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Websites with lese majeste content to be shut down


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there are universal values of a dignity of a human, laws against physical abuse!

No there aren't.

Freedom of speech isn't universally accepted as a human right. Freedom from discrimination based upon gender, sexuality, religion aren't universally accepted as a human right. The right to life isn't universally accepted as a human right. The right to an education isn't universally accepted as a human right. The right to work isn't not universally accepted as a human right, nor is the right not to be enslaved.

I'd dare to say that there is absolutely nothing that is a universally accepted value with respect to the dignity of a human being.

I never said a word about freedom of speech, did I?

Don't strawman, and please do not put words in my mouth!

As for human rights here, you are simply wrong. Thailand is a member of Geneva convention, if Im not mistaken, I may wrong about that. But Thailand is certainly a member of UN. But then again, so is Uganda.

Thailand aspires to be step above Uganda, and absolute bottom of the pit, I think, and that was my point.

Correct, you didn't. And I wasn't putting words in your mouth. I was simply giving examples of things that some bleeding-hearted, woolly-minded liberals consider to be universal values and pointing out that none of them is universally accepted.

In short, despite what you would like to believe, there are no "universal values of a dignity of a human, laws against physical abuse".

Of course, if you can provide something that is considered a universal value in this area I'd be happy to apologise.

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Wouldn't the word "blocked" be more appropriate than "shut down".

Websites after all carry the written word and seeing as this is deemed to be so important, maybe they could get it correct for once even though it maybe a translation.

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I dare them to cut it off. Go on.

Make yourselves the laughing stock you deserve to be.

Students in chains for a play. What is wrong with these people. They are abusing the very institution they claim to protect.

Hypocrites and liars all of them. And to think there is any westerner on here who can defend this govt over any other. They will put thailand back 50 years if they can. They will turn it into a Hong Kong of appointees and shadow lurkers beyond the law forever.

The problem is, it isn't just this government, is it? Nor even governments, alone. There are plenty of ordinary Thais out there who denounce, and even physically attack, others (including their own kith and kin, which would make Stalin proud) for making their views known - even views that step on the toes of those who are simply abusing/misusing the law. Yet they abysmally fail to understand that their own freedom of speech is also under threat.

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I dare them to cut it off. Go on.

Make yourselves the laughing stock you deserve to be.

Students in chains for a play. What is wrong with these people. They are abusing the very institution they claim to protect.

Hypocrites and liars all of them. And to think there is any westerner on here who can defend this govt over any other. They will put thailand back 50 years if they can. They will turn it into a Hong Kong of appointees and shadow lurkers beyond the law forever.

The problem is, it isn't just this government, is it? Nor even governments, alone. There are plenty of ordinary Thais out there who denounce, and even physically attack, others (including their own kith and kin, which would make Stalin proud) for making their views known - even views that step on the toes of those who are simply abusing/misusing the law. Yet they abysmally fail to understand that their own freedom of speech is also under threat.

Almost sounds like many a poster on TVF!

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I dare them to cut it off. Go on.

Make yourselves the laughing stock you deserve to be.

Students in chains for a play. What is wrong with these people. They are abusing the very institution they claim to protect.

Hypocrites and liars all of them. And to think there is any westerner on here who can defend this govt over any other. They will put thailand back 50 years if they can. They will turn it into a Hong Kong of appointees and shadow lurkers beyond the law forever.

The problem is, it isn't just this government, is it? Nor even governments, alone. There are plenty of ordinary Thais out there who denounce, and even physically attack, others (including their own kith and kin, which would make Stalin proud) for making their views known - even views that step on the toes of those who are simply abusing/misusing the law. Yet they abysmally fail to understand that their own freedom of speech is also under threat.

Who are these plenty of Thais?

The amount of people who have been willing to actually fight on behalf of the politicians or the army represent way less than 1% of the population.

Using this ludicrous law to supposedlt protect an institution which one can only say is universally loved is an aberration of human rights.

The irony is, that if the institution wasn't loved, no amount of locking people up would save it in the end. This law serves simply to allow everyone to bury their heads in the sand and pretend everything is hunky dorey status quo, which it isn't.

Those willing to fight to enforce lese majeste violation i.e. attack someone on its behalf are an absolute handful.

