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Why is Thailand such a success compared to the Philippines?

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I don't like Filipino Women. They act too cocky and think they're something special.

The Thai girls are a lot cuter and don't think they're something special.

in an other words, you like women with low self esteem

Who doesn't?

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I don't like Filipino Women. They act too cocky and think they're something special.

The Thai girls are a lot cuter and don't think they're something special.

in an other words, you like women with low self esteem

No, I didn't say that.

All the Filipino women I've met try to act like something they're not. Thai girls are just themselves. Understand the difference?

Sorry , I understand now


I really dislike the Flipper English accent.

yeaa , nothing more annoying than an uppity dolphin with an English accent

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Ok in a nut shell few years back Philippines told the US armed forces to leave and with that so left millions of US dollars. There Expat community has got smaller with strict requirements to stay and retire here. But recently there has been an easing of requirement They doubled time you can stay on the Island before visa run is needed From 1 year to 2 years, they recently allowed the military back so US investments into the Philippines has doubled and even tripled in some areas such as Subic bay re paving of roads A lot of improvements at Manilas airport a big step up are opening businesses here. English is official second language schools have improved greatly Been seeing more expats returning to here The 44 plus to 1 USD's is a factor too. rents fairly cheap electric more fairly price access to US goods way better New malls for better shopping, But as in Thailand still can't buy land house sits on but I see an easing on that comming. Opening up of more virgin beaches and islands giving tourists more option's stable government And seriously cracking down on corruption. An over all improvement Japan investing huge here too I see the Philippines gaining and passing Thailand in a few years. A huge industrial park is being built by Angeles I see Toyota and Honda and maybe Ford opening new plants here due to demand of there products Also there deep ports and lower export costs and tariff's also factor into that.Not to mention an educated work force with a lot of college graduates, Unlike Thailand where even if student dosen't learn a thing still passes to next grade. Only thing Thailand has now is ease of access to surrounding countries going for it. Oh did I mention Casino's too and brand new sports complex.

Expat money is a blip on the radar compared to the real economics of either country.So you rekon all those factors are working for PI,and its people still live in atrocious conditions.


There likely would not be a Villa Market, if not for the Vietnam war.

K. Pong, who started the supermarket at the close of that war, learned all he learned about foreigners' food preferences, as well as how to run his business, from working on an American base in Thailand, in its BX, during the war.

And Villa Mart is a economic powerhouse driving Thailand forward,must be all those cheese eating farangs.

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To help finance a number of economic development projects, the Marcos government borrowed large amounts of money from international lenders.[62][63] The Philippines' external debt rose from $360 million (US) in 1962 to $28.3 billion in 1986, making the Philippines one of the most indebted countries in Asia.[62] A sizable amount of this money went to Marcos family and friends in the form of behest loans. These loans were assumed by the government and are still being serviced by taxpayers, to this day. These loans were ostensibly funded to construct the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant but after Marcos' ouster, the plant was not utilized. Today, more than half of the country's revenues go toward the payment of interest on these loans, with the principal amounts remaining largely untouched.


Re evaluate to also fund the Marcos standard of living...how many pairs of shoes can a woman really own? Thailand would have been trashed into debt the same way if the Shinawatra's had been allowed to over run the country to the same extent as the Marcos dynasty. And overall Thailand also has a stronger economic and export base than the Philippines especially in quality food stuffs...think beyond just rice to wandering into the vast array of Asian markets all over the world and there is endless produce from Thailand.

And also add the other obvious like American involvement, location etc.

It should be able to do a lot better too if the rail (freight to ports) infrastructure through the country is upgraded from the north and northeast neighboring counties to its coastal shipping facilities.

PI has perfect soil to grow delicious food,but has the worst cuisine in Asia.How many Thai restaurants in the west compared to Phil. restaurants,it would be 100/1 where i come from.


In spite of what people may think, there are islands where rich Westerners go to. Boracay is an example.

I remember Boracay from when it was the archetypal beach paradise for backpackers, with only buildings without foundations and no electricity, and the accommodation was beach huts for few tens of pesos.

It has changed somewhat since then.

Was there in 81,and dont want to go back.Went to most of the Thai islands way back and have been back since,bloody depressing.



