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NACC to ask Finance Ministry to file damage suit against Yingluck and Boonsong

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NACC is little more than an attack dog for the military victors.

A pity, as it could have been an organisation that marked real change.

Well yes it could / should have been and organization which generated real change but let's not forget that 1 - 2 years ago the red machine

refused to allow certain parties (those with knowledge and not frightened to speak up) to join NACC, plus their operating budget was severely reduced.

Come to today - NACC now trying to do what it should be doing and I hope they succeed in their purpose for existence - ultimately protecting the common wealth of all Thais.


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Revenge from a deeply partisan and politicised body that should itself be the subject of sanction (and much more). Sadly their corrupt misuse of their authority is currently acceptable to those holding the strings of power.

'Sanctions' - so who / what body would decide the 'sanctions'.

Meaning that you'd like 'someone' to be directing what the NACC can and cannot touch.

Seems like the democracy autocrat / dictator machine still alive and well given the slightest chance.

Stay put dear general until their is real change and it's locked in place and it will take many years.


In civilized countries failure of a governmental policy does not mean the person in charge is held personally responsible. <deleted> is wrong with you people trying to put the blame on a single person when its many people who make policies. And as far as trying to put up a "strawman argument" ha you guys are lost. How many millions of baht did Suthep cause this country to lose?? Id be willing to bet many more millions than that stupid rice issue. Each and everyday this country and its poor people continue to loose millions of baht because of his selfish act of holding this country hostage for all those months. <deleted> trying to put the blame on Ying, put the blame where it belongs on the BKK rich and unmentionables and their patsy boy Suthep, who by the way is sitting in the south at a monkhead just hanging out watching it all scott free. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander....

A government which positions a scheme as self-financing with nice reasons, keeps it out of the National Budget for that reason to 'simplify' administration (or a possible deficit), keeps on stating 'we listen, we adjust, we take care, all's well' and manages to lose 600 billion Baht should be held responsible. "the buck stops here" comes to mind.

Negligence is a mild verdict. Personally I would call it 'criminal'.

The reds never seem to get this part (or don't want to get it). They did not budget for the rice scam. It would cost nothing according to them. Many foreign and national organisations told them this could never work and they should budget for it. They did not (budget was already stretched). So in reality this is a loss and negligence at the least.

As for the but Suthep.. ah Suthep would have been powerless if Thaksin had not had himself included in the amnesty providing a catalyst for the people of Thailand to rally about and raise to expel the corrupt previous government that did not even protect the protesters but let them get slaughtered by their own supporters without going after them.;

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Everyday, every hour, every minute, Thailand is feeling the negative effects of Suthep and his gang of Thugs directly to the economy and poor people of Thailand. This is the truth and measurable. The rest of you peoples comments are assumptions and general BS. How quickly many of this crowd forgets how much damage this guy did and is still doing to this country all the while being allowed to live a "monks" life.


Revenge from a deeply partisan and politicised body that should itself be the subject of sanction (and much more). Sadly their corrupt misuse of their authority is currently acceptable to those holding the strings of power.

Indeed - whereas the corrupt misuse of their authority by the Yingluck administration was acceptable to her brother who was holding the strings of power over yet another of his puppet governments.

Normally, hiso elites get away with anything, so don't hold your breadth.


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Everyday, every hour, every minute, Thailand is feeling the negative effects of Suthep and his gang of Thugs directly to the economy and poor people of Thailand. This is the truth and measurable. The rest of you peoples comments are assumptions and general BS. How quickly many of this crowd forgets how much damage this guy did and is still doing to this country all the while being allowed to live a "monks" life.

And you choose to totally and conveniently ignore why the protests took place.

I suspect most TV members would agree that suthep is no saint and he has some baggage, but he did ultimately generate the removal of a gang of thieves / a gang of scaly no credibility no morals no values politicians trough sitters who if possible would have passed laws etc., to ensure they simply could not be removed ever.

Somebody will retort with 'yingluck democratic government / democratically elected'. Just replace democratic with autocratic and dictator and your closer to the truth.

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In civilized countries failure of a governmental policy does not mean the person in charge is held personally responsible. <deleted> is wrong with you people trying to put the blame on a single person when its many people who make policies. And as far as trying to put up a "strawman argument" ha you guys are lost. How many millions of baht did Suthep cause this country to lose?? Id be willing to bet many more millions than that stupid rice issue. Each and everyday this country and its poor people continue to loose millions of baht because of his selfish act of holding this country hostage for all those months. <deleted> trying to put the blame on Ying, put the blame where it belongs on the BKK rich and unmentionables and their patsy boy Suthep, who by the way is sitting in the south at a monkhead just hanging out watching it all scott free. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander....

Yinglucks fanclub is realy on their toes today.


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Everyday, every hour, every minute, Thailand is feeling the negative effects of Suthep and his gang of Thugs directly to the economy and poor people of Thailand. This is the truth and measurable. The rest of you peoples comments are assumptions and general BS. How quickly many of this crowd forgets how much damage this guy did and is still doing to this country all the while being allowed to live a "monks" life.

And you choose to totally and conveniently ignore why the protests took place.

