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If Thai woman has a farang hubbie, does she get derided by other Thais?


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Some really good posts here reference the Thai culture/social standing part. Mostly spot-on IMHO.

But, from observation over the last 25 years or so, there is another side to it.

Too many times I have seen the spouses of the foreign husbands/long term BFs change to the point where they bring derision onto not only themselves but to the relationship itself. Obviously, it is not across the board and I am not generalizing here, but when someone's life is changed in a dramatic way, someone who now has access to things they never had before, it is inevitable they will try to show off at some point.

This causes problems. Too many noses in the air to put it mildly. There are times when I would love to video nights out among groups of farang and their spouses, and playback the next day to show how the ladies act, what the conversations are based on.

Just something to think about and add to the pot...................wink.png

"someone who now has access to things they never had before, it is inevitable they will try to show off at some point." with a line like that? Of course youre generalizing!

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Some really good posts here reference the Thai culture/social standing part. Mostly spot-on IMHO.

But, from observation over the last 25 years or so, there is another side to it.

Too many times I have seen the spouses of the foreign husbands/long term BFs change to the point where they bring derision onto not only themselves but to the relationship itself. Obviously, it is not across the board and I am not generalizing here, but when someone's life is changed in a dramatic way, someone who now has access to things they never had before, it is inevitable they will try to show off at some point.

This causes problems. Too many noses in the air to put it mildly. There are times when I would love to video nights out among groups of farang and their spouses, and playback the next day to show how the ladies act, what the conversations are based on.

Just something to think about and add to the pot...................

"someone who now has access to things they never had before, it is inevitable they will try to show off at some point." with a line like that? Of course youre generalizing!

When I said not generalizing, I meant it was not applicable to all Thai women with foreign spouses...................wink.png

However, I can see where this could be read differently, dependent on the agenda of the reply.......................rolleyes.gif

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I don't think you can lump all Thais together. There is a pronounced class system in Thailand for one thing.

You might find resistance in a rich and connected family whereas many farangs find wives from Isaan where having a farang might be a badge of honor due in part perhaps to money.

IMHO many poorer Thai families hope for a farang for financial benefits. A village girl marries a farang who builds her a mcmansion and others might want the same including the family. Others might actually be jealous and hope for the same.

Deep down I believe that most Thai women would rather marry a Thai, especially when younger. IMHO "love" means something different to a lot of Thais than it does to Westerners. It can mean "take care" whatever that means to them.

I will never get married again. I don't understand any women much less Thai women so I'll just keep my money in my pocket and have the occasional girlfriend. I don't like playing a gambling game I don't understand or where the odds are stacked against me.

Bottom line - no, some women and families are proud of their farang but I think it's usually about money. Some exceptions both ways of course.

lol! you admit you dont understand thai women and then proceed to explain your understanding of why these thai women want to marry farang!!
Not understanding women and having an opinion about why they might want to marry a foreigner are two different things.

nope. you cant know their motives if u dont understand how they think and act

He didn't say he understood their motives. He simply stated his opinion.

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I don't think you can lump all Thais together. There is a pronounced class system in Thailand for one thing.

You might find resistance in a rich and connected family whereas many farangs find wives from Isaan where having a farang might be a badge of honor due in part perhaps to money.

IMHO many poorer Thai families hope for a farang for financial benefits. A village girl marries a farang who builds her a mcmansion and others might want the same including the family. Others might actually be jealous and hope for the same.

Deep down I believe that most Thai women would rather marry a Thai, especially when younger. IMHO "love" means something different to a lot of Thais than it does to Westerners. It can mean "take care" whatever that means to them.

I will never get married again. I don't understand any women much less Thai women so I'll just keep my money in my pocket and have the occasional girlfriend. I don't like playing a gambling game I don't understand or where the odds are stacked against me.

