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The Lady Deserves To Win.


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As I visited Colin yesterday, I asked him if he has already voted for me.

His answer was;

Sorry, Costas but I’m going to vote for NancyL.

She’s the one that helped me financially to get this expensive hospital bed that I’m bound on it for the rest of my life and she deserves my vote.

Up to now, I didn’t know who NancyL is;

Yes, I’ve read some of her posts and seen a photograph of her on TVF about 7 months ago.

Now, I’ve come to realise that she is an exceptional Lady, that has helped a lot of ex-pats in the previous years and she is still helping a lot of people in need.

Yes, I would have liked to win this competition, but I realized that there is other TVF members, that deserve this award more than me.

I have been already awarded nearly 9,800 Likes in one year, as I started posting in December 2013 and I’m grateful and humbled to the members that appreciated my posts and pressed the green button for me.

And this is more than enough for me.

Thank you all so much and keep pressing the green button, you always make an old fart happy.

But with this post, I’m asking you to stop wasting your votes on me.

As I said before there are other members that deserve your votes more than me and especially NancyL for her contribution to the community.

I wish all the members and their families;


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This is a most unexpected development.

I'm glad to learn that Colin is doing OK. I didn't meet him in person -- thru Thai Visa, email and phone calls. Glad I could help out in this way and locate some sources of assistance for him

I'd like to clarify that in the posts that have been (thankfully) removed I did not "take shots" at David's children. I was questioning his judgement in posting photos of them on the internet and used language to describe David and his actions that was inappropriate. I have since apologized on another thread.

At no time did I say anything inappropriate about his adorable children, who deserve their privacy. -- But as someone said, "let it go! It's David's call to make on whether he wants to post his kids photos"

(Just the inner social worker in me having concerns, that's all.....)

letting it go is one thing. repecting u as a poster is quite another

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I would like to say that I have enjoyed reading NancyL, but I am also new here.

I have posted photos of my son Morgan, oh damn that is him in my avitar. What is someone going to do with a photo?

Yes, I have seen more than a few posts from weirdos.

I am on some other forums (fishing, camping etc) and none of this crap goes on there.


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I just saw the words "Social Worker". Might explain some of the posts and the reasoning.

Sorry, those posts last night were well , well out of order.

So Costas, absolutely not voting for her.

Social Worker LMFAO. Too many Gala Dinners at the Rotary Club with self righteous pats on the back.

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