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Why is Thailand such a success compared to the Philippines?


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Ok lets make it easy, why are there so many farang living in Thailand with their Pinoy girlfriend, as opossed to lets say farang living in Pinoy Land with their Thai G/F.

Why does the wifes Pinoy friend refuse to take her children to the Phillipines, answer, she is shyt scared they are kidnapped and held to ransom.

Why does her other Pinoy friend refuse to set foot in the country, preferring instead to fly her family to Thailand to meet her?

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Geography is a big part of it.

Thailand is the perfect base for Asean travel.

Flipland is a bunch of islands well into the sea!

Youdo realize that the worc flip is a very derogatory term, or you just do not care.

Please tell me what is derogatory about the term?

As one who has lived in Asia for the last 25 years its nothing more than a way of speaking, much the same as many expats in Asia wiil use such phrases as, Bangers (for Bkk) Hongkers (for HK) Singers (for Singapore) or Patts (Patters) for Pattaya.

Talking about derogatory terms, as an non 'Cano, should I consider myself to have been racially abused or spoken of in derogatory terms when I was referred to as a 'Cano in Pinoy Land, or do they just not care?

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It's my personal opinion that it's the Catholic influence in the Philippines, which is kind of restrictive, compared to the Buddhist influence in Thailand, which is a heck of a lot more liberal. Plus the influx of the Vietnam war which brought in millions of Americans with their customs and bucks. Plus, oh well, lots of things. coffee1.gif

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As one who has lived in Asia for the last 25 years its nothing more than a way of speaking

Doesn't matter how many years you've lived in Asia. (Not enough, clearly.) Filipinos don't like it, and there's no reason not to respect that.

Really, which Flippers are you referring to?

The TEFLR types now to be found in Thailand that think they are better than their Pinoy counterparts?

Jesse my Pinoy foreman when I told him I wanted the job done properly he said, no problem boss, no Pakis no Bangla, Flippers ok?

Ask those same Flippers why they refer to me as a "Cano"?

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Vietnam war.

Wrong! Both Thailand and the PI were close allies and the recipients of massive amounts of development aid, grants and millions of dollars of tea money during and after the Vietnam War. Thailand has prospered tremendously the PI has not. Closing down Clark AFB was a disaster for the PI. Let's face it. Thai's are much more sophisticated and intelligent that Filipinos . Flips are more greedy, less trusting and consequently less able to negotiate with Western powers. Thailand on the other hand was able to establish and set up "gentleman's agreements" with the USA during the Vietnam war based on mutual trust and understanding that continue to this day. Thailand was and is more democratic that the PI. The US had to deal with the Marcos regime which during and after the war sucked the country dry. I could go on but I'm sure there are others that can add more.

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RIght, "flip" not a problem. Carry on then.

(Actually at this point I have to laugh. The tourist types figure that Thailand has done better than the Philippines because of its location. Re-position the country anywhere you like and between the Catholic church, the population growth, and the 50 or so families who run the country, the result would be the same. Until you've spent some time there you'll never realize how good you have it in Thailand.)

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I have to agree with the Catholic church angle. Where ever the missionary priests went poverty and destruction followed. (IN MOST CASES)

There seems to be a common thread of corruption and most the factors that hold a culture back. Race doesn't seem to be a factor but attitude is. People who leave those countries are relatively successful and hard working.

It seems to be something in the blended culture of the church and nation.

Hard to put your finger on it.

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Why are the US and Canada so much more prosperous than all of Latin America combined? Spanish (and Portuguese) societies went straight from feudalism to the modern capitalist world with no Renaissance. They never adopted the concept of economic egalitarianism but retained the feudal ideal of a handful of extremely wealthy families with all others having nearly nothing. Because there is almost no discretionary capital among the great mass of people the economy is stunted. There is no local market so very little is produced other than absolute necessities. Historically Latin America exported agricultural and mineral commodities and imported manufactured goods. The Philippines followed this Spanish model with the same result. Thailand, by great good fortune, had leadership that adopted the philosophy that everyone does well when everyone does well. Not perfectly of course but far, far better than the Philippines.

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I have to agree with the Catholic church angle. Where ever the missionary priests went poverty and destruction followed. (IN MOST CASES)

There seems to be a common thread of corruption and most the factors that hold a culture back. Race doesn't seem to be a factor but attitude is. People who leave those countries are relatively successful and hard working.

It seems to be something in the blended culture of the church and nation.

Hard to put your finger on it.

I second that sentiment

the more religious any region of the world is ,the poorer it is.

in an other word,

the more energy one allocates to nonsense, the more nonsense one gets

Nonsense has a negative affect in positive development

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For many years the Philippines enjoyed friendly relations with the US which also made them friends of some other powerful western nations as well. Then they refused to refused to renew US naval base leases, for which they were paid millions in rent each year. Additionally over 30,000 US military there, spending millions in salaries and employing some 60,000 Philipinos at approx. double normal wages plus unheard of benefits. Not the only problems but a big part of their failure to progress !

