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Why is Thailand such a success compared to the Philippines?

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Filipino food has some good dishes, their BBQ (Bacolod) chicken is amazing, far superior to any BBQ chicken I have eaten in Thailand. They also have Bicol express which is delicious and probably closest one to a Thai dish, plus nice soup dishes like sinigang (very unique taste), tinola, nilaga and bulalo (the last two are very simple).

The difference for me is that I find street food in Thailand is generally very good, whereas it is generally awful in the Philippines imho. You will often find a big chunk of pork fat in pork dishes for example. Filipinos have some rather strange taste buds too, they love spagetti with lots of sugar in it.

They eat more compared to Thais when it comes to portion size, they can eat three servings of rice at once. They love cheap junk food like their version of MacDonalds and hotdogs are like a staple. They also eat luncheon meat which is basically like dog food. This means many are overweight and I think liver problems are an issue there.

That is spot on. Do not forget the bbq hotdog slices with alternating marshmallows they serve at birthdays. Also Ice cream served on hamburger buns.

You will see "Chicken Asses" with signs in English, for sale at the food court. As well as chicken feet, heads, and intestines.

Love the place for other reasons.

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They will never call you Farang in the PI. You "will" be called "Cano".... a definite upgrade. I love the look on my buddy's face when they call him "Cano"....he is Aussie. lol

Means Americano. Also will be referred to as "Joe" or "Joey"....a term that goes back to WW II.

It is used familiarly.. Many of you non Americans will miss being called Farang, after a few hours of "Hey Joey" or "Hey Cano".

They do not kowtow or pretend to be anything than what they are. If they don't like you, you will know it. There sense of humor can be rough. They do it to each other as well. There is usually a smile. They love humor. Another quality trait...

As for being smart or not.....the Philippine Resistance made pistols out of bamboo...believe it or not.

Many of their families were slaughtered...sometimes whole villages, in support of the War Effort,

and collaborating with the Allies...


They will never call you Farang in the PI. You "will" be called "Cano".... a definite upgrade. lol

Means Americano. Also will be referred to as "Joe" or "Joey"....a term that goes back to WW II.

As for being smart or not.....the Philippine Resistance made pistols out of bamboo...believe it or not.

Many of their families were slaughtered...sometimes whole villages, in support of the War Effort,

and collaborating with the Allies...

How many Thai families were slaughtered by Japanese????


Flippers don't have the work ethic of Thais. Considering most Flippers speak English you would think this was an advantage but it isn't.

There's no need to use intentionally derogatory language. The correct spelling is "Filipinos".

Right now I'm living in a house full of FILIPINOS and only 1 speaks English. The same is true in most communities. About 50% of the population live in poverty and don't speak English.

The English speaking ability of high school graduates is usually very limited. Tourists get the wrong impression because retail businesses, hotels and restaurants select the best English speakers from a huge pool of job applicants.

A major problem is the large number of regional languages spoken. English is a 3rd language for all non-native Tagalog speakers, which comprises the majority of the population.

If you are living in Thailand,you have to know that 80% of the Filipinos living here are from the province.Their dialects come first followed by either Filipino language or English.I agree though that English falls as a third language in most cases.

Sometimes Filipinos are just shy to talk to foreigners because they are afraid to be judged too.People expected that because of the American influence,everyone is capable of speaking good English and that becomes a pressure to them.It's just like the thinking that every Filipino can play basketball,billiards and maybe soon boxing too not to mention singing and dancing.

I just hope pinoys stop trying to impress everyone because speaking English does not represent ones intellectual level...the Japanese are doing just fine and so are other successful countries who do not depend on the English language as a symbol of being smart or not.


A fun read here. One thought - is language a problem for the Philippines? (in reverse).

I have been to Thailand many times, and while I have not been to the Philippines, there are so many Filipinos here in California that I feel I understand a bit of the culture.

Maybe one of the problems with the PI is a "brain drain" as a result of their skill in the English language. I have a good friend here in California who is a Filipina - she is smart, hard working, and speaks excellent English - and she left the PI because she had good options here in the US.

