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2-year-old boy shoots mother dead in US


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They have had recent car accidents and plane accidents. I move that we ban these vehicles of death also.wink.png

Any chance of nominating someone for the most nutty poster of the year,

Cars --Planes are pieces of machinery made for transporting people around the world,...& yes there are accidents.

Guns are pieces of machinery Just made for K_____

Lets see if if rotary can have a brain storm & fill the blank space in.

...just made for Kindness, of course! w00t.gif

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I may probably upset a few people here for which I apologise but it seems to me there is a simple solution to this 'gun' problem. Not only in the US but everywhere where there is a 'sane' government. ( I use this word because without naming specifics there are some places in the world that do not fall into that category- in my opinion)

So here's an idea. Ban them full stop.

There are no need for guns in a civilised society.

Make it a long prison sentence for owning and certainly carrying one. Then if the bad guys don't have them, the police don't need them and so they stop carrying them and innocent people don't get shot by mistake.

Some years ago I was asked to work with a tennis player who at the time was based in Denver Col.

Everybody had guns. They were everywhere, even in gun racks in cars!!!

I was there 3 days and witnessed an altercation over a parking space in a car park and one of the guys pulled a gun!

That's was that, just came home.

If anyone can explain to me why anyone needs a gun to live a an ordinary life I would like to hear it.

I guess the gun lobby in America is too powerful and there are votes at stake which means a president puts his self interest at a higher priority than the lives of the people he is sworn to protect.

And in the UK why the need for a gun? In case you get mugged by a marauding gang of squirrels?

I see no need, just ban them and withdraw police use when the streets are clean.

No guns, no problems like this.

RIP lady, and sympathies to the 2 year old who hasn't got a clue what he's done but at some point will become aware which may cause him irreparable damage.

How clever - ban guns. No more problems. Whoops, don't forger warships, warplanes, nuclear weapons, swords, knives, bow and arrows, spears, brass knucks and anything else that is a weapon.

Ban drugs, religious fanatics, robbery, theft, stealing - eliminate private ownership of anything nothing to steal then.

A friend of mine was mugged in the UK a couple of weeks ago. She was on her own at the time and still shakes a bit when she talks about it. Strangely enough, it wasn't a gang of squirrels. A disabled friend was threatened with violence by for asking them not to park in the space reserved for disabled people also in the UK. Three very brave thugs, not a squirrel in sight.

Love, peace and harmony world wide - great vision, but reality is a little different,

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'Guns dont kill people, people kill people'

Really Charlton?

Two year olds are regular killers, yeah? For God's sake!!

Yet another 'tragic mistake'. When will the majority of the voting American public realise that the only tragic mistake is their retention of an antiquated 'right' to bear arms?

In a 21st century mature democracy, you shouldnt need a gun wielding public to keep the government in check. That's a patently absurd notion.

You Americans think you lead the world in most things but on this issue, all you are leading on is your disproportionate number of these 'tragic mistakes'.

Your reward for applying some maturity and common sense on this issue will be a lot less tragedy.

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Hey everybody, let's all leave this thread where one person got killed in America by accident, and start posting on that other tread where 9 Canadians were slaughtered, including children, with a stolen 9mm handgun.

Seems in the same timeframe, there are sixty posts here, and only five there ….

What? What's that? You want to stay here so you can bash America?


I think you need to 1) learn a little about sampling theory and 2) review the statistics about gun ownership and gun violence in the US vs Canada.

BTW: many of us Canadians view Alberta as a little piece of the US in Canada... in some respects, the culture there has more in common to the culture south of the border than to the rest of Canada. In fact, this paper argues that US culture has had a strong impact on Alberta (in the early 20th C 22% of residents were from the US) and that it is consequently a 'cultural outlier' in the country: http://www.cpsa-acsp.ca/papers-2010/Wiseman.pdf

Edited by Docno
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Hey everybody, let's all leave this thread where one person got killed in America by accident, and start posting on that other tread where 9 Canadians were slaughtered, including children, with a stolen 9mm handgun.

Seems in the same timeframe, there are sixty posts here, and only five there ….

What? What's that? You want to stay here so you can bash America?


I think you need to 1) learn a little about sampling theory and 2) review the statistics about gun ownership and gun violence in the US vs Canada.

BTW: many of us Canadians view Alberta as a little piece of the US in Canada... in some respects, the culture there has more in common to the culture south of the border than to the rest of Canada.