I suspect most TV members would agree that suthep is no saint and he has some baggage, but he did ultimately generate the removal of a gang of thieves / a gang of scaly no credibility no morals no values politicians trough sitters who if possible would have passed laws etc., to ensure they simply could not be removed ever.

Somebody will retort with 'yingluck democratic government / democratically elected'. Just replace democratic with autocratic and dictator and your closer to the truth.

So you give him a pass for the billions of dollars he has cost Thailand and is continuing to cost the poor citizens? Ask that poor street vendor about how their life has been recently with the loss of tourist baht....

What the &lt;deleted&gt; do you guys want....one day its democratically elected officials and the day before well you chose and say people buy elections. SMH.

Suthep was nothing but a cover for the military takeover plain and simple. A cover that has been strangely left alone and no blame put on him by his boss the P Man.

Why doesnt the current military government pursue a course of action against Suthep?

Easy answer because this is nothing more but a purge of the Tak man. The &lt;deleted&gt; military to include Suthep is nothing but puppets for others as has always been and will probably be for at least a few more years.

I find it strange that so many of you people dont really understand what is going on??

I also find it interesting that so many of you "yellow" cronies are so caught up in the thai red/yellow shirt hatred.

This country is an archaic system seriously lost in a modern world. Kinda like Gulliver's travels.

Can I get an Amen from all ya'll who get this? :)


It seems that accountability is a foreign concept to some posters. Nice to see it is migrating to Thailand.

Accountability for politicians is based on elections were people hold them accountable. If no criminal charges can be brought against a politician it is the electorate that will punish wrong decision taken by politicians.

Not only Thailand has politicians that might make wrong decision but in other countries it is the voter that ensures they cannot continue.

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How many innocent civilians were killed in the south since Gen Prayuth becomes the PM...can he be charged for this...bah.gif

I would wager far less than died under the tenures of the various Thaksin puppet regimes. Thaksin really should be probed by the UN for some of his actions down south and/or his extra judicial war on drugs executions.

How many times did Yinngy venture down South? Bear in mind she was self appointed DM as well as appointed PM? Or those she put in charge like the 90 day solve it Drunk?

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How many innocent civilians were killed in the south since Gen Prayuth becomes the PM...can he be charged for this...bah.gif

Many have died and I remember while back when the P Man said he was going to take care of it. The situation has not changed. Isnt it strange that the NRCC or whatever the acronym choses to make a priority of promoting the Andaman and making it a historic site vs taking care of a very serious problem domestic terrorism problem in the south?? Since he is in charge and its his policy (remember he is in charge singularly with no cabinet or political party) according to the logic of the some TV political commentators he should be prosecuted same as Ying. Its a mad mad fantasy world some people live in....

There isnt a day I wake up and read the news that I dont laugh at the buffoonery of the Thai government.


How many innocent civilians were killed in the south since Gen Prayuth becomes the PM...can he be charged for this...bah.gif

I would wager far less than died under the tenures of the various Thaksin puppet regimes. Thaksin really should be probed by the UN for some of his actions down south and/or his extra judicial war on drugs executions.

How many times did Yinngy venture down South? Bear in mind she was self appointed DM as well as appointed PM? Or those she put in charge like the 90 day solve it Drunk?

I guess you are at the bottom of the bottle after those statements lol


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Everyday, every hour, every minute, Thailand is feeling the negative effects of Suthep and his gang of Thugs directly to the economy and poor people of Thailand. This is the truth and measurable. The rest of you peoples comments are assumptions and general BS. How quickly many of this crowd forgets how much damage this guy did and is still doing to this country all the while being allowed to live a "monks" life.

And you choose to totally and conveniently ignore why the protests took place.

I suspect most TV members would agree that suthep is no saint and he has some baggage, but he did ultimately generate the removal of a gang of thieves / a gang of scaly no credibility no morals no values politicians trough sitters who if possible would have passed laws etc., to ensure they simply could not be removed ever.

Somebody will retort with 'yingluck democratic government / democratically elected'. Just replace democratic with autocratic and dictator and your closer to the truth.

So you give him a pass for the billions of dollars he has cost Thailand and is continuing to cost the poor citizens? Ask that poor street vendor about how their life has been recently with the loss of tourist baht....

What the <deleted> do you guys want....one day its democratically elected officials and the day before well you chose and say people buy elections. SMH.

Suthep was nothing but a cover for the military takeover plain and simple. A cover that has been strangely left alone and no blame put on him by his boss the P Man.

Why doesnt the current military government pursue a course of action against Suthep?

Easy answer because this is nothing more but a purge of the Tak man. The <deleted> military to include Suthep is nothing but puppets for others as has always been and will probably be for at least a few more years.

I find it strange that so many of you people dont really understand what is going on??

I also find it interesting that so many of you "yellow" cronies are so caught up in the thai red/yellow shirt hatred.

This country is an archaic system seriously lost in a modern world. Kinda like Gulliver's travels.

Can I get an Amen from all ya'll who get this? smile.png

I mentioned nothing whatever about a free pass. Looks like we have another fabie clone, twist without conscience what others have said / not said.

I repeat:

" And you choose to totally and conveniently ignore why the protests took place.

I suspect most TV members would agree that suthep is no saint and he has some baggage, but he did ultimately generate the removal of a gang of thieves / a gang of scaly no credibility no morals no values politicians trough sitters who if possible would have passed laws etc., to ensure they simply could not be removed ever.

