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If you do supply some form of tablet etc then apply some discipline in time use. As one poster said 'not use as baby sitter'.


Well do make sure that the WiFi and Bluetooth transmitters are REALLY powerful so he has the best connection

and can fry that delicate brain and testicles quickly.

I mean, you do want the best don't you?

Because the baby's bone thickness is much less than an adults, the RF penetrates more deeply into the soft tissue......

Seriously though, do a bit of research about cancer and mobile phones, children, babies, WiFi, Bluetoorh and the like radio frequency transmissions,

you may change your mind about what you give your baby.

You don't need a tin foil hat LOL

Just a bit of knowledge and then you can make an informed choice.

BS comment. And what do you use to pay your comments? Do you own and use a microwave?

5 5 5 5 5 5 5

I say, I say, I say!

A tad sensitive arn't we?

Methinks thou dos't protest too much!

Did your research then LOL

A microwave is fully sealed RF wise and should not radiate outside it's own personal Faraday cage, if it's properly used and cleaned/maintained that is.

A Tablet or iPad, iPhone etc, transmit a type of randomised RF signal and it's the fact that the signal is discontinuous and somewhat random that causes the problem.

It interferes with cell regeneration or perhaps in this case, cell generation.

Like, you can sleep with the noise of a fan, a constant drone but,

occasional dog barks or other random street noise will disturb your sleep.

But hey, young man, up to you.

Just because you can does not mean that you should/must!

Short term gain for a long term loss?

Sorry for the typo: pay should be post in my reply.

I'm an electronics engineer involved in validation of IC's and we do RF and EMC tests as well, so yeah I do know a bit about this subject and prob a bit more than you do with your assumingly Googled knowledge.

But hey, don't let my knowledge stop you from believing whatever you want to believe. Sensitive? No, but I don't like that people post unfounded info, hence my reaction.

You call me a young man, which makes you an old man I guess (no offense), which explains maybe why you don't like modern technology.

Have a nice day.


I agree a 20 month year old should be learning inter personal skills with other children Not computing. Get them surrounded with other kids not an unemotional tablet.

It you get them a tablet they will become emotional cripples as they get older. There is lots of time for that when they are older


20 month old children shouldn't be using tablets. They should be running around outside, playing with toys.

Do you really want to stunt your child's development?


My 3 year old has had a tablet for 6 months.

He can find cartoons on Youtube and games like Angry Birds.

Somehow he can read and navigate around.

Chooses English language above Thai as well ....... how does he do it?


Well do make sure that the WiFi and Bluetooth transmitters are REALLY powerful so he has the best connection

and can fry that delicate brain and testicles quickly.

I mean, you do want the best don't you?

Because the baby's bone thickness is much less than an adults, the RF penetrates more deeply into the soft tissue......

Seriously though, do a bit of research about cancer and mobile phones, children, babies, WiFi, Bluetoorh and the like radio frequency transmissions,

you may change your mind about what you give your baby.

You don't need a tin foil hat LOL

Just a bit of knowledge and then you can make an informed choice.

BS comment. And what do you use to pay your comments? Do you own and use a microwave?
5 5 5 5 5 5 5

I say, I say, I say!

A tad sensitive arn't we?

Methinks thou dos't protest too much!

Did your research then LOL

A microwave is fully sealed RF wise and should not radiate outside it's own personal Faraday cage, if it's properly used and cleaned/maintained that is.

A Tablet or iPad, iPhone etc, transmit a type of randomised RF signal and it's the fact that the signal is discontinuous and somewhat random that causes the problem.

It interferes with cell regeneration or perhaps in this case, cell generation.

Like, you can sleep with the noise of a fan, a constant drone but,

occasional dog barks or other random street noise will disturb your sleep.

But hey, young man, up to you.

Just because you can does not mean that you should/must!

Short term gain for a long term loss?

Sorry for the typo: pay should be post in my reply.

I'm an electronics engineer involved in validation of IC's and we do RF and EMC tests as well, so yeah I do know a bit about this subject and prob a bit more than you do with your assumingly Googled knowledge.

But hey, don't let my knowledge stop you from believing whatever you want to believe. Sensitive? No, but I don't like that people post unfounded info, hence my reaction.

You call me a young man, which makes you an old man I guess (no offense), which explains maybe why you don't like modern technology.

Have a nice day.

Just to point out, if you have wifi in the house, the kid is getting it through his brain, tablet or not.

Same for mobile phone signals.

To stop the kids getting cancer you need to wrap their heads in tinfoil 24/7.

Don't forget to crinkle the tinfoil first, smooth doesn't stop the rf so well.

  • Like 1

I made the mistake of buying a tablet and they tend to play stupid games on it all the time or watch even more stupid things on youtube.

I appears to be not good for development of children to watch too much flat screens, it slows down their development of thinking in 3 dimensions.

Another problem is that as soon as I want to use my table to read or watch something they will not stop screaming until they have it, so it's useless at home for me.

On top of that it is a constant exposure to wifi and or 3G radio signals from a device that the young kids keep on their body when playing. There is more and more information about the harm of exposure of people and young kids in particular to radio signals close to their body.

I have moved to buying Lego and other construction and 3 dimensional toys, bikes and cars that support development and get them to watch cartoons and other child and family movies on the big screen.


As an educator of 30 years, I see more and more students each new school year with poor eye-hand coordination; unable to stay focused during a lesson for more than 10 minutes; unable to use their imagination for "creative" drawing;physically out of shape due to playing computer games instead of going outside to play; unable to carry a decent conversation with their peers (-yet is socially connected with Facebook, Line, and all the other social networks)..You ever see a group of teenagers at a restaurant talking to each other??? - No, they're communicating with their smart phones; more isolated socially...

