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If Thai woman has a farang hubbie, does she get derided by other Thais?


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I know several Thai women ( through my wife), all in their 30s who have never been married, all well educated, attractive and with a decent income and life style.

They all say they would never marry a Thai man.

They all say Thai men do not respect women, don't like to work , drink too much, often have other women "on the side" and do not accept responsibility for their families.

They have also said that if they ever met the right farang, they may get married someday.

But if not, they will never get married.

"Better to be single and happy than married to a Thai man and suffer!"

These women envy a Thai woman with a good farang husband.

There are as much good Thai men as anywhere else. There are millions of couples happily married.

Thai girls in many cases are watching too much movies and love stories. Hhhhhh

Marrying farang means better economical status, and even this is not true, since many farangs are living on very tight pensions. Many farangs are violent towards their partners back home, many here will reproduce same behavior.

Things are Nevers just white or black.

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I know several Thai women ( through my wife), all in their 30s who have never been married, all well educated, attractive and with a decent income and life style.

They all say they would never marry a Thai man.

They all say Thai men do not respect women, don't like to work , drink too much, often have other women "on the side" and do not accept responsibility for their families.

They have also said that if they ever met the right farang, they may get married someday.

But if not, they will never get married.

"Better to be single and happy than married to a Thai man and suffer!"

These women envy a Thai woman with a good farang husband.

There are as much good Thai men as anywhere else. There are millions of couples happily married.

Thai girls in many cases are watching too much movies and love stories. Hhhhhh

Marrying farang means better economical status, and even this is not true, since many farangs are living on very tight pensions. Many farangs are violent towards their partners back home, many here will reproduce same behavior.

Things are Nevers just white or black.

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I know several Thai women ( through my wife), all in their 30s who have never been married, all well educated, attractive and with a decent income and life style.

They all say they would never marry a Thai man.

They all say Thai men do not respect women, don't like to work , drink too much, often have other women "on the side" and do not accept responsibility for their families.

They have also said that if they ever met the right farang, they may get married someday.

But if not, they will never get married.

"Better to be single and happy than married to a Thai man and suffer!"

These women envy a Thai woman with a good farang husband.

Do not believe a word of this post. Reasons obvious. Circles and low class upbringing from a rural environment, most likely. Shows that education does not hide the mindset. <deleted> there are plenty of thai men who are not as stated above. Those women, most likely, are undesirebles. But you believe what you want to believe.

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I think it's very dependent upon the farang.

If the farang is much older than his Thai wife, she'll get stick especially from Thais outside her circle of friends and family. Yeah I know, the guys SAY they don't care but they DO care even if it's only because their wives are affected by it.

If, however, the farang and his wife are of a similar age, the Thais don't seem as bothered

Agreed, 100%. In fact, my first Thai gf told me an old, common Thai belief is if the people in a relationship look the same- similar age, height, style, etc.- then the relationship has a better chance of working out. Personally, Im less likely to roll my eyes or think "bargirl" when I see this type of couple.

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I know several Thai women ( through my wife), all in their 30s who have never been married, all well educated, attractive and with a decent income and life style.

They all say they would never marry a Thai man.

They all say Thai men do not respect women, don't like to work , drink too much, often have other women "on the side" and do not accept responsibility for their families.

They have also said that if they ever met the right farang, they may get married someday.

But if not, they will never get married.

"Better to be single and happy than married to a Thai man and suffer!"

These women envy a Thai woman with a good farang husband.

Do not believe a word of this post. Reasons obvious. Circles and low class upbringing from a rural environment, most likely. Shows that education does not hide the mindset. <deleted> there are plenty of thai men who are not as stated above. Those women, most likely, are undesirebles. But you believe what you want to believe.

Maybe. But I've found what makes girls like that undesirable to Thai men- and some foreigners- is their independence. Granted, I know a few women like this that probably talk and run their mouth more than I like. But they're plenty hot and would definitely be very popular if you took em overseas.

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The answer to the OP`s question is depends.

Most middle to upper class Thai women would not consider having relationships with farang males, unless the farang was approximately of similar age and the farang is a well to do business person or someone of high status that the Thai lady would be proud to show off within her family, circle of friends and her local community.

The kind of relationships involving gross old trailer park trash type farangs walking along with slutty looking girls young enough to be their daughters or granddaughters, or the younger backpacker farangs walking hand in hand with Thai women or those with cheap looking old hag types that have the appearance of passed their sell by dates bar girls is definitely frowned upon by the Thais.

Some examples:


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Let's take Rupert Murdock and Wendi Deng for example.