There are some Thais here (mainly in LA) but nowhere near the numbers, and they mailnly tend to open Thai restaurants. Maybe some (certainly not all) of the smart, educated, hard working Thais decide that the best option for them is to stay in Thailand.


The simple explanation is that since English is universally taught and used in the Philippines, that makes their workers worth more on the world market, so they have a long tradition of working overseas and remitting their pay checks back home.

Why stay home and work when you can enjoy the luxuries of the first world yet still support the folks back home


I'll be interested to see where Thailand is in ten or fifteen years. As HeijoshinCool said, they got a big bump from the Vietnam war. The US poured money and technology into the country as Thailand allowed the US to use air bases. Later it brought in a lot of manufacturing. Thailand and the US have been friends and allies since just after WWII right up until about NOW.

The US isn't going to put up with this China alliance and has already pulled a lot of income away from Thailand since the coup. I don't expect Japan to put up with the China alliance either and the US and Japan are close.

If the US and Japan pull significant manufacturing out of Thailand and move it to Burma, Thailand will be hurting. The US and Japan already bought huge tracts of land in Yangon, and Japan promised to build a deep water port there. This was over Yingluck's behavior. Imagine what they think of the current government's moves.

Thailand has had it's Marcos. Thaksin and Yingluck robbed the country blind and left it deeply in debt and not just over the rice scheme. They at least temporarily destroyed the rice export business.

Thailand is slipping. It's stupidity, greed and corruption is catching up with its economy from rice to tourism. Next if it loses the US and Japan as Cambodia, Vietnam and Burma take business, it could slip a long way down. I'm not predicting anything, I just see the possibility.

As usual, in agreement. EXEPT: While Thaksin and sister "plundered the country", during the "plundering-process" , the poorest of the poor felt for the first time in their lives, that during the "Plundering-Phase" by Thaksin, some crumbs were falling off the table of corruption in their favor. Infrastructure: Roads were built, electrification of isolated villages. etc. etc. Unheard of before.

The impoverished Thai's (the red-shirts) have understood, that they will be ruled by some sort of Elite for the next 2 generations. But they will certainly prefer to be ruled by a corrupt Elite, that allows for some "crumbs" to fall off the table in their favor. They also know that there will be no "crumbs" falling off the table, as long as "the General" and his yellow-shirt- entourage sits at the table exclusively and with the sole purpose to cement the Feudalistic- Power-Structure that they prefer to call "Thainess".

Interesting times ahead. Cheers.

Really interesting theory, as even the Shins looked the other way at Pattaya, whereas the general has pounded away at tourism and there are hungry Isaan girls and their families because of it........

Some " crumbs" from the General better fall Isaans way, because the genie is out if the bottle...... But the Shins were BIG TIME CORRUPT, and I believe the present Govt is SIGNIFICANTLY LESS SO !!!

The loan , the pledging scheme, the tablet purchase, as thinly veiled as I have ever seen.... Disgusting, and the Good general has done Nothing of the Sort......


1) colonial legacy, they have never been a " big boy or girl

2) IQ ( hate to say it)

3) Catholic Church

4) 1700 ( or is it 7000) islands !!!.....a logistical nightmare too large to overcome.....

In spite of educational system (better in PI but see #2) and English Language


She runs circles around the typical Phil ......as I put it, the social skills of a PI and the IQ of Chinese, an all too rare but unbeatable combo,

...........and > 50% of the superrich PI CHINESE DESCENT, eg., Tan owns PAL among others, Sy shopping center magnate, MEGAMALL, MOA, etc.

The girls EXCELLENT BOTH!!!! ........ Maybe a new thread, Thai wife keeps me honest here,

BUT SHOW ME A 14 yo Thai virgin

I will get you a 20 to PI one, thanks to Catholic Church.... If uncles didn't exist, 5x the # ........NOT LOL


I don't like Filipino Women. They act too cocky and think they're something special.

The Thai girls are a lot cuter and don't think they're something special.