Somebody will retort with 'yingluck democratic government / democratically elected'. Just replace democratic with autocratic and dictator and your closer to the truth."

I add: I suspect most TV members (me included) would have no hesitation to agree that all wrongdoers should have due process.

Now I'll wait for your retort about the nasty coup makers.

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It would seem that the PT and Yingluck supporters think that the loss and corruption that has gone with it should just be forgotten and the tax payer should pay up.

No problem really, let those who benefited from the corruption keep the money they scammed from the country.

Well there are others of us who think that people no matter who they are should be held accountable and made to pay for their crime and corruption and that they should be forced to return what they have illegally obtained.

In particular politicians who should be roll models and servants of the people must be held accountable for corruption and negligence in doing the job the people of the country entrusted them to do on their behalf.

In fact this is not just a loss situation it is a betrayal of trust that the electors of this country put in those who they chose to run the country on their behalf.

It is no different from the employees of a company causing the company a huge loss by negligence or straight out theft only in this case it is a country and its people who have suffered the loss.

I see we have the "But Suthep" defense trotted out by someone who hasn't the faintest idea what actually happened, always a sign of desperation.

When was she charged with corruption?

Read my post again and then tell me where I said she had been charged with corruption.

However you may be dismayed to know that she is being investigated along with others for graft in relation to the scheme :


Posted 2014-07-14 06:45:07

Anti-graft agency probing rice deals, links to ministers

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission sub-panel is deeply probing alleged irregularities in the rice-pledging scheme's financial transactions to identify possible nominees linked to five former ministers under investigation, NACC deputy secretary-general Warawit Sukboon said yesterday.

Facing graft probes in connection with the rice-pledging scheme are ex-PM Yingluck Shinawatra, ex-commerce ministers Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan, Boonsong Teriyapirom and Yanyong Phuangrach and former deputy commerce minister Poom Sarapol.

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Everyday, every hour, every minute, Thailand is feeling the negative effects of Suthep and his gang of Thugs directly to the economy and poor people of Thailand. This is the truth and measurable. The rest of you peoples comments are assumptions and general BS. How quickly many of this crowd forgets how much damage this guy did and is still doing to this country all the while being allowed to live a "monks" life.

And you choose to totally and conveniently ignore why the protests took place.

I suspect most TV members would agree that suthep is no saint and he has some baggage, but he did ultimately generate the removal of a gang of thieves / a gang of scaly no credibility no morals no values politicians trough sitters who if possible would have passed laws etc., to ensure they simply could not be removed ever.

Somebody will retort with 'yingluck democratic government / democratically elected'. Just replace democratic with autocratic and dictator and your closer to the truth.

So you give him a pass for the billions of dollars he has cost Thailand and is continuing to cost the poor citizens? Ask that poor street vendor about how their life has been recently with the loss of tourist baht....

What the <deleted> do you guys want....one day its democratically elected officials and the day before well you chose and say people buy elections. SMH.

Suthep was nothing but a cover for the military takeover plain and simple. A cover that has been strangely left alone and no blame put on him by his boss the P Man.

Why doesnt the current military government pursue a course of action against Suthep?

Easy answer because this is nothing more but a purge of the Tak man. The <deleted> military to include Suthep is nothing but puppets for others as has always been and will probably be for at least a few more years.

I find it strange that so many of you people dont really understand what is going on??

I also find it interesting that so many of you "yellow" cronies are so caught up in the thai red/yellow shirt hatred.

This country is an archaic system seriously lost in a modern world. Kinda like Gulliver's travels.

Can I get an Amen from all ya'll who get this? smile.png

I mentioned nothing whatever about a free pass. Looks like we have another fabie clone, twist without conscience what others have said / not said.

I repeat:

" And you choose to totally and conveniently ignore why the protests took place.

I suspect most TV members would agree that suthep is no saint and he has some baggage, but he did ultimately generate the removal of a gang of thieves / a gang of scaly no credibility no morals no values politicians trough sitters who if possible would have passed laws etc., to ensure they simply could not be removed ever.

Somebody will retort with 'yingluck democratic government / democratically elected'. Just replace democratic with autocratic and dictator and your closer to the truth."

I add: I suspect most TV members (me included) would have no hesitation to agree that all wrongdoers should have due process.

Now I'll wait for your retort about the nasty coup makers.

Im not ignoring why the protests took place. I understand why; the protests were instigated behind the scenes because it was coup time. Suthep was their patsy and therefore is being protected by his bosses. Nobody, I mean nobody, has mentioned his name or looked into any of his wrongdoings have they?

Every time a freely elected government gets too strong, the military of Thailand "is bound" to step in and "free the country."

There is way too much to talk about here without facing consequences, lets just leave everything at that. If you cant figure it out, then there is nothing I can say to help you understand.

Like previously mentioned, consequences for failed government policies is the responsibility of voters. That's how it works all over the world, except for the kindergarden politics of Thailand. In the real world leaders are elected and not appointed. Instead of understanding that simple democratic philosophy, the "appointed" commission is leaning towards appointments....all in the face of the world growing democracy.


