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My Expenses in Pattaya for 2014

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Jeez it must be a bloody big wall around the property?

160 meters for 3 sides; about 200 linear meters when finished. It will ultimately enclose 1.5 rai or 2400 square meters. Yeah, that's a lot of money, but it's a heck of a lot cheaper than in the good ol' USA.

I built a split face block wall around the backyard of my house in America and that was 210 linear feet or 64 linear meters and that cost $19,000 or 621,000 baht...so our wall here in Thailand is cheap compared to the US.

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A couple of troll posts have been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Thanks. This kind of list is always interesting.

BTW, I don't understand your last point ??

For me a decent health insurance starts at about 3'000 baht/month here ...

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Jeez it must be a bloody big wall around the property?

160 meters for 3 sides; about 200 linear meters when finished. It will ultimately enclose 1.5 rai or 2400 square meters. Yeah, that's a lot of money, but it's a heck of a lot cheaper than in the good ol' USA.

I built a split face block wall around the backyard of my house in America and that was 210 linear feet or 64 linear meters and that cost $19,000 or 621,000 baht...so our wall here in Thailand is cheap compared to the US.

They say good walls make good neighbours, I firmly believe it.

In a village, or small town, it keeps your home YOUR home, not a club house, where anybody who feels like walks in.

If I had to live in Isaan, and I do not see that happening, ever, but if I had to, I'd invest more in walls, than actual house!

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Also interesting for me to see a comparison. You are fortunate you don't play golf as that is my single largest expense by a long way.

My all in road travel costs (petrol, taxes etc)are also a lot higher - petrol alone twice as much.


Thank you oneday for the real expenditure analysis.

I did a cost estimate of living in Bangkok versus Pattaya around the beginning of 2013. Pattaya came out to an average of 41,000/month, with motorcycle, ciggie habit and small drinking habit, plus first class motorcycle insurance, personal accident insurance and occasional travel insurance. My night life expenses plunged since then since I am a non-participant. I really should do a current expenses analysis since things have changed, including having a long-time GF now.

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Thanks. This kind of list is always interesting.

BTW, I don't understand your last point ??

For me a decent health insurance starts at about 3'000 baht/month here ...

Not quite sure what you are asking, but it it is about my health care then...

I am forced to maintain health care in the US under my retirement system with the federal government or I will FOREVER lose the right to discounted health care. I have several plans to choose from, but the long and short of it is only one company is EXPAT friendly and that is the one I pay for -- Blue Cross/Blue Shield. If I had anything major happen to me here then it would be a great benefit, but you really have to spend money to be reimbursed for anything. If I KNEW without a doubt I would never return to the US then I WOULD drop that insurance and purchase health care here.

As soon as I get back to the US in early 2016 I'm dumping BCBS like a hot potato and going back to my old health care provider which was a 100 times better.


Jeez it must be a bloody big wall around the property?

160 meters for 3 sides; about 200 linear meters when finished. It will ultimately enclose 1.5 rai or 2400 square meters. Yeah, that's a lot of money, but it's a heck of a lot cheaper than in the good ol' USA.

I built a split face block wall around the backyard of my house in America and that was 210 linear feet or 64 linear meters and that cost $19,000 or 621,000 baht...so our wall here in Thailand is cheap compared to the US.

They say good walls make good neighbours, I firmly believe it.

In a village, or small town, it keeps your home YOUR home, not a club house, where anybody who feels like walks in.

If I had to live in Isaan, and I do not see that happening, ever, but if I had to, I'd invest more in walls, than actual house!

Oh yeah, the wall was expensive for Thailand IMO, but it will be a very good investment when finished. While the house is under construction the front of our land becomes a gathering place for all the neighborhood children, their parents, the local dogs and livestock. This can sometimes be nice when you feel like company, but all the time gets to be too much. I can not wait for the front wall the be put up.


Jeez it must be a bloody big wall around the property?

My perimeter wall is about 150 linear meter and 2 meter high and cost over 500.000 Baht, and that is also how much it was valued by a bank for a mortgage recently.


I must say.. You've got me on being cheap with your lady(3200 monthly). My lady insists on 15k a month minimum. I don't pay much rent. I'll usually book a glorious room in the 4k/month range. Lady seems to be okay with that as long as the 15k keeps coming in. She doesn't even care if I drink a bit at one of the seedier bars about town. Once got caught red handed with another lady. Thank goodness my member is still intact!coffee1.gif


>>You've got me on being cheap with your lady(3200 monthly).<<..Well she will have a B3M house and lands in her own name shortly .

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Interesting to read about other peoples budget, I live on around 30-40K per month but I pay less for rent and utilities. And I do not hang around in bars even if I live in Pattaya.

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Jeez it must be a bloody big wall around the property?

My perimeter wall is about 150 linear meter and 2 meter high and cost over 500.000 Baht, and that is also how much it was valued by a bank for a mortgage recently.

There is a big difference in the cost of a perimeter wall if all or part of it is a retaining wall. Forty meters of my wall was a retaining wall.


Jeez it must be a bloody big wall around the property?

I built a whole f'''kin 4 bedroomed, 3 bath house up t'North for Bht3M.


I must say.. You've got me on being cheap with your lady(3200 monthly). My lady insists on 15k a month minimum. I don't pay much rent. I'll usually book a glorious room in the 4k/month range. Lady seems to be okay with that as long as the 15k keeps coming in. She doesn't even care if I drink a bit at one of the seedier bars about town. Once got caught red handed with another lady. Thank goodness my member is still intact!coffee1.gif

15K a month?

She probably want to maintain the same salary as at the office she worked before she hookered up with you.

. Excellent Response, Z1

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