Spend some time in Pattaya - even the boys think they're something special when they put on a little eye shadow and a frock ;)

I've met Filipinas I liked and others I didnt care for - same as everywhere - and they can be every bit as charming/manipulative as women from Thailand. In any case, that's not what this thread is about - we're discussing the relative economic fortunes of the two countries.

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The simple explanation is that since English is universally taught and used in the Philippines, that makes their workers worth more on the world market, so they have a long tradition of working overseas and remitting their pay checks back home.

Why stay home and work when you can enjoy the luxuries of the first world yet still support the folks back home

So what you're saying is English proficiency has been bad for the Philippines, resulting in their best workers leaving? So better for Thailand not to follow the same path.

It's not that simple. If there were jobs/opportunities in the PI, more people would stay. And the ones working overseas aren't exactly finding riches. Many are struggling just to get by...but still better off than staying in the PI.


clarke airport new terminal, but budget airlines pulled out, why?

Previously Airport in Manila made it difficult for foreign airlines. So not easy for tourists to get there cheaply.

Both countries have corruption

Philippines island nation, but so is Japan

Philippines Catholic country population too big for resources of country, but big families in Issan

Philippines hit by Typhoons.

Lived in both countries, like the people more in the Philippines but prefer to live in Thailand


As an American US Govt official, I physically worked in Thailand for 2-years+ and externally worked with Thai Govt officials for 10+ years.

As an outsider (non-Thai) and ignoring both the political and corruption issues, I see the following:

- Thailand has an excellent manufacturing portfolio which includes the auto industry and computer/IT parts and excellent rubber, seafood, rice, fruit (fresh and raw) and apparel/linen/handicraft industry.

- Thailand is very successful at exporting the above commodities.

- Thailand in general are good business people and are able to capitalize on their cheap labor wages to make their products attractive (both to eastern and western customers).

- Thailand is it's own worst enemy due to their politics and corruption scandals (both Govt and private officials).

- Occasionally Thailand is impacted with floods (2012 & 2013) due to their rainy season which closes factories.

The Philippines also has a robust manufacturing infrastructure but business dealings are extremely layered with deep levels of corruption (at a significant cost).


The Philippines also has a robust manufacturing infrastructure but business dealings are extremely layered with deep levels of corruption (at a significant cost).

Can you tell me what the Philippines manufactures other than babies ?

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RichardThailand, on 01 Jan 2015 - 07:40, said:
lcp0761, on 31 Dec 2014 - 21:04, said:

The Philippines also has a robust manufacturing infrastructure but business dealings are extremely layered with deep levels of corruption (at a significant cost).

Can you tell me what the Philippines manufactures other than babies ?

San Miguel and they also manufacture cheap firearms, some of which the Thai Military uses. Oh and some brands of cigarettes. That's about all I know of.


The Philippines also has a robust manufacturing infrastructure but business dealings are extremely layered with deep levels of corruption (at a significant cost).

Can you tell me what the Philippines manufactures other than babies ?

You can do some research to get a better idea but then again ignorance is a bliss;p



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"the work ethic of thais' that's a good one.

Actually, I think Thai women have a pretty good work ethic.

But the men?
When I see a bunch of them standing around, doing nothing, nodding off, getting nothing done, well, I just can't imagine myself doing that.
The same size bunch of girls would be cooking, eating, laughing, or checking out their looks in a mirror. (but at least doing something)

Don't know a whole lot about Phillipine people except many are AWESOME musicans, speak good English but are WAY too into their Catholicism. (which as others have said, wants them to breed like rabbits)

But the bottom line is probably money. (debt, high unemployment, past corruption)

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The Philippines also has a robust manufacturing infrastructure but business dealings are extremely layered with deep levels of corruption (at a significant cost).

Can you tell me what the Philippines manufactures other than babies ?

You can do some research to get a better idea but then again ignorance is a bliss;p


This was a serious question spoken from my over 15 years of experience of visiting the Philippines and my almost eight years of living there. In that 15 years I have sadly watched and read about one manufacturing industry after another leaving the Philippines. The only exception I can think of is the new shipbuilding area in Subic.

