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Using a Canadian Visa Card at Chiang Mai Ram

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I like to use my visa card when going to a hospital. I was at Chiang Mai Ram last week and presented my visa card and they said it was rejected. I insisted that it was OK and finally the process was completed using a Kasikorn Bank machine but that was the only machine that would process my card. Any other Canucks have this problem and if so can someone explain the problem. Are Canadian banks behind the curve?

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Have you informed your credit card company that you will be in Thailand?

If you don't inform them of your travel locations, especially Thailand (Land of Scams), the odds of purchases being rejected are quite high.

I call my credit card company and let them know I am in Thailand and the date(s). I also call them if I plan to make a large purchase. I tell them what I will be buying, the store (if known), the expected amount and the approximate date I will be making the purchase.

Never had a problem, even with large purchases.

Emails to customer support also work if you have online account access.

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Elgordo38.... I am not sure I understand what you said. Did you mean to say that the first attempt to process the charge on your Canadian card was rejected but on a subsequent attempt the amount being charge was approved? If that is the case, it may simply have been a transmission line error, partial data corruption the cause of which cleared up for your last attempt.

All charges I make at Chiangmai Ram with either a U.S. visa card or a SCB visa card all get the Kasikorn Bank receipt. Now they did use a different machine when I used an American Express card. So, should I ask if they have a 3rd one?

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