I'll Google sampling theory and gun statistics, if you'll Google sarcasm.

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They have had recent car accidents and plane accidents. I move that we ban these vehicles of death also.wink.png

Get caught drink driving or constantly speeding and you WILL effectively be banned from driving a vehicle. Leave the handbrake off your parked car and kill or injure another human being and you will find yourself in court - most sane people accept that driving is a serious responsibility and your license to drive is always conditional on your acceptance of that reality : this woman's license to carry a concealed firearm didnt even require a shoulder holster, apparently. Could Junior have reached under her coat and shot her ? I guess he could have, but that's not what happened - all he had to do was reach into her purse. This woman should never have been given a license in the first place.

In the same way that having a firearms license / permit is a serious responsibility and conditional on acceptance of that reality. Safety must be a high priority. If a lady chooses to carry a gun in her person she must make damned sure she is always in full control of that purse.

The accident here was tragic and apparently caused by the fact that she placed the purse within reach of her child. Careless, that thing that causes so many accidents.

The UK no longer trusts it's citizens with fire arms, or knives, or any self defense items. The government decided the best way to avoid accidents like this, or the odd nutter going crazy with them, was to ban them. Of course, the criminals completely ignore this, the police can't possibly protect everyone, as evidenced from the murders from stabbing, shooting or bludgeoning, even in people's own homes. But, the government feel more secure.

You cannot legislate or insure against people being careless, making a mistake or downright stupid. Trying to do so by removing the right of choice and replacing it with "government knows best" is what Australia and EU countries currently enjoy.

"But, the government feel more secure."

If people only understood this. The first thing oppressive governments do is disarm people. Hitler disarmed people and then murdered millions of them. The UK has been disarmed and the government is cramming PC laws and crazy immigration down their throats.

50 years from now when the EU and Australia are seriously overrun and outbred by Islamists I won't be around to see it. But I hope my descendants in the USA still have guns and determination.

Oh yeah, the Howard government in Australia was really oppressive when it cracked down on firearm ownership!

They must have done it to weaken Australia so the Islamists can take over, right? John Howard, that arch Islamist!

Come on, stop talking crap! Anyway, I thought you right wing loonies loved Johnny?

You guys crack me up!

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Hey everybody, let's all leave this thread where one person got killed in America by accident, and start posting on that other tread where 9 Canadians were slaughtered, including children, with a stolen 9mm handgun.

Seems in the same timeframe, there are sixty posts here, and only five there ….

What? What's that? You want to stay here so you can bash America?


I think you need to 1) learn a little about sampling theory and 2) review the statistics about gun ownership and gun violence in the US vs Canada.

BTW: many of us Canadians view Alberta as a little piece of the US in Canada... in some respects, the culture there has more in common to the culture south of the border than to the rest of Canada.


I'll Google sampling theory and gun statistics, if you'll Google sarcasm.

Well, oops... I jumped in immediately to the end of this thread, so without context, your post seemed serious. I had seen people on another current thread making comments similar to your own (quite seriously). Have to admit I was a little confused by the Bullwinkle avatar, but I went with it nonetheless. Apologies.

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According to NRA data, more guns result in less gun crime. Mandatory ownership of 2, 3 or 4 guns for every man, woman and child and there would be close to zero gun crime. Quite simple really.


Quite simply rubbish, like most NRA utterances.

Mandatory gun ownership - what a brainwave!

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I may probably upset a few people here for which I apologise but it seems to me there is a simple solution to this 'gun' problem. Not only in the US but everywhere where there is a 'sane' government. ( I use this word because without naming specifics there are some places in the world that do not fall into that category- in my opinion)

So here's an idea. Ban them full stop.

There are no need for guns in a civilised society.

Make it a long prison sentence for owning and certainly carrying one. Then if the bad guys don't have them, the police don't need them and so they stop carrying them and innocent people don't get shot by mistake.

Some years ago I was asked to work with a tennis player who at the time was based in Denver Col.

Everybody had guns. They were everywhere, even in gun racks in cars!!!

I was there 3 days and witnessed an altercation over a parking space in a car park and one of the guys pulled a gun!

That's was that, just came home.

If anyone can explain to me why anyone needs a gun to live a an ordinary life I would like to hear it.

I guess the gun lobby in America is too powerful and there are votes at stake which means a president puts his self interest at a higher priority than the lives of the people he is sworn to protect.

And in the UK why the need for a gun? In case you get mugged by a marauding gang of squirrels?

