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If Thai woman has a farang hubbie, does she get derided by other Thais?


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I wonder what your male thai friends would think about Willy his post, that they are crap as marriage material, and you liking that post. If you have any ofcourse. True colours ...only time is what it takes.

try again pal. willy didnt say it, his wifes friends did. try a little more reading and a little less yapping.
Its about the statement in the post, coming from his wife her friends. I can read you know. Anyway it is clear that you like the bashing generalizations about thai men. As i wrote before....true colours. Have a nice day !

if yolu mean to discuss one statement in a post, say so.. dont generalize and tell us you dont agree with ONE WORD of the whole post. he was relating what he has heard from SOME thai women. he made no judgement one way or the other on whether they were correct in their thinking and neither did I. but I have heard many middle class educated thai women express exactly the same opinions. whether they are right or wrong in doing so is not the point, its the way they feel and it affects their behaviour.

You are slow today apparantly. Willy wrote down what he heard. Not opnionated. I commented initially about the reasons of why said women stated their ignorant, generalizing opinions about thai men being bad marriage material. As to say....dont believe a word of those stated reasons by his wife her friends. It is the same talk as what bargirls sprout. Believe me, heard it enough.

As you liked his, non opinionated, post, you must agree with the reasons those women gave about ....thai men

being bad marriage material. All clear now....pal ? The rest of what i have written before still stands...true colours, bashing and so on.

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You are slow today apparantly. Willy wrote down what he heard. Not opnionated. I commented initially about the reasons of why said women stated their ignorant, generalizing opinions about thai men being bad marriage material. As to say....dont believe a word of those stated reasons by his wife her friends. It is the same talk as what bargirls sprout. Believe me, heard it enough.

As you liked his, non opinionated, post, you must agree with the reasons those women gave about ....thai men

being bad marriage material. All clear now....pal ? The rest of what i have written before still stands...true colours, bashing and so on.

duck and weave all ya like pal but these are your words and you cant escape them " Do not believe a word of this post".

You didnt qualify it to mean stated reasons by his wife or anyone else.

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You are slow today apparantly. Willy wrote down what he heard. Not opnionated. I commented initially about the reasons of why said women stated their ignorant, generalizing opinions about thai men being bad marriage material. As to say....dont believe a word of those stated reasons by his wife her friends. It is the same talk as what bargirls sprout. Believe me, heard it enough.

As you liked his, non opinionated, post, you must agree with the reasons those women gave about ....thai men

being bad marriage material. All clear now....pal ? The rest of what i have written before still stands...true colours, bashing and so on.

duck and weave all ya like pal but these are your words and you cant escape them " Do not believe a word of this post".

You didnt qualify it to mean stated reasons by his wife or anyone else.

For the record...then i call it quits on this topic....the reasons stated by those women about all thai men to be bad marriage material and that some foreigners could be good ones....is what i meant to say. If i gave the impression that i questioned Willy his credibility of his post....my apologies....


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You are slow today apparantly. Willy wrote down what he heard. Not opnionated. I commented initially about the reasons of why said women stated their ignorant, generalizing opinions about thai men being bad marriage material. As to say....dont believe a word of those stated reasons by his wife her friends. It is the same talk as what bargirls sprout. Believe me, heard it enough.

As you liked his, non opinionated, post, you must agree with the reasons those women gave about ....thai men

being bad marriage material. All clear now....pal ? The rest of what i have written before still stands...true colours, bashing and so on.

duck and weave all ya like pal but these are your words and you cant escape them " Do not believe a word of this post".

You didnt qualify it to mean stated reasons by his wife or anyone else.

For the record...then i call it quits on this topic....the reasons stated by those women about all thai men to be bad marriage material and that some foreigners could be good ones....is what i meant to say. If i gave the impression that i questioned Willy his credibility of his post....my apologies....


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When a well dressed Thai lady walks into a restaurant with her farang, even the lowly order taker will somehow look down and discriminate against that lady, even by using small nuances in her face or by the way she hands the bill to the lady.

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I know several Thai women ( through my wife), all in their 30s who have never been married, all well educated, attractive and with a decent income and life style.

They all say they would never marry a Thai man.

They all say Thai men do not respect women, don't like to work , drink too much, often have other women "on the side" and do not accept responsibility for their families.

They have also said that if they ever met the right farang, they may get married someday.

But if not, they will never get married.

"Better to be single and happy than married to a Thai man and suffer!"

These women envy a Thai woman with a good farang husband.

Do not believe a word of this post. Reasons obvious. Circles and low class upbringing from a rural environment, most likely. Shows that education does not hide the mindset. <deleted> there are plenty of thai men who are not as stated above. Those women, most likely, are undesirebles. But you believe what you want to believe.

you dont get out much pal. he's exactly right in what he says

You think Willy is exactly right? Willy wants to believe that because he keeps repeating it over and over again. Benalibina makes more sense. Just look around all over Thailand and see who most of the Thai women are with, especially the quality ones. Thai men. Do you think they're all desperate to be with a farang? Let's at least be honest with ourselves.