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there are universal values of a dignity of a human, laws against physical abuse!

No there aren't.

Freedom of speech isn't universally accepted as a human right. Freedom from discrimination based upon gender, sexuality, religion aren't universally accepted as a human right. The right to life isn't universally accepted as a human right. The right to an education isn't universally accepted as a human right. The right to work isn't not universally accepted as a human right, nor is the right not to be enslaved.

I'd dare to say that there is absolutely nothing that is a universally accepted value with respect to the dignity of a human being.

I never said a word about freedom of speech, did I?

Don't strawman, and please do not put words in my mouth!

As for human rights here, you are simply wrong. Thailand is a member of Geneva convention, if Im not mistaken, I may wrong about that. But Thailand is certainly a member of UN. But then again, so is Uganda.

Thailand aspires to be step above Uganda, and absolute bottom of the pit, I think, and that was my point.

Correct, you didn't. And I wasn't putting words in your mouth. I was simply giving examples of things that some bleeding-hearted, woolly-minded liberals consider to be universal values and pointing out that none of them is universally accepted.

In short, despite what you would like to believe, there are no "universal values of a dignity of a human, laws against physical abuse".

Of course, if you can provide something that is considered a universal value in this area I'd be happy to apologise.

On 10 December 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

Article 5 states, "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."


"Torture is the act of deliberately inflicting severe physical or psychological pain and possibly injury to a person (or animal), usually to one who is physically restrained or otherwise under the torturer's control or custody and unable to defend against what is being done to him or her"

Pls read:


Good enough?

Edited by whitemouse
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I dare them to cut it off. Go on.

Make yourselves the laughing stock you deserve to be.

Students in chains for a play. What is wrong with these people. They are abusing the very institution they claim to protect.

Hypocrites and liars all of them. And to think there is any westerner on here who can defend this govt over any other. They will put thailand back 50 years if they can. They will turn it into a Hong Kong of appointees and shadow lurkers beyond the law forever.

The problem is, it isn't just this government, is it? Nor even governments, alone. There are plenty of ordinary Thais out there who denounce, and even physically attack, others (including their own kith and kin, which would make Stalin proud) for making their views known - even views that step on the toes of those who are simply abusing/misusing the law. Yet they abysmally fail to understand that their own freedom of speech is also under threat.

Who are these plenty of Thais?

The amount of people who have been willing to actually fight on behalf of the politicians or the army represent way less than 1% of the population.

Using this ludicrous law to supposedlt protect an institution which one can only say is universally loved is an aberration of human rights.

The irony is, that if the institution wasn't loved, no amount of locking people up would save it in the end. This law serves simply to allow everyone to bury their heads in the sand and pretend everything is hunky dorey status quo, which it isn't.

Those willing to fight to enforce lese majeste violation i.e. attack someone on its behalf are an absolute handful.

I don't think he is talking about politicians or the army. I think you will find that there is more than a handful of Thais that would be willing so stand up against perceived abusers of the institution the law is supposed to protect.

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Both accused were brought into court barefoot - Patiwat’s feet bound with chains!

Lese majeste and gambling seem to get the most attention from Thai authorities these days...while dangerous crimes continue to be committed and unsolved...criminals who are caught...often go free once it becomes know who they work for...

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I dare them to cut it off. Go on.

Make yourselves the laughing stock you deserve to be.

Students in chains for a play. What is wrong with these people. They are abusing the very institution they claim to protect.

Hypocrites and liars all of them. And to think there is any westerner on here who can defend this govt over any other. They will put thailand back 50 years if they can. They will turn it into a Hong Kong of appointees and shadow lurkers beyond the law forever.

The problem is, it isn't just this government, is it? Nor even governments, alone. There are plenty of ordinary Thais out there who denounce, and even physically attack, others (including their own kith and kin, which would make Stalin proud) for making their views known - even views that step on the toes of those who are simply abusing/misusing the law. Yet they abysmally fail to understand that their own freedom of speech is also under threat.
Who are these plenty of Thais?

The amount of people who have been willing to actually fight on behalf of the politicians or the army represent way less than 1% of the population.

Using this ludicrous law to supposedlt protect an institution which one can only say is universally loved is an aberration of human rights.

