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The Cork

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Two Arab terrorists are in a locker room taking a shower after their bomb

making class, when one notices the other has a huge cork stuck in his butt.!

" If you do not mind me saying," said the second, "that cork looks

very uncomfortable. Why do you not take it out?"

" I regret I cannot", lamented the first Arab. "It is permanently

stuck in my butt."

"I do not understand," said the other.

The first Arab says, "I was walking along the beach and I tripped

over an oil lamp. There was a puff of smoke, and then a huge old man in an

American flag attire with a white beard and top hat came boiling out. He said, ' I am Uncle Sam, the Genie. I can grant you one wish. ' "

I said, "No <deleted>?"

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It would be funny if it wasn't politically motivated. Good jokes are non-offensive.

Hmm...If you look at the past 10k or so jokes, virtually every one may be regarded as offensive to somebody or other, yet the moment Allah's finest are noticed sitting quietly in the corner it becomes offensive. PC, are we?


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Odd how Iran's Holocaust cartoon exhibition draws the rabble from throughout the mossie world, yet a depiction of the Great Faker has them all up in arms - supported by our own lowbred lib/left/looneys - with riots, deaths by the dozen, and threats of hellfire to civilisation.


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Odd how Iran's Holocaust cartoon exhibition draws the rabble from throughout the mossie world, yet a depiction of the Great Faker has them all up in arms - supported by our own lowbred lib/left/looneys - with riots, deaths by the dozen, and threats of hellfire to civilisation.


Wow. :o

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Odd how Iran's Holocaust cartoon exhibition draws the rabble from throughout the mossie world, yet a depiction of the Great Faker has them all up in arms - supported by our own lowbred lib/left/looneys - with riots, deaths by the dozen, and threats of hellfire to civilisation.


Well, hang on here.. you know, before you go bringing the armageddon down upon us all....

I thought the Danish newspaper thing was funny, I thought the iran holocaust thing was funny, and I think anything that takes the piss out of anyhting else without the use of C4 or other explosives is funny.

"Sacré Bleu!" Exclaimed the Klown!

Edited by kayo
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