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Prayut lambastes paper that picks on him

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"I don't know what's wrong with the paper. It criticises everyone who becomes prime minister. What's good about this kind of practice?"

Somehow, I don't think this is a rhetorical question.


Even if he worked well, he'll lose because his behavior with the populace (incl. journalists) is too contemptuous / medieval.

He thinks that, as he's Junta chief / dictator, he can lose his temper.

Well, he can lose his temper but he cannot prevent the people to be shocked.


"... the paper made him angry, and thus reduce his demeanour as the prime minister." cheesy.gif:cheesy:cheesy.gif Oh... grow up will ya. Your predecessors - regardless of which party or colour camp they came from - had better form when dealing with dissenting media. You want people to be open and offer opinions - but only if the opinions put you on the pedestal. Really. So this media outlet is full of crap. So be it. Be the bigger person and take the high road! Laugh it off. Join in the banter. Invite the paper for tea, if you want! You will gain more GENUINE respect like that! People can decide if the paper is crap or not. You don't have to throw a tantrum and your toys out of the pram everytime people say something against you. Sheesh... keep calm man.

Yrp.. He should have a natter with Tony Blair, who is currently in the business of offering advice to leaders. He travelled to Australia before his election to have a chat with Murdoch, owner of the Sun

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Thaksin did the same, and no one complain.

Prayuth is a "Poo Yai" (a great man, or an elderly man). In one of Prayuth's 12 teaching, we all must respect and listen to "Poo Yai".


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Maybe Prayut should tackle it this way. Newspapers considered “critical” of the government can have their advertisements pulled, first by the advertising agency owned by Prayut family members, then later by state enterprises under government control. Toeing the government line could bring financial rewards. “Friendly” newspapers could be pleasantly surprised by the increased advertisements from business concerns related to the country’s CEO’s empire. It worked for thaksin.

Besides, I thought bad military Junta's just shut down newspapers that complain. I thought that bad military Juntas arrested the staff of these papers? Nope? None of that here. What does this ex military PM do?Lodges a complaint with the press association. How refreshingly democratic.

And for him to complain it seems that freedom of the press is alive and well.

The doom and gloomers must hate this.

Actually, it seems that the junta control of the press is not focused on exclusion of news stories, but more on the inclusion of nonsensical propaganda pieces, usually trumpeting the “understanding” of foreign governments for the junta’s repression.

Fair enough.

Good to see him follow "due process" though, through democratic channels.

He could have tackled it the same way as that "elected" guy did as I described above, but that would just be undemocratic and manipulative.

That is why reform is needed.

Different paper and different translation, seems a touch more evil and non democratic:

“I have been patient for so long already, what!..are they crazy complaining at everyone? What good does it bring? I don’t want to read [this stuff]. It makes me angry and lose my manners and leadership image. This time I will seriously shut them down. That’s what martial law is meant for. I’ll use Article 44 [of the 2014 Interim Charter] creatively. I have never put anyone in jail for this,” said Prayut.

Article 44 of the 2014 Interim Charter states that the head of the junta’s National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has unprecedented powers to prevent and suppress any apparent threats to national security.


From that same article:

"Instead of asking me if I’m tired or how I am, there are only questions like when will there be an election, when will the constitution be completed? blink.png

"We haven’t even drafted a single article of it."

"Why do people have to keep asking? I’m tired.”

The man is Clueless.


So you are O.K. with the subjugation of an entire country because of your personal dislike of one family. Wow.

I am lost for further words at the moment...

Actually your use of "baboon" as your TVF name is an insult to the baboons of this world.

I did not, have not and will not ever feel what you claimed in your ridiculous post. As usual you twisted someone's words to suit your own agenda.

I hope you are lost for further words for a long, long time as many other TVF posters probably do.

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Cowboys dont cry mr. PM. You choose to be in the position you are in now take it like a man.

Did you offer Thaksin the same advice back in 2006 when he waged war against the press for daring to criticize him ?