Im not ignoring why the protests took place. I understand why; the protests were instigated behind the scenes because it was coup time. Suthep was their patsy and therefore is being protected by his bosses. Nobody, I mean nobody, has mentioned his name or looked into any of his wrongdoings have they?

Every time a freely elected government gets too strong, the military of Thailand "is bound" to step in and "free the country."

There is way too much to talk about here without facing consequences, lets just leave everything at that. If you cant figure it out, then there is nothing I can say to help you understand.

Like previously mentioned, consequences for failed government policies is the responsibility of voters. That's how it works all over the world, except for the kindergarden politics of Thailand. In the real world leaders are elected and not appointed. Instead of understanding that simple democratic philosophy, the "appointed" commission is leaning towards appointments....all in the face of the world growing democracy.

The Pheu Thai led Yingluck Government had this wonderful scheme called "Rice Price Pledging Scheme" (aka RPPS) which would help poor farmers and still be a self-financing scheme. No need to call it a subsidy and make reservations in the National Budget, no need at all. This wonderful scheme thought out by Pheu Thai's great thinker abroad just needed a revolving funds, to do initial payments and deposit revenue from sales. The scheme was fervently defended by Pheu Thai MPs and the Pheu Thai government. Any comments were said to be listened to, be taken into account, but no worry, all's right, financing arranged, nothing wrong.

And now we have a 600 billion Baht or more debt to the BAAC guaranteed by the Yingluck government and to be repaid by it's successor governments. In other words "we, the tax payer get the bill".

Had the Yingluck government called the RPPS a subsidy which required 100 or more billion Baht yearly, that would be like it works all over the world. Then there would be yearly reviews if the subsidy was leading to the results the government detailed while requesting the budget. Then adjustments could and would be made.

Now we have a major loss, no Yingluck government administration and BS from interesting posters. A charge of "Negligence" is too friendly, I am more inclined to call it criminal.

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Im not ignoring why the protests took place. I understand why; the protests were instigated behind the scenes because it was coup time. Suthep was their patsy and therefore is being protected by his bosses. Nobody, I mean nobody, has mentioned his name or looked into any of his wrongdoings have they?

Every time a freely elected government gets too strong, the military of Thailand "is bound" to step in and "free the country."

There is way too much to talk about here without facing consequences, lets just leave everything at that. If you cant figure it out, then there is nothing I can say to help you understand.

Like previously mentioned, consequences for failed government policies is the responsibility of voters. That's how it works all over the world, except for the kindergarden politics of Thailand. In the real world leaders are elected and not appointed. Instead of understanding that simple democratic philosophy, the "appointed" commission is leaning towards appointments....all in the face of the world growing democracy.

The Pheu Thai led Yingluck Government had this wonderful scheme called "Rice Price Pledging Scheme" (aka RPPS) which would help poor farmers and still be a self-financing scheme. No need to call it a subsidy and make reservations in the National Budget, no need at all. This wonderful scheme thought out by Pheu Thai's great thinker abroad just needed a revolving funds, to do initial payments and deposit revenue from sales. The scheme was fervently defended by Pheu Thai MPs and the Pheu Thai government. Any comments were said to be listened to, be taken into account, but no worry, all's right, financing arranged, nothing wrong.

And now we have a 600 billion Baht or more debt to the BAAC guaranteed by the Yingluck government and to be repaid by it's successor governments. In other words "we, the tax payer get the bill".

Had the Yingluck government called the RPPS a subsidy which required 100 or more billion Baht yearly, that would be like it works all over the world. Then there would be yearly reviews if the subsidy was leading to the results the government detailed while requesting the budget. Then adjustments could and would be made.

Now we have a major loss, no Yingluck government administration and BS from interesting posters. A charge of "Negligence" is too friendly, I am more inclined to call it criminal.

Simple question. How much money has a single man (not government or political group) Suthep lost for this country? Its way more than the claim of 600 billion baht. Why isnt he being investigated for the protests and all the lawlessness that accomplished? Why didn't the police stop it, why didnt the military step in earlier when it first paralyzed the country? They didnt because it was part of the grand scheme.

And its common knowledge that the corrupt farmers and grain companies put crap in the bags and tried to pass it off as rice. Who's fault is that? Surely you cant stretch that into being Ying's responsibility. Everything comes down to Thailand and the corruption which is at every level from the farmers in the field to the government in charge. This is Thailand's societal fault, not a single person.


Im not ignoring why the protests took place. I understand why; the protests were instigated behind the scenes because it was coup time. Suthep was their patsy and therefore is being protected by his bosses. Nobody, I mean nobody, has mentioned his name or looked into any of his wrongdoings have they?

Every time a freely elected government gets too strong, the military of Thailand "is bound" to step in and "free the country."

There is way too much to talk about here without facing consequences, lets just leave everything at that. If you cant figure it out, then there is nothing I can say to help you understand.

Like previously mentioned, consequences for failed government policies is the responsibility of voters. That's how it works all over the world, except for the kindergarden politics of Thailand. In the real world leaders are elected and not appointed. Instead of understanding that simple democratic philosophy, the "appointed" commission is leaning towards appointments....all in the face of the world growing democracy.

