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Technicolor TC-7200 port forwarding problems again


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I use the old ''outdated 2.2.1.'' for the same reasons as Mai Dong and countless others do too and have done since its inception and it has never let me down. Going strong at this moment as well .

Looking at the screen shots it may be a case of too much traffic so to speak.

The maximum I ever run is 10 torrents at a time uploading and downloading.

Edited by siampolee
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What issues are you having with the program?

From the screenshots, it looks like you can UPLOAD fine, just not DOWNLOAD.

Since you can Upload, i'd guess you've opened port 18173 on your modem/router, as you don't have UPnP enabled in the program.

What happens if you temporarily disable your PC Firewall (allowing traffic to flow freely)?

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all stopped again, all of them have multiple seeders, and are from reliable sources.

Here's some screenshots of firstly uTorrent configuration test, then Vuze test, doesn't mean much to me but it might mean something to someone here;








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What does the app say when you click the red exclamation point (lower right of the app)

Have you tried:

Power cycling your router (off/on)

Setting your router and torrent app to use UPnP (rather than opening a port manually)

Seems odd that it works / doesn't work / works for a little while / stoppage working ... if power cycling the router works then I'd blame the router (maybe has a throughput memory issue)

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'Not connectable, a firewall/router is limiting your network traffic. You need to open up a port so others can connect to you'

I've followed portforward.com's instructions but my router doesn't seem to be playing along, when I follow the first instructions I get this page;


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Have you assigned your computer a fixed (static) IP address, or assigned your router's dhcp service to always give the same IP address to your computer's mac address? You'll need to do one or the other.

You'll then either need to use UPnP --or-- open a port directed to the fixed IP address of your computer.

It may be easier to just enable UPnP in your torrent client and see if that works. I'm not familiar enough with your modem web wizard setup to troubleshoot from here.

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Tried so many different things, it's finally working, I manually forwarded the port which initially didn't work, I used Portforward.com's tool up to the paid section(the most crucial), I then just fiddled around with my settings and it worked, somehow!

This is what the working settings look like


The problem I had was that my Technicolor router admin screen looked very different to Portforward.com's example screen, despite being the same model number...

This what mine looked like


I entered what I thought might be right, but I'm not sure it mattered in the end, I just ticked 'Enable UPnP port mapping' and it all started working again, even though I'd tried that so many, many times before!

Good luck to anybody else who has this problem!


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