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PM to launch 'Discover Thainess' campaign


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Did I ever say these things existed in Thailand? No

Well for starters

I think we are all open to a quick definition then, maybe once penned you could enter it as a wiki entry

I think the problem is that the world has already discovered "thainess" (so stupid btw), and that is the reason for less tourists. Soooo, good luck with the campaign lol.

What surprises me most about this ignorant reply is the number of "likes" it got.

The author obviously hasn't a clue what Thainess is.

- acceptance of a plural society !!!!

- peaceful co-existence with those of different culture !!!

- adherence to religion

- showing respect

- dressing politely

- generosity

- contributing to society

If you really think all of those things exist in Thailand you are self deluded.

You don't know what Thainess is - it is not 'being Thai'..

Not all Thai citizens posesss Thainess btw and some don't even know what it is..

In my experience, the 'virtues' I listed are more abundant here than other countries I've lived in.

To add some more :-

- deference

- obeisance

- salutation

which I guess come from the old Siamese Feudal system. I'm not saying they are right or wrong because they can't be.

I don't know what Thainess is? It so goes that I am half Thai, born from European mother and Thai father, so please don't tell ME what Thainess is.

Actually I think I am one of the very few members here that can fully understand Thai society with an insider prospective.

No matter how long you have lived here, you are and always will be an outsider. No Thai will ever tell you what they really think. You may believe you are accepted but you cannot even being to imagine what is going on behind your back.

As for what you call values of Thainess:

yes perhaps in the West people are no so smiley, polite, respectful, but I rather have people yell at me what they think than please myself with a fake smile, that is of course, if one doesn't need to stay in Thailand to feel accepted because he's a reject in his own.

I also prefer critical rational minds and analytic logic to blind adherence to religion and all the other Prayuth's fascist 12 valued BS.

About generosity: Thai very seldom do anything for free, actually I think is exactly the opposite, as we can see with all the greed and scams going on.

About contributing to society: nobody cares about that, all Thai care is themselves and their family of circle. Thai society is all about self interest. Not saying in other countries is not the same, but surely hell no: not in Thailand.

Maybe your so called experience is your desperate desire to glorify at all cost your host country where you think you are different and special, which infact you are just not in the way you hoped, you are indeed a walking ATM machine here, very special.

But I am not going to try to convince you here, I leave that to my fellow Thais in a few more years they will have done the job.

Well you certainly can't read English - I never said you don't know what Thainess is.

I'd bet that I've lived in Thailand longer than you(speak/read better), but may be wrong - you;re drivel sounds very much like you were educated in the West.So don't you tell me that a Thai will never tell me what they really think - you have no idea of the Thais I know, my wife, kids and friends. That is total BS.

You sound like you don't enjoy being in Thailand.

I often tell my friends with "look kreung" to be very careful as to criticizing Thai people and culture with the kids listening as the kids grow up to be psychologically impaired. They grow up thinking that half of their being is inferior or defected. Mix this in with being thought of as foreigner wherever they are raised and it not a healthy mix, especially for their self-esteem.

I do not glorify Thailand, as it is far from perfect, but I will defend her against mixed up people like you..

"Well you certainly can't read English - I never said you don't know what Thainess is." really? I read this: "You don't know what Thainess is - it is not 'being Thai'.." so maybe you don't know how to read and write both.

Well, my father and half of my family is Thai and even tho I don't live with them there is this "new" thing called the internet so I chat with them extensively. The reason they tell me the truth is probably because they do not have interest in my money like many expats 'wives', so I know what they think of people like you, which is wrong but hey: as long as expats like living the big fat Thai lie... who am I to disagree? Just know you can be living here for 30 years and still don't know anything of what people think of you, it is not "Thainess" to tell what they think directly, especially to an outsider.

I enjoy being in Thailand as much as in any other countries and I would certainly pick it over US, but I choose not to live here. That does not prevent me from seeing what's wrong with it because, unlike you, I want it to evolve. Is it a problem for expats if Thailand evolves and "wives" will no longer be that available?