So I'll ask again. Please tell me what the Philippines manufactures. Hopefully you can sum it up for the readers of this forum rather than being one of those posters who suggests we all do research.

Thank you.


I think one reason is safety for foreign investors. Thailand is fairly gun free and safe. For a long time, potential Taiwanese and Japanese investors were being kidnapped in the P.R. After mainland China opened-up, there was no need to take the risks - physical and financial - involved in investing in the P.R.

Thailand has the third highest gun murder rate per capita in the world. 2.5X that of The Philippines. LINK

Having lived there for a long time I feel that statistics coming out of that country are extremely unreliable. Nothing is reported correctly and deaths happen all of the time.

I have some statistics from personal experience:

  • Rotary club - 2 out of the 32 members were murdered in different incidents.
  • Hairdressers - 2 out of 4-5 died from motor cycle accidents
  • Girls - First visit to PI, been there a few days and saw my first murdered girl (murdered by her police boyfriend). Girl looked to be around 18.
  • Holdups - First visit to PI, been there a few days. Took money out of a bank ATM and met up with a guy pointing a gun at me.

Yes Richard I believe you are correct a lot of murders go unreported in Thailand while a lot more go unreported in the Phils.

Over 60% of gun deaths in the States are suicides but South Africa is the murder capital of the World.

According to who? South Africa only scrapes into the top 10 according to The Global Study on Homicide 2013



I would blame the Ph on the crazy Catholic ideology. In that country they are crazy Catholic and 500 years in the past.

Also, the natural disasters and not one state - as in islands all over.

For the first item, an old friend's wife is crazy Catholic Ph. It's nuts and I don't think the people have very open minds, like in Thailand. Free spirit. I had a coworker in American who was very Catholic and Ph and she now has a 1/2 dozen kids and she needs NEW everything. No used. And her car had to be new and blessed by a priest.

Not a fan of the Catholic church...


I would blame the Ph on the crazy Catholic ideology. In that country they are crazy Catholic and 500 years in the past.

Also, the natural disasters and not one state - as in islands all over.

For the first item, an old friend's wife is crazy Catholic Ph. It's nuts and I don't think the people have very open minds, like in Thailand. Free spirit. I had a coworker in American who was very Catholic and Ph and she now has a 1/2 dozen kids and she needs NEW everything. No used. And her car had to be new and blessed by a priest.

Not a fan of the Catholic church...

The Philippines is about 80% Catholic, but the 5% crazy Muslims do more harm than the 80% Catholic and 15% other religions combined.

You may not know that most of Manila's street beggars are Muslims from the south.

... but to be fair, most communities in the Philippines are so poor that religion is all they have got so it is not fair to make fun of it. It's often the only thing which gives them hope and strength to carry from day to day. One thing you'll find about Filipino Catholics - they won't push their religion on you and won't make fun of the beliefs of others. They are very accommodating just as the Buddhist are in Thailand. In the Philippines it's a hybrid of the old Spanish Catholicism and animism. It's a blend.

The main problem "inflicted" by the Catholic Church is the non-contraceptive doctrine. Even if woman wants to buy decent contraceptive pills, the prices are very high. For example the contraceptive pills my wife uses (Mercilon) are 3x more expensive in the Philippines than in Thailand (224 peso/ 678 peso).In fact most medicine is double or triple the price of the same medicine in Thailand.

A quick look at the population statistics tells the story.

0-14 years population: Philippines - 33.7%, Thailand - 17.6%

25 - 54 years: Philippines - 37%, Thailand - 46.9%

Total dependency ratio: Philippines - 60.7%, Thailand 38.6%

Obviously a huge child population compared to a small working population - a recipe for poverty without even covering all the other problems such as:

Geography: It is nation consisting of many small islands making transportation and communication very expensive and complex. You either have to fly or take a slow ferry to adjacent islands. There are a few fast ferries between some islands and they are expensive.

Land area: Philippines: 298,000 sq km, Thailand: 511,000 sq km (Thailand is nearly double the size)

Arable land percent: Philippines: 18%, Thailand 30.71%. Arable land area: Philippines: 53,640 sq km, Thailand: 156,928 sq km (Thailand has 3x the arable land area of Philippines).

