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Washed Passport

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This is another reason why I do not wish to carry it around with me all the time.

And it stays in the safe.

The laminated copy will survive a washing.......

Fortunately the latest information I have is that I am not obliged to carry the original with me all the time. Of course that can change.

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I intentionally put my USA passport in the microwave for 3-4 seconds to kill the RFID CHIP. Nobody is gonna track me, nor do I care to make it easy for immigration to save a few seconds as I walk and approach their desk. I'll wait.

Strikes me as illegal tampering with your passport.

Strikes me as a waste of time microwaving the passport so that your government can't track you.

I think the tinfoil helmet will make you stand out in any crowd!

Yep, would definitely stand out in a long line of compatriots waiting to be "greeted" by a burly IO at some USA airport on a trip back home - particularly if everyone in front of him had similarly microwaved their passports! And he would probably be advised to wear headgear which was rather more substantial than a tin foil hat in case the IO in question happened to be carrying a gun!!

Now had his RFID chip still been working he could have sailed through the automatic gates instead of having to run the gauntlet in this way!laugh.png

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OP, my passport has been into the sea twice. the first time my friend was very drunk and thought I had stolen his passport so he threw it off of the pier, soon to jump in and get it. The second I forgot I had it in my pocket and was wading in the water. My passport looks 20 years old but it is only 6, the visa stamp is pretty much unreadable, but I have never had an issue with it. I may have gotten lucky every 90 days since 2011 or maybe it is not too much of an issue? However I only have 2 pages left so I will have to get a nice new one soon smile.png

I dunked a passport in the sea once getting off a boat. It survived ok despite some unavoidable wrinkling. A quick dunk doesn't compare to a full wash cycle with soap.

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I found out a copy works well and passport stays nice and dry in safe only time it is out is when I travel out of country or to different part of country then lock box keeps it dry yes it's a pain but less of a pain and expense to replace.

There's still a risk when you take it down to the immigration office to do whatever. Have to remember to take it out of your pocket before throwing pants in laundry basket.

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I intentionally put my USA passport in the microwave for 3-4 seconds to kill the RFID CHIP. Nobody is gonna track me, nor do I care to make it easy for immigration to save a few seconds as I walk and approach their desk. I'll wait.

Strikes me as illegal tampering with your passport.

I paid for it, I own it and I will modify it as I deem necessary to protect my safety/security. I havn't changed the identifying information nor am committing fraud.. aside from me admitting it here in this open forum, people wash/dry their documents daily by "accident".. so the dryer would certainly cook the RFID CHIP as well...

Now "illegal".. I'm sorry but I abide by my own laws and common sense. If a law makes no sense to ME, I can't be bothered

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I intentionally put my USA passport in the microwave for 3-4 seconds to kill the RFID CHIP. Nobody is gonna track me, nor do I care to make it easy for immigration to save a few seconds as I walk and approach their desk. I'll wait.

Strikes me as illegal tampering with your passport.

Strikes me as a waste of time microwaving the passport so that your government can't track you.

I think the tinfoil helmet will make you stand out in any crowd!

Well I don't wear a helmet or play sports.

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I intentionally put my USA passport in the microwave for 3-4 seconds to kill the RFID CHIP. Nobody is gonna track me, nor do I care to make it easy for immigration to save a few seconds as I walk and approach their desk. I'll wait.

Strikes me as illegal tampering with your passport.

I paid for it, I own it and I will modify it as I deem necessary to protect my safety/security. I havn't changed the identifying information nor am committing fraud.. aside from me admitting it here in this open forum, people wash/dry their documents daily by "accident".. so the dryer would certainly cook the RFID CHIP as well...

Now "illegal".. I'm sorry but I abide by my own laws and common sense. If a law makes no sense to ME, I can't be bothered

It is illegal to tamper with a passport in any way, and you don't own it.

It should be printed in the back that it remains the property of the US Government. I have a similar "reminder" in the back of my Australian passport and it is also in my wife's Philippine passport.


"A passport at all times remains the property of the United States and must be returned to the U.S. Government upon demand".

According to this article:


microwaving is the wrong way to destroy the chip as it leaves evidence and there's a risk of fire.

It would seem a swift blow with a hammer is the best way to do it.

Edited by tropo
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I intentionally put my USA passport in the microwave for 3-4 seconds to kill the RFID CHIP. Nobody is gonna track me, nor do I care to make it easy for immigration to save a few seconds as I walk and approach their desk. I'll wait.

Strikes me as illegal tampering with your passport.

I paid for it, I own it and I will modify it as I deem necessary to protect my safety/security. I havn't changed the identifying information nor am committing fraud.. aside from me admitting it here in this open forum, people wash/dry their documents daily by "accident".. so the dryer would certainly cook the RFID CHIP as well...

Now "illegal".. I'm sorry but I abide by my own laws and common sense. If a law makes no sense to ME, I can't be bothered

It is illegal to tamper with a passport in any way, and you don't own it.

It should be printed in the back that it remains the property of the US Government. I have a similar "reminder" in the back of my Australian passport and it is also in my wife's Philippine passport.


"A passport at all times remains the property of the United States and must be returned to the U.S. Government upon demand".

According to this article:


microwaving is the wrong way to destroy the chip as it leaves evidence and there's a risk of fire.

It would seem a swift blow with a hammer is the best way to do it.

Listen, not for anything but bla bla bla..I'm not the most law abiding citizen and sure theres risk in anything if you're an f'n idiot. I don't care.. I nuked it for a few seconds, heard a pop, have remains of a small scorch yet the US STATE DEPT website says it will still be valid if the chip doesnt work.. Sorry so sad I added a few seconds to someones job

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I spent 4700 thb and got a 50 Kg safe, that requires a combo and a key. Resting easier. Good place for extra credit cards and Chinot, too.

LOL. So the only way to get into your safe is with a gun to your head. Big safes attract the attention of serious criminals. It's like putting up a big flag saying "I got money".

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Listen, not for anything but bla bla bla..I'm not the most law abiding citizen and sure theres risk in anything if you're an f'n idiot. I don't care.. I nuked it for a few seconds, heard a pop, have remains of a small scorch yet the US STATE DEPT website says it will still be valid if the chip doesnt work.. Sorry so sad I added a few seconds to someones job

Understood, but for your next passport may I suggest you use a hammer.biggrin.png

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I spent 4700 thb and got a 50 Kg safe, that requires a combo and a key. Resting easier. Good place for extra credit cards and Chinot, too.

LOL. So the only way to get into your safe is with a gun to your head. Big safes attract the attention of serious criminals. It's like putting up a big flag saying "I got money".

I do have money; and it's in the bank, where it belongs.

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