We all faced criticisms when we were kids, that's what develops critical thinking. I don't need to hide my head in the sand, it's what makes us strong. It is exactly not allowing criticism that makes people psychologically impaired. It is education that makes the person, not the race. Confrontation, competition develops strength as over protection does weakness

Whatever man, you wife felt inlove with you, your kids will grow up to be nuclear engineers and save the world, whatever you want to believe is fine by me. I don't know you, I cannot judge you, but even if that was ALL true, it is just but one case.

Just a word of advise, don't ever leave your phone recording in the room after you are gone, your world may crumble on you. If I had one dollar for every expat I saw crying over his disappointment I would be rich, like Koch brothers rich.

There you go, you proud white knight, defender of Thailand and its virtue! Prayuth should hire you as his propaganda manager.

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I'll wade in - of course I'll probably regret this!

Not quite sure that anybody knows what this "Thainess" thing is. We get it as historically being Buddhist, speaking Thai, patriotic etc.

Then we get the TAT's version - visit the temples and culture, LOL

Then the version on here is of various "qualities" regarding the society and culture. I think if anything the qualities mentioned are to a certain extent Asian rather than Thai. A lot of the things mentioned such as deference, regard for old age could be Japanese, Singaporean etc.

There is I think one thing that is fundamentally different or perhaps magnified and that is the position of language as regards status and symbolism. A lot of the time language has to be an accessory to the "pictures" (for want of a better word).

A lot of what is "Thai" emanates from symbols, silence, rituals and images. Whereas most Western societies grew up with the written word and its power and its universal usage; this has only just begun to emerge in Thailand.

Whilst the conformity and symbolism of the language here can seem interesting and exotic; it would be an unwise person indeed who would throw away the ability to use the full power of the spoken and written word that they may have been lucky enough to have received through education and opportunity.

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He should let ThaiV expats write the copy. That would raise a few eyebrows!

Might do them good mind - it was that overweening sense of racial superiority that got them into this fine mess in the first place.

Edited by SantiSuk
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There's a sham of a murder trial going on of two innocent young tourists. The whole world can see it's a stitch up but the general has seen it fit to endorse the shoddy and corrupt work of the police. Tourists notice these things. Get to solving that before ad campaigns.

Ahh who am I kidding, the buck goes all the way to the top with that one.

I believe the general is more of less being forced to back the police. The family that committed this crime is above the law. They are untouchable. The general did not come into power to destroy the elite, and upset the status quo. The rich continue to rule. Any Thai family worth hundreds of millions of dollars, such as the headmans family, is above the law. He is essentially more powerful than the police, the government or the military, in a sense that nobody will touch, for fear of upsetting the status quo, or the apple cart.

Oh I know that. Just hope he realizes the rest of the world aren't gullible enough to be fooled with a 'Thainess' promotional campaign.

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Thainess is when male Thais go hunting tourists in packs of at least 10 and the Thai bar ladies objective is to snare a Falang and get all his money from him then he can jump from his balcony, without any assistance.

You must live in a different Thailand to me Jim.

I've lived here peacefully for 29 years and have 4 half Thai kids. They were educated up to high school level in normal Thai schools, learning about Thainess and other positive cultural things. 3 out of 4 went on to study in England, where one got a PhD and is working in London getting more per month than I do a year as a humble teacher.

They are proud of their Thainess and proud of their father's British roots.

Some of the replies here are shocking, to say the least; some are ignorant, which is not surprising; a few are very wise.

Maybe I've changed in my time here and adopted some Thainess. Last year on a trip back to Liverpool, for a reunion, my old uni mates remarked at how laid back I had become.

Thainess is a good thing, there is nothing negative about it, as some have said.

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Thainess dosnt exist, come on, its just made up to use as an excuse. Usually lies, false smiles or just doing/saying whatever they want and expecting to get away with it using "Thainess" like its some rightful exemption to hide behind. As if people cant understand bad behaviour or lies when they see or hear it.