I see no need, just ban them and withdraw police use when the streets are clean.

No guns, no problems like this.

RIP lady, and sympathies to the 2 year old who hasn't got a clue what he's done but at some point will become aware which may cause him irreparable damage.

At least in the US, don't forget to also shred and burn the Constitution.

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They have had recent car accidents and plane accidents. I move that we ban these vehicles of death also.wink.png

Cars and planes are necessary - guns are not! Unless of course you are an American in which case you can't function without the having the ability to kill someone close to you. So much for her self-protection.

Totally stupid woman. I feel sorry for the kid.

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She was stupid. Things worked out the way nature intended.

Now, if the kid had shot himself …..

What if you were standing in front of them and he shot you or a loved one ? We can play this game all day, but I find it hard to believe that things are really that bad in the Midwest that you need to carry a loaded firearm for a trip to the shops - saddened to hear otherwise.


I am not so naive as to believe a perfect world is possible through legislation.

Australia is not perfect but it's a lot closer to perfect than the USA. There is strong legislative gun control but of course the criminals always manage to get guns. Despite that, the last time there was a shooting in a school, or a cinema, or in a shopping mall by non-criminals was NEVER !!!!!!

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They have had recent car accidents and plane accidents. I move that we ban these vehicles of death also.wink.png

So are you saying you think gun owners/users should have extensive training, background checks, and licensure, just like plane pilots?

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Be interesting to hear what the very vocal ThaiVisa Gun Lobby has to say about this, especially the clown who tried to tell me that 'the best way to stop a bad man with a knife is a good gal with a gun' after the Manoora tragedy. Imagine going through life knowing you shot your own mother dead before you were old enough to even understand the dangers of carrying a loaded firearm. RIP.

Don't give your children access to your guns.

It's part of the responsibility of owning and carrying one.

Sad accident, stupid woman.

What about the new cars without keys, how long before someone leaves their kid in the drivers seat, and the fob in their handbag?

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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I too await the TV branch of the NRA to respond to this tragic incident.

The trite comment "Guns don't kill people etc" ain't going to work with this one.

How else can a 2 year old kill his mother? Not the first time a young child has done this. Tragic.

Also the proliferation of weapons is one of the reasons police are more likely to shoot civilians. They are afraid!

I would like the NRA to back sensible rules and regulations but they are afraid of opening a Pandora's box. Are even against registration. Sad.

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I would like the NRA to back sensible rules and regulations but they are afraid of opening a Pandora's box. Are even against registration. Sad.

Sensible rules and regulations - even against registration.

I would hate to see some suicidal person try to register my guns. Registration is a good step toward confiscation. I have two guns that are registered only because I obey the law. One needs a federal license and registration to be legally owned, and the other I bought from a dealer because it was something collectible that I really wanted. Purchases from dealers have records kept but aren't turned over to the Feds except in unusual situations. So the Feds know about one gun I have and a dealer has a record buried somewhere about another gun I bought.

Purchases of ammunition and reloading things aren't recorded.

Edit. When I say "some suicidal person" I'm not referring to myself. But there are 100 million gun owners and I don't think the government could go to all of their homes and try to force registration and certainly not confiscation without some serious consequences from some people. I'm convinced the effort would fail.

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She was stupid. Things worked out the way nature intended.

Now, if the kid had shot himself …..

What if you were standing in front of them and he shot you or a loved one ? We can play this game all day, but I find it hard to believe that things are really that bad in the Midwest that you need to carry a loaded firearm for a trip to the shops - saddened to hear otherwise.


I am not so naive as to believe a perfect world is possible through legislation.

Australia is not perfect but it's a lot closer to perfect than the USA. There is strong legislative gun control but of course the criminals always manage to get guns. Despite that, the last time there was a shooting in a school, or a cinema, or in a shopping mall by non-criminals was NEVER !!!!!!

i have a lot of Australian friends so this is by no means bashing Australians. Due to Australia being infested by liberals, those people are no longer allowed to own a fire arm for self protection. The criminals love liberals. Criminals can break into homes down under without having to be concerned about being harmed. They can even murder innocent people with no worry of facing the death penalty.

It's tragic a two year old boy could get his hands on a weapon his mother was carrying and shoot her with it. It would have been just as tragic if she would have had a knife in her purse, and the kid plunged the knife into her heart. If there had been a knife used in this incident no one would be crying to ban all knives. You anti-guns need to get a life.

Edited by CMNightRider
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