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Impeachment hearing dates set for Yingluck, two others

Lite Beer

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Impeachment hearing dates set for Yingluck, two others

BANGKOK: The impeachment of three former Pheu Thai-government leaders will begin next week when National Legislative Assembly (NLA) members return from their holiday break amid promises that the assembly will be completely free of interference by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).

The political spotlight will turn to the legislature on Thursday and Friday (January 8 and 9) when the NLA starts deliberations on the retroactive removals from office of former Parliament president Somsak Kiatsuranon, ex-Senate speaker Nikom Wairatpanij and former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

NLA vice president Peerasak Porchit said yesterday (January 2) that the process will be conducted independently from the NCPO, which has issued no ‘’political orders’’ to take action against the three.

‘’I’m not worried that the impeachment will turn political,” he said.

Kiatsuranon and Wairatpnij were accused by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) of abuse of their authority in violation of the 2007 constitution when they tried to amend the charter on senate composition. The amendment was shot down by the Constitutional Court.

Yingluck faces impeachment on charges of negligence related to alleged corruption in the rice-pledging scheme.

The NACC put the three cases forward to the NLA.

Although the three are out of politics, the impeachment will have implications for their political futures as they would face a five-year ban from politics if the NLA agrees with the NACC’s findings and impeaches them.

The three will have a chance to defend themselves before the NLA. But none will be allowed to present additional evidence to counter the accusations.

“I cannot predict the results. It will be up to the judgement of the NLA members,’’ Mr Peerasak said.

All 250 NLA members were handpicked by the NCPO which deposed the Yingluck government in the May 22 coup last year.

-- Phuket News 2015-01-03

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Typical Thai style. If you can't win by voting, impeach them.

Either way it's a good thing.

Political turmoil, show trials, or whatever it will weaken the Thai Baht against foreign currencies .... in my case the U.S. Dollar.

That will "help" me with the exchange rate and mean more Baht for my Dollars each month when I exchange my pension.

The Thai politicians and successive government have proven themselves to be basically incompetent for over two decades now, with their self-interest, greed, corruption, and nepotism.

If they haven't learned how to solve those problems in over 20 years, they never will.

They don't deserve any sympathy.

To h - ll with them all.

Let them all rot in their self-made misery.

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Only the naive would beleive that this process is independent. The NLA is more than 50 percent stacked with military. They will all follow orders and the outcome will be the one dictated by the NCPO.

Pretty much like they follow orders with every government which is why those in a position to adjudicate are put there by successive governments.

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The wheels of justice are turning. Though they do need lubricating. I keep hearing "accountability, accountability, accountability" every time the wheel turns.

Of course it is refreshing to see that even under this supposed big bad junta they still follow the path of law and order. Though PTP logic dictates that if the Junta did not hold a trail for yinglucks impeachment the comments would be “This is a feature of most totalitarian regimes”. When they do hold a trail the comments are “Show trial - a feature of most totalitarian regimes”

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Only the naive would beleive that this process is independent. The NLA is more than 50 percent stacked with military. They will all follow orders and the outcome will be the one dictated by the NCPO.

But of course it won't get political.

And the cycle of political nonsense continues

To be rapidly followed by a PTP win next time and massive payback of course

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The wheels of justice are turning. Though they do need lubricating. I keep hearing "accountability, accountability, accountability" every time the wheel turns.

Of course it is refreshing to see that even under this supposed big bad junta they still follow the path of law and order. Though PTP logic dictates that if the Junta did not hold a trail for yinglucks impeachment the comments would be “This is a feature of most totalitarian regimes”. When they do hold a trail the comments are “Show trial - a feature of most totalitarian regimes”

Easy to follow path of law and order when you grant yourself an amnesty for past laws broken, and a clause in the constituion making all future actions legal.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Typical Thai style. If you can't win by voting, impeach them.

I think you mean. If you win by vote buying and lying & stealing a shit load of money from the Thai people !!! Then yes impeach them.