The reason for the draw down was there was no credible threat to the Islands. Now that the Americans have been able to turn China's one new aircraft carrier into a 'threat' The Philippines has agreed to a new security pact that will re-establish American forces there. To be clear, since the failure of the U.S. Invasion of Vietnam the region has seen unparalleled cooperation and peace to the exclusion of American 'interests' what ever they are. The apparent recent failure of the Trans-Pacific Trade Treaty to enthrall Asians into a sovereignty shredding contract will result in the tried and true method of fear-mongering and saber rattling to re-heat the pot.

The Philippines (and Vietnam) have been clamoring for a stronger US presence in the area long before the current US administration announced a return to the Pacific rim. The reason was primarily China's aggression in the Spratlys. The Philippines, Vietnam, the Republic of China, Malaysia, and Brunei all claim islands in the group while China claims the entire area due to "historical use" Chinese naval vessels have been very active in the area, and the Chinese have planted flags on islands and oil drilling platforms.

And since the US left Vietnam, there has been an invasion of Vietnam by China, a genocide in Cambodia, an invasion of Cambodia by Vietnam, a civil war in East Timor, bombings in Bali, an insurgency in the Philippines, unrest in Myanmar, unrest and an insurgency in Thailand--the list goes on. Hardly "unparalleled cooperation and peace.:

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Hmmm, I'm puffing on a slim panetela handmade in the Philippines and sold there for 6 thb. Lady around the corner from the Meridien charges 35 thb. I think the Philippines is basically Thailand without birth control. Poor people shouldn't have a lot of kids, if at all....same with Mexico....thank you Catholic Church. Poverty causes dishonesty...you see it in Cambodia, you see it with the Filipinos, and I've seen the Thais lose some of their honesty since the GFC.

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For many years the Philippines enjoyed friendly relations with the US which also made them friends of some other powerful western nations as well. Then they refused to refused to renew US naval base leases, for which they were paid millions in rent each year. Additionally over 30,000 US military there, spending millions in salaries and employing some 60,000 Philipinos at approx. double normal wages plus unheard of benefits. Not the only problems but a big part of their failure to progress !

The reason for the draw down was there was no credible threat to the Islands. Now that the Americans have been able to turn China's one new aircraft carrier into a 'threat' The Philippines has agreed to a new security pact that will re-establish American forces there. To be clear, since the failure of the U.S. Invasion of Vietnam the region has seen unparalleled cooperation and peace to the exclusion of American 'interests' what ever they are. The apparent recent failure of the Trans-Pacific Trade Treaty to enthrall Asians into a sovereignty shredding contract will result in the tried and true method of fear-mongering and saber rattling to re-heat the pot.

The Philippines (and Vietnam) have been clamoring for a stronger US presence in the area long before the current US administration announced a return to the Pacific rim. The reason was primarily China's aggression in the Spratlys. The Philippines, Vietnam, the Republic of China, Malaysia, and Brunei all claim islands in the group while China claims the entire area due to "historical use" Chinese naval vessels have been very active in the area, and the Chinese have planted flags on islands and oil drilling platforms.

And since the US left Vietnam, there has been an invasion of Vietnam by China, a genocide in Cambodia, an invasion of Cambodia by Vietnam, a civil war in East Timor, bombings in Bali, an insurgency in the Philippines, unrest in Myanmar, unrest and an insurgency in Thailand--the list goes on. Hardly "unparalleled cooperation and peace.:

yeah, it was so peaceful before. bring back western colonialism!! lol!!

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Vietnam war.

Wrong! Both Thailand and the PI were close allies and the recipients of massive amounts of development aid, grants and millions of dollars of tea money during and after the Vietnam War. Thailand has prospered tremendously the PI has not. Closing down Clark AFB was a disaster for the PI. Let's face it. Thai's are much more sophisticated and intelligent that Filipinos . Flips are more greedy, less trusting and consequently less able to negotiate with Western powers. Thailand on the other hand was able to establish and set up "gentleman's agreements" with the USA during the Vietnam war based on mutual trust and understanding that continue to this day. Thailand was and is more democratic that the PI. The US had to deal with the Marcos regime which during and after the war sucked the country dry. I could go on but I'm sure there are others that can add more.