Rupert a physically repulsive, octogenarian pr1ck who couldn't speak Chinese.

Wendi, a statuesque tart who speaks C+ English whorisontally mambos her way out of China and (after a few libidinal detours) into Rupert's sindanifil citrate-pickled heart then has Tony Blair for desert.

It's always all about the money and/or the power.

I trust that in spite of occasional wailing and gnashing of teeth everybody at one time or another had a rockin' good time.

Let's not be too hasty to vilify "local" children of lesser gods ;-)

Donnie Brasco:

I'm not sure if your comment "Let's not be too hasty to vilify children of lesser gods" was directed at me or not, but I'll take a shot at responding.

The OP asked a question about how farang guy/Thai woman relationships are perceived by Thai society. My earlier posts suggested that if there was substance to the relationship, it would probably be respected, if not, then probably not. I also said that if a relationship was perceived as being all about money in exchange for sexual favors that it probably wouldn't be accorded as high a degree of respect as it might otherwise would.

If by "children of a lesser God" you mean a person who isn't blessed with good looks, has poor health, can't speak Thai, isn't really compatible with his wife, has a poor personality, and who is therefore forced to rely upon their wealth to attract a spouse, so be it. I'm not passing judgment (much less trying to vilify) anyone. Two consenting adults, and all that.

But I think you're kidding yourself if you think a relationship like that is going to be afforded the same level of social status as one which has a more solid foundation. And I think that a relationship built solely upon a quid pro quo exchange of money for sexual favors is a very risky proposition, and people putting too much faith in the viability and workability of this paradigm goes a long way towards explaining why many farang guy/Thai woman relationships crash and burn.

I don't think I'm saying anything new here. Just go ask your mother, or for that matter, Rupert Murdock will probably tell you the same thing as well. Setting aside the issue of social status for a moment, I think that it is a universal human trait for people to instinctively shy away from other people perceived as being in an unstable relationship. This, for the simple reason that no one wants to be around when the relationship implodes.

P.S. Just for the record, Wendi Deng has a masters in business from Yale University, so I don't think it is fair to suggest that she relied exclusively on her physical charms to get ahead in the world.

Edited by Gecko123
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"Personally, Im less likely to roll my eyes or think "bargirl" when I see this type of couple."

so it is ok to be a judgemental prick if others don't belong to your predescribed concept of a good relationship.

Do you have the same judgemental attitude when the older man is Thai?

Do you have the same judgemental attitude to an older white woman and a younger white man, or an older white man and a younger white woman?

If not then you are even more racist than the Thais you proclaim are racist.

Seems that the so called experts here on Thai culture are only viewing it with their own prejudices.

How can you expect Thai people to be any less judgmental than all of the above posters?

I also love the generalizations about middle and upper class Thais. Do any of you actually read Thai newspapers and magazines. Do you know how many famous Thais are married to foreigners?

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Let's take Rupert Murdock and Wendi Deng for example.

Rupert a physically repulsive, octogenarian pr1ck who couldn't speak Chinese.

Wendi, a statuesque tart who speaks C+ English whorisontally mambos her way out of China and (after a few libidinal detours) into Rupert's sindanifil citrate-pickled heart then has Tony Blair for desert.

It's always all about the money and/or the power.

I trust that in spite of occasional wailing and gnashing of teeth everybody at one time or another had a rockin' good time.

Let's not be too hasty to vilify "local" children of lesser gods ;-)

Donnie Brasco:

I'm not sure if your comment "Let's not be too hasty to vilify children of lesser gods" was directed at me or not, but I'll take a shot at responding.

>>My comment regarding "lesser gods" was a focus on similar local arrangements but was not directed at you.<<

The OP asked a question about how farang guy/Thai woman relationships are perceived by Thai society. My earlier posts suggested that if there was substance to the relationship, it would probably be respected, if not, then probably not.

>>You are in no position to qualify yourself here. Your opinion on this matter is just that. Your vague references to "substance" hold little candle to the rather more egregious displays of wealth and power we see as a matter of course.<<

I also said that if a relationship was perceived as being all about money in exchange for sexual favors that it probably wouldn't be accorded as high a degree of respect as it might otherwise would.

>> Yes, you more or less repeated your opinion<< (I got it first time 'round, thanks)

If by "children of a lesser God" you mean a person who isn't blessed with good looks, has poor health, can't speak Thai, isn't really compatible with his wife, has a poor personality, and who is therefore forced to rely upon their wealth to attract a spouse, so be it. I'm not passing judgment (much less trying to vilify) anyone. Two consenting adults, and all that.

