 19 is now located. They did a good bangers and mash.

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Ok, my turn now...........

I remember where I stayed, I remember what I done and I also remember what I ate.

The girls went out of the hotel and got some food from a street vendor round the corner.

What I remember it was some kind of pork and fish sausages that burned my mouth, my stomach and later my ring.

That was the last time I had that kind of food.

The rest of the 2 weeks was either the hotel restaurant or the fish restaurant at the end of the street.

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I ate in an open German restaurant on second rd half of it was open land then ,I ate chips and German sausage,also some little meat balls with chili in, a girl there took the chili out,she is still a friend , married now with children

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yellow curry (masaman) my mate had told his wife jake dosnt like spicy,, even that was a bit hot in them days,,lol i remember it well, all sat round his table and all this food dishes of it,

it was great that first time here, just to get away from all the sh£t i had with the divorce,,,

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