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Chinese tourists really cut in front of Thai at check-in, Lion Air staff say


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Some of my funniest moments have been watching Chinese queuing for trains and buses in rural China

You've actually seen them queue? rolleyes.gif

Um. More like form a morass. Beijing train station during Chinese new year is something everyone should see once.

55555 I can't even imagine that train station. I was in China one time during Golden Week. I was in and around Zhongdian most of that week. About as far away from Beijing as I could get! 55555

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I've had them try to cut in front of me in the Immigration lanes at Swampy. Standing there patiently waiting my turn, next in line to go up to the counter and suddenly some Chinese guys tries elbowing his way past me while waving at his wife (5 people back in line) to follow him. He looked rather upset when he found out my elbows were larger and stronger then his, and even his fellow countrymen behind me were giving him the evil eye.

Still, not as bad as the Afghans in Kabul trying to check-in for a flight to Dubai. I was first at the counter and had 3 Indian co-workers right behind me. The Afghans started crowding around us and trying to jam their passports and tickets around me, over me, hoping the agent would grab theirs first (as it happened) where upon they quickly elbow you out of the way (or, try to, but I've played that game before and wasn't budging). The security guy started getting pissed off though and suddenly decided to push the throng behind me back to the "wait here" line. All that did was push the people right behind me back 10 feet, and the people on the left and right sides of the line surged into the empty space.

Got my boarding pass and passport and had to fight my way through the crowd to get to the Immigration queue and then into the Departure "lounge". The 3 Indians that had been directly behind me when the check-in initially opened ? Didn't make the flight. (Ariana Afghan Airlines routinely overbooks each flight by 15-20 seats and the Indian guys just weren't pushy enough to get back to the head of the line before the flight was filled.)

Oddly enough, the Afghans don't try the same BS when they are checking in for Ariana flights in Dubai, despite those flights routinely being oversold as well. I think they know if they try to get pushy in Dubai they'll get a lot worse than just being pushed back a little bit by the security people.

My experience with Emeratis was that they queue hopped as a national birthright. Stand in line at a bank, or government building with no number queue: should a 'local' walk in, he's given a red carpet to the front, no questions asked. It's only when they are outside their country, do they swallow a little humble pie and queue up with the rest of the world. Now we see Chinese doing it. And they will eventually learn how to act outside their cultural borders.

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I'm sure most Chinese tourists are very respectable and behave well. But, recently, there have been a worrying number of 'incidents' involving Chinese people. I think China needs to address it.

You should try living in China as I have and I'm guessing you'ed change your opinion.

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I'm sure most Chinese tourists are very respectable and behave well. But, recently, there have been a worrying number of 'incidents' involving Chinese people. I think China needs to address it.

They have. They have written a Chinese guide for going abroad. The first rule is no spiting in public. 5555 whatever!

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