The point is to try and promote more tourism and false smiling and thats about it.... as always.coffee1.gif

Edited by englishoak
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Thainess dosnt exist, come on, its just made up to use as an excuse. Usually lies, false smiles or just doing/saying whatever they want and expecting to get away with it using "Thainess" like its some rightful exemption to hide behind. As if people cant understand bad behaviour or lies when they see or hear it.

The point is to try and promote more tourism and false smiling and thats about it.... as always.coffee1.gif

It does you know and not too different from Englishness.


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Thainess is when male Thais go hunting tourists in packs of at least 10 and the Thai bar ladies objective is to snare a Falang and get all his money from him then he can jump from his balcony, without any assistance.

You must live in a different Thailand to me Jim.

I've lived here peacefully for 29 years and have 4 half Thai kids. They were educated up to high school level in normal Thai schools, learning about Thainess and other positive cultural things. 3 out of 4 went on to study in England, where one got a PhD and is working in London getting more per month than I do a year as a humble teacher.

They are proud of their Thainess and proud of their father's British roots.

Some of the replies here are shocking, to say the least; some are ignorant, which is not surprising; a few are very wise.

Maybe I've changed in my time here and adopted some Thainess. Last year on a trip back to Liverpool, for a reunion, my old uni mates remarked at how laid back I had become.

Thainess is a good thing, there is nothing negative about it, as some have said.

Did you ride your motorbike on the pavement and try to kill anyone who stepped onto a level crossing, and speed up as the traffic lights change to red ?

Then laugh about. Is that the sort of laid back you are talking about ?

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Thainess dosnt exist, come on, its just made up to use as an excuse. Usually lies, false smiles or just doing/saying whatever they want and expecting to get away with it using "Thainess" like its some rightful exemption to hide behind. As if people cant understand bad behaviour or lies when they see or hear it.

The point is to try and promote more tourism and false smiling and thats about it.... as always.coffee1.gif

It does you know and not too different from Englishness.


Rubbish there is no such thing as either, its all a load of made up guff and a badge to swing about but people do like to have an excuse to hide behind. That article is describing cultural traits which is really all Thainess is, big deal since every culture has its own traits.

Nothing special about Thailand in that regard just a marketing gimmick for cultural traits both good and bad. Every nation has them ;)

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Thainess dosnt exist, come on, its just made up to use as an excuse. Usually lies, false smiles or just doing/saying whatever they want and expecting to get away with it using "Thainess" like its some rightful exemption to hide behind. As if people cant understand bad behaviour or lies when they see or hear it.

The point is to try and promote more tourism and false smiling and thats about it.... as always.coffee1.gif

It does you know and not too different from Englishness.


Rubbish there is no such thing as either, its all a load of made up guff and a badge to swing about but people do like to have an excuse to hide behind. That article is describing cultural traits which is really all Thainess is, big deal since every culture has its own traits.

Nothing special about Thailand in that regard just a marketing gimmick for cultural traits both good and bad. Every nation has them wink.png

No, it's not just a marketing gimmick - my kids were taught it at school years ago. "kwam bpen Thai" is a big part of education although it does exclude the Southern blackhearts and the NE peasants.

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Well, it took me a day to recall the Quintessence of Thainess... and for me, it's:

Say "Yes" and do "No"

As with all issues of Thainess, "practicality" is first and foremost...

and I've learned a lot of "practicality" while living here, to the degree that I have no qualms in performing this act myself, now, that is... Saying "Yes." and doing "No."

...and not even thinking twice about it, anymore.

Not saying it's "right" per se, but it DOES make living here easier... thumbsup.gif

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Thainess is when male Thais go hunting tourists in packs of at least 10 and the Thai bar ladies objective is to snare a Falang and get all his money from him then he can jump from his balcony, without any assistance.

You must live in a different Thailand to me Jim.

I've lived here peacefully for 29 years and have 4 half Thai kids. They were educated up to high school level in normal Thai schools, learning about Thainess and other positive cultural things. 3 out of 4 went on to study in England, where one got a PhD and is working in London getting more per month than I do a year as a humble teacher.

