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I am moving to Thailand!


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As others have said bring good shoes, underwear, and cool clothing. Instead of buying clothes off the shelf you might try to find a good tailor. There is one in my wife's village in Buriram that I use and I have no complaints. A decent pair of tailor made pants for around $25 USD. Just another option to keep in mind, although I am sure it would be significantly more expensive in a large city (i.e. Bangkok).

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I should have also said good luck on your move. I will be retiring to Thailand a few years behind you, I have been there a dozen or more times and my wife of 20+ years was a native of Thailand (now also a US citizen). I think you will find it much safer than Mexico. Watch out for the women as there are many gold diggers, but also many nice ones. It may sound crazy but even at 63 years of age you are an eligible bachelor. Wish you the best on your new adventure.

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Thailand isn't what it used to be,, the army is in charge now and they

are flexing their muscle, remember the old saying

1: don't burn your bridges behind you

2: great place to visit but i wouldn't want to live here

my advice, don't think you are coming to some 3rd world country

some of the locals have better phones/cameras/laptops than you

wear better clothes than you, drive a better car than you, all over

better than you, remember that in this country you have no status,

you and all of us here are falang, 2nd class citizens. In this country

you can buy anything you want from any part of the world.

This is not the usa so travel light, you will probably move around a

lot so you will have to carry everything, flights here only allow 15kg

bag anything over is really expensive so think about that,, the last

bit of advice is,,, if you have a good friend or a family member you

can trust leave them about 5 thousand dollars in case the worse

happens and you need to leave the country in a hurry, call it a

safe insurance for your future and remember many people who

can are leaving Thailand.

Welcome to the land of smiles and remember to bring medical


and many more are staying.

Yes they are! But they are inheriting a place that is 10 times the pay at 1/10 of the play.


they arent there to play, theyre there to live

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Bring a couple good pairs of Levi's from the us. If you have big feet bring sandals and shoes from there too.

Bring some chill pills. Asians are much louder and high strung them Mexico. Not too much relaxing going on here.

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I have lived in 42 cities in 4 different countries.. Never visiting most of them beforehand. Nothing is permanent.

Impermanence is permanence.

1Happykamper may just be a little to happy to the point of being loopy foolhardy and a flakecoffee1.gifgiggle.gif

I have been away from my techno life for awhile and continued where I left off on this thread from my OP. Most of the messages here were helpful if not a bit pessimistic... however this post.. is unacceptable. Please refrain from bashing with name calling. Thank you. Enjoy a beautiful day in your perfect world.

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I have lived in 42 cities in 4 different countries.. Never visiting most of them beforehand. Nothing is permanent.

Impermanence is permanence.

1Happykamper may just be a little to happy to the point of being loopy foolhardy and a flakecoffee1.gifgiggle.gif

I have been away from my techno life for awhile and continued where I left off on this thread from my OP. Most of the messages here were helpful if not a bit pessimistic... however this post.. is unacceptable. Please refrain from bashing with name calling. Thank you. Enjoy a beautiful day in your perfect world.

Spoke to the value of the information and where it came from. My quote is in keeping with the type this forum has become and the mods are very strict about flaming messages BUT hey you can get your feathers ruffled by yourself anytime you wish as I adhere to policy and procedure of this forum. I have learned my lesson previously through losing my rights here. So dry up your tears and have a great year.biggrin.png

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I have lived in 42 cities in 4 different countries.. Never visiting most of them beforehand. Nothing is permanent.

Very fool hardy to try here in the middle of a military coup set to last into 2016. I think you motives may be less than honorable and I question if you are leaving messes behind you???? Are you hiding an aspect of your movements from all.

Wow.. your manners are ..hmmm... distgusting... try not to ever reply to any of my posts again.

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I have lived in 42 cities in 4 different countries.. Never visiting most of them beforehand. Nothing is permanent.

Very fool hardy to try here in the middle of a military coup set to last into 2016. I think you motives may be less than honorable and I question if you are leaving messes behind you???? Are you hiding an aspect of your movements from all.

Wow.. your manners are ..hmmm... distgusting... try not to ever reply to any of my posts again.

OP, this is common on here. I don't know why unless some are just unhappy people who own a keyboard. Just sift out the good stuff, ignore the rest, and have a nice day. thumbsup.gif

Good luck with your move. My $.02 as an American is that I wouldn't do it. I love to visit Thailand but I am always happy to set foot once again on 1st world soil.

I don't think it's cheaper to live in LOS with a decent lifestyle than it is in small town USA. So be sure there's something in Thailand you want that you can't get in the US such as er, um, nightlife or maybe a younger girlfriend. In the US you have a broad choice of climates, scenery, cultures, and living costs. You also have a right to be there with no visa costs and hassles, etc. There is also the rule of law. You know the language. There is first world infrastructure, driving habits and so on.

I am back in the US after several Thai vacations and one year on a retirement extension. I won't move back but I'll keep vacationing in Thailand. Check it out for yourself.

Good luck.

PS IMHO that younger girlfriend is about money in some way, so expect her to want to get something out of it somehow, some way. It might be support for her and her family or some other thing, but nothing in life is free.

Having lived out of the US for about six years, three continents, four countries, I'm having in the back of my mind moving back to the US at some point, maybe not today, tomorrow or next year, but some time. Once I get to the point where my health is slowing me down vs. simply needing more health care as an older man, it may just be the sensible thing to do. My Thai girlfriend is always saying to me to go to the US for healthcare. She's saying so out of concern, not to get rid of me for a couple months. (At least that's the story I'm choosing to believe.) lol

"In the US you have a broad choice of climates, scenery, cultures, and living costs. You also have a right to be there with no visa costs and hassles, etc. There is also the rule of law. You know the language. There is first world infrastructure, driving habits and so on," makes a lot of sense.