Bottom line - no, some women and families are proud of their farang but I think it's usually about money. Some exceptions both ways of course.

lol! you admit you dont understand thai women and then proceed to explain your understanding of why these thai women want to marry farang!!
Not understanding women and having an opinion about why they might want to marry a foreigner are two different things.

nope. you cant know their motives if u dont understand how they think and act
No man is ever going to understand a woman 100%. Just like no foreigner will ever understand a Thai 100%. Edited by eldragon
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Any Thai woman who gets seriously involved with a foreigner has some explaining to do.

To whom, and exactly what the nature of this explanation involves depends almost entirely upon her family's position or their perceived position in the food chain.

The Thai hierarchical system is the key here.

The higher her family's position, the daughter of a doctor or a prominent businessman, the more explaining she will have to do.

The lower her family's position, the daughter of a sam lor driver or a sharecropper, the less explaining she will have to do.

This should be evident to all parties from the outset.

If it is not evident, or if the need for explanation is blurred and obscured primarily by physical attraction and emotion there will be blowback in direct proportion to the woman's family's social standing.

I have heard of Thai fathers and heads of family actually begging and imploring a foreigner to consider abandoning marriage plans.

After a nice lunch another father invited his daughter's boyfriend back to his office.

Over coffee he pulled file folders of three years credit card receipts from his desk drawer, placed them squarely in front of the prospective groom.

He then asked him point blank if he was prepared to take over and support his daughter's shopping habits in addition to the normal responsibilities of raising a family. He added that although he hadn't spoiled his daughters he had always approved of their spending habits as a protection against inappropriate matrimonial choices.

At the other end of the scale we have all heard of entire villages in Thailand's agricultural hinterlands celebrating the good fortune that comes from their daughter landing a farang tuna.

Kind of works like that.

and i have friends married into wealthy families where the heads of the thai families came to them and suggested the connection!

I can match that. I've had friends whose TGFs made their farang boyfriends SWEAR not to tell their fathers that they were just 'friends' and not lovers.

Sounds to me like your friends' families needed the financial support. Similar to the 1800s Europe when some gentry would marry foreign merchant women because they were asset-poor and land-rich.

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Any Thai woman who gets seriously involved with a foreigner has some explaining to do.

To whom, and exactly what the nature of this explanation involves depends almost entirely upon her family's position or their perceived position in the food chain.

The Thai hierarchical system is the key here.

The higher her family's position, the daughter of a doctor or a prominent businessman, the more explaining she will have to do.

The lower her family's position, the daughter of a sam lor driver or a sharecropper, the less explaining she will have to do.

This should be evident to all parties from the outset.

If it is not evident, or if the need for explanation is blurred and obscured primarily by physical attraction and emotion there will be blowback in direct proportion to the woman's family's social standing.

I have heard of Thai fathers and heads of family actually begging and imploring a foreigner to consider abandoning marriage plans.

After a nice lunch another father invited his daughter's boyfriend back to his office.

Over coffee he pulled file folders of three years credit card receipts from his desk drawer, placed them squarely in front of the prospective groom.

He then asked him point blank if he was prepared to take over and support his daughter's shopping habits in addition to the normal responsibilities of raising a family. He added that although he hadn't spoiled his daughters he had always approved of their spending habits as a protection against inappropriate matrimonial choices.

At the other end of the scale we have all heard of entire villages in Thailand's agricultural hinterlands celebrating the good fortune that comes from their daughter landing a farang tuna.

Kind of works like that.

and i have friends married into wealthy families where the heads of the thai families came to them and suggested the connection!

I can match that. I've had friends whose TGFs made their farang boyfriends SWEAR not to tell their fathers that they were just 'friends' and not lovers.

Sounds to me like your friends' families needed the financial support. Similar to the 1800s Europe when some gentry would marry foreign merchant women because they were asset-poor and land-rich.

sorry to burst your imaginary bubble but that is a totally incorrect assessment

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I found in the past that a lot of women are very conscious of where her foreign b/f has been in Thailand, as are her friends and family.