They are proud of their Thainess and proud of their father's British roots.

Some of the replies here are shocking, to say the least; some are ignorant, which is not surprising; a few are very wise.

Maybe I've changed in my time here and adopted some Thainess. Last year on a trip back to Liverpool, for a reunion, my old uni mates remarked at how laid back I had become.

Thainess is a good thing, there is nothing negative about it, as some have said.

Yes right: Thailand is globally known for its achievements, its scientific and technological advances and its position for education. So much that your children decided to study in England, where real civilization is.

Maybe being "laid back" is fine for retired people but Thailand should not be just a nice place to lay back. A country should develop and be competitive.

The situation this country is in now, it's all because Thainess and "mai pen rai".

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"Maybe being "laid back" is fine for retired people but Thailand should not be just a nice place to lay back. A country should develop and be competitive.

The situation this country is in now, it's all because Thainess and "mai pen rai"."

OK OK. WE will get competitive..... right after my noodle break and nap.

Edited by CarlTyson
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Well, it took me a day to recall the Quintessence of Thainess... and for me, it's:

Say "Yes" and do "No"

As with all issues of Thainess, "practicality" is first and foremost...

and I've learned a lot of "practicality" while living here, to the degree that I have no qualms in performing this act myself, now, that is... Saying "Yes." and doing "No."

...and not even thinking twice about it, anymore.

Not saying it's "right" per se, but it DOES make living here easier...

Thainess is quite clear for Thai teachers. It is about teaching about morals, environmental issues(particularly the King's Self Sufficiency project), how to think critically, commitment to work etc The current Junta has implemented a whole new subject, to be taught at all school, of which Thainess is a part.

Currently, Thainess is lacking in Thai society, and most of the country want it back - hence the new school subject and of course the 12 core values that students hear daily.

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Thainess is when male Thais go hunting tourists in packs of at least 10 and the Thai bar ladies objective is to snare a Falang and get all his money from him then he can jump from his balcony, without any assistance.

Might I suggest you have been in Thailand too long? Either that, or you are severely constipated? Either way, sounds like you are in need of some fresh perspective. Hope 2015 offers you some. The Thais are some of the kindest, pleasant, patient, and most fun people I have ever been around. Many of us really love it here, and have had the good fortune to meet some amazing local people.

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Well, it took me a day to recall the Quintessence of Thainess... and for me, it's:

Say "Yes" and do "No"

As with all issues of Thainess, "practicality" is first and foremost...

and I've learned a lot of "practicality" while living here, to the degree that I have no qualms in performing this act myself, now, that is... Saying "Yes." and doing "No."

...and not even thinking twice about it, anymore.

Not saying it's "right" per se, but it DOES make living here easier...

Thainess is quite clear for Thai teachers. It is about teaching about morals, environmental issues(particularly the King's Self Sufficiency project), how to think critically, commitment to work etc The current Junta has implemented a whole new subject, to be taught at all school, of which Thainess is a part.

Currently, Thainess is lacking in Thai society, and most of the country want it back - hence the new school subject and of course the 12 core values that students hear daily.

And you think critical thinking will be a part of that teaching?

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Thainess dosnt exist, come on, its just made up to use as an excuse. Usually lies, false smiles or just doing/saying whatever they want and expecting to get away with it using "Thainess" like its some rightful exemption to hide behind. As if people cant understand bad behaviour or lies when they see or hear it.

The point is to try and promote more tourism and false smiling and thats about it.... as always.coffee1.gif

It does you know and not too different from Englishness.


Thainess does exist but not the same as Englishness,

Scottishness exists too. I think they are teaching Gaelic to kids now and some of the news is in Gaelic. Some traditions are being lost - my great grandfather was a bagpipe tune composer - Angus McPhail - I said, "no way" am I learning how to play them" , which I now regret, especially on Hogmany!