I've been set-up with Thai women who wanted to meet foreigners. And I can tell you that in every instance--and I mean 100% of the time--these women were not attractive. I've learned long ago that attractive Thai women who can attract good Thai men do not want/need to be set up with westerners. That's the reality that Willy doesn't want to believe.

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I know several Thai women ( through my wife), all in their 30s who have never been married, all well educated, attractive and with a decent income and life style.

They all say they would never marry a Thai man.

They all say Thai men do not respect women, don't like to work , drink too much, often have other women "on the side" and do not accept responsibility for their families.

They have also said that if they ever met the right farang, they may get married someday.

But if not, they will never get married.

"Better to be single and happy than married to a Thai man and suffer!"

These women envy a Thai woman with a good farang husband.

Do not believe a word of this post. Reasons obvious. Circles and low class upbringing from a rural environment, most likely. Shows that education does not hide the mindset. <deleted> there are plenty of thai men who are not as stated above. Those women, most likely, are undesirebles. But you believe what you want to believe.

you dont get out much pal. he's exactly right in what he says

You think Willy is exactly right? Willy wants to believe that because he keeps repeating it over and over again. Benalibina makes more sense. Just look around all over Thailand and see who most of the Thai women are with, especially the quality ones. Thai men. Do you think they're all desperate to be with a farang? Let's at least be honest with ourselves.

I've been set-up with Thai women who wanted to meet foreigners. And I can tell you that in every instance--and I mean 100% of the time--these women were not attractive. I've learned long ago that attractive Thai women who can attract good Thai men do not want/need to be set up with westerners. That's the reality that Willy doesn't want to believe.

i can see youre reading comprehension is no better than his

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When a well dressed Thai lady walks into a restaurant with her farang, even the lowly order taker will somehow look down and discriminate against that lady, even by using small nuances in her face or by the way she hands the bill to the lady.

nuances you see and we dont!! lol

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You think Willy is exactly right? Willy wants to believe that because he keeps repeating it over and over again. Benalibina makes more sense. Just look around all over Thailand and see who most of the Thai women are with, especially the quality ones. Thai men. Do you think they're all desperate to be with a farang? Let's at least be honest with ourselves.

I've been set-up with Thai women who wanted to meet foreigners. And I can tell you that in every instance--and I mean 100% of the time--these women were not attractive. I've learned long ago that attractive Thai women who can attract good Thai men do not want/need to be set up with westerners. That's the reality that Willy doesn't want to believe.

i can see youre reading comprehension is no better than his

You should dispense with the put downs and talk about the issues. Where am I wrong?

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You think Willy is exactly right? Willy wants to believe that because he keeps repeating it over and over again. Benalibina makes more sense. Just look around all over Thailand and see who most of the Thai women are with, especially the quality ones. Thai men. Do you think they're all desperate to be with a farang? Let's at least be honest with ourselves.

I've been set-up with Thai women who wanted to meet foreigners. And I can tell you that in every instance--and I mean 100% of the time--these women were not attractive. I've learned long ago that attractive Thai women who can attract good Thai men do not want/need to be set up with westerners. That's the reality that Willy doesn't want to believe.

i can see youre reading comprehension is no better than his

You should dispense with the put downs and talk about the issues. Where am I wrong?

I've learned long ago that attractive Thai women who can attract good Thai men do not want/need to be set up with westerners.

thats an inaccurate generaliztion which i know to be untrue

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There are Thai ladies in high positions in society who have married farangs. A friend of mine is also married to a past Miss Thailand.

It all depends on the farang the lady is with. If he is tattooed with a shaved head and every other word coming out if his mouth is F..k then she will be looked down on. If he looks and acts smart and has a little money then he will be looked at as a good catch for any Thai girl.

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You think Willy is exactly right? Willy wants to believe that because he keeps repeating it over and over again. Benalibina makes more sense. Just look around all over Thailand and see who most of the Thai women are with, especially the quality ones. Thai men. Do you think they're all desperate to be with a farang? Let's at least be honest with ourselves.

I've been set-up with Thai women who wanted to meet foreigners. And I can tell you that in every instance--and I mean 100% of the time--these women were not attractive. I've learned long ago that attractive Thai women who can attract good Thai men do not want/need to be set up with westerners. That's the reality that Willy doesn't want to believe.

i can see youre reading comprehension is no better than his

You should dispense with the put downs and talk about the issues. Where am I wrong?

I've learned long ago that attractive Thai women who can attract good Thai men do not want/need to be set up with westerners.

thats an inaccurate generaliztion which i know to be untrue

If I'm wrong, then I'd see many more attractive Thai women with farangs. I do not see that. The exact opposite, quite frankly. And this I can see with my own eyes. Whatever. Believe what you will.

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When a well dressed Thai lady walks into a restaurant with her farang, even the lowly order taker will somehow look down and discriminate against that lady, even by using small nuances in her face or by the way she hands the bill to the lady.