To help finance a number of economic development projects, the Marcos government borrowed large amounts of money from international lenders.[62][63] The Philippines' external debt rose from $360 million (US) in 1962 to $28.3 billion in 1986, making the Philippines one of the most indebted countries in Asia.[62] A sizable amount of this money went to Marcos family and friends in the form of behest loans. These loans were assumed by the government and are still being serviced by taxpayers, to this day. These loans were ostensibly funded to construct the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant but after Marcos' ouster, the plant was not utilized. Today, more than half of the country's revenues go toward the payment of interest on these loans, with the principal amounts remaining largely untouched.


Re evaluate to also fund the Marcos standard of living...how many pairs of shoes can a woman really own? Thailand would have been trashed into debt the same way if the Shinawatra's had been allowed to over run the country to the same extent as the Marcos dynasty. And overall Thailand also has a stronger economic and export base than the Philippines especially in quality food stuffs...think beyond just rice to wandering into the vast array of Asian markets all over the world and there is endless produce from Thailand.

And also add the other obvious like American involvement, location etc.

It should be able to do a lot better too if the rail (freight to ports) infrastructure through the country is upgraded from the north and northeast neighboring counties to its coastal shipping facilities.

Philippines has had only one political leader free from the stigma of corruption - Ramon Magsaysay, who, together with Tengku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia's first prime minister) tried to hold office for the good of the people. Sadly, none of the successors in either country have met their standards.


Ok in a nut shell few years back Philippines told the US armed forces to leave and with that so left millions of US dollars. There Expat community has got smaller with strict requirements to stay and retire here. But recently there has been an easing of requirement They doubled time you can stay on the Island before visa run is needed From 1 year to 2 years, they recently allowed the military back so US investments into the Philippines has doubled and even tripled in some areas such as Subic bay re paving of roads A lot of improvements at Manilas airport a big step up are opening businesses here. English is official second language schools have improved greatly Been seeing more expats returning to here The 44 plus to 1 USD's is a factor too. rents fairly cheap electric more fairly price access to US goods way better New malls for better shopping, But as in Thailand still can't buy land house sits on but I see an easing on that comming. Opening up of more virgin beaches and islands giving tourists more option's stable government And seriously cracking down on corruption. An over all improvement Japan investing huge here too I see the Philippines gaining and passing Thailand in a few years. A huge industrial park is being built by Angeles I see Toyota and Honda and maybe Ford opening new plants here due to demand of there products Also there deep ports and lower export costs and tariff's also factor into that.Not to mention an educated work force with a lot of college graduates, Unlike Thailand where even if student dosen't learn a thing still passes to next grade. Only thing Thailand has now is ease of access to surrounding countries going for it. Oh did I mention Casino's too and brand new sports complex.

Expat money is a blip on the radar compared to the real economics of either country.So you rekon all those factors are working for PI,and its people still live in atrocious conditions.

It sure seems like Mr. Strangebrew is working for the Philippine Board of Investment. Surely he must be getting paid for trying to paint such a rosy picture. The only thing working against him is that pesky little thing called "reality." The Philippines will not pass Thailand in our lifetime for the many reasons already stated in this thread.


It's all to do with the mentality of the people and IMHO nothing to do with the US.

Flippers don't have the work ethic of Thais. Considering most Flippers speak English you would think this was an advantage but it isn't.

Burma is over 50 years behind Thailand and Bangkok is a first world city. Manila isn't.

Even China has problems competing with Thailand in certain industries.

However Thailand has reached a plateau at the moment but once the politics are sorted out I see no reason for it not to move forward.

I know many Filipinos that will disagree with you , the people I know work really hard , one of the best people you can hire as crew on ships , the Filipino teachers I know working in Bangkok are not more lazy than the Thai teachers, thats for sure.

Yes they do have the work ethics in Phills , but they also struggle with poverty and corruption everywhere.

A great number of Filipinos/Filipinas serve in The US military (mainly the Navy). I was amazed at the number of Navy Corpsmen who were Filipino. Navy Corpsmen serve as Medics for the US Marines. They are the ones saving the lives of the Marines in Combat. Not such a lazy job.

