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Why is Thailand such a success compared to the Philippines?

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Ask again in 5 years.

Huh? In 5 years, there will be an even bigger gap. I can cite a number of reasons including overpopulation, chronic corruption, crime, etc. But if there was one thing that is preventing the Filipinos from prospering...I'd say it is the Catholic church. Sorry to say, but it seems that in every country in the world (outside of Italy) with a dominant Catholic religion, that country is mired in poverty and corruption. Even Italy has problems.

Like Luxembourg, France, Poland, Austria, Monaco, Andorra, Chile, Portugal, Malta. etc.?

Well, you missed Brazil, which is perhaps the most economically solvent Catholic country


A friend who works in economic development in the Philippines says that it's the Catholic Church and prostitution, pure and simple. Thirty years ago, both economies were roughly equal,but Thailand used the proceeds from prostitution coursing through the ecnomy to improve the infrastructure and pull ahead. Way ahead.

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And why the English of people in the Philippines are better in general compared to the English of thais despite the fact that their education system along many other things are of lower standard? Or maybe i just spend too much time with prostitutes whose English tends to be better.


Lots of productive flat land and food exports.

Japanese manufacturing and added technology.

Geo centric location and easy domestic logistics.




70s and 80s budda stick exports?

Golden triangle industries?


Absolutely ... In 1960 the population of Thailand was greater than the Philippines by a million people. Today it is nearly 33 million people less than the Islands. Thailand's population management program is probably the most successful such endevour, not using coercion, on the globe. It was helpful that Buddhism itself suggests the benefits of limiting family size as opposed to the onerous command of the Catholic Church to reproduce which defies every rational, logical, ethical, economic, and moral position known to free and sovereign men. The Philippines may yet defeat the power of the church regarding reproduction as it has shed many of the cultural mandates so favored by the medieval institution.
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For many years the Philippines enjoyed friendly relations with the US which also made them friends of some other powerful western nations as well. Then they refused to refused to renew US naval base leases, for which they were paid millions in rent each year. Additionally over 30,000 US military there, spending millions in salaries and employing some 60,000 Philipinos at approx. double normal wages plus unheard of benefits. Not the only problems but a big part of their failure to progress !

The reason for the draw down was there was no credible threat to the Islands. Now that the Americans have been able to turn China's one new aircraft carrier into a 'threat' The Philippines has agreed to a new security pact that will re-establish American forces there. To be clear, since the failure of the U.S. Invasion of Vietnam the region has seen unparalleled cooperation and peace to the exclusion of American 'interests' what ever they are. The apparent recent failure of the Trans-Pacific Trade Treaty to enthrall Asians into a sovereignty shredding contract will result in the tried and true method of fear-mongering and saber rattling to re-heat the pot.

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Made up of over 7000 islands...more than 2000 inhabited...speaking some 25 languages/dialects...one can easily see that the PI is at a huge disadvantage to other SE Asian countries...neither the Vietnam war...the US...nor the Vatican have significant economic influence in this complicated economy...


Probably has a lot to do with the two countries ability to attract MNCs. In the past, Thailand--despite its often volatile political environment--was always seen as much more appealing place to do business and for expats to live (which is an important consideration). Having land borders with several other SE Asian countries adds to its appeal for manufacturers in terms of access to markets and transporting materials and finished products. For this reason, western and Japanese companies have moved in in droves, and that has a huge impact on economy. Living in Singapore, I have many consumer products that say 'Made in Thailand'; I have only seen dried mangoes with a 'Made in Philippines' label.

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In spite of what people may think, there are islands where rich Westerners go to. Boracay is an example.

I remember Boracay from when it was the archetypal beach paradise for backpackers, with only buildings without foundations and no electricity, and the accommodation was beach huts for few tens of pesos.

It has changed somewhat since then.

I hear ya. There are still affordable lodgings for us budget guys. Not saying it is not affordable. You can go low or high..... Many more high dollar places going up all the time. Naturally....and now it is an international destination.... in fact, many international sailing/windsurfing events are going on.

Not quite as it used to be.


simple! the americans and the vatican!


Have to agree...but more the Vatican then America, P.I also had some spin off from Vietnam (although not as much) but the madness of the population growth, re the Vatican, has put the country into basket case territory.

