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Why do Thai's (especially the women) have such a false sense of reality concering money?

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Thai women watch Thai Soap Operas, The Thai Soap opera has three actors, The handsome young business man from a very wealthy family who works in the family business and who has been educated overseas. Two the Bitch, she is a close friend of the family and is sexy, extremely manipulative and entitled, she will do anything to marry the young handsome businessman from a rich family. Third is the demure, polite, lovely girl who works at the office or is even the maid, she hates the bitch but is too polite to say anything, in the end she wins the beau, usually over his mother's objections who wants the bitch to marry her son.

This scenario plays out in many various sub plots and twists but essentially the same for the last 37 years I have been here. It is however how I learned my advanced Thai many years ago after I mastered the Thai of children by watching the Flintstones and Popeye and others.

You forgot the bit about the angry policeman and the father who gets shot followed by the scene where everybody throws themselves around for a good cry. Just thought I'd mention it like.

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This discussion reminds me of a stripper I knew in Hurley Wisconsin. I do think it is more a universal issue among undedicated go go dancers the world over rather than specific to Thailand.

You're right, but there's also the issue of what causes what...and this is the sort of mentality that causes people to be poor.

Lack of education. Look at all the people on TV who resort to stereotypes in almost every thread. An uneducated farm girl, go go dancer from Wisconsin is not much different than a farm girl from Issan dancing in Bangkok. Rich people get richer because among other things they give their children a good education.

I like bimbos/strippers and have spent a lot of time with them in Thailand and the USA and Canada. The Canadian bimbos are the brightest of the lot but still bimbos.

Although if lost in the jungle definitely choose a Thai go go dancer companion. Not only can she dance to songs in her head; the jungle is like a grocery store to Issan ladies.

If your talking about really rich people, politicians, lawyers, financial advisers, Branson types etc, they get rich by screwing the poor.

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Yep, they all lie about how much they and their friends earn (or given by men).

It's a way of trying to extract more money from you.

What she is really saying is,

"all my friends get more money from their man, than I do, so give me more"

There is a very simple answer to this challenge, call her bluff!

"If you think you can find a guy who will provide you with more, I will be sorry to see you leave"

Works every time with my gf, who is in her 30s and too old to find a new guy (that will pay more).

I'm happy with my gf, but reality for her is, I can find a girl in her 20s for not much more money.

You wife/gf is instantly replaceable in Thailand for a younger one, no need to hang on to the old one.

Unless of course you actually like her.

I like my old car, but if it starts going wrong on a regular basis, no trouble to replace it with a newer one.

I really love my dog too, but when the vets bills start rolling in, he will be put down and replaced with a new puppy which I will love just as much.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Yep, they all lie about how much they and their friends earn (or given by men).

It's a way of trying to extract more money from you.

What she is really saying is,

"all my friends get more money from their man, than I do, so give me more"

There is a very simple answer to this challenge, call her bluff!

"If you think you can find a guy who will provide you with more, I will be sorry to see you leave"

Works every time with my gf, who is in her 30s and too old to find a new guy (that will pay more).

I'm happy with my gf, but reality for her is, I can find a girl in her 20s for not much more money.

You wife/gf is instantly replaceable in Thailand for a younger one, no need to hang on to the old one.

Unless of course you actually like her.

I like my old car, but if it starts going wrong on a regular basis, no trouble to replace it with a newer one.

I really love my dog too, but when the vets bills start rolling in, he will be put down and replaced with a new puppy which I will love just as much.

unbelievable. I never thought I'd see a guy publicly admit that his girlfriend is in fact notjing more than a commodity to be traded in on a newer model as required!! and to brag he could do it for "not much more money"!!! oh, this is fantastic!!! lol

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Thais that go over seas have to lie about their finances or they lose face. Girl from the wifes village came back on holiday from Ireland. Tells everybody how rich they are and she makes big money. I found out the husband has no job. They live in govt housing, she cleans toilets in a hostel. Go figure.

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Yep, they all lie about how much they and their friends earn (or given by men).

It's a way of trying to extract more money from you.

What she is really saying is,

"all my friends get more money from their man, than I do, so give me more"

There is a very simple answer to this challenge, call her bluff!

"If you think you can find a guy who will provide you with more, I will be sorry to see you leave"

Works every time with my gf, who is in her 30s and too old to find a new guy (that will pay more).

