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Falling Russian currency will hurt Thai tourism industry

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Personally the fewer the number of Russian here, the happier I will be. I find the vast majority of them to be Godless, rude, mean and I know many other nationalities are avoiding coming here simply because of the vast numbers of Russians. The Thais would do well not to put all their eggs in one basket so to speak and try to attract a variety of nationalities.The Russians put all their eggs in the petro basket and so when the price of petrol falls so does the Rouble.

So you dont think anyone else comes to Thailand than Russians? TAT advertises in Europe, USA, Canada, Aust etc.

So they are not putting all their eggs in one basket.

According to Thailand's TAT there are about 22-24 million visitors a year. How correct this number is who knows.

So Russians total are a little less than 10%(about 8-9%) to lose all of this would hurt, but it will only hurt because

Thailand is over developed. Thailand has experienced steady growth year on year for the last few decades. Building condos,

opening hotels, bars, restaurant in tourist areas has exploded keeping up with the steady increase. Nobody has a plan

if or when the tourist numbers stop increasing or even start to decrease. This has nothing to do with only promoting

Thailand to one nation this has to do with the poor planning and Thai attitude of mai pen Rai. Thai's dont plan for the future

they live in the here and now.

I dont think Thailand will lose all the Russians but I think a good portion maybe 75-80%, I wish all the business owners

in the Tourist areas the best of luck!!

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Personally the fewer the number of Russian here, the happier I will be. I find the vast majority of them to be Godless, rude, mean and I know many other nationalities are avoiding coming here simply because of the vast numbers of Russians. The Thais would do well not to put all their eggs in one basket so to speak and try to attract a variety of nationalities.The Russians put all their eggs in the petro basket and so when the price of petrol falls so does the Rouble.

Godless? I can name many God loving people who are not to nice either. The issue with Russia is the fact that the government keeps taking other countries.

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I am on Samui right now, and I have never seen it this slow during peak season. Mind you it is busy. But not like usual. A lot of hotels are not fully occupied, there are motorbike rentals available everywhere, and the bars and restaurants are all complaining. Of course the coup has taken its toll. And the travel warnings, etc. And I am seeing far fewer Russians than normally.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

But the Russian tourism market will be great!!

I hear that arrivals in Moscow are way up, and the fellow selling wheelbarrows ( to transport the Rubles it will take to buy dinner) at the arrival gates is doing an incredible business thumbsup.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's a shame the british currency wasn't similarly effecting some of the disgruntled mean spirited sh$tbags that get on here

Be patient my friend, as deflation rears its ugly head in the EU the fallout will have a negative impact on the Pound sad.png

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But the Russian tourism market will be great!!

I hear that arrivals in Moscow are way up, and the fellow selling wheelbarrows ( to transport the Rubles it will take to buy dinner) at the arrival gates is doing an incredible business thumbsup.gif

your posting clearly indicates that you missed the opportunity to make a handsome 40%+ profit on USDRUB [or insert ANYRUB and get the same effect] during the last five trading days tongue.png

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All I know is if the Canadian dollar (which is falling) fell by 50% you would not see me in Thailand. I am surprised

by the comments from boots on the ground that Jomtien is still full of Russians. Maybe this is one final Thailand

trip as the oil field layoffs have not been implemented yet or these vacations were booked and paid for before

the rouble collapsed. If it falls any more I would expect only those who already have bought and paid for a condo

to travel to Thailand. It would be just too expensive.

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