Unless by "well dressed" you mean pink frilly mini skirt, stilettos and a fake LV handbag. You know, the "professional look".

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I know several Thai women ( through my wife), all in their 30s who have never been married, all well educated, attractive and with a decent income and life style.

They all say they would never marry a Thai man.

They all say Thai men do not respect women, don't like to work , drink too much, often have other women "on the side" and do not accept responsibility for their families.

They have also said that if they ever met the right farang, they may get married someday.

But if not, they will never get married.

"Better to be single and happy than married to a Thai man and suffer!"

These women envy a Thai woman with a good farang husband.

Do not believe a word of this post. Reasons obvious. Circles and low class upbringing from a rural environment, most likely. Shows that education does not hide the mindset. <deleted> there are plenty of thai men who are not as stated above. Those women, most likely, are undesirebles. But you believe what you want to believe.

you dont get out much pal. he's exactly right in what he says

You think Willy is exactly right? Willy wants to believe that because he keeps repeating it over and over again. Benalibina makes more sense. Just look around all over Thailand and see who most of the Thai women are with, especially the quality ones. Thai men. Do you think they're all desperate to be with a farang? Let's at least be honest with ourselves.

I've been set-up with Thai women who wanted to meet foreigners. And I can tell you that in every instance--and I mean 100% of the time--these women were not attractive. I've learned long ago that attractive Thai women who can attract good Thai men do not want/need to be set up with westerners. That's the reality that Willy doesn't want to believe.

Unless the women have been hurt in relationships with Thai men, in which case they often tar all Thai men with the same brush and want nothing more to do with them relationship-wise. They then develop the misconception that foreigners would not treat them in the same way and start looking for partners in the foreign community. (An awful generalization but I have known a few like this).

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My mother-in-law asked me to find her other daughter a black boyfriend.

She says, "We have a white one in the family, so now we should get a black one."

Her daughter blushed.

What I want to know is what YOU said when you heard this?

I don't have any black male friends. Sorry.

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To the original poster I would have to say in general yes.

Some Thais may be jealous of her newly acquired comfortable life.Some Thai family and friends might expect easy money, gifts or loans as they believe all falang are rich and now that she is not handing out gold bars to the village she is no good...still others will believe most all Falangs are no good, and she must be no good (a bargirl etc..) for marrying one.Some may even feel she is during her back on Thai religion and culture for economic gain. I have been surprised how judgemental,superstitious and untrusting many people are here, across socio-economic and polictical devides. Perhaps some posters here have not noticed how little Thai people trust each other and how quickly they can think the worse of people that they know. This of course is not true for everyone, but the question is of a general nature.

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To the original poster I would have to say in general yes.

Some Thais may be jealous of her newly acquired comfortable life.Some Thai family and friends might expect easy money, gifts or loans as they believe all falang are rich and now that she is not handing out gold bars to the village she is no good...still others will believe most all Falangs are no good, and she must be no good (a bargirl etc..) for marrying one.Some may even feel she is during her back on Thai religion and culture for economic gain. I have been surprised how judgemental,superstitious and untrusting many people are here, across socio-economic and polictical devides. Perhaps some posters here have not noticed how little Thai people trust each other and how quickly they can think the worse of people that they know. This of course is not true for everyone, but the question is of a general nature.

wow! most people only take 2 sentences before they start thai bashing!

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Do thais discriminate against a thai woman with a farang boyfriend/husband?

Yes and they sometimes openly comment about it also (but this is rare). However if you are in her home village it won't be too bad, you'd probably just be seen as a patron-farang.

Typically Thais in mainstream circles tend to consider a women who marries a foreigner to be of low-status or even a prostitute. It won't be derogatory though it will be just matter-of-fact to them.

There is a big age gap between my g/f and myself yet I often notice when we are out together Thai ladies of all ages will turn and give her a long look of envy. This is especially true when we are in our condo bldg. and we pass a female member of the staff and also in the elevator. Female companionship is so much easier here than in Mexico (I lived there 10 yrs.) Mexican men really have a I am a male and these are my females mentality. Unlike Thailand they do not like foreigners hooking up with Mexican ladies. Like Thailand depending on wealth they also have their share of mea noi's.

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My answer to the OP in short is "yes".

More detailed, I would say that many Thais discriminate Thai women of Farang. That can be anything from ignoring her when accompanied by her Farang husband, not greeting her, to downright rude.

We experienced this often in Bangkok, especially in HiSo places like hotels, restaurants, shops etc.

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My answer to the OP in short is "yes".

More detailed, I would say that many Thais discriminate Thai women of Farang. That can be anything from ignoring her when accompanied by her Farang husband, not greeting her, to downright rude.

We experienced this often in Bangkok, especially in HiSo places like hotels, restaurants, shops etc.

must be something about you they dont like. never happened to us

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This may come as shocking news to the OP, but - as hard as it is to believe - Thai people are individuals, with their own experiences and attitudes about things. If you don't know that already, going in, maybe that is part of the confusion.

Edited by John1thru10
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