I'm happy with my gf, but reality for her is, I can find a girl in her 20s for not much more money.

You wife/gf is instantly replaceable in Thailand for a younger one, no need to hang on to the old one.

Unless of course you actually like her.
I like my old car, but if it starts going wrong on a regular basis, no trouble to replace it withadnewer one.

I really love my dog too, but when the vets bills start rolling in, he will be put down and replaced with a new puppy which I will love just as much.

If you genuinely see women as objects rather than people, I feel sorry for you. You'll never experience love, and sex for you can only ever be masturbation with a elaborate toy.

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Yep, they all lie about how much they and their friends earn (or given by men).

It's a way of trying to extract more money from you.

What she is really saying is,

"all my friends get more money from their man, than I do, so give me more"

There is a very simple answer to this challenge, call her bluff!

"If you think you can find a guy who will provide you with more, I will be sorry to see you leave"

Works every time with my gf, who is in her 30s and too old to find a new guy (that will pay more).

I'm happy with my gf, but reality for her is, I can find a girl in her 20s for not much more money.

You wife/gf is instantly replaceable in Thailand for a younger one, no need to hang on to the old one.

Unless of course you actually like her.
I like my old car, but if it starts going wrong on a regular basis, no trouble to replace it withadnewer one.

I really love my dog too, but when the vets bills start rolling in, he will be put down and replaced with a new puppy which I will love just as much.

If you genuinely see women as objects rather than people, I feel sorry for you. You'll never experience love, and sex for you can only ever be masturbation with a elaborate toy.

I don't see women as objects, but I do understand the feelings for the next one will be just as real & significant.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Inexperience with women, is what I am assuming.

You sound like one of those needy, clingy guys, careful, she won't put up with that for long!

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Yep, they all lie about how much they and their friends earn (or given by men).

It's a way of trying to extract more money from you.

What she is really saying is,

"all my friends get more money from their man, than I do, so give me more"

There is a very simple answer to this challenge, call her bluff!

"If you think you can find a guy who will provide you with more, I will be sorry to see you leave"

Works every time with my gf, who is in her 30s and too old to find a new guy (that will pay more).

I'm happy with my gf, but reality for her is, I can find a girl in her 20s for not much more money.

You wife/gf is instantly replaceable in Thailand for a younger one, no need to hang on to the old one.

Unless of course you actually like her.
I like my old car, but if it starts going wrong on a regular basis, no trouble to replace it withadnewer one.

I really love my dog too, but when the vets bills start rolling in, he will be put down and replaced with a new puppy which I will love just as much.

If you genuinely see women as objects rather than people, I feel sorry for you. You'll never experience love, and sex for you can only ever be masturbation with a elaborate toy.

Ignore AOA. For someone who maintains that he had a successful 30 yr marriage, he seems awfully bitter and misogynistic.

I don't think he got laid much

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Why cant you find an attractive girl who makes her own money? Are you guys that old, fat and sweaty? I will never understand the concept of having a partner, spouse whatever that expects payment and "being taken care of" or some such.

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Why cant you find an attractive girl who makes her own money? Are you guys that old, fat and sweaty? I will never understand the concept of having a partner, spouse whatever that expects payment and "being taken care of" or some such.

I did.

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Why cant you find an attractive girl who makes her own money? Are you guys that old, fat and sweaty? I will never understand the concept of having a partner, spouse whatever that expects payment and "being taken care of" or some such.

My gf earns 100-200bht a day, not really a useful amount (working 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week).

The majority of Thai women earn less than 14kbht/month, hardly worth their time getting out of bed.

(compared to our incomes)

I guess if you are a TEFL teacher, then having a gf earning 14kbht a month is worthwhile, but most retired foreigners living in Thailand have well in excess of 70kbht/month income. So we prefer a woman with free time rather than a woman who is always at work.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Why cant you find an attractive girl who makes her own money? Are you guys that old, fat and sweaty? I will never understand the concept of having a partner, spouse whatever that expects payment and "being taken care of" or some such.

It's your age kid. Most of use mature guys remember mom staying at home and never working. Working women are a relatively new concept. My first couple of wives were movie stars so they expected to work but for the normal wife who is not a doctor or sports or movie star staying at home was considered the norm. If my dad had suggested my mom work or give up her maids and chauffeur and cook she would have had him shot.