It can not grow fast enough to sustain its own population growth.

From just over 26 Million in 1960---to over 100 million today. & people criticize China for having a 1 child policy.

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Recently i went in Phillippines (about 2 months ago) and i can confirm that Philippines is behind Thailand. But i saw many new projects in Manila and Makati and big Corporations are developping many areas in that country. Many new high end condominiums are in process to be built and i think they are growing a lot and fast. I spoke with a lawyer there and he confirmed that Thailand right now is ahead but he told me that in the past (20y ago) Philippines were ahead respect Thailand, and in the future the situation can reverse again. Corruption and other problems are common there, as here but i am confident in a fast growing of Philippines. Of course geographically it is less easy to travel in Philippines considering all the islands and for sure this is a disadvantage for the big foreing investment. I think Philippines must to do more for the tourism because they really have fantastic islands. If i have to plan a holiday, i will choose for sure Philippines.

I am studing the general situation there for a while because i would like to move there in the nearly future.


Folks are forgetting that Thailand has a beloved king who really cares about his country and its people. He has worked tirelessly in years past to bring his country into the 21st century. It still needs lots of work but still is a great country because of the kings efforts. Long live the king of Thailand. Much gratitude sir.

this is very true and Thailand should send the king and royal family to the Philippines to advice them how to fix there problems


Most of this stuff comes down to Genetics.

Thailand has more China genetics, just google it, lots of Chinese came and settled in the country in the past.

The better off in Philippines are supposedly ones with China genetics, but not as many Chinese settled in Philippines.

Talk with any Philippine person, I just spent time with one and he always talks about his father was half Chinese and proud of it.


It's all to do with the mentality of the people and IMHO nothing to do with the US.

Flippers don't have the work ethic of Thais. Considering most Flippers speak English you would think this was an advantage but it isn't.

Burma is over 50 years behind Thailand and Bangkok is a first world city. Manila isn't.

Even China has problems competing with Thailand in certain industries.

However Thailand has reached a plateau at the moment but once the politics are sorted out I see no reason for it not to move forward.

Manila is such a bad place to be in. Crime rate is high and the population growth is out of control.

I agree to what many are saying here

but we call ourselves FILIPINOS not Flippers you racist <deleted>.

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was Thailand really in success? Thailand is still a third world country same with the Philippines, both has a lot of flaws in governance....has corruption, mis management, and etc...both countries has a lot of things to do...and to catch up....to obtain that word."..SUCCESS"...

anyway in fairness to both countries...each one of this has advantage and disadvantage...citing for example, minerals... Philippines has an estimated more than a trillion dollars deposit of mineral reserve mostly of this is untapped...from gold. natural gas, iron ore, coal, and others.

Thailand has a lot of manufacturing industries, due maybe of being strategically located among asean countries...

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i am confident in a fast growing of Philippines.

Stay there for a few years and tell me if you are still confident. I cannot count the number of people who have told me that same thing when they first arrive and then years later after they have really learned what the country is like I hear very different opinions. When I left the Philippines I had few friends. All the friends that I had met in the time that I was there had left and given up on the country. When I arrived I was no different from anyone else but after many years there I lost all my confidence in the country. I wish I could be more positive but my confidence has been drained out of me by hundreds of different events and conversations with people who were not lawyers over the years.

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I've lived and worked in both countries. As a collective Pinoys are a very selfish people. Much is made of their English skills, that doesn't automatically put them on the same intellectual level, not by any stretch of the imagination.

I've been back to Thailand many times since I left. 9 years away from the Philippines and I can't think of a reason to go back. Someone called Manila a dump, that's a fair description. Bangkok is infinitely more interesting.

That said, one man's meat......


I'll be interested to see where Thailand is in ten or fifteen years. As HeijoshinCool said, they got a big bump from the Vietnam war. The US poured money and technology into the country as Thailand allowed the US to use air bases. Later it brought in a lot of manufacturing. Thailand and the US have been friends and allies since just after WWII right up until about NOW.

The US isn't going to put up with this China alliance and has already pulled a lot of income away from Thailand since the coup. I don't expect Japan to put up with the China alliance either and the US and Japan are close.