Those that met in Pattaya are more obvious targets for derision regarding the bar girl talk.

Yet when a Thai woman meets a man in Nakhon nowhere, it is better for her status. She gets less derision aimed at her. Her family are better able to fend off the bar girl jibes too.

Obviously it is more complex than that, but it is another point of view.

Yes, but don't forget the Isaan tribes want to marry up the food chain. Money of course is one reason. Another is they are keen to breed with farang, young or old. This really traps them in Thailand. Fine if that's what the farang wants, but many times the looks on their faces is either blissful ignorance of what they have gotten themselves into or utter bitterness and loathing.

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Any Thai woman who gets seriously involved with a foreigner has some explaining to do.

To whom, and exactly what the nature of this explanation involves depends almost entirely upon her family's position or their perceived position in the food chain.

The Thai hierarchical system is the key here.

The higher her family's position, the daughter of a doctor or a prominent businessman, the more explaining she will have to do.

The lower her family's position, the daughter of a sam lor driver or a sharecropper, the less explaining she will have to do.

This should be evident to all parties from the outset.

If it is not evident, or if the need for explanation is blurred and obscured primarily by physical attraction and emotion there will be blowback in direct proportion to the woman's family's social standing.

I have heard of Thai fathers and heads of family actually begging and imploring a foreigner to consider abandoning marriage plans.

After a nice lunch another father invited his daughter's boyfriend back to his office.

Over coffee he pulled file folders of three years credit card receipts from his desk drawer, placed them squarely in front of the prospective groom.

He then asked him point blank if he was prepared to take over and support his daughter's shopping habits in addition to the normal responsibilities of raising a family. He added that although he hadn't spoiled his daughters he had always approved of their spending habits as a protection against inappropriate matrimonial choices.

At the other end of the scale we have all heard of entire villages in Thailand's agricultural hinterlands celebrating the good fortune that comes from their daughter landing a farang tuna.

Kind of works like that.

and i have friends married into wealthy families where the heads of the thai families came to them and suggested the connection!

I can match that. I've had friends whose TGFs made their farang boyfriends SWEAR not to tell their fathers that they were just 'friends' and not lovers.

Sounds to me like your friends' families needed the financial support. Similar to the 1800s Europe when some gentry would marry foreign merchant women because they were asset-poor and land-rich.

sorry to burst your imaginary bubble but that is a totally incorrect assessment

No joke or imaginary world here it's the absolute truth and probably one that bursts your bubble of cognitive dissonance but it is what it is. I should add we aren't talking the Isaan tribe of Thais either. This was in the fertile rice-belt regions where many wealthy landowners live. The Thai Heartlands were farang are few and far between.

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No joke or imaginary world here it's the absolute truth and probably one that bursts your bubble of cognitive dissonance but it is what it is. I should add we aren't talking the Isaan tribe of Thais either. This was in the fertile rice-belt regions where many wealthy landowners live. The Thai Heartlands were farang are few and far between.

lol! so YOU are telling me that YOU know more about the financal status of my friends families than I do? lol

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There two side of it ,good and bad

1) Farang husband meaning she lives a comfortable life and beautiful babies.

2) The bad side is people might think she is working in bars even if she not if she walking with a farang.

Nowdays many city girls would like to have farang husband because they are more responsible and caring compare with local guys.

As for racist it don't exist here or sometimes ' nick noi'

Both statements are irrational.

Do you really think farang mean beautiful? Wow, I have seen most ugliest, non classy men amongst farangs. Just sit and do people watching on caffee terrace on sukhumvit ....

Farangs caring and more responsible, really.... Why you generalize? Many are totally losers, bars addicted if not drugs addicts, cheaters, dirty physically and mentally...

Where do you live and where you get these prejudices from.....

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I found in the past that a lot of women are very conscious of where her foreign b/f has been in Thailand, as are her friends and family.