Given that 3 independent studies all came to the conclusion that PT did not win by buying votes, and there is zero evidence that they stole "a shit load of money", I'm guessing that you've uncovered a raft of new evidence that you'll be forwarding to those currently pulling the strings - or are you just making it up as you go?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The wheels of justice are turning. Though they do need lubricating. I keep hearing "accountability, accountability, accountability" every time the wheel turns.

Of course it is refreshing to see that even under this supposed big bad junta they still follow the path of law and order. Though PTP logic dictates that if the Junta did not hold a trail for yinglucks impeachment the comments would be “This is a feature of most totalitarian regimes”. When they do hold a trail the comments are “Show trial - a feature of most totalitarian regimes”

No Jamie, that's your well documented blinkers squeaking. They need oil. It's ironic that you come from a country where the very things you rant against in Thailand allowed you the freedom you happily deny others here.

Accountability? How about the $15bln the NYT has estimated the country has lost as a result of the manufactured coup? Given your stance, I'd imagine you'll be strongly arguing that the general is next in the dock. Or are you selective in your "accountability"?

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Typical Thai style. If you can't win by voting, impeach them.

Either way it's a good thing.

Political turmoil, show trials, or whatever it will weaken the Thai Baht against foreign currencies .... in my case the U.S. Dollar.

That will "help" me with the exchange rate and mean more Baht for my Dollars each month when I exchange my pension.

The Thai politicians and successive government have proven themselves to be basically incompetent for over two decades now, with their self-interest, greed, corruption, and nepotism.

If they haven't learned how to solve those problems in over 20 years, they never will.

They don't deserve any sympathy.

To h - ll with them all.

Let them all rot in their self-made misery.

"Political turmoil, show trials, or whatever it will weaken the Thai Baht against foreign currencies .... in my case the U.S. Dollar.

That will "help" me with the exchange rate and mean more Baht for my Dollars each month when I exchange my pension."

I'm all right Jack, bugger the Thais. thumbsup.gifpost-9891-0-90556100-1420280013.jpg "Let them all rot in their self-made misery." Wot, all of 'em?facepalm.gif

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Why not impeachment after all they tried everything possible from judiciary coup, banning the party, red cards and criminal conviction and Thaksin's party still win. This impeachment will made no difference and just a minor road bump. PT will still win next election.

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Somsak and Nikom will be found "guilty" and banned from politics for life, Yingluck will be found "innocent" but with a stern lecture given to her about what being a PM actually means and the responsibilities that go along with it. She'll then be able to stand again in the upcoming elections in 2026.

Way to subtle for this time of night LOL wink.png

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"they would face a five-year ban from politics" does that mean the great leader plans to stay for a long time

No, it just means that other knowledgeble, capable, full of potential and suitable people as Pheu Thai has many, will get a chance.

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Typical Thai style. If you can't win by voting, impeach them.

Either way it's a good thing.

Political turmoil, show trials, or whatever it will weaken the Thai Baht against foreign currencies .... in my case the U.S. Dollar.

That will "help" me with the exchange rate and mean more Baht for my Dollars each month when I exchange my pension.

The Thai politicians and successive government have proven themselves to be basically incompetent for over two decades now, with their self-interest, greed, corruption, and nepotism.

If they haven't learned how to solve those problems in over 20 years, they never will.

They don't deserve any sympathy.

To h - ll with them all.

Let them all rot in their self-made misery.

So you are the same as many of the politicians and hi-so people that we all complain about on TV. It is all about "ME, ME, ME" and you don't seem to care about the wonderful (common) people who live here. If this is all you can add to the debate, I feel sorry for you.

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What stands out the most to me about this and a few other cases which have come up over the last few years which have put guilt clearly on Thaksin and Pheu-Thai is that I have NEVER seen one red-shirt acknowledge that anyone did anything wrong. All they can say is that it is a conspiracy against them.

That makes your opinions now worth less than nothing. Stick to what you know : intimidate, lie and murder to get your way while you can. The world keeps turning and one day you will just be a shameful footnote in history. Take it from me : you represent a medieval 3rd-world past, not the future.

Thailand needs some examples to be set. I don't hold Yingluck responsible for what she did (or more to the point didn't do) : that honour lies with Thaksin. However if she is happy to go along with the lie that she was not his puppet then she deserves all she gets.

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