The only reason Thailand is ahead of the Phillippines now is because of the volcano, Mt.Pinatubo. I spent 3 years in Thailand and 9 years in the P.I. Thailand was a forth world country compared to the Phillippines. They had Malls and Industry while Thailand had water buffalos. Clark AFB.was the largest military base in the world. The craftsman of the P.I. would put the Thais to shame and do the same job in half the time. I had a 67 Camaro fully restored in the P.I. and had many American mechanics just marvel at the workmanship. I paid a total of $3000 for the car and a complete rebuild to include body off the frame. They even had replacement parts in stock. No Thai jerry rigging either. I sold it for $35000 and after the sale people offered the new owner even more. Wait and see what happens to Thailand when the American and Japanese companies pull out. also would hate to see what would happen to Thailand if Bangkok got hit with a Super Typhoon. End of game for Thailand!w00t.gif

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Vietnam war.

Wrong! Both Thailand and the PI were close allies and the recipients of massive amounts of development aid, grants and millions of dollars of tea money during and after the Vietnam War. Thailand has prospered tremendously the PI has not. Closing down Clark AFB was a disaster for the PI. Let's face it. Thai's are much more sophisticated and intelligent that Filipinos . Flips are more greedy, less trusting and consequently less able to negotiate with Western powers. Thailand on the other hand was able to establish and set up "gentleman's agreements" with the USA during the Vietnam war based on mutual trust and understanding that continue to this day. Thailand was and is more democratic that the PI. The US had to deal with the Marcos regime which during and after the war sucked the country dry. I could go on but I'm sure there are others that can add more.

The only reason Thailand is ahead of the Phillippines now is because of the volcano, Mt.Pinatubo. I spent 3 years in Thailand and 9 years in the P.I. Thailand was a forth world country compared to the Phillippines. They had Malls and Industry while Thailand had water buffalos. Clark AFB.was the largest military base in the world. The craftsman of the P.I. would put the Thais to shame and do the same job in half the time. I had a 67 Camaro fully restored in the P.I. and had many American mechanics just marvel at the workmanship. I paid a total of $3000 for the car and a complete rebuild to include body off the frame. They even had replacement parts in stock. No Thai jerry rigging either. I sold it for $35000 and after the sale people offered the new owner even more. Wait and see what happens to Thailand when the American and Japanese companies pull out. also would hate to see what would happen to Thailand if Bangkok got hit with a Super Typhoon. End of game for Thailand!w00t.gif

lol! the new world bank camaro index!!

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Guys keep debating nonsense, when I already told you the answer.

The reason why Thailand is better is because of the Chinese genetics they have. The people who lack Chinese genetics look like Australian aborigines.


The Chinese immigrants were largely able to merge into the predominant Tai culture, and have contributed significantly to the economy and infrastructure of Thailand over the years.

I lack Chinese genetics and I dont look like Australian Aborigines

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I've been to both countries and the the biggest problem there is what i hear in many places,

''bless the lord, lord this and lord that,

i was born a catholic and went to a christian brothers school for 12 years

and now live in a catholic country yet that country is more catholic than the Vatican.

Without the religion i think Philli would be a great country

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Vietnam war.

Wrong! Both Thailand and the PI were close allies and the recipients of massive amounts of development aid, grants and millions of dollars of tea money during and after the Vietnam War. Thailand has prospered tremendously the PI has not. Closing down Clark AFB was a disaster for the PI. Let's face it. Thai's are much more sophisticated and intelligent that Filipinos . Flips are more greedy, less trusting and consequently less able to negotiate with Western powers. Thailand on the other hand was able to establish and set up "gentleman's agreements" with the USA during the Vietnam war based on mutual trust and understanding that continue to this day. Thailand was and is more democratic that the PI. The US had to deal with the Marcos regime which during and after the war sucked the country dry. I could go on but I'm sure there are others that can add more.

The only reason Thailand is ahead of the Phillippines now is because of the volcano, Mt.Pinatubo. I spent 3 years in Thailand and 9 years in the P.I. Thailand was a forth world country compared to the Phillippines. They had Malls and Industry while Thailand had water buffalos. Clark AFB.was the largest military base in the world. The craftsman of the P.I. would put the Thais to shame and do the same job in half the time. I had a 67 Camaro fully restored in the P.I. and had many American mechanics just marvel at the workmanship. I paid a total of $3000 for the car and a complete rebuild to include body off the frame. They even had replacement parts in stock. No Thai jerry rigging either. I sold it for $35000 and after the sale people offered the new owner even more. Wait and see what happens to Thailand when the American and Japanese companies pull out. also would hate to see what would happen to Thailand if Bangkok got hit with a Super Typhoon. End of game for Thailand!w00t.gif

Bangkok did get hit with a huge flood a few years back and there was also the tsunami. Indonesia has volcanoes.

Stay in Flipperland best place for you. "Oh you very handsome but you know I am virgin".

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Geography is a big part of it.

Thailand is the perfect base for Asean travel.