Combine those statistics with population and we can see a tremendous difference:

Population: Philippines: 107,668,231 (2014 est), Thailand: 67,741,401

Thailand has nearly half the population of the Philippines with 3 times as much arable land and few natural disasters to cope with by comparison and it is one single land mass.

Natural disasters: The Philippines is probably the worst affected country on Earth. On average it is affected by 15 and struck by 5 to 6 typhoons each year. Add to that frequent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding, landslides.....

Communication (language):

Philippines: Native Tagalog speakers: 28.1%, Thailand: Native Thai speakers: 95.9%

There are many ethnic groups in the Philippines all speaking their own unique languages distributed on many islands. Due to poverty and the resultant lack of education a large percentage of the population cannot effectively communicate in the national language (Filipino based on Tagalog) let alone English. There are 175 recognized distinct languages in the Philippines. There are 13 different languages with at least one million native speakers. For over 70% of the population the national language is a 2nd language only taught at school and very rarely spoken. Where I live no one speaks Tagalog. Most can understand it as they are exposed to it on TV, but few feel comfortable speaking or writing it.

Suffice to say that communication in the Philippines is much more complicated than it is in Thailand.


Let's not forget about the Japanese occupation during WW2. Most families where I live (Leyte) have relatives who were brutally slaughtered during that terrible time in history. I've heard stories that the Japanese occupiers used to bayonet babies just for fun.

Brain Drain

Add to this the brain drain, where a large percentage of educated people emigrate to other countries and one must wonder why anyone even presented the question of why Thailand is more successful in the first place. Why not ask questions like "why is the US more successful than Thailand?", or "why are Malaysia and Singapore so far ahead of Thailand?".

(Because a large percentage of the population remain uneducated due to poverty this brain drain is a rather significant loss)

For some reason people think that because the people in Thailand and the Philippines look similar that everything should be the same.

The Philippines is so unique and different to all other countries on Earth that there really are no valid comparisons to make. I suppose because both countries present good retirement opportunities people will ask these questions.

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Flipland is a bunch of islands well into the sea!

So is Japan. thumbsup.gif

Fair enough. But Japan is East Asia not Southeast Asia.


And the Philippines is Flipland?

Only to ignorant people who are quite happy to insult a nation. It is not unusual for Americans to look down on Filipinos. Millions were brought over to the US when it was still a US dependency before the end of WW2, to be used for cheap labour. Slavery had already been abolished, which left a vacuum to be filled by Asians and other nationalities perceived as inferior.

Some of these words should be banned and put in the same category as words (which I will not repeat here) they used to use to describe their own black population and other Asians.

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The Philippines also has a robust manufacturing infrastructure but business dealings are extremely layered with deep levels of corruption (at a significant cost).

Can you tell me what the Philippines manufactures other than babies ?

You can do some research to get a better idea but then again ignorance is a bliss;p


This was a serious question spoken from my over 15 years of experience of visiting the Philippines and my almost eight years of living there. In that 15 years I have sadly watched and read about one manufacturing industry after another leaving the Philippines. The only exception I can think of is the new shipbuilding area in Subic.

So I'll ask again. Please tell me what the Philippines manufactures. Hopefully you can sum it up for the readers of this forum rather than being one of those posters who suggests we all do research.

Thank you.

The high cost of electricity is the main reason many major manufacturing businesses have relocated to other SE Asian countries, notably Vietnam and Malaysia.

I'm living right next to a major geothermal plant and I'm paying about 50% more than what I pay in Thailand.

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big reason? crime.

my mate was in PH for business last year. took a taxi and got jumped by some guys with guns. they made him take out all his money from ATM, drove him into the middle of nowhere, made him strip naked, then drove off.

he had to walk for 2hours butt naked until he could reach a road and find someone who could help them. this was like the 2nd or 3rd day he had arrived.

they even have armed guards at shopping malls in PH

i dont think anywhere else in SEA is as bad.