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I have lived in 42 cities in 4 different countries.. Never visiting most of them beforehand. Nothing is permanent.

Very fool hardy to try here in the middle of a military coup set to last into 2016. I think you motives may be less than honorable and I question if you are leaving messes behind you???? Are you hiding an aspect of your movements from all.

Wow.. your manners are ..hmmm... distgusting... try not to ever reply to any of my posts again.

Is distgusting a take off the word distrusting spelled your way. Grow up! Your the author of your own misfortunescheesy.gif

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Just jump in and see what happens.

Its called adventure.

Adventures are for the young.

A drifter in his sixties with no long-term family relationships in Thailand will regret the decision to settle here.

Family means everything in Thailand, your position in the family defines who you are.

Without one you are nobody... or as the Thais say, "farang tao-nahn eng."

It appears the OP is a single westerner... What does Thai family values have to do with? If he is comfortable alone so be it... He can always marry into a Thai family if he desires...

Soooo much negativity on this thread makes one wonder why any of you moved here in the first place...

I lived and worked in Thailand for many years, then rotated back to the west a few years ago... Since then I have looked at many countries to move to after retirement... I can live pretty much anywhere in the world I want, but have just moved back to Thailand for good.... Shazaam Gomer, it ain't that bad....

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Dunno about Mexico, but most consumables here will be more expensive than the U.S. It ain't cheap and if you like the sauce and ladies, hope you have a big pension.

All the best wink.png

which consumables specifically?

Anything imported ... 300% + import tax.

Immigration is a nightmare, every year having to fill out reams of paperwork and then visiting immigration every 90 days. I move out and happy I did. Try Malaysia, Vietnam or Cambodia ... all far easier and more welcoming in my humble opinion.

"Reams of paperwork",rubbish,1 sheet of paper.

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  • 2 months later...

Ok assuming your not beached whale You can live well on 65,000 baht a month few things don't buy condo plenty to rent here furnished because till your here a while you might want to move about freely. Checkout craigslist on that. Now Underwear got that here Now the biggie Poddy tat which we all love rent it cheaper and no lip service Never and I repeat never over pay for it. Never leave a drink in bar out of eye sight or of do toss it. food cheap getting around cheap. can get all your needs here and stuff you can't here short flight to other places to get. Oh one thing don't open an account and put in over 10,000 USD in it cause extra paperwork I suggest Citibank at least in BKK it is easy to get to and less likely to have skimmer installed in it's ATM's it is located on suknspit and asoke. real close To Soi Cowboy. Also good restaurant at end of soi there just threw that in. BTS, MRT,and ARL all good to get around the later being link line to airport and connects to others. Ok cheap hotel NASA VEGAS good choice cheap Next door to ARL stop away from MRT and Asoke. Also cheap diggs across street same name longer stay. Subway , family mart, 7-11, massage, Oh happy also can get if needed. Now on retirement visa for best advice speak with UBONJOE here Well knowledged in this straight forward and to the point on answers he is in this forum The rest trust no one till you get fell of city once done you should know who and who not to trust. Oh Don't fall for the old water buffalo died parents need 20,000 baht just tell her get some knee pads going to need them. Other than that enjoy it here laugh a minute fellow old fart here myself.

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You will find Thailand not unlike Mexico. Lived in both places. Thailand is basically Mexico without the work ethic!

Work ethic in Mexico? You've been smoking too much of that cheap Mexican weed. The Mexicans who've immigrated to the US work hard. Those who remain in Mexico? Let's just say it'll get done "manana."

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I never lived in Mexico but went there every year for 20 years. Then I heard about Thailand came here been back to Mexico once since. Mexico got to be more expensive than Canada and less quality so why go there. If you are a single guy who enjoyed Mexican nightlife you will enjoy Thailands also. But you are coming late in my opinion the best days are gone. But if in your 60's just come and enjoy. Good luck and may the wind be on your back.

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I never lived in Mexico but went there every year for 20 years. Then I heard about Thailand came here been back to Mexico once since. Mexico got to be more expensive than Canada and less quality so why go there. If you are a single guy who enjoyed Mexican nightlife you will enjoy Thailands also. But you are coming late in my opinion the best days are gone. But if in your 60's just come and enjoy. Good luck and may the wind be on your back.

late for the country, or late in age?

an extremely spiteful and insensitive comment on moderation has been removed.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Just jump in and see what happens.
Its called adventure.

Adventures are for the young.

A drifter in his sixties with no long-term family relationships in Thailand will regret the decision to settle here.

Family means everything in Thailand, your position in the family defines who you are.

Without one you are nobody... or as the Thais say, "farang tao-nahn eng."

Who gives a toss if family relationships are important to the Thais? We ain't Thais.

I most certainly am not "defined" by nor do I measure myself by the collective opinion of a nation of people the majority of whom have little more than an 8th grade education.

You need to pay more attention to the opinions of those who actually matter, mate . . . namely, yourself.

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Just jump in and see what happens.

Its called adventure.

Adventures are for the young.

A drifter in his sixties with no long-term family relationships in Thailand will regret the decision to settle here.

Family means everything in Thailand, your position in the family defines who you are.

Without one you are nobody... or as the Thais say, "farang tao-nahn eng."

unless you are so screwed up you never developed these types of relationships anyhow. then thailand would work great.

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Love these comment from knuckleheads who think just because you married a Thai you got respect and position in the Family get a clue Throw wifey on table and do her and see what your real position is mate 6 feet under and never found. As long as you keep the cash flowing your a GOD but the minute it runs out they kick you to the curb and find another sucker.

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