Flipland is a bunch of islands well into the sea!

Youdo realize that the worc flip is a very derogatory term, or you just do not care.

Please tell me what is derogatory about the term?

As one who has lived in Asia for the last 25 years its nothing more than a way of speaking, much the same as many expats in Asia wiil use such phrases as, Bangers (for Bkk) Hongkers (for HK) Singers (for Singapore) or Patts (Patters) for Pattaya.

Talking about derogatory terms, as an non 'Cano, should I consider myself to have been racially abused or spoken of in derogatory terms when I was referred to as a 'Cano in Pinoy Land, or do they just not care?

I'm an American. I don't take offense at "Yank" even though I know some mean it to be derogatory. It's simply easier to write than "American."

I think some people are too sensitive and can't laugh along.

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Japan was devastated at the end of WW2 but the US invested heavily in the country and re-industrialized it, almost like a pet project for the US government in the late 40's and all through the 50's. The culture there is completely different from Thailand or the Philippines. To say that Thais have a stronger work ethic than Philipinos is stunningly ridiculous. I've spent a lot of time in both countries and worked a lot with Philipinos and seen Thais "hard at work." The adult thai male is a study in laziness. You can't really use exposure to the USA as an excuse why PI is so far behind. The Philippines were a colony of the United states for decades. You can't get much more exposure to a foreign culture than that. The US sent an army of teachers and administrators and engineers to sort out and build up "our little brown brothers." They also sent an actual army. The american military bases in the PI were the biggest outside the USA until Clark closed in 91. The fact that PI is made up of islands isn't really an economic factor either as anything produced for export there would be sent out on ships, same as in Thailand.

I don't have any good answers to the original question of this post but I'm glad he brought it up cuz I've often wondered about this myself. From what I've read here in the other posts nobody else has a clear idea of it either except the issue of paying the massive interest on loans made decades ago.

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Japan was devastated at the end of WW2 but the US invested heavily in the country and re-industrialized it, almost like a pet project for the US government in the late 40's and all through the 50's. The culture there is completely different from Thailand or the Philippines. To say that Thais have a stronger work ethic than Philipinos is stunningly ridiculous. I've spent a lot of time in both countries and worked a lot with Philipinos and seen Thais "hard at work." The adult thai male is a study in laziness. You can't really use exposure to the USA as an excuse why PI is so far behind. The Philippines were a colony of the United states for decades. You can't get much more exposure to a foreign culture than that. The US sent an army of teachers and administrators and engineers to sort out and build up "our little brown brothers." They also sent an actual army. The american military bases in the PI were the biggest outside the USA until Clark closed in 91. The fact that PI is made up of islands isn't really an economic factor either as anything produced for export there would be sent out on ships, same as in Thailand.

I don't have any good answers to the original question of this post but I'm glad he brought it up cuz I've often wondered about this myself. From what I've read here in the other posts nobody else has a clear idea of it either except the issue of paying the massive interest on loans made decades ago.

so instead you generalize about thai males who you obviously know little about

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Ok in a nut shell few years back Philippines told the US armed forces to leave and with that so left millions of US dollars. There Expat community has got smaller with strict requirements to stay and retire here. But recently there has been an easing of requirement They doubled time you can stay on the Island before visa run is needed From 1 year to 2 years, they recently allowed the military back so US investments into the Philippines has doubled and even tripled in some areas such as Subic bay re paving of roads A lot of improvements at Manilas airport a big step up are opening businesses here. English is official second language schools have improved greatly Been seeing more expats returning to here The 44 plus to 1 USD's is a factor too. rents fairly cheap electric more fairly price access to US goods way better New malls for better shopping, But as in Thailand still can't buy land house sits on but I see an easing on that comming. Opening up of more virgin beaches and islands giving tourists more option's stable government And seriously cracking down on corruption. An over all improvement Japan investing huge here too I see the Philippines gaining and passing Thailand in a few years. A huge industrial park is being built by Angeles I see Toyota and Honda and maybe Ford opening new plants here due to demand of there products Also there deep ports and lower export costs and tariff's also factor into that.Not to mention an educated work force with a lot of college graduates, Unlike Thailand where even if student dosen't learn a thing still passes to next grade. Only thing Thailand has now is ease of access to surrounding countries going for it. Oh did I mention Casino's too and brand new sports complex.

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I don't like Filipino Women. They act too cocky and think they're something special.

The Thai girls are a lot cuter and don't think they're something special.

in an other words, you like women with low self esteem

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I don't like Filipino Women. They act too cocky and think they're something special.

The Thai girls are a lot cuter and don't think they're something special.

in an other words, you like women with low self esteem

No, I didn't say that.

All the Filipino women I've met try to act like something they're not. Thai girls are just themselves. Understand the difference?

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