>>Actually "children of the lessor god" refers simply to the similar arrangements but with far less money and power in play)

But I think you're kidding yourself if you think a relationship like that is going to be afforded the same level of social status as one which has a more solid foundation. ( You can't head off your oncoming tautology by simply asserting and opining that I am fooling myself.) Supporting a circular argument with yet another of your own opinions does more to weaken the assertion than strengthen it.

And I think that a relationship built solely upon a quid pro quo exchange of money for sexual favors is a very risky

>>here you have taken the "one night only" paradigm and stretched it over a far more considerable length of time.

Once again, ignoring, say, five years or twenty years of marital details like children, real estate, public profile and even some genuine affection is unrealistic. A little like suggesting that there can never me "love" in an arranged marriage.

proposition, and people putting too much faith in the viability and workability of this paradigm goes a long way towards explaining why many farang guy/Thai woman relationships crash and burn.

I don't think I'm saying anything new here. Just go ask your mother, or for that matter, Rupert Murdock will probably tell you the same thing as well.

Setting aside the issue of social status for a moment,

>> well, we have to now don't we or one by one, the wheels fall off your opinions and assertions.

I think that it is a universal human trait for people to instinctively shy away from other people perceived as being in an unstable relationship.

>> another opinion based on what exactly (other than your argument's need for another pivotal point)

This, for the simple reason that no one wants to be around when the relationship implodes.

>>????<<< I can't help but feel that at this stage you simply speak for yourself. Once again, your opinion and your insight here, however penetrating and innovative is based on another personal assertion.

P.S. Just for the record, Wendi Deng has a masters in business from Yale University, so I don't think it is fair to suggest that she relied exclusively on her physical charms to get ahead in the world.

Who ever suggested that Wendi "relied exclusively" on anything ? (More like you, reprinting me as having said it.)

I WILL opine in a completely unsubstantiated assertion that Wendi and people like her can and do use whatever means they have at their disposal to achieve their goals.

Surely you're not suggesting that there were EVER many doubts concerning the means at Ms. Deng's disposal.

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"Personally, Im less likely to roll my eyes or think "bargirl" when I see this type of couple."

so it is ok to be a judgemental prick if others don't belong to your predescribed concept of a good relationship.

Do you have the same judgemental attitude when the older man is Thai?

Do you have the same judgemental attitude to an older white woman and a younger white man, or an older white man and a younger white woman?

If not then you are even more racist than the Thais you proclaim are racist.

Seems that the so called experts here on Thai culture are only viewing it with their own prejudices.

How can you expect Thai people to be any less judgmental than all of the above posters?

I also love the generalizations about middle and upper class Thais. Do any of you actually read Thai newspapers and magazines. Do you know how many famous Thais are married to foreigners?

Farang man with Thai wife or Thai girlfriend young enough to be his daughter or granddaughter, then it`s a relationship based on a trophy wife for the guy and about financial gain for the girl, no question about it, the same probably applies in most countries. Older woman with toy boy, I would say amounts to the same thing.

Low class farang man with low class Thai lady, or low class farang lady with low class Thai man, frowned upon by the Thais and probably other farangs.

Regarding the judgemental, the reality is that people are judgemental, it`s just human nature and how we look and behave determines how others perceive us or in other words; can be described as keeping up appearances in order to make a good impression and appear more credible.

Have you ever heard the old saying? If you are going to act like and animal then dress like a gentleman.

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There are many Thai women who dont change their lifestyle remarkably just because they have access to some extra money. They carry on with their carrier, their usual lifestyle and mostly they dont drastically change their dress style.

These people seems to be accepted by the Thai society as normal, even though with their foreign spouse.

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Most middle to upper class Thai women would not consider having relationships with farang males, unless the farang was approximately of similar age and the farang is a well to do business person or someone of high status that the Thai lady would be proud to show off within her family, circle of friends and her local community.

The kind of relationships involving gross old trailer park trash type farangs walking along with slutty looking girls young enough to be their daughters or granddaughters, or the younger backpacker farangs walking hand in hand with Thai women or those with cheap looking old hag types that have the appearance of passed their sell by dates bar girls is definitely frowned upon by the Thais.

Some examples:

One of the pics you posted is Janie Tienphosuwn, a famous actress and model who divorced from a connected Thai to date a young farang stud below her 'daa raa' level status.

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It all depends on the Falung, if he's a good catch or not.


A 60 + fat old geezer with holes in his singlet and absolutely no idea of Thai customs or manners married to a 20-something looker......everyone knows (to be fair, assumes) she's a gold digger and she has not raised her status one iota.