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big reason? crime.

my mate was in PH for business last year. took a taxi and got jumped by some guys with guns. they made him take out all his money from ATM, drove him into the middle of nowhere, made him strip naked, then drove off.

he had to walk for 2hours butt naked until he could reach a road and find someone who could help them. this was like the 2nd or 3rd day he had arrived.

they even have armed guards at shopping malls in PH

i dont think anywhere else in SEA is as bad.

It's like many countries - depends where you are. For example, if you walked into the wrong areas of many cities in the US you'd be lucky to come out alive.

Manila is a huge city and very dangerous in the wrong areas. Angeles City can also be rather dangerous because the criminals know there are plenty of moneyed foreigners there and tend to converge on the area....

....however, in the provincial areas such as where I live you always feel safe.

Obviously you're not going to hang out in Muslim run territories. You have to be mindful of where you are.

I don't hear many stories about foreigners being killed compared to Thailand.

This could impact tourism, but it has nothing to do with why Thailand is more successful. High crime is more a symptom of a failing state rather than the reason why it is failing. In a poor country you're always going to have to watch your back if you show your wealth. I do feel Filipinos have more respect for life than Thais due to their religious beliefs (i.e. no reincarnation).

I'm sometimes asked how Thai drivers compare to Filipino drivers. I say they are both bad (crazy) drivers, but the Thais are far more aggressive at it.

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Maybe it's due to race? As you know thailand has many thai chinese and many thais have east asian genetics since they originated from china but are not chinese but it's still similar. It's not a pc to say but think about it well does it always seem to be that way in countries say china,japan vs say indonesia. Even in thailand where the darker skinned thais aka the issan, mon, khmer peoples who are similar to the dark skinned filippino natives seem poorer than the lighter skinned thais.

Yup, already tried to tell everybody this.


Maybe it's due to race? As you know thailand has many thai chinese and many thais have east asian genetics since they originated from china but are not chinese but it's still similar. It's not a pc to say but think about it well does it always seem to be that way in countries say china,japan vs say indonesia. Even in thailand where the darker skinned thais aka the issan, mon, khmer peoples who are similar to the dark skinned filippino natives seem poorer than the lighter skinned thais.

Yup, already tried to tell everybody this.

It has nothing to do with race. Did you fail to realize that the Philippines was a Spanish colony for about 335 years and then a US colony for a further 50 years. There's also a massive Chinese population in the Philippines. Chinese Filipinos are one of the largest overseas Chinese communities in South East Asia. 18 - 27% of the Philippine population have at least some Chinese ancestry. Add to that the huge number of interracial marriages over the last century and you end up with a lot of "white skinned" people.

The only place you really notice the white skin is in richer communities where people can stay out of the hot sun - or can afford bleaching compounds. My father-in-law has a great tan from working in the rice fields, but under the tan his skin is rather fair. As you probably know, Spanish "olive skin" and Chinese "yellow skin" tans up quickly. If you want to find Filipinos without Spanish or Chinese decent you have to go into the deep interiors of some of the islands to find indigenous people. All others have "white skin genes" even if they appear brown.


I've met a million filipina administrative assistants and nurses and not one fiipino doctor.

I have been attended by three Filipino / Filipina doctors (in the Middle East and in another Asian country), and they were all excellent. In one instance, I much preferred to see the Filipina doctor, than the Brits or Americans available at the same clinic.


I've met a million filipina administrative assistants and nurses and not one fiipino doctor.

I have been attended by three Filipino / Filipina doctors (in the Middle East and in another Asian country), and they were all excellent. In one instance, I much preferred to see the Filipina doctor, than the Brits or Americans available at the same clinic.

We all know what doctors are like. Mostly arrogant and unwilling to make an effort to explain things in ordinary language to patients. I'll bet the Filipino doctors you attended were more pleasant than your standard doctors.

Obviously the cost of training abroad to be come a qualified doctor in another country would be above the budget of most Filipino families. I wouldn't expect to see many. That's the main problem with the medical profession. Rich families usually produce our doctors, who only go into the field for money. Why do you think Filipinos produce the most sought after nurses in the world - they are more caring and patient.

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