No more in the Navy as well as any other armed force of the US after the 1991 fiasco and there demand for billions of dollars to rent Subic and Clark Airforce Base that program was suspended.Even though most Filipinos had a college degree they entered the US Navy as a stewardsmate and served as officers cooks and cleaners after their first 6 years they could change rates to another field usually storekeepers but into other rates. Probably some became corpman but in my 26 year career never saw one .

For the record...I worked for 1st Medical Battalion at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, and assisted in the "Field" and Physical training fo 3 Collecting and Clearing Companies and one Surgical Support Company. This was their assignment after Field Medical Training at Del Mar (21 Area). More than half were Filipinos. Saw them in formation every day. Seeing is believing. Take it from me...or not. I retired 1995.... I guess I am old....and they have been on the wane. However, it still does not change history. They were all very hard working.


I don't like Filipino Women. They act too cocky and think they're something special.

The Thai girls are a lot cuter and don't think they're something special.

What a load of over generalised BS

"Cocky"??? Thai ladyboys are cocky in more ways than one.

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richy, what is the reason for your post if we can only reply in agreement with your opinion? do you crave positive attention? i bet you just love to take selfies :-)


It might have to do with the old question.....Is it better to live in Thailand or the Philippines. Several areas are very good to live in the Philippines...and many are bad. Same like Thailand. Thailand, in general, has the tourism cornered....that is plain and simple. Whatever they are doing, it is bringing cash into the country. Not only that, they are linked in to tourism all over the world. It is a popular destination. Philippines simply is not. If all the tourism stopped here, and went to the Philippines instead...I think we would be wondering the same question the OP provided...but in reverse.

Google some sights. Palawan (El Nido), Boracay, Dumuguete, Bohol (http://www.lakbaydiva.com/philippine-beaches/top-beautiful-beaches-in-bohol/) and quite a few others.

It is certainly viable. Philippine girls...(non bar types) are much more willing to date foreigners..than the thai type. Bar hookers are same attitude as here...but speak english.


simple! the americans and the vatican!


Or to put it another way as a Philippine said to me you would be in a mess too if you lived for 400 years in a convent then 100 years in Hollywood.

I worked there when Ramos was the President and he an his administration tried hard to fix some of the problems due to Marcos and his successors. Certainly the ex Air Force General (hand picked by Ramos) who ran the Government Civil Aviation Agency that I worked with was very aggressive in trying to root out corruption. Unfortunately Ramos had to comply with the one 6 year Presidential term condition - and the next President was just a corrupt as Marcos.

The poor comparison with Thailand is the excessive population (due to religion), control by a few very rich families and clans who have done very well under the Spanish, USA and Japanese and will never give up their power, and typhoons, earthquakes and volcanoes.


Flippers don't have the work ethic of Thais. Considering most Flippers speak English you would think this was an advantage but it isn't.

This is a troubling statement! (Consider informing yourself prior posting and voluntarily censorship of you wording)

The Philippinos and Philippinas tendency to work hard at one's job or duties are at least equal to all other citizens on this planet!

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I moved to Thailand three years ago after ten years in Philippines, now I am moving back to Philippines. Because the average Filipino is not narcissist and/or bipolar as I found most Thais to be. Worst I found most Thais I have met are not affectionate and uncaring toward each other and especially Foreigners. Plus many more Filipinos can speak and understand proper English than Thais. In the Philippines you can always find someone who speaks English to help you and Filipinos don't demand tips for helping you like I found most Thais do.

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I don't like Filipino Women. They act too cocky and think they're something special.

The Thai girls are a lot cuter and don't think they're something special.

A most shallow and unfortunate statement.


For many years the Philippines enjoyed friendly relations with the US which also made them friends of some other powerful western nations as well. Then they refused to refused to renew US naval base leases, for which they were paid millions in rent each year. Additionally over 30,000 US military there, spending millions in salaries and employing some 60,000 Philipinos at approx. double normal wages plus unheard of benefits. Not the only problems but a big part of their failure to progress !

The reason for the draw down was there was no credible threat to the Islands. Now that the Americans have been able to turn China's one new aircraft carrier into a 'threat' The Philippines has agreed to a new security pact that will re-establish American forces there. To be clear, since the failure of the U.S. Invasion of Vietnam the region has seen unparalleled cooperation and peace to the exclusion of American 'interests' what ever they are. The apparent recent failure of the Trans-Pacific Trade Treaty to enthrall Asians into a sovereignty shredding contract will result in the tried and true method of fear-mongering and saber rattling to re-heat the pot.