The Pheu Thai led Yingluck Government had this wonderful scheme called "Rice Price Pledging Scheme" (aka RPPS) which would help poor farmers and still be a self-financing scheme. No need to call it a subsidy and make reservations in the National Budget, no need at all. This wonderful scheme thought out by Pheu Thai's great thinker abroad just needed a revolving funds, to do initial payments and deposit revenue from sales. The scheme was fervently defended by Pheu Thai MPs and the Pheu Thai government. Any comments were said to be listened to, be taken into account, but no worry, all's right, financing arranged, nothing wrong.

And now we have a 600 billion Baht or more debt to the BAAC guaranteed by the Yingluck government and to be repaid by it's successor governments. In other words "we, the tax payer get the bill".

Had the Yingluck government called the RPPS a subsidy which required 100 or more billion Baht yearly, that would be like it works all over the world. Then there would be yearly reviews if the subsidy was leading to the results the government detailed while requesting the budget. Then adjustments could and would be made.

Now we have a major loss, no Yingluck government administration and BS from interesting posters. A charge of "Negligence" is too friendly, I am more inclined to call it criminal.

Simple question. How much money has a single man (not government or political group) Suthep lost for this country? Its way more than the claim of 600 billion baht. Why isnt he being investigated for the protests and all the lawlessness that accomplished? Why didn't the police stop it, why didnt the military step in earlier when it first paralyzed the country? They didnt because it was part of the grand scheme.

And its common knowledge that the corrupt farmers and grain companies put crap in the bags and tried to pass it off as rice. Who's fault is that? Surely you cant stretch that into being Ying's responsibility. Everything comes down to Thailand and the corruption which is at every level from the farmers in the field to the government in charge. This is Thailand's societal fault, not a single person.

So, firstly let's forget about Suthep as his activities have nothing to do with the topic. Find another topic where it fits.

As for the 'common knowledge', that's like saying "it's obvious" which mostly means it's difficult to prove. Even the Inspection Teams Ms. Yingluck send out didn't find anything, imagine!

Here we have a scheme which the Yingluck government positioned expressly and very clearly as "self-financing" and aimed at boosting the income of poor farmers. From the beginning the Yingluck administration received clear comments that none of that could be. The Yingluck Administrations reaction was the usual obfuscation about 'listening, taking into account, bla, bla and more blablabla".

IMHO not negligence, but criminal use of public money to satisfy the own followers


Simple question. How much money has a single man (not government or political group) Suthep lost for this country? Its way more than the claim of 600 billion baht. Why isnt he being investigated for the protests and all the lawlessness that accomplished? Why didn't the police stop it, why didnt the military step in earlier when it first paralyzed the country? They didnt because it was part of the grand scheme.

And its common knowledge that the corrupt farmers and grain companies put crap in the bags and tried to pass it off as rice. Who's fault is that? Surely you cant stretch that into being Ying's responsibility. Everything comes down to Thailand and the corruption which is at every level from the farmers in the field to the government in charge. This is Thailand's societal fault, not a single person.

So when a PM instigates a policy, despite all advice that it is unworkable, fails to set up adequate corruption protection, fails to review performance, fails to reduce mounting losses and lies about their extent, despite being head of the Policy Committee, and her own appointed ministers join in the corruption fest, it's societies fault, not hers?

Let me answer for you. But, but but Suthep...........

Not really Suthep but, but, but lol


Im not ignoring why the protests took place. I understand why; the protests were instigated behind the scenes because it was coup time. Suthep was their patsy and therefore is being protected by his bosses. Nobody, I mean nobody, has mentioned his name or looked into any of his wrongdoings have they?

Every time a freely elected government gets too strong, the military of Thailand "is bound" to step in and "free the country."

There is way too much to talk about here without facing consequences, lets just leave everything at that. If you cant figure it out, then there is nothing I can say to help you understand.

Like previously mentioned, consequences for failed government policies is the responsibility of voters. That's how it works all over the world, except for the kindergarden politics of Thailand. In the real world leaders are elected and not appointed. Instead of understanding that simple democratic philosophy, the "appointed" commission is leaning towards appointments....all in the face of the world growing democracy.

The Pheu Thai led Yingluck Government had this wonderful scheme called "Rice Price Pledging Scheme" (aka RPPS) which would help poor farmers and still be a self-financing scheme. No need to call it a subsidy and make reservations in the National Budget, no need at all. This wonderful scheme thought out by Pheu Thai's great thinker abroad just needed a revolving funds, to do initial payments and deposit revenue from sales. The scheme was fervently defended by Pheu Thai MPs and the Pheu Thai government. Any comments were said to be listened to, be taken into account, but no worry, all's right, financing arranged, nothing wrong.

And now we have a 600 billion Baht or more debt to the BAAC guaranteed by the Yingluck government and to be repaid by it's successor governments. In other words "we, the tax payer get the bill".

Had the Yingluck government called the RPPS a subsidy which required 100 or more billion Baht yearly, that would be like it works all over the world. Then there would be yearly reviews if the subsidy was leading to the results the government detailed while requesting the budget. Then adjustments could and would be made.

Now we have a major loss, no Yingluck government administration and BS from interesting posters. A charge of "Negligence" is too friendly, I am more inclined to call it criminal.