Those that met in Pattaya are more obvious targets for derision regarding the bar girl talk.

Yet when a Thai woman meets a man in Nakhon nowhere, it is better for her status. She gets less derision aimed at her. Her family are better able to fend off the bar girl jibes too.

Obviously it is more complex than that, but it is another point of view.

Yes, but don't forget the Isaan tribes want to marry up the food chain. Money of course is one reason. Another is they are keen to breed with farang, young or old. This really traps them in Thailand. Fine if that's what the farang wants, but many times the looks on their faces is either blissful ignorance of what they have gotten themselves into or utter bitterness and loathing.

I agree.

I see many foreign men now in their 60's and 70's with their beloved as they are pram pushing or leading the toddlers along. Maybe they are happy, I have no idea. Some are possibly trapped by the woman and our basic ideal is to support our offspring, though not for all foreigners.

I have certainly had a few who would love to have been moved up the food chain but their ridiculous demands only drove me away.

I have to say, all the families I met to date have all been friendly. People can make of that what they wish, but none of the families asked for money even 2 years into some relationships. I was simply treated normally. I would sit with the family(ies) drinking beer, chatting, generally having a relaxed time. I've had mothers give me massages, fruit and generally looked after me. Other family members would help out where they could with different problems.

In saying that, I had never lived in Pattaya at that point in time. Since doing so, perception is altered. People do look at you (both) differently when up in the village. The jungle drums rumble. Friends start to comment and also to ask when am I going to buy this and that and build a house. That, I find, is when problems begin.

Thankfully, now I am not with a Thai woman. I am experiencing something different and what a change it is too.

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Any Thai woman who gets seriously involved with a foreigner has some explaining to do.

To whom, and exactly what the nature of this explanation involves depends almost entirely upon her family's position or their perceived position in the food chain.

The Thai hierarchical system is the key here.

The higher her family's position, the daughter of a doctor or a prominent businessman, the more explaining she will have to do.

The lower her family's position, the daughter of a sam lor driver or a sharecropper, the less explaining she will have to do.

This should be evident to all parties from the outset.

If it is not evident, or if the need for explanation is blurred and obscured primarily by physical attraction and emotion there will be blowback in direct proportion to the woman's family's social standing.

I have heard of Thai fathers and heads of family actually begging and imploring a foreigner to consider abandoning marriage plans.

After a nice lunch another father invited his daughter's boyfriend back to his office.

Over coffee he pulled file folders of three years credit card receipts from his desk drawer, placed them squarely in front of the prospective groom.

He then asked him point blank if he was prepared to take over and support his daughter's shopping habits in addition to the normal responsibilities of raising a family. He added that although he hadn't spoiled his daughters he had always approved of their spending habits as a protection against inappropriate matrimonial choices.

At the other end of the scale we have all heard of entire villages in Thailand's agricultural hinterlands celebrating the good fortune that comes from their daughter landing a farang tuna.

Kind of works like that.

and i have friends married into wealthy families where the heads of the thai families came to them and suggested the connection!

There's really no way to prove the allegation I am about to make.

The only individuals who can offer any evidence to support a proof ain't talkin'.

Don't ever overlook the "damaged goods" aspect of a Thai gal who may have been passed around, passed over or passed through by members of her own eligible set. . . . . . . in other words a a Thai girl who might have been a bit of a handful in her adolescence.

And as proof of it there are more than one or two guys out there who can attest to the fact that the young lady in question is an absolute cat in the sack.

She still has to get married and an eligible farangledangle, ignorant or indifferent to her chequered past might be just what the shrewd family patriarch ordered.

The deal struck in this case usually has a carefully negotiated sinsot woven into the bargain.

The terms and conditions of disposal of this sinsot will likely be more important than the actual amount.

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A lot depends on the couple in question.

If she acts like a bar girl and he is a loser then yes, people will look down on you.

If the couple act with some degree of 'class' then I down think many Thais will look down on them.

Good point.