Scottishness is an inclusive thing and most Scots feel this which is perhaps why I feel Thainess is a good thing. Although British, more Scots feel Scottishness than English feel Englishness.

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Thainess is when male Thais go hunting tourists in packs of at least 10 and the Thai bar ladies objective is to snare a Falang and get all his money from him then he can jump from his balcony, without any assistance.

Might I suggest you have been in Thailand too long? Either that, or you are severely constipated? Either way, sounds like you are in need of some fresh perspective. Hope 2015 offers you some. The Thais are some of the kindest, pleasant, patient, and most fun people I have ever been around. Many of us really love it here, and have had the good fortune to meet some amazing local people.

More like he's living in an open air brothel like Lower Sukhumvit or Pattaya which attracts the criminals from all over Thailand. If you lie in a cesspool, accept the smell.

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Thainess is when male Thais go hunting tourists in packs of at least 10 and the Thai bar ladies objective is to snare a Falang and get all his money from him then he can jump from his balcony, without any assistance.

Might I suggest you have been in Thailand too long? Either that, or you are severely constipated? Either way, sounds like you are in need of some fresh perspective. Hope 2015 offers you some. The Thais are some of the kindest, pleasant, patient, and most fun people I have ever been around. Many of us really love it here, and have had the good fortune to meet some amazing local people.

"Many of us really love it here"

Judging by topic replies I'd say not so many.

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Well, it took me a day to recall the Quintessence of Thainess... and for me, it's:

Say "Yes" and do "No"

As with all issues of Thainess, "practicality" is first and foremost...

and I've learned a lot of "practicality" while living here, to the degree that I have no qualms in performing this act myself, now, that is... Saying "Yes." and doing "No."

...and not even thinking twice about it, anymore.

Not saying it's "right" per se, but it DOES make living here easier...

Thainess is quite clear for Thai teachers. It is about teaching about morals, environmental issues(particularly the King's Self Sufficiency project), how to think critically, commitment to work etc The current Junta has implemented a whole new subject, to be taught at all school, of which Thainess is a part.

Currently, Thainess is lacking in Thai society, and most of the country want it back - hence the new school subject and of course the 12 core values that students hear daily.

And you think critical thinking will be a part of that teaching?

It is. I can provide a link if you wish and can read Thai? Actually look at one of my previous posts on this thread.

There is a new generation of Thais coming.

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Well, it took me a day to recall the Quintessence of Thainess... and for me, it's:

Say "Yes" and do "No"

As with all issues of Thainess, "practicality" is first and foremost...

and I've learned a lot of "practicality" while living here, to the degree that I have no qualms in performing this act myself, now, that is... Saying "Yes." and doing "No."

...and not even thinking twice about it, anymore.

Not saying it's "right" per se, but it DOES make living here easier...

Thainess is quite clear for Thai teachers. It is about teaching about morals, environmental issues(particularly the King's Self Sufficiency project), how to think critically, commitment to work etc The current Junta has implemented a whole new subject, to be taught at all school, of which Thainess is a part.

Currently, Thainess is lacking in Thai society, and most of the country want it back - hence the new school subject and of course the 12 core values that students hear daily.

And you think critical thinking will be a part of that teaching?

No, critical thinking kill dictatorships and government control over people minds. The elite would loose it all. They are going to anyway, it's just how things have always been in history, but they may manage to hold on for few more years.

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Thainess is when male Thais go hunting tourists in packs of at least 10 and the Thai bar ladies objective is to snare a Falang and get all his money from him then he can jump from his balcony, without any assistance.

Might I suggest you have been in Thailand too long? Either that, or you are severely constipated? Either way, sounds like you are in need of some fresh perspective. Hope 2015 offers you some. The Thais are some of the kindest, pleasant, patient, and most fun people I have ever been around. Many of us really love it here, and have had the good fortune to meet some amazing local people.

"Many of us really love it here"

Judging by topic replies I'd say not so many.

So many want to have their cake and eat it too. Over time, good things become commonplace and without gratitude, they become stale.

Edited by Neeranam
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