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What Do You Miss Most?


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And me .. espcially this one..


totster :D

Yes, yes, we've all done the "what do you miss about Farangland" before. Now, for all of us who are temporarily stuck in Farangland - whether long term, short term or even on holiday - what do we miss about Thailand?

And since both threads started approximately the same time we'll have a little competition to boot. I'll bet my baht that this thread receives more replies. :D

Though Totster hasn't officially replied yet I will offer up for him out of that 'other' thread.

And for myself:

1) First and foremost I miss my teehrak and wife, Moo Noi.

2) Secondly, I miss my teehrak and wife, Moo Noi.

3) Thirdly, I miss my teehrak and wife, Moo Noi.

4) I miss the kids.

5) I miss all of my Thai friends and family.

6) I miss Thai cusine. All of it. It's just not the same here in the States. Som tum with lettuce? Gimme a frickin' break. :D

7) I miss the nightlife in Bangkok - 24/7.

8) I miss driving in Thailand. Where else can you drive and feel as though you've entered a derby?

9) I miss the hot and nasty weather. I have to pay for saunas here. :D

10) I miss bird watching. :o

Oh, I could go on, but I don't want my fellow repatriates to suffer too much bereavement over our unfortunate displacement.

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I miss the street life. In Thailand life is lived outside; back in the West when I drive down the street I can't help but wonder where all the people are. I miss all the sounds and smells and electricity in the air. Thailand truly is (with apologies to SoftCell) a nonstop erotic cabaret.

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When I'm in Thailand I do my level best to enjoy everything I can about Thailand.

When I'm somewhere else I do my level best to enjoy everything I can about that 'somewhere else'.

Right now 'somewhere else' is Italy, so I'm a bit to engrosed in the joys of Italy to fret about missing things in Thailand.

I figure a way to waste your life is to spend it wishing you where living another life.

Edited by GuestHouse
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When I'm in Thailand I do my level best to enjoy everything I can about Thailand.

When I'm somewhere else I do my level best to enjoy everything I can about that 'somewhere else'.

Right now 'somewhere else' is Italy, so I'm a bit to engrosed in the joys of Italy to fret about missing things in Thailand.

I figure a way to waste your life is to spend it wishing you where living another life.

Fair enough. I'd be enjoying the Penne Arrabatia and the Pinot Grigio!

Edited by Krupnik
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When I'm in Thailand I do my level best to enjoy everything I can about Thailand.

When I'm somewhere else I do my level best to enjoy everything I can about that 'somewhere else'.

Right now 'somewhere else' is Italy, so I'm a bit to engrosed in the joys of Italy to fret about missing things in Thailand.

I figure a way to waste your life is to spend it wishing you where living another life.

Fair enough. I'd be enjoying the Penne Arrabatia and the Pinot Grigio!

Normally I would agree but it is hard to agree due to the fact that family is over there and I am still stuck here.

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I miss the peace and quiet of Lumpini Park, a gentle haven of ' bread runners' and mat distributers' where I can have a quiet chat with the Lizard who patrols the shore of the lake.

Before entering the eclectic bustle of noise, pollution and chaos of Silom, before having a quiet glass of something in O'Reilly's or the Exchange before walking accross to Suriwong and having another quiet glass of something cool in the open air bar in front of the Montien Plaza.

Ahhhh, not long now.....

Good Luck

Moss :o

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Normally i would have said i miss everything about Thailand, but after getting back with a 3 month old baby, i tell you now i have never been happier to be back in the U.K. :o

2 weeks on i am still happy to be back in the U.K and we wont be coming back until the little un is walking, so same time next year :D:D

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When I'm in Thailand I do my level best to enjoy everything I can about Thailand.

When I'm somewhere else I do my level best to enjoy everything I can about that 'somewhere else'.

Right now 'somewhere else' is Italy, so I'm a bit to engrosed in the joys of Italy to fret about missing things in Thailand.

I figure a way to waste your life is to spend it wishing you where living another life.

Normally I would agree but it is hard to agree due to the fact that family is over there and I am still stuck here.

Very true on both counts and GH makes some wise comments. It's not always easy to enjoy yourself when you're apart from those you love. Especially when you've been away for long.

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I take it your question is direceted to the worlds poulation ! because if your talking to an Englishman what an earth would he have to miss ? Do you think Blair and his bunch of missfits is any less currupt than any Asian govenment...................................... Me fined £100 for stopping 45 seconds in central London last Sunday, in a red route, (photos to prove )!what said 20 minutes unloading, oh yes I wll go to court !.................. I garentee there is more state control here than in LOS !

I cannot wait to get out of this Sh..hole !..............................Roy

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Normally i would have said i miss everything about Thailand, but after getting back with a 3 month old baby, i tell you now i have never been happier to be back in the U.K. :D

2 weeks on i am still happy to be back in the U.K and we wont be coming back until the little un is walking, so same time next year :D:D


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