Simple question. How much money has a single man (not government or political group) Suthep lost for this country? Its way more than the claim of 600 billion baht. Why isnt he being investigated for the protests and all the lawlessness that accomplished? Why didn't the police stop it, why didnt the military step in earlier when it first paralyzed the country? They didnt because it was part of the grand scheme.

And its common knowledge that the corrupt farmers and grain companies put crap in the bags and tried to pass it off as rice. Who's fault is that? Surely you cant stretch that into being Ying's responsibility. Everything comes down to Thailand and the corruption which is at every level from the farmers in the field to the government in charge. This is Thailand's societal fault, not a single person.

So, firstly let's forget about Suthep as his activities have nothing to do with the topic. Find another topic where it fits.

As for the 'common knowledge', that's like saying "it's obvious" which mostly means it's difficult to prove. Even the Inspection Teams Ms. Yingluck send out didn't find anything, imagine!

Here we have a scheme which the Yingluck government positioned expressly and very clearly as "self-financing" and aimed at boosting the income of poor farmers. From the beginning the Yingluck administration received clear comments that none of that could be. The Yingluck Administrations reaction was the usual obfuscation about 'listening, taking into account, bla, bla and more blablabla".

IMHO not negligence, but criminal use of public money to satisfy the own followers

What about the scheme the current self appointed dictator has about the south and violence? It has failed, women, children and innocent teachers have been killed. Whats more important loss of a little money of the lives of innocent people?

You dont have a clue my friend.


The Pheu Thai led Yingluck Government had this wonderful scheme called "Rice Price Pledging Scheme" (aka RPPS) which would help poor farmers and still be a self-financing scheme. No need to call it a subsidy and make reservations in the National Budget, no need at all. This wonderful scheme thought out by Pheu Thai's great thinker abroad just needed a revolving funds, to do initial payments and deposit revenue from sales. The scheme was fervently defended by Pheu Thai MPs and the Pheu Thai government. Any comments were said to be listened to, be taken into account, but no worry, all's right, financing arranged, nothing wrong.

And now we have a 600 billion Baht or more debt to the BAAC guaranteed by the Yingluck government and to be repaid by it's successor governments. In other words "we, the tax payer get the bill".

Had the Yingluck government called the RPPS a subsidy which required 100 or more billion Baht yearly, that would be like it works all over the world. Then there would be yearly reviews if the subsidy was leading to the results the government detailed while requesting the budget. Then adjustments could and would be made.

Now we have a major loss, no Yingluck government administration and BS from interesting posters. A charge of "Negligence" is too friendly, I am more inclined to call it criminal.

Simple question. How much money has a single man (not government or political group) Suthep lost for this country? Its way more than the claim of 600 billion baht. Why isnt he being investigated for the protests and all the lawlessness that accomplished? Why didn't the police stop it, why didnt the military step in earlier when it first paralyzed the country? They didnt because it was part of the grand scheme.

And its common knowledge that the corrupt farmers and grain companies put crap in the bags and tried to pass it off as rice. Who's fault is that? Surely you cant stretch that into being Ying's responsibility. Everything comes down to Thailand and the corruption which is at every level from the farmers in the field to the government in charge. This is Thailand's societal fault, not a single person.

So, firstly let's forget about Suthep as his activities have nothing to do with the topic. Find another topic where it fits.

As for the 'common knowledge', that's like saying "it's obvious" which mostly means it's difficult to prove. Even the Inspection Teams Ms. Yingluck send out didn't find anything, imagine!

Here we have a scheme which the Yingluck government positioned expressly and very clearly as "self-financing" and aimed at boosting the income of poor farmers. From the beginning the Yingluck administration received clear comments that none of that could be. The Yingluck Administrations reaction was the usual obfuscation about 'listening, taking into account, bla, bla and more blablabla".

IMHO not negligence, but criminal use of public money to satisfy the own followers

What about the scheme the current self appointed dictator has about the south and violence? It has failed, women, children and innocent teachers have been killed. Whats more important loss of a little money of the lives of innocent people?

You dont have a clue my friend.

The clue I'm slowly getting is that you're just fishing in muddy waters rather than try to stick to the topic which relates to a little money only, barely 700,000,000,000 Baht.

  • Like 2
The Pheu Thai led Yingluck Government had this wonderful scheme called "Rice Price Pledging Scheme" (aka RPPS) which would help poor farmers and still be a self-financing scheme. No need to call it a subsidy and make reservations in the National Budget, no need at all. This wonderful scheme thought out by Pheu Thai's great thinker abroad just needed a revolving funds, to do initial payments and deposit revenue from sales. The scheme was fervently defended by Pheu Thai MPs and the Pheu Thai government. Any comments were said to be listened to, be taken into account, but no worry, all's right, financing arranged, nothing wrong.

And now we have a 600 billion Baht or more debt to the BAAC guaranteed by the Yingluck government and to be repaid by it's successor governments. In other words "we, the tax payer get the bill".

Had the Yingluck government called the RPPS a subsidy which required 100 or more billion Baht yearly, that would be like it works all over the world. Then there would be yearly reviews if the subsidy was leading to the results the government detailed while requesting the budget. Then adjustments could and would be made.

