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Booming high seasons are but a memory for Pattaya hotels


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I remember the Asian economic crisis,when the Baht was 68-70 to the pound. What did the bars do to make up there losses? They doubled the price of a beer from 40baht to 80 baht. Thailand is vastly overpriced.The Baht is overvalued and the service is getting worse.Greed is overtaking common sense.

Ya that's why one bedroom condos rent for $120 dollars a month. Lots of better deals by the beach in Florida.

A 1 bedroom condo for less than 4K a month, where do you find that in Pattaya? Or did you mean Florida, if so, then no need to provide a source...

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I remember the Asian economic crisis,when the Baht was 68-70 to the pound. What did the bars do to make up there losses? They doubled the price of a beer from 40baht to 80 baht. Thailand is vastly overpriced.The Baht is overvalued and the service is getting worse.Greed is overtaking common sense.

Yes like you I remember the Tom Yam Gung crisis well, the rest of your post I dont remember, maybe we drink in different bars.

Jesus H you can still buy 40 baht beers in Pattaya to this day, 17/18 years after the TYG crisis..

Thailand overpriced, next time you are in jolly old blighty check out the prices, down the legion for a pint of ale, a game of domms and a game of darts with the blue rinse brigade..

Sorry your post sounds like sour grapes from another 2 week millionaire blow in who cant afford to retire here, after being suckered in by the 68-70 baht to the quid.

You like me must remember the 36-38 to the quid days?

Posting from my scuzzy council flat in Salford.

Edited by Rimmer
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I'm curious...what visa extension do you stay on?

What specific changes in immigration are you referring to? If anything, they have gotten easier, especially for developed country tourists like Americans. I don't recall any immigration changes over the past 6 years that would make it more difficult for an American visiting Thailand as a tourist. Again, what searches do you refer? I've lived in Bangkok and Pattaya for 15 years and never been stopped, let alone searched, by the police. As to driving, I've been slightly rear-ended once in over 10 years of driving in Thailand, while in America, I was rear-ended (not from a ladyboy) but by mmaniacaldrivers, the last one who totaled my vehicle and took off without stopping, leaving me for dead for all he/she knew. No, I think I prefer driving in Thailand thank you.

I don't know how far / wide / fast local news travels, but on the basis of this website and the proportion of news items about Pattaya of a negative nature and with a negative impact on farang residents and visitors, I can't say I'm in a desperate rush to come for a visit.

I am ready to go back to the old USA!!! Five months and enough BS for this time. I visit my son and grandson every year. but the last 6 years has been getting worse with changes in immigration. Supposed searches? Been lucky, not yet. The way these idiots drive, if you can call it driving. Just an overall change in the Thai attitude, Years ago I wished about living here. Now, never happen!!! Thailand is not making any good points to the "Civilized World" bah.gif

So do you have any facts or specific examples to support your opinions or are you just a Debby Downer on Pattaya and party of the down on Pattaya brigade.

I come over on a type 0 non immigrant visa for 3 months. at first I was able to extend 90 days no problem. then the next year only 60 days and finally this year I had to leave the country and come back on a tourist visa and I got a 30 day extension for the holidays. korat immigration was ridiculous with so many people and only 15 ques in the am and pm

Are you sure about that...it's my recollection non-immigrant visas have never been extendable, except for those with work permits and for "retirement" purposes. Tourist visas have always (and still are) extendable for 30 days. It sounds like to me you may have had multiple-entry non-imm "O" visas, in which you could do an in/out and get another 90 days on entry. If that was the case, those rules are still in effect. Since you have family residing in Thailand, you should have no problem securing either a multi-entry non-imm O visa or multi-tourist visa, either of which would give you at a minimum of up to 6 months in thailand (with a quick in/out). Even a non-visa 30-day airport entry stamp can now be extended another 30 days at immigration for a total of 60 days. It seems you would have many options for a family visit for quite a long stay.

In any case, if you're frustrated in Thailand (which certainly isn't perfect) they by all means you should return to where you are most comfortable and at ease.

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I don't know how far / wide / fast local news travels, but on the basis of this website and the proportion of news items about Pattaya of a negative nature and with a negative impact on farang residents and visitors, I can't say I'm in a desperate rush to come for a visit.

I am ready to go back to the old USA!!! Five months and enough BS for this time. I visit my son and grandson every year. but the last 6 years has been getting worse with changes in immigration. Supposed searches? Been lucky, not yet. The way these idiots drive, if you can call it driving. Just an overall change in the Thai attitude, Years ago I wished about living here. Now, never happen!!! Thailand is not making any good points to the "Civilized World" bah.gif

What specific changes in immigration are you referring to? If anything, they have gotten easier, especially for developed country tourists like Americans. I don't recall any immigration changes over the past 6 years that would make it more difficult for an American visiting Thailand as a tourist. Again, what searches do you refer? I've lived in Bangkok and Pattaya for 15 years and never been stopped, let alone searched, by the police. As to driving, I've been slightly rear-ended once in over 10 years of driving in Thailand, while in America, I was rear-ended (not from a ladyboy) but by mmaniacaldrivers, the last one who totaled my vehicle and took off without stopping, leaving me for dead for all he/she knew. No, I think I prefer driving in Thailand thank you.