The irony is, that if the institution wasn't loved, no amount of locking people up would save it in the end. This law serves simply to allow everyone to bury their heads in the sand and pretend everything is hunky dorey status quo, which it isn't.

Those willing to fight to enforce lese majeste violation i.e. attack someone on its behalf are an absolute handful.

I don't think he is talking about politicians or the army. I think you will find that there is more than a handful of Thais that would be willing so stand up against perceived abusers of the institution the law is supposed to protect.

I think u overstate.

Their reaction might be vocal and they may make an awful lot of fuss, but reality may be quite different.

If so, I can't wait for them to start having a go at Mr. Zuckerberg. Would be very entertaining.

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The problem is, it isn't just this government, is it? Nor even governments, alone. There are plenty of ordinary Thais out there who denounce, and even physically attack, others (including their own kith and kin, which would make Stalin proud) for making their views known - even views that step on the toes of those who are simply abusing/misusing the law. Yet they abysmally fail to understand that their own freedom of speech is also under threat.

Who are these plenty of Thais?

The amount of people who have been willing to actually fight on behalf of the politicians or the army represent way less than 1% of the population.

Using this ludicrous law to supposedlt protect an institution which one can only say is universally loved is an aberration of human rights.

The irony is, that if the institution wasn't loved, no amount of locking people up would save it in the end. This law serves simply to allow everyone to bury their heads in the sand and pretend everything is hunky dorey status quo, which it isn't.

Those willing to fight to enforce lese majeste violation i.e. attack someone on its behalf are an absolute handful.

I don't think he is talking about politicians or the army. I think you will find that there is more than a handful of Thais that would be willing so stand up against perceived abusers of the institution the law is supposed to protect.

I think u overstate.

Their reaction might be vocal and they may make an awful lot of fuss, but reality may be quite different.

If so, I can't wait for them to start having a go at Mr. Zuckerberg. Would be very entertaining.

They would not be against Facebook, but rather the individual posters. I think you underestimate the fervour of support for the institution concerned.
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The problem is, it isn't just this government, is it? Nor even governments, alone. There are plenty of ordinary Thais out there who denounce, and even physically attack, others (including their own kith and kin, which would make Stalin proud) for making their views known - even views that step on the toes of those who are simply abusing/misusing the law. Yet they abysmally fail to understand that their own freedom of speech is also under threat.

Who are these plenty of Thais?

The amount of people who have been willing to actually fight on behalf of the politicians or the army represent way less than 1% of the population.

Using this ludicrous law to supposedlt protect an institution which one can only say is universally loved is an aberration of human rights.

The irony is, that if the institution wasn't loved, no amount of locking people up would save it in the end. This law serves simply to allow everyone to bury their heads in the sand and pretend everything is hunky dorey status quo, which it isn't.

Those willing to fight to enforce lese majeste violation i.e. attack someone on its behalf are an absolute handful.

I don't think he is talking about politicians or the army. I think you will find that there is more than a handful of Thais that would be willing so stand up against perceived abusers of the institution the law is supposed to protect.

I think u overstate.

Their reaction might be vocal and they may make an awful lot of fuss, but reality may be quite different.

If so, I can't wait for them to start having a go at Mr. Zuckerberg. Would be very entertaining.

They would not be against Facebook, but rather the individual posters. I think you underestimate the fervour of support for the institution concerned.

Well I lived there for 18 years worked for several companies, had my own, have a large extended family.

If the army put a request out in public for everyone to come out and protest someones individual statement in public, I reckon less than 1% of the Thais I considered friends and acquaintances would protest.

How many do you know who would attack someone for writing something. You do understand that a massive amount of Thais felt very dismayed to see uncle SMS in the position he was, and they all loved the king too. Don't you think an awful lot of Thais are very bemused by this overextension of the LM law?

Would anyone from my family be willing to attack someone for something written on facebook? Oh please.

And they dearly love the King. You are talking about Thailand descending into some type of mass hysteria like North Korea.

I honestly can't put my hand on one Thai who would voluntarily attack someone for writing something on facebook. And as I stated, the absolutely vast majority of Thais love the King.