Now we have a major loss, no Yingluck government administration and BS from interesting posters. A charge of "Negligence" is too friendly, I am more inclined to call it criminal.

Simple question. How much money has a single man (not government or political group) Suthep lost for this country? Its way more than the claim of 600 billion baht. Why isnt he being investigated for the protests and all the lawlessness that accomplished? Why didn't the police stop it, why didnt the military step in earlier when it first paralyzed the country? They didnt because it was part of the grand scheme.

And its common knowledge that the corrupt farmers and grain companies put crap in the bags and tried to pass it off as rice. Who's fault is that? Surely you cant stretch that into being Ying's responsibility. Everything comes down to Thailand and the corruption which is at every level from the farmers in the field to the government in charge. This is Thailand's societal fault, not a single person.

So, firstly let's forget about Suthep as his activities have nothing to do with the topic. Find another topic where it fits.

As for the 'common knowledge', that's like saying "it's obvious" which mostly means it's difficult to prove. Even the Inspection Teams Ms. Yingluck send out didn't find anything, imagine!

Here we have a scheme which the Yingluck government positioned expressly and very clearly as "self-financing" and aimed at boosting the income of poor farmers. From the beginning the Yingluck administration received clear comments that none of that could be. The Yingluck Administrations reaction was the usual obfuscation about 'listening, taking into account, bla, bla and more blablabla".

IMHO not negligence, but criminal use of public money to satisfy the own followers

What about the scheme the current self appointed dictator has about the south and violence? It has failed, women, children and innocent teachers have been killed. Whats more important loss of a little money of the lives of innocent people?

You dont have a clue my friend.

The clue I'm slowly getting is that you're just fishing in muddy waters rather than try to stick to the topic which relates to a little money only, barely 700,000,000,000 billion Baht.

Im not fishing at all....I know what is most important and it is not this continued crazy pursuit against a government that was thrown out by the military. Instead of moving forward which they keep promoting they are really doing everything in their power to purge a previously democratically elected government. This is what coups do. Its nothing about right and wrong its all about purging. Blaming ying and yang is childish. But sadly people such as yourself just dont see the big picture. The rice issue has MANY people at fault right down to the farmers. Im thinking it would be better to charge them for trying to pass off BS in bags dont you?

You know whats really funny? Its all this corruption. If this was a free market society not waiting on the next government handout, this shit wouldnt happen. Too much corrupt government fingers in everything.


The clue I'm slowly getting is that you're just fishing in muddy waters rather than try to stick to the topic which relates to a little money only, barely 700,000,000,000 Baht.

Im not fishing at all....I know what is most important and it is not this continued crazy pursuit against a government that was thrown out by the military. Instead of moving forward which they keep promoting they are really doing everything in their power to purge a previously democratically elected government. This is what coups do. Its nothing about right and wrong its all about purging. Blaming ying and yang is childish. But sadly people such as yourself just dont see the big picture. The rice issue has MANY people at fault right down to the farmers. Im thinking it would be better to charge them for trying to pass off BS in bags dont you?

You know whats really funny? Its all this corruption. If this was a free market society not waiting on the next government handout, this shit wouldnt happen. Too much corrupt government fingers in everything.

The 'crazy' pursuit is against a government which wilfully lied about a scheme which ultimately cost the nation 700 billion Baht. Tax payers footing this bill of course.

With all your comments I am slowly coming to the conclusion that you are not a tax payer in Thailand and therefore don't care.

PS looking at how you manage to mangle the quote headers I guess you're using a mobile phone to post. Personally I prefer a desktop computer or a notebook like I'm using now. A real screen, keyboard, mouse. At home, yes, but why would I use a mobile at home?


The clue I'm slowly getting is that you're just fishing in muddy waters rather than try to stick to the topic which relates to a little money only, barely 700,000,000,000 Baht.

Im not fishing at all....I know what is most important and it is not this continued crazy pursuit against a government that was thrown out by the military. Instead of moving forward which they keep promoting they are really doing everything in their power to purge a previously democratically elected government. This is what coups do. Its nothing about right and wrong its all about purging. Blaming ying and yang is childish. But sadly people such as yourself just dont see the big picture. The rice issue has MANY people at fault right down to the farmers. Im thinking it would be better to charge them for trying to pass off BS in bags dont you?

You know whats really funny? Its all this corruption. If this was a free market society not waiting on the next government handout, this shit wouldnt happen. Too much corrupt government fingers in everything.

The 'crazy' pursuit is against a government which wilfully lied about a scheme which ultimately cost the nation 700 billion Baht. Tax payers footing this bill of course.

With all your comments I am slowly coming to the conclusion that you are not a tax payer in Thailand and therefore don't care.

PS looking at how you manage to mangle the quote headers I guess you're using a mobile phone to post. Personally I prefer a desktop computer or a notebook like I'm using now. A real screen, keyboard, mouse. At home, yes, but why would I use a mobile at home?

As much as I dont like your political views....I like your commentary. :)


What about the scheme the current self appointed dictator has about the south and violence? It has failed, women, children and innocent teachers have been killed. Whats more important loss of a little money of the lives of innocent people?

You dont have a clue my friend.