So do you have any facts or specific examples to support your opinions or are you just a Debby Downer on Pattaya and party of the down on Pattaya brigade.

I'm curious...what visa extension do you stay on?

I don't see the relevance of your line of inquiry.

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I fear, not. Because I really doubt that many of these stories make headlines out of Thailand. :-(

Wrong I am afraid, Thailand is getting a reputation for a place that is not as safe to travel. I am in constant contact with my relatives in the UK and they certainly heard all about the tourist murders,, maybe not all but it does reach the Western World now, particularly with social media.

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I fear, not. Because I really doubt that many of these stories make headlines out of Thailand. :-(

Wrong I am afraid, Thailand is getting a reputation for a place that is not as safe to travel. I am in constant contact with my relatives in the UK and they certainly heard all about the tourist murders,, maybe not all but it does reach the Western World now, particularly with social media.

And I woud say the same of Kuta and environs, yet planeloads of tourist still pour into the bars and restaurants. When you're stuck at a desk in Melbourne in August, photos of people drinking cocktails by the pool can be surprisingly alluring.

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I don't know how far / wide / fast local news travels, but on the basis of this website and the proportion of news items about Pattaya of a negative nature and with a negative impact on farang residents and visitors, I can't say I'm in a desperate rush to come for a visit.

You haven't lived until you have been to sin city...

deep, dark, mysterious and scary and that's during the day!

I take it that you're joking. Mysterious - more like an open book. Scary - boring is a better description. A down-at-heel seaside town full of foreigners seeing out the end of their lives. Pitiful is probably the best word to describe it.

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It will drive prices down. There are too many hotels that were built to meet the demand, but no more demand. Same situation in Ko Chang the beaches were mostly empty and dark at night.

Prices will not be dropping .

Wages remain the same if not higher, rents, bills and all other expenses are the same .

Many if not most tourist oriented businesses make money in high season to get through the low.

This year low season was extra low and high season so far lasted for 1 week instead of 3 months.

I am expecting many individualy owned hotels and guesthouses to close down ie the cheaper ones driving prices even higher

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It will drive prices down. There are too many hotels that were built to meet the demand, but no more demand. Same situation in Ko Chang the beaches were mostly empty and dark at night.

Prices will not be dropping .

Wages remain the same if not higher, rents, bills and all other expenses are the same .

Many if not most tourist oriented businesses make money in high season to get through the low.

This year low season was extra low and high season so far lasted for 1 week instead of 3 months.

I am expecting many individualy owned hotels and guesthouses to close down ie the cheaper ones driving prices even higher

How will you know? Do you have a source of information or is it just your opinion from seeing a few for sale signs? I'm sure we all would like to have a good source of Pattaya financial condition.

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"In 2010, it was deadly riots in Bangkok. In 2011, it was calamitous nationwide flooding. In 2013, Bangkok was “shut down” by street protests. And, in 2014, it’s been more protests, a military coup and, most recently, a crashing Russian ruble."

No impact on tourism by the endemic corruption and the all to regular murder of foreigners then??

It's easy to find excuses, common is to blame others, never looking yourself, is just human being mostly.

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It will drive prices down. There are too many hotels that were built to meet the demand, but no more demand. Same situation in Ko Chang the beaches were mostly empty and dark at night.

Apparently you haven't been here very long. Or at least long enough to know that when business is bad, Thai don't LOWER their prices to attract more customers, but, instead RAISE their prices to gouge more money out of what customers then can get.

This will produce more windows shopper, then a lot of businesses will going bankrupt

Som nam na.

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I don't know how far / wide / fast local news travels, but on the basis of this website and the proportion of news items about Pattaya of a negative nature and with a negative impact on farang residents and visitors, I can't say I'm in a desperate rush to come for a visit.

I am ready to go back to the old USA!!! Five months and enough BS for this time. I visit my son and grandson every year. but the last 6 years has been getting worse with changes in immigration. Supposed searches? Been lucky, not yet. The way these idiots drive, if you can call it driving. Just an overall change in the Thai attitude, Years ago I wished about living here. Now, never happen!!! Thailand is not making any good points to the "Civilized World" bah.gif

Good. Just keep yourself well armed back in that "Civilized World".

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It will drive prices down. There are too many hotels that were built to meet the demand, but no more demand. Same situation in Ko Chang the beaches were mostly empty and dark at night.

Apparently you haven't been here very long. Or at least long enough to know that when business is bad, Thai don't LOWER their prices to attract more customers, but, instead RAISE their prices to gouge more money out of what customers then can get.

I am so glad someone actually put that in writing.

Hotels, goods and services should be at rock bottom prices but they increase. Greed of the most egregious kind.

Thais sadly have no idea at all about the most simple, most basic economic premise.

The most of the Thai still counting the amount of tourist multipied with x factor = profit, they don't realize that they now got a special kind of quality tourists.