No, I did not think so....................

I did.

And to any cretin in office.

Regardless of their Party.

Or what color their shirt is.

Or the colors of their Flag.

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Looks like this man needs to grow a thicker skin. A real mans skin. One would think that a man who rises to the level of a general and the top dog in the army would have a pretty thick skin already. Apparently not. I might suggest he spend a few months in New York. Or on the battle front. Or anywhere a man can really be allowed to man up, and do what men do, and that is to not allow the tiniest little criticisms to offend them. Water off a ducks back baby. Does the world allow your demeanor to be reduced, or does a man allow his demeanor to be reduced?

Wow, if that is how you feel about the PM for "lambasting" one newspaper for criticizing him, I cannot imagine how you must have felt about Thaksin taking legal action against several newspapers who had the audacity to criticize him.

"I cannot imagine how you must have felt..." blink.png

Thus, invalidating your post.


I cannot believe members are posting links to and quoting from that poor excuse for a website, Prachatai. It is full of red propaganda and anti-monachy ramblings, enough material on any one page to get you banned from the forum.

It links to such sites as - Bangkok Pundit, Political Prisoners in Thailand, Asia Sentinel and Khaosod, all blatantly red propaganda sites.

Fab4 would be proud of you.


Cowboys dont cry mr. PM. You choose to be in the position you are in now take it like a man.

Did you offer Thaksin the same advice back in 2006 when he waged war against the press for daring to criticize him ?

No, I did not think so....................

It's not a question about Thaksin vs Prayut, its a question of right and wrong. As Thaksin was wrong in 2006, Prayut is wrong now. Instead of introspection both found it easier to shift the blame to the media. Your red shirt play is outdated please get a knew playbook.

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The headline in post 87 says PM threatens to shut down local Thai daily.

but I don't see any quotes from him to confirm this. Did Prayuth threaten this or not? Reminds me of the kind of anti-red/PTP reporting during earlier troubles which similarly appeared to be stirring up situations without concrete quotes.

Goes to show the extent to which news media can foment disquiet.

" I don't see any quotes from him to confirm this"

blink.png cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"I will shut it down, really. Otherwise the existing martial law will be useless.”

Did you read the article?


"This time I will seriously shut them down. That’s what martial law is meant for. I’ll use Article 44 [of the 2014 Interim Charter] creatively."




  • Like 1

So you are O.K. with the subjugation of an entire country because of your personal dislike of one family. Wow.

I am lost for further words at the moment...

Actually your use of "baboon" as your TVF name is an insult to the baboons of this world.

I did not, have not and will not ever feel what you claimed in your ridiculous post. As usual you twisted someone's words to suit your own agenda.

I hope you are lost for further words for a long, long time as many other TVF posters probably do.

"I have stated many times on TVF that I would rather see The Three Stooges, the KGB and the Gestapo running the country than anyone tarred with the Shin brush".

And you accuse me of having an agenda.


PM threatens to shut down local Thai daily


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha lost his patience at a press conference yesterday, emotionally lambasting a Thai newspapers which criticised him daily with bias, and threatening to shut it down.

He didnt mention the name of the Thai daily, but said this papers strongly criticised him on all columns and all pages.

He said he didnt read this paper, but was forced to when his aids bought it and showed to him what it said about him.

I have been in long patience with it. Whats gone wrong with this papers. It goes mad, picking on me everyday and everyone. I dont want to read it. If I read it, my patience will burst and that will tarnish my image as a government leader. I will shut it down, really. Otherwise the existing martial law will be useless.

He then said this was a reason why martial law will stay to ensure smooth reform of the country to return happiness and stability to the country.

He said this was also a reason why the press media needed to reform itself.

But he assured that he would exercise Article 44 constructively and would never use it to put anyone in jail or put anyone on a firing squad.