Another thing that might be said is that having children will change most Thais perception of a mixed marriage.

If it is seen that the offspring are being well brought up, that is a big plus, and it will reflect favorably on the parents.

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Women typically suffer more prejudice when they marry outside of their culture/nationality/race than men do.

Thais don't seem to be any more prejudice than others in this regard. Look at the majority of posts on dating, relationships and common views by the majority of the posters.

It is clear that by the posters' comments above that this will continue because of the inherent prejudice that everyone has. Until men don't need to qualify their relationships by saying "educated, good, wealthy family when speaking about their partner, this prejudice will exist.

Knowing when and how to pick your battles is very important. Funny how the majority of "experts" on how women are treated by Thai men are written by foreign men.

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Any Thai woman who gets seriously involved with a foreigner has some explaining to do.

To whom, and exactly what the nature of this explanation involves depends almost entirely upon her family's position or their perceived position in the food chain.

The Thai hierarchical system is the key here.

The higher her family's position, the daughter of a doctor or a prominent businessman, the more explaining she will have to do.

The lower her family's position, the daughter of a sam lor driver or a sharecropper, the less explaining she will have to do.

This should be evident to all parties from the outset.

If it is not evident, or if the need for explanation is blurred and obscured primarily by physical attraction and emotion there will be blowback in direct proportion to the woman's family's social standing.

I have heard of Thai fathers and heads of family actually begging and imploring a foreigner to consider abandoning marriage plans.

After a nice lunch another father invited his daughter's boyfriend back to his office.

Over coffee he pulled file folders of three years credit card receipts from his desk drawer, placed them squarely in front of the prospective groom.

He then asked him point blank if he was prepared to take over and support his daughter's shopping habits in addition to the normal responsibilities of raising a family. He added that although he hadn't spoiled his daughters he had always approved of their spending habits as a protection against inappropriate matrimonial choices.

At the other end of the scale we have all heard of entire villages in Thailand's agricultural hinterlands celebrating the good fortune that comes from their daughter landing a farang tuna.

Kind of works like that.

and i have friends married into wealthy families where the heads of the thai families came to them and suggested the connection!
There's really no way to prove the allegation I am about to make.

The only individuals who can offer any evidence to support a proof ain't talkin'.

Don't ever overlook the "damaged goods" aspect of a Thai gal who may have been passed around, passed over or passed through by members of her own eligible set. . . . . . . in other words a a Thai girl who might have been a bit of a handful in her adolescence.

And as proof of it there are more than one or two guys out there who can attest to the fact that the young lady in question is an absolute cat in the sack.

She still has to get married and an eligible farangledangle, ignorant or indifferent to her chequered past might be just what the shrewd family patriarch ordered.

The deal struck in this case usually has a carefully negotiated sinsot woven into the bargain.

The terms and conditions of disposal of this sinsot will likely be more important than the actual amount.

Man, there is another side of TH my casual observations are not picking up on.

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Women typically suffer more prejudice when they marry outside of their culture/nationality/race than men do.

Thais don't seem to be any more prejudice than others in this regard. Look at the majority of posts on dating, relationships and common views by the majority of the posters.

It is clear that by the posters' comments above that this will continue because of the inherent prejudice that everyone has. Until men don't need to qualify their relationships by saying "educated, good, wealthy family when speaking about their partner, this prejudice will exist.

Knowing when and how to pick your battles is very important. Funny how the majority of "experts" on how women are treated by Thai men are written by foreign men.

I gotta disagree with you a little bit about Thais not being any more prejudiced. But I wouldn't blame Thais entirely... Sorry to say, but TH has a huge reputation for prostitution, easy sex, and sorted relationships between local women and foreigners. Both locally and abroad. Just seems like the stereotypes have kinda caught up with the dating scene. Or it's just worse now b/c TH continues to come up in the world and there's a greater perception that Thais should be able to take care of themselves.

