That means he was Thai but his dad was a Brit.
Probably never had British citizenship or a Brit passport, or ever been to the UK, maybe never even met his dad.
And certainly not a farang.
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Every western country is immensely rich, but it's wealth held by the 1%. Let's see them divvy up the cash before they screw the peasants AGAIN.
As for building robust economies, I agree it's a desirable project, but it's never going to happen as long as the lazy and the uninvited keep taking the money and what's left is sent to one war or another.
To achieve prosperity for the citizens the 1% are going to have to get out of the way, and I give that zero % chance of happening.
It means giving billions of $ to the climate-change industrial complex so that all those useless high-paid 'activists' employed by NGOs can keep their jobs for another few years.
The article reads, 'driven by a 19-year-old British-Thai man'
Poor parenting I'd say.....the old man is probably a lowlife foreigner, now the son is filling his shoes.
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