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Because they have been trained and conditioned not to think, but do what they are told to do. And what the so called leaders have been telling them down the ages? Spend money.. Get credit.. Spend more..and anybody that tells you it's not the right thing to do is stupid. Especially if he's not Thai.

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Why cant you find an attractive girl who makes her own money? Are you guys that old, fat and sweaty? I will never understand the concept of having a partner, spouse whatever that expects payment and "being taken care of" or some such.

My gf earns 100-200bht a day, not really a useful amount (working 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week).

The majority of Thai women earn less than 14kbht/month, hardly worth their time getting out of bed.

(compared to our incomes)

I guess if you are a TEFL teacher, then having a gf earning 14kbht a month is worthwhile, but most retired foreigners living in Thailand have well in excess of 70kbht/month income. So we prefer a woman with free time rather than a woman who is always at work.

Ok, I can understand that. But I still question the "quality" of a woman who´s main or only concern is money and extracting it from you.

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Why cant you find an attractive girl who makes her own money? Are you guys that old, fat and sweaty? I will never understand the concept of having a partner, spouse whatever that expects payment and "being taken care of" or some such.

My gf earns 100-200bht a day, not really a useful amount (working 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week).

The majority of Thai women earn less than 14kbht/month, hardly worth their time getting out of bed.

(compared to our incomes)

I guess if you are a TEFL teacher, then having a gf earning 14kbht a month is worthwhile, but most retired foreigners living in Thailand have well in excess of 70kbht/month income. So we prefer a woman with free time rather than a woman who is always at work.

Ok, I can understand that. But I still question the "quality" of a woman who´s main or only concern is money and extracting it from you.

Besides your mother and your kindergarten teacher who?

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"Why cant you find an attractive girl who makes her own money? Are you guys that old, fat and sweaty? I will never understand the concept of having a partner, spouse whatever that expects payment and "being taken care of" or some such."

I don't know this poster. It would appear that he has little experience of women the world over. I wish him luck in his hapless search. 555

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Why cant you find an attractive girl who makes her own money? Are you guys that old, fat and sweaty? I will never understand the concept of having a partner, spouse whatever that expects payment and "being taken care of" or some such.

My gf earns 100-200bht a day, not really a useful amount (working 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week).

The majority of Thai women earn less than 14kbht/month, hardly worth their time getting out of bed.

(compared to our incomes)

I guess if you are a TEFL teacher, then having a gf earning 14kbht a month is worthwhile, but most retired foreigners living in Thailand have well in excess of 70kbht/month income. So we prefer a woman with free time rather than a woman who is always at work.

But if she works 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, where's this free time. If you're going to bullshit, at least make sure the numbers add up, mate

"Why cant you find an attractive girl who makes her own money? Are you guys that old, fat and sweaty? I will never understand the concept of having a partner, spouse whatever that expects payment and "being taken care of" or some such."

I don't know this poster. It would appear that he has little experience of women the world over. I wish him luck in his hapless search. 555

Yeah cos the only way to have a successful relationship with a woman is by financially compensating her, right??

What a loser

Edited by Cypress Hill
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Hello again. My wife has a very good job, I was merely commenting on the fact that such lies are told yet they go without question. Another example was one of her friends told her he owned a noodle stall in Pattaya and he was clearing a million baht per month. Then only a couple of months ago the noodle billionaire called up and begged to borrow 20,000 baht. It could very well be because of her job (she works in media production) and all her friends trying to save face by telling her that beggars on the street earn more than she does. A lot of people, not just Thai's are like crabs in a barrel, all trying to grab you and bring you down to their level.

It also doesn't help that she posts photos of herself while she's shopping in upmarket places. Oh and definitely not all Thais are like this. Some of her friends tell me quite openly how badly they are paid, they aren't after hand outs, they're just keeping it real. I was just angry at the time because she just believes everyone at their word. Apart from that she's brilliant. Oh and she's never worked in a bar. Only a couple of weeks ago she was tired and didn't feel like sex and said "if you want sex I give you money go soi cowboy, because I tired", I thought she was joking, and she added "but you must wear condom". I asked her "wouldn't you be jealous?" She burst out laughing and said "if you run away with bar-girl you be stupid and I know you not stupid". She is without doubt the best woman in Thailand, which equates to the best woman in the world. Dump her? No chance!

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