And he hasn't fixed the GFC yet. Can you think of any other extraneous issues to distract from the subject?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Everyday, every hour, every minute, Thailand is feeling the negative effects of Suthep and his gang of Thugs directly to the economy and poor people of Thailand. This is the truth and measurable. The rest of you peoples comments are assumptions and general BS. How quickly many of this crowd forgets how much damage this guy did and is still doing to this country all the while being allowed to live a "monks" life.

And you choose to totally and conveniently ignore why the protests took place.

I suspect most TV members would agree that suthep is no saint and he has some baggage, but he did ultimately generate the removal of a gang of thieves / a gang of scaly no credibility no morals no values politicians trough sitters who if possible would have passed laws etc., to ensure they simply could not be removed ever.

Somebody will retort with 'yingluck democratic government / democratically elected'. Just replace democratic with autocratic and dictator and your closer to the truth.

So you give him a pass for the billions of dollars he has cost Thailand and is continuing to cost the poor citizens? Ask that poor street vendor about how their life has been recently with the loss of tourist baht....

What the <deleted> do you guys want....one day its democratically elected officials and the day before well you chose and say people buy elections. SMH.

Suthep was nothing but a cover for the military takeover plain and simple. A cover that has been strangely left alone and no blame put on him by his boss the P Man.

Why doesnt the current military government pursue a course of action against Suthep?

Easy answer because this is nothing more but a purge of the Tak man. The <deleted> military to include Suthep is nothing but puppets for others as has always been and will probably be for at least a few more years.

I find it strange that so many of you people dont really understand what is going on??

I also find it interesting that so many of you "yellow" cronies are so caught up in the thai red/yellow shirt hatred.

This country is an archaic system seriously lost in a modern world. Kinda like Gulliver's travels.

Can I get an Amen from all ya'll who get this? :)

Suthep is merely a catalyst

The Pheu Thai led Yingluck Government had this wonderful scheme called "Rice Price Pledging Scheme" (aka RPPS) which would help poor farmers and still be a self-financing scheme. No need to call it a subsidy and make reservations in the National Budget, no need at all. This wonderful scheme thought out by Pheu Thai's great thinker abroad just needed a revolving funds, to do initial payments and deposit revenue from sales. The scheme was fervently defended by Pheu Thai MPs and the Pheu Thai government. Any comments were said to be listened to, be taken into account, but no worry, all's right, financing arranged, nothing wrong.

And now we have a 600 billion Baht or more debt to the BAAC guaranteed by the Yingluck government and to be repaid by it's successor governments. In other words "we, the tax payer get the bill".

Had the Yingluck government called the RPPS a subsidy which required 100 or more billion Baht yearly, that would be like it works all over the world. Then there would be yearly reviews if the subsidy was leading to the results the government detailed while requesting the budget. Then adjustments could and would be made.

Now we have a major loss, no Yingluck government administration and BS from interesting posters. A charge of "Negligence" is too friendly, I am more inclined to call it criminal.

Simple question. How much money has a single man (not government or political group) Suthep lost for this country? Its way more than the claim of 600 billion baht. Why isnt he being investigated for the protests and all the lawlessness that accomplished? Why didn't the police stop it, why didnt the military step in earlier when it first paralyzed the country? They didnt because it was part of the grand scheme.

And its common knowledge that the corrupt farmers and grain companies put crap in the bags and tried to pass it off as rice. Who's fault is that? Surely you cant stretch that into being Ying's responsibility. Everything comes down to Thailand and the corruption which is at every level from the farmers in the field to the government in charge. This is Thailand's societal fault, not a single person.

So, firstly let's forget about Suthep as his activities have nothing to do with the topic. Find another topic where it fits.

As for the 'common knowledge', that's like saying "it's obvious" which mostly means it's difficult to prove. Even the Inspection Teams Ms. Yingluck send out didn't find anything, imagine!

Here we have a scheme which the Yingluck government positioned expressly and very clearly as "self-financing" and aimed at boosting the income of poor farmers. From the beginning the Yingluck administration received clear comments that none of that could be. The Yingluck Administrations reaction was the usual obfuscation about 'listening, taking into account, bla, bla and more blablabla".

IMHO not negligence, but criminal use of public money to satisfy the own followers

What about the scheme the current self appointed dictator has about the south and violence? It has failed, women, children and innocent teachers have been killed. Whats more important loss of a little money of the lives of innocent people?

You dont have a clue my friend.

The clue I'm slowly getting is that you're just fishing in muddy waters rather than try to stick to the topic which relates to a little money only, barely 700,000,000,000 billion Baht.

Im not fishing at all....I know what is most important and it is not this continued crazy pursuit against a government that was thrown out by the military. Instead of moving forward which they keep promoting they are really doing everything in their power to purge a previously democratically elected government. This is what coups do. Its nothing about right and wrong its all about purging. Blaming ying and yang is childish. But sadly people such as yourself just dont see the big picture. The rice issue has MANY people at fault right down to the farmers. Im thinking it would be better to charge them for trying to pass off BS in bags dont you?

You know whats really funny? Its all this corruption. If this was a free market society not waiting on the next government handout, this shit wouldnt happen. Too much corrupt government fingers in everything.

I know what is most important and it is not this continued crazy pursuit against a government that was thrown out by the military.

Sir now I can call you a liar and a troll! PTP resigned before the coup.

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