A charming, good-looking 40 year old who dresses nicely and is polite, will draw admiration and envy towards his 30-something wife.

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God, this is a depressing thread already... Ever since the first time I walked down my soi with a Thai girl and she said, "Everyone thinks I'm a bargirl," I've had the feeling that most decent Thai girls that care about their reputation are ashamed to even be seen talking to a foreigner. (Cue "maybe it's just you" comments.) Even the ones that say they don't care are somewhat defensive about it. I kinda equate it to a scenario back home where a white suburban girl brings a black man home for the holidays. And as is the case in TH, a poorer family probably wouldn't care. Granted, just like back home, there are some middle-class and up families that don't care or just want their daughter to be happy. But I've found- besides all the other bits of culture shock- this issue makes dating or even meeting a quality girl here more difficult that it seems.

I can't wait for all the varieties of "my girl's not like that and she comes from a good family, makes a ton of baht, etc." that are sure to follow. But those of us that are realistic about this place know those girls are the exception and for the majority dating a foreigner is seen as a step down socially speaking. So, to answer the OP's question, yes. They even have a slightly negative term to describe these girls: "mia farang". Listen for it next time you're with a Thai girl.

I once brought my white girlfriend, who lived in a trailer park, home for the holidays to meet my parents who live in a upscale suburban African American neighborhood. They thought I had caught her committing a crime and was holding her for the police. But They treated her very nicely.

*IRONY ALERT* . . . . . . and did they treat her well because she was white or because they thought she had committed a crime . . . . . . *IRONY ALERT*

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I think the era of the giggly fresh-faced Thai sex goddess hooking up with the oxygen-tank-in-tow farang octogenarian has passed.

Based on what I can pick up from Thai teenagers at school and in my village, this type of lifestyle is increasingly viewed as unattractive to the point of being seen as repulsive.

Improving educational opportunities seem to be the key to why these perspectives are shifting.

Edited by Gecko123
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I know several Thai women ( through my wife), all in their 30s who have never been married, all well educated, attractive and with a decent income and life style.

They all say they would never marry a Thai man.

They all say Thai men do not respect women, don't like to work , drink too much, often have other women "on the side" and do not accept responsibility for their families.

They have also said that if they ever met the right farang, they may get married someday.

But if not, they will never get married.

"Better to be single and happy than married to a Thai man and suffer!"

These women envy a Thai woman with a good farang husband.

Do not believe a word of this post. Reasons obvious. Circles and low class upbringing from a rural environment, most likely. Shows that education does not hide the mindset. <deleted> there are plenty of thai men who are not as stated above. Those women, most likely, are undesirebles. But you believe what you want to believe.

you dont get out much pal. he's exactly right in what he says

I see that my comment on your reply has been deleted. Dunno why really but i will write again, rephrased, the deleted response.

According to several friends of Willy his wife....ALL thai men make bad husbands while SOME foreign men could make good husbands !!

Makes sense ??

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There two side of it ,good and bad

1) Farang husband meaning she lives a comfortable life and beautiful babies.

2) The bad side is people might think she is working in bars even if she not if she walking with a farang.

Nowdays many city girls would like to have farang husband because they are more responsible and caring compare with local guys.

As for racist it don't exist here or sometimes ' nick noi'

You sure just farang or any foreign guy?

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The answer to the OP`s question is depends.

Most middle to upper class Thai women would not consider having relationships with farang males, unless the farang was approximately of similar age and the farang is a well to do business person or someone of high status that the Thai lady would be proud to show off within her family, circle of friends and her local community.

The kind of relationships involving gross old trailer park trash type farangs walking along with slutty looking girls young enough to be their daughters or granddaughters, or the younger backpacker farangs walking hand in hand with Thai women or those with cheap looking old hag types that have the appearance of passed their sell by dates bar girls is definitely frowned upon by the Thais.

I quite enjoy slutty Thai girls young enough to be my daughter granddaughter.

If that means I get called 'trailer trash', fair deal.

You can keep the 'old hag types' though.

As for what people think of her, why would I care?

Excuse me Mr NotherMerican,

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I know several Thai women ( through my wife), all in their 30s who have never been married, all well educated, attractive and with a decent income and life style.

They all say they would never marry a Thai man.

They all say Thai men do not respect women, don't like to work , drink too much, often have other women "on the side" and do not accept responsibility for their families.

They have also said that if they ever met the right farang, they may get married someday.

But if not, they will never get married.