If the US and Japan pull significant manufacturing out of Thailand and move it to Burma, Thailand will be hurting. The US and Japan already bought huge tracts of land in Yangon, and Japan promised to build a deep water port there. This was over Yingluck's behavior. Imagine what they think of the current government's moves.

Thailand has had it's Marcos. Thaksin and Yingluck robbed the country blind and left it deeply in debt and not just over the rice scheme. They at least temporarily destroyed the rice export business.

Thailand is slipping. It's stupidity, greed and corruption is catching up with its economy from rice to tourism. Next if it loses the US and Japan as Cambodia, Vietnam and Burma take business, it could slip a long way down. I'm not predicting anything, I just see the possibility.

As usual, in agreement. EXEPT: While Thaksin and sister "plundered the country", during the "plundering-process" , the poorest of the poor felt for the first time in their lives, that during the "Plundering-Phase" by Thaksin, some crumbs were falling off the table of corruption in their favor. Infrastructure: Roads were built, electrification of isolated villages. etc. etc. Unheard of before.

The impoverished Thai's (the red-shirts) have understood, that they will be ruled by some sort of Elite for the next 2 generations. But they will certainly prefer to be ruled by a corrupt Elite, that allows for some "crumbs" to fall off the table in their favor. They also know that there will be no "crumbs" falling off the table, as long as "the General" and his yellow-shirt- entourage sits at the table exclusively and with the sole purpose to cement the Feudalistic- Power-Structure that they prefer to call "Thainess".

Interesting times ahead. Cheers.

Your post pretty much nails it, explaining the positives of the Thaksin appeal to the poor and their lack of hope in their prospects under a military junta.

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First off, the Philippines has double the population but almost half the land mass of Thailand. So now you need to estimate what the unemployment figures would be in Thailand if you were to double the population but also take away half the land. You also need to consider that a lot of the GDP of the Philippines comes from Overseas Workers.

I do wonder why the Philippines have not done better economically thought. Perhaps it was due to the long reign of the former leader, Marcos, who drained the country of money and resources for many years,which set them back.


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Ask again in 5 years.

Huh? In 5 years, there will be an even bigger gap. I can cite a number of reasons including overpopulation, chronic corruption, crime, etc. But if there was one thing that is preventing the Filipinos from prospering...I'd say it is the Catholic church. Sorry to say, but it seems that in every country in the world (outside of Italy) with a dominant Catholic religion, that country is mired in poverty and corruption. Even Italy has problems.

And what about Poland, who the Polish Pope ran the Church for many years?

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...so you don't want the truth and you don't want to be told your wrong, ha ha...

As others have said, Thailand is in the middle of many other destinations, has relatively easy and cheap transportation to all parts of the country.

It is perceived, as an easy going, high tolerance and safe place to "do your thing" 24/7 (oops)

Given all this, the Philippines is increasing tourism numbers year on year (American/Western culture/rules...)

and Thailand has been decreasing visitors for many years (even given "official" Thailand culture/rules)

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Ask again in 5 years.

Huh? In 5 years, there will be an even bigger gap. I can cite a number of reasons including overpopulation, chronic corruption, crime, etc. But if there was one thing that is preventing the Filipinos from prospering...I'd say it is the Catholic church. Sorry to say, but it seems that in every country in the world (outside of Italy) with a dominant Catholic religion, that country is mired in poverty and corruption. Even Italy has problems.

Like Luxembourg, France, Poland, Austria, Monaco, Andorra, Chile, Portugal, Malta. etc.?

Well, you missed Brazil, which is perhaps the most economically solvent Catholic country

Strange he forgot to mention such basket cases as, Spain, Portugal Italy or Eire, all living on EU handouts

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Population control was a big thing.

A huge thing. And then add the old Spanish colonial mentality of the ruling class in the Philippines. It makes the Chinese-Thai business class mentality look benign by comparison.

"Wait five years." Right -- we've been waiting on that one for the better part of 40 years. Anyone who was here in the '60s and '70s will remember all the hype about the Philippines being the great hope of Asia. So how did that work out? I don't say that with pleasure. I like the Philippines and I very much like its people. They deserve better.

I know it's hard to accept by those of you who have a hard-on against Thailand, but for the past 30 years or so this country has managed its affairs a whole lot better than the PI. Don't' believe me? Go live there for a while.

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