He then said he would lodge a complaint with the press association against the newspaper.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-threatens-shut-local-thai-daily


-- Thai PBS 2014-12-26

But he assured that he would exercise Article 44 constructively and would never use it to put anyone in jail or put anyone on a firing squad.

And people are on here actually defending this bloke. He is a complete numptie.


I cannot believe members are posting links to and quoting from that poor excuse for a website, Prachatai. It is full of red propaganda and anti-monachy ramblings, enough material on any one page to get you banned from the forum.

It links to such sites as - Bangkok Pundit, Political Prisoners in Thailand, Asia Sentinel and Khaosod, all blatantly red propaganda sites.

Fab4 would be proud of you.

"...red propaganda and anti-monachy ramblings"? blink.png

"What's wrong with them? Are they mad or what? They always criticise, no matter who becomes [the prime minister]."



I cannot believe members are posting links to and quoting from that poor excuse for a website, Prachatai. It is full of red propaganda and anti-monachy ramblings, enough material on any one page to get you banned from the forum.

its not.i cannot believe how the Suthep pdrc propaganda was that effective to few TV members


"...made him angry, and thus reduce his demeanour as the prime minister."

An understatement.

Not even a civil human:

"...this casts me in a negative light" blink.png

The Paper does this?

cheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

He had several trial runs before getting that move correct. Eventually, they brought in a monkey to teach him.


He does not read the paper but his aides show him the bad articles. Tell the fools to stop bringing the damn paper to you. Simple.

  • Like 2

I cannot believe members are posting links to and quoting from that poor excuse for a website, Prachatai. It is full of red propaganda and anti-monachy ramblings, enough material on any one page to get you banned from the forum.

It links to such sites as - Bangkok Pundit, Political Prisoners in Thailand, Asia Sentinel and Khaosod, all blatantly red propaganda sites.

Fab4 would be proud of you.

You are hilarious. Being red is bad, but being a coup loving westerner is cool.

Fascism is the new black? Sometimes, it really becomes apparent that a western education is really wasted on a lot of people.

Exactly where did I suggest that "being a coup loving westerner is cool." ????

Show me, or withdraw your stupid comment.


It has been said before : If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Nobody forced you to be the chef.

exactly! He forced everybody so could be the chef with his stupid (and some would say illegal) coup


The headline in post 87 says PM threatens to shut down local Thai daily.

but I don't see any quotes from him to confirm this. Did Prayuth threaten this or not? Reminds me of the kind of anti-red/PTP reporting during earlier troubles which similarly appeared to be stirring up situations without concrete quotes.

Goes to show the extent to which news media can foment disquiet.

Doesn't Prayuth's statement, " I will shut it down, really" constitute a threat?


The headline in post 87 says PM threatens to shut down local Thai daily.

but I don't see any quotes from him to confirm this. Did Prayuth threaten this or not? Reminds me of the kind of anti-red/PTP reporting during earlier troubles which similarly appeared to be stirring up situations without concrete quotes.

Goes to show the extent to which news media can foment disquiet.

Doesn't Prayuth's statement, " I will shut it down, really" constitute a threat?

not to mention

"I’ll use Article 44 [of the 2014 Interim Charter] creatively. I have never put anyone in jail for this,”


I cannot believe members are posting links to and quoting from that poor excuse for a website, Prachatai. It is full of red propaganda and anti-monachy ramblings, enough material on any one page to get you banned from the forum.

It links to such sites as - Bangkok Pundit, Political Prisoners in Thailand, Asia Sentinel and Khaosod, all blatantly red propaganda sites.

Fab4 would be proud of you.

You are hilarious. Being red is bad, but being a coup loving westerner is cool.

Fascism is the new black? Sometimes, it really becomes apparent that a western education is really wasted on a lot of people.

Exactly where did I suggest that "being a coup loving westerner is cool." ????

Show me, or withdraw your stupid comment.

Says the King of stupid comments...

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A angry man with power. Dangerous.

And i thought Kim is silly sad.png

He is! This one's worse as he's totally governed by his emoyions

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