"Better to be single and happy than married to a Thai man and suffer!"

These women envy a Thai woman with a good farang husband.

Do not believe a word of this post. Reasons obvious. Circles and low class upbringing from a rural environment, most likely. Shows that education does not hide the mindset. <deleted> there are plenty of thai men who are not as stated above. Those women, most likely, are undesirebles. But you believe what you want to believe.

you dont get out much pal. he's exactly right in what he says

I see that my comment on your reply has been deleted. Dunno why really but i will write again, rephrased, the deleted response.

According to several friends of Willy his wife....ALL thai men make bad husbands while SOME foreign men could make good husbands !!

Makes sense ??

when you say "dont believe a word of this post" that means the entire post, not just one part of it.

Edited by AYJAYDEE
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I know several Thai women ( through my wife), all in their 30s who have never been married, all well educated, attractive and with a decent income and life style.

They all say they would never marry a Thai man.

They all say Thai men do not respect women, don't like to work , drink too much, often have other women "on the side" and do not accept responsibility for their families.

They have also said that if they ever met the right farang, they may get married someday.

But if not, they will never get married.

"Better to be single and happy than married to a Thai man and suffer!"

These women envy a Thai woman with a good farang husband.

Do not believe a word of this post. Reasons obvious. Circles and low class upbringing from a rural environment, most likely. Shows that education does not hide the mindset. <deleted> there are plenty of thai men who are not as stated above. Those women, most likely, are undesirebles. But you believe what you want to believe.

you dont get out much pal. he's exactly right in what he says

I see that my comment on your reply has been deleted. Dunno why really but i will write again, rephrased, the deleted response.

According to several friends of Willy his wife....ALL thai men make bad husbands while SOME foreign men could make good husbands !!

Makes sense ??

when you say "dont believe a word of this post" that means the entire post, not just one part of it.

I wonder what your male thai friends would think about Willy his post, that they are crap as marriage material, and you liking that post. If you have any ofcourse. True colours ...only time is what it takes.

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I know several Thai women ( through my wife), all in their 30s who have never been married, all well educated, attractive and with a decent income and life style.

They all say they would never marry a Thai man.

They all say Thai men do not respect women, don't like to work , drink too much, often have other women "on the side" and do not accept responsibility for their families.

They have also said that if they ever met the right farang, they may get married someday.

But if not, they will never get married.

"Better to be single and happy than married to a Thai man and suffer!"

These women envy a Thai woman with a good farang husband.

Do not believe a word of this post. Reasons obvious. Circles and low class upbringing from a rural environment, most likely. Shows that education does not hide the mindset. <deleted> there are plenty of thai men who are not as stated above. Those women, most likely, are undesirebles. But you believe what you want to believe.

you dont get out much pal. he's exactly right in what he says

I see that my comment on your reply has been deleted. Dunno why really but i will write again, rephrased, the deleted response.

According to several friends of Willy his wife....ALL thai men make bad husbands while SOME foreign men could make good husbands !!

Makes sense ??

when you say "dont believe a word of this post" that means the entire post, not just one part of it.

I wonder what your male thai friends would think about Willy his post, that they are crap as marriage material, and you liking that post. If you have any ofcourse. True colours ...only time is what it takes.

try again pal. willy didnt say it, his wifes friends did. try a little more reading and a little less yapping.

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I wonder what your male thai friends would think about Willy his post, that they are crap as marriage material, and you liking that post. If you have any ofcourse. True colours ...only time is what it takes.

try again pal. willy didnt say it, his wifes friends did. try a little more reading and a little less yapping.

Its about the statement in the post, coming from his wife her friends. I can read you know. Anyway it is clear that you like the bashing generalizations about thai men. As i wrote before....true colours. Have a nice day !

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I wonder what your male thai friends would think about Willy his post, that they are crap as marriage material, and you liking that post. If you have any ofcourse. True colours ...only time is what it takes.

try again pal. willy didnt say it, his wifes friends did. try a little more reading and a little less yapping.

Its about the statement in the post, coming from his wife her friends. I can read you know. Anyway it is clear that you like the bashing generalizations about thai men. As i wrote before....true colours. Have a nice day !

if yolu mean to discuss one statement in a post, say so.. dont generalize and tell us you dont agree with ONE WORD of the whole post. he was relating what he has heard from SOME thai women. he made no judgement one way or the other on whether they were correct in their thinking and neither did I. but I have heard many middle class educated thai women express exactly the same opinions. whether they are right or wrong in doing so is not the point, its the way they feel and it affects their behaviour.

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