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I don't think he is talking about politicians or the army. I think you will find that there is more than a handful of Thais that would be willing so stand up against perceived abusers of the institution the law is supposed to protect.

I think u overstate.

Their reaction might be vocal and they may make an awful lot of fuss, but reality may be quite different.

If so, I can't wait for them to start having a go at Mr. Zuckerberg. Would be very entertaining.

They would not be against Facebook, but rather the individual posters. I think you underestimate the fervour of support for the institution concerned.

Well I lived there for 18 years worked for several companies, had my own, have a large extended family.

If the army put a request out in public for everyone to come out and protest someones individual statement in public, I reckon less than 1% of the Thais I considered friends and acquaintances would protest.

How many do you know who would attack someone for writing something. You do understand that a massive amount of Thais felt very dismayed to see uncle SMS in the position he was, and they all loved the king too. Don't you think an awful lot of Thais are very bemused by this overextension of the LM law?

Would anyone from my family be willing to attack someone for something written on facebook? Oh please.

And they dearly love the King. You are talking about Thailand descending into some type of mass hysteria like North Korea.

I honestly can't put my hand on one Thai who would voluntarily attack someone for writing something on facebook. And as I stated, the absolutely vast majority of Thais love the King.

You said a handful, not me. I do believe that more than a handful would come out in a true case of LM. Uncle SMS is a poor example to present, as it is still open to debate whether he actually made the posts himself. His defence was a mess. Then there is the health factor. Any normal person would feel sorry for him. But if you get a clear case of LM, things are likely to be very different. The cases being bandied about at the moment, Pongpat et al are seen by many as a purge and the case against the university lecturer and her black shirt suggestion laughable.

Having said that, I do not for a minute believe Thailand would "descend into some type of mass hysteria like North Korea".

Mods, please delete if inappropriate.

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I don't think he is talking about politicians or the army. I think you will find that there is more than a handful of Thais that would be willing so stand up against perceived abusers of the institution the law is supposed to protect.

I think u overstate.

Their reaction might be vocal and they may make an awful lot of fuss, but reality may be quite different.

If so, I can't wait for them to start having a go at Mr. Zuckerberg. Would be very entertaining.

They would not be against Facebook, but rather the individual posters. I think you underestimate the fervour of support for the institution concerned.

Well I lived there for 18 years worked for several companies, had my own, have a large extended family.

If the army put a request out in public for everyone to come out and protest someones individual statement in public, I reckon less than 1% of the Thais I considered friends and acquaintances would protest.

How many do you know who would attack someone for writing something. You do understand that a massive amount of Thais felt very dismayed to see uncle SMS in the position he was, and they all loved the king too. Don't you think an awful lot of Thais are very bemused by this overextension of the LM law?

Would anyone from my family be willing to attack someone for something written on facebook? Oh please.

And they dearly love the King. You are talking about Thailand descending into some type of mass hysteria like North Korea.

I honestly can't put my hand on one Thai who would voluntarily attack someone for writing something on facebook. And as I stated, the absolutely vast majority of Thais love the King.

You said a handful, not me. I do believe that more than a handful would come out in a true case of LM. Uncle SMS is a poor example to present, as it is still open to debate whether he actually made the posts himself. His defence was a mess. Then there is the health factor. Any normal person would feel sorry for him. But if you get a clear case of LM, things are likely to be very different. The cases being bandied about at the moment, Pongpat et al are seen by many as a purge and the case against the university lecturer and her black shirt suggestion laughable.

Having said that, I do not for a minute believe Thailand would "descend into some type of mass hysteria like North Korea".

Mods, please delete if inappropriate.

Well this is my point. Most Thais love the king (well over 90%), very few are ultra royalist enough to fight for lese majeste.

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Blocking or filtering a website, by ISPs, at a national datacenter, or whatever, which a govt CAN do, is not the same as shutting down a website, which a govt CANNOT do if the servers are in other countries. Blocking is rather simple-minded in this day & age, sort of a waste of resources, & won't stop users from getting to the site.

Edited by hawker9000
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It's less about protecting the monarchy and more about the powers that be having a dangerously vague and open to interpretation law to shut down dissenters and malcontents.

Two students going to prison for acting in a play. Under this dinosaur regime we can expect more of the same.

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