The Philippines (and Vietnam) have been clamoring for a stronger US presence in the area long before the current US administration announced a return to the Pacific rim. The reason was primarily China's aggression in the Spratlys. The Philippines, Vietnam, the Republic of China, Malaysia, and Brunei all claim islands in the group while China claims the entire area due to "historical use" Chinese naval vessels have been very active in the area, and the Chinese have planted flags on islands and oil drilling platforms.

And since the US left Vietnam, there has been an invasion of Vietnam by China, a genocide in Cambodia, an invasion of Cambodia by Vietnam, a civil war in East Timor, bombings in Bali, an insurgency in the Philippines, unrest in Myanmar, unrest and an insurgency in Thailand--the list goes on. Hardly "unparalleled cooperation and peace.:

yeah, it was so peaceful before. bring back western colonialism!! lol!!

Strange post.

I never contended that it was peaceful before. I never mentioned "before" in fact. I just took issue with a statement that it was peaceful after.


I have lived and done business in both countries. In my experience, whether in the Philippines or USA, the average Filipino is industrious and extremely hard-working. Owning your own business is a dream for most Filipinos, and I have known countless Filipinos who have created small businesses. In the US, they have done it by working hard, and saving the money they need to do it. In the Philippines, many have done it by working overseas or on shipping lines for years in order to save up the money.

However, getting a job in the Philippines is extremely difficult. In our Thai factory, which opened in 1982, we have employees who were with us since then. People are hired, and they stay with us as long as they like. Firing is almost unheard of. In the Philippines, except for management, you will be hard pressed to find many employees who have been there for six months. Filipino companies hire contract workers for 180 days as then they don't have to provide the worker benefits required by law. People work almost six months, then wait around, applying for jobs, until the next opening arises. They have to live on the low salary they received for their last contract job until they can arrange for another.

I know that this is very difficult on the worker, but I would also have to think it has an effect on the overall economy.

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I moved to Thailand three years ago after ten years in Philippines, now I am moving back to Philippines. Because the average Filipino is not narcissist and/or bipolar as I found most Thais to be. Worst I found most Thais I have met are not affectionate and uncaring toward each other and especially Foreigners. Plus many more Filipinos can speak and understand proper English than Thais. In the Philippines you can always find someone who speaks English to help you and Filipinos don't demand tips for helping you like I found most Thais do.

I think you have been hanging out with the wrong crowd here in Thailand! Only time I ever tipped a Thai for helping me was when I was moving, a refill of gas and two bottles of beers. But of course I have tried to learned Thai and I have many Thai friends. We usually share the costs but sometimes only one pay for example if made a good sale, a good deal or got a promotion. I even have one group of friends where I never ever payed... They call our parties/nights out "English lessons" . :)

"Why is Thailand such a success compared to the Philippines?"

Even with comparatively better education, politics, demographics, religion and history made the Philippines and people relatively more unfortunate than its neighbours.

The country has alwys been raped of its resources since the Spanish colonial presence in the country...


Geography is a big part of it.

Thailand is the perfect base for Asean travel.

Flipland is a bunch of islands well into the sea!

And the PI has some of the most unfortunate geography imaginable. They are the first landfall for all of the massive storms that form over the Pacific. They bear the brunt of those storms on such a regular basis, that billions of dollars goes into emergency repairs. It is too bad. Nice people, good English skills, but a poor government and A lot of debt.


... Plus many more Filipinos can speak and understand proper English than Thais... and Filipinos don't demand tips for helping you like I found most Thais do.

One man's meat is the other man' poison... I got the opposite experience.

Yes, in tourist areas it might be comparable. However, if you travel in the province, I never had that experience in TH - quite the opposite, people working their ass off to find someone, who could translate and help. In Phils, it often starts with addressing you as "friend" - I hate this phrase in the meantime, because it literally translates into "ATM" and the expectation for money. No matter,where you go, once you step out of your car, you are immediately targeted by beggars and kids for money. As always, there are exemptions, but in general, the "rich Kano" is seen as a source to get money.

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