Some maybe think it's about the global economy crises, but this is not the main problem this is the mentality of this kind of stingy mass tourists.

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I remember the Asian economic crisis,when the Baht was 68-70 to the pound. What did the bars do to make up there losses? They doubled the price of a beer from 40baht to 80 baht. Thailand is vastly overpriced.The Baht is overvalued and the service is getting worse.Greed is overtaking common sense.

I think the most of the Thai having no idea what is common sence.

I guess this words does'nt exist in Thai language, maybe somebody can help me, in Thai language!!??? whistling.gifgiggle.gif

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I remember the Asian economic crisis,when the Baht was 68-70 to the pound. What did the bars do to make up there losses? They doubled the price of a beer from 40baht to 80 baht. Thailand is vastly overpriced.The Baht is overvalued and the service is getting worse.Greed is overtaking common sense.

Ya that's why one bedroom condos rent for $120 dollars a month. Lots of better deals by the beach in Florida.

Holy smoke I think you made now a mistake, if any katoey read your comment, then Miami beach will be soon flooded of them + the hookers from all over there world. clap2.gif

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No gambling, no Disney type attractions, almost everywhere - no smoking, no bar action after midnight, few vendors left on the beaches to bring you cool drinks/massage, no walkable sidewalks, gunshots in the night, no crosswalks, no public toilets --------------------- Thailand , the land of NO !

So stay in Peoria.

Which Peoria Illinois or Arizona!!??? whistling.gifgiggle.gif

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No gambling, no Disney type attractions, almost everywhere - no smoking, no bar action after midnight, few vendors left on the beaches to bring you cool drinks/massage, no walkable sidewalks, gunshots in the night, no crosswalks, no public toilets --------------------- Thailand , the land of NO !

So stay in Peoria.

Which Peoria Illinois or Arizona!!??? whistling.gifgiggle.gif

Will it play in Peoria? The phrase originated during the vaudeville era and was popularized in movies by Groucho Marx. The belief was that if a new show was successful in Peoria, a main Midwestern stop for vaudeville acts, it would be successful anywhere. Illinois.

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Too many reasons why tourist numbers are down; Russian currency, other countries opening up, people burned out on Thailand, long time visa runners moving out, murders, scams, too many low life's running around, and perhaps the biggest... Prices ! Everything is getting too high in price. If you know the lay of the land and shop around you can still find value but most tourists pay top dollar for low end service, food, entertainment, etc. a tourist goes into a bar on walking street and is charged 180 baht for a beer...this is not London or New York. Business in Thailand got greedy and will be hurting for years to come. Just like a bad kid who has to learn the hard way.

" is charged 180 baht for a beer. "

or 30,000 baht in a Chiang Mai karaoke bar bah.gifbah.gif


Edited by Asiantravel
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Hi. I haven't vacationed in Thailand for many years so pardon me if I am not correct, but I thought Europeans who had 4-6 weeks of vacation per year, would come and enjoy Thailand and spend lots of money, but due to government changing the number of days a tourist can stay, this group of extended-stay vacationers was eliminated?

Also when the yellow shirts closed the airport for two weeks, I think it was December 2008, an event that many tourists just will not forget. I think closing the airport was worse than the subsequent street protests in Bangkok.

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Pattaya is two different worlds ,there is the tourist world of walking street ect ,where prices are through the roof and there is "the dark side" where most of us expats and long time stayers live , prices here are so so much cheaper ,in fact i cannot believe what some people pay for a meal and a night out in town , no wonder tourist numbers are down ,and as for the Weekend crowd from out of town ,they certainly do not spend much ,just like the Chinese and Indians ,

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Looks like the European snowbirds won't be staying as long, or even coming in the first place, now too. As usual, it's up to Americans to save the world.

Really ? In my meanderings through Sois 7/8/Diana/LK/Buakhow and Made in Thailand last night, I didnt hear a single American accent - doesnt mean they weren't there, but it seems to be mostly Australians, Brits and various Europeans. I asked one of my freelancer associates where all the younger guys had disappeared to (NYE was massive) and she replied that most of them wont be back until Songkran - doesnt bode well for this 'high' season.

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Looks like the European snowbirds won't be staying as long, or even coming in the first place, now too. As usual, it's up to Americans to save the world.

Really ? In my meanderings through Sois 7/8/Diana/LK/Buakhow and Made in Thailand last night, I didnt hear a single American accent - doesnt mean they weren't there, but it seems to be mostly Australians, Brits and various Europeans. I asked one of my freelancer associates where all the younger guys had disappeared to (NYE was massive) and she replied that most of them wont be back until Songkran - doesnt bode well for this 'high' season.

I'm sorry if my little attempt at humor sailed right over your head. As to the lack of young'ns being a bad thing, that depends on one's point of view.

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OK - I suspected you were being facetious, but I dont go to every venue in Pattaya - always open to the possibility that I could be wrong. Some nights I go out and think 'Where the hell did all these punters come from ?' and other nights are the exact opposite - that would be normal in Oz, but in a town that depends on the high season it's not looking good.

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