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By now there has been many discussion on this topic it does get boring after a while. Different names and different faces all ways talking about the same thing. This is Thailand get real . My own experience is the wealthier the family the more her parents won't like a foreigner with there daughter that's the bottom line

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Some really good posts here reference the Thai culture/social standing part. Mostly spot-on IMHO.

But, from observation over the last 25 years or so, there is another side to it.

Too many times I have seen the spouses of the foreign husbands/long term BFs change to the point where they bring derision onto not only themselves but to the relationship itself. Obviously, it is not across the board and I am not generalizing here, but when someone's life is changed in a dramatic way, someone who now has access to things they never had before, it is inevitable they will try to show off at some point.

This causes problems. Too many noses in the air to put it mildly. There are times when I would love to video nights out among groups of farang and their spouses, and playback the next day to show how the ladies act, what the conversations are based on.

Just something to think about and add to the pot...................

"someone who now has access to things they never had before, it is inevitable they will try to show off at some point." with a line like that? Of course youre generalizing!

When I said not generalizing, I meant it was not applicable to all Thai women with foreign spouses...................wink.png

However, I can see where this could be read differently, dependent on the agenda of the reply.......................rolleyes.gif

or someone with english as a first language

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Any Thai woman who gets seriously involved with a foreigner has some explaining to do.

To whom, and exactly what the nature of this explanation involves depends almost entirely upon her family's position or their perceived position in the food chain.

The Thai hierarchical system is the key here.

The higher her family's position, the daughter of a doctor or a prominent businessman, the more explaining she will have to do.

The lower her family's position, the daughter of a sam lor driver or a sharecropper, the less explaining she will have to do.

This should be evident to all parties from the outset.

If it is not evident, or if the need for explanation is blurred and obscured primarily by physical attraction and emotion there will be blowback in direct proportion to the woman's family's social standing.

I have heard of Thai fathers and heads of family actually begging and imploring a foreigner to consider abandoning marriage plans.

After a nice lunch another father invited his daughter's boyfriend back to his office.

Over coffee he pulled file folders of three years credit card receipts from his desk drawer, placed them squarely in front of the prospective groom.

He then asked him point blank if he was prepared to take over and support his daughter's shopping habits in addition to the normal responsibilities of raising a family. He added that although he hadn't spoiled his daughters he had always approved of their spending habits as a protection against inappropriate matrimonial choices.

At the other end of the scale we have all heard of entire villages in Thailand's agricultural hinterlands celebrating the good fortune that comes from their daughter landing a farang tuna.

Kind of works like that.

and i have friends married into wealthy families where the heads of the thai families came to them and suggested the connection!

There's really no way to prove the allegation I am about to make.

The only individuals who can offer any evidence to support a proof ain't talkin'.

Don't ever overlook the "damaged goods" aspect of a Thai gal who may have been passed around, passed over or passed through by members of her own eligible set. . . . . . . in other words a a Thai girl who might have been a bit of a handful in her adolescence.

And as proof of it there are more than one or two guys out there who can attest to the fact that the young lady in question is an absolute cat in the sack.

She still has to get married and an eligible farangledangle, ignorant or indifferent to her chequered past might be just what the shrewd family patriarch ordered.

The deal struck in this case usually has a carefully negotiated sinsot woven into the bargain.

The terms and conditions of disposal of this sinsot will likely be more important than the actual amount.

youre assumptions about my friends are rude and way off base

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If man puts Thai women in higher social class, well, her friends will be replaced.

I hate my friend that made a million and moved away, he never responds to my call.

How anyone could move to Thailand after reading these threads is beyond me!!!!!

Edited by puukao
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I think it's very dependent upon the farang.

If the farang is much older than his Thai wife, she'll get stick especially from Thais outside her circle of friends and family. Yeah I know, the guys SAY they don't care but they DO care even if it's only because their wives are affected by it.

If, however, the farang and his wife are of a similar age, the Thais don't seem as bothered

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