I see nothing wrong with children or teenagers using tablets, smart phones, or other "gadgets"; however, parents need to monitor the use of them. Do not use these tablets/smart-phones as a baby sitter. Make sure your child goes outside and plays with other kids; when he/she sits at the table with family, no one is allowed to look at their phones-it is one of the few times a family can actually talk to each other.


They told the gramophone will make everyone problems. The radio is addictive and all will go down. Worse when the TV came. I guess the babies born now, who see the iPhone before they see their mother, will be bored about these things when they are 18 and something else will be interesting.

At least I hope so.


Well do make sure that the WiFi and Bluetooth transmitters are REALLY powerful so he has the best connection

and can fry that delicate brain and testicles quickly.

I mean, you do want the best don't you?

Because the baby's bone thickness is much less than an adults, the RF penetrates more deeply into the soft tissue......

Seriously though, do a bit of research about cancer and mobile phones, children, babies, WiFi, Bluetoorh and the like radio frequency transmissions,

you may change your mind about what you give your baby.

You don't need a tin foil hat LOL

Just a bit of knowledge and then you can make an informed choice.

BS comment. And what do you use to pay your comments? Do you own and use a microwave?
5 5 5 5 5 5 5

I say, I say, I say!

A tad sensitive arn't we?

Methinks thou dos't protest too much!

Did your research then LOL

A microwave is fully sealed RF wise and should not radiate outside it's own personal Faraday cage, if it's properly used and cleaned/maintained that is.

A Tablet or iPad, iPhone etc, transmit a type of randomised RF signal and it's the fact that the signal is discontinuous and somewhat random that causes the problem.

It interferes with cell regeneration or perhaps in this case, cell generation.

Like, you can sleep with the noise of a fan, a constant drone but,

occasional dog barks or other random street noise will disturb your sleep.

But hey, young man, up to you.

Just because you can does not mean that you should/must!

Short term gain for a long term loss?

Sorry for the typo: pay should be post in my reply.

I'm an electronics engineer involved in validation of IC's and we do RF and EMC tests as well, so yeah I do know a bit about this subject and prob a bit more than you do with your assumingly Googled knowledge.

But hey, don't let my knowledge stop you from believing whatever you want to believe. Sensitive? No, but I don't like that people post unfounded info, hence my reaction.

You call me a young man, which makes you an old man I guess (no offense), which explains maybe why you don't like modern technology.

Have a nice day.

Just to point out, if you have wifi in the house, the kid is getting it through his brain, tablet or not.

Same for mobile phone signals.

To stop the kids getting cancer you need to wrap their heads in tinfoil 24/7.

Don't forget to crinkle the tinfoil first, smooth doesn't stop the rf so well.

indeed. wifi is everywhere and I read the Thai government even want to provide nationwide free wifi. But even now just check with a wifi analyzer app around you and you will find lots of public wifi networks already.


I made the mistake of buying a tablet and they tend to play stupid games on it all the time or watch even more stupid things on youtube.

I appears to be not good for development of children to watch too much flat screens, it slows down their development of thinking in 3 dimensions.

Another problem is that as soon as I want to use my table to read or watch something they will not stop screaming until they have it, so it's useless at home for me.

On top of that it is a constant exposure to wifi and or 3G radio signals from a device that the young kids keep on their body when playing. There is more and more information about the harm of exposure of people and young kids in particular to radio signals close to their body.

I have moved to buying Lego and other construction and 3 dimensional toys, bikes and cars that support development and get them to watch cartoons and other child and family movies on the big screen.

If your kid or kids don't stop screaming until they get something you missed something while raising your kids.

As for buying other toys. I did that already. They like Lego a lot ad well as normal crayons, painting and other stuff. Also they play a lot with other kids. It's all a matter of raising your kids in a proper way but including exposing them to current technology.

  • Like 2

I made the mistake of buying a tablet and they tend to play stupid games on it all the time or watch even more stupid things on youtube.

I appears to be not good for development of children to watch too much flat screens, it slows down their development of thinking in 3 dimensions.

Another problem is that as soon as I want to use my table to read or watch something they will not stop screaming until they have it, so it's useless at home for me.

On top of that it is a constant exposure to wifi and or 3G radio signals from a device that the young kids keep on their body when playing. There is more and more information about the harm of exposure of people and young kids in particular to radio signals close to their body.

I have moved to buying Lego and other construction and 3 dimensional toys, bikes and cars that support development and get them to watch cartoons and other child and family movies on the big screen.

If your kid or kids don't stop screaming until they get something you missed something while raising your kids.

As for buying other toys. I did that already. They like Lego a lot ad well as normal crayons, painting and other stuff. Also they play a lot with other kids. It's all a matter of raising your kids in a proper way but including exposing them to current technology.

I fully agree with exposing them to current technology, it has been my profession for most of my life, but I have second thoughts about the use of tablets for young kids. My main issue is the radiation that they emit and the fact that they are easily drawn to useless content. I would fancy a table that could work off line in sort of an airplane mode, but too many apps depend on life connections. The other annoying thing is that they are constantly ending up in the "app store". I understand why they market apps like this, but it's annoying anyway.

We are not properly informed about the effects of using mobile phones and wifi devices, but there is enough research to support that they are not good for you and certainly not for young kids.

For online and local content I'm moving them to the big screen that they can operate themselves with keyboard, mouse and touch pad. It's a wired system and it's not on their laps. With my oldest I've started to involve him in experiments with programming at 7, he had his own website at 8 and I'm doing the same with my wife's son of 7, now using an Arduino kit to build programmable electronic experiments.

  • Like 2

sony xperia z2 is waterproof not a cheap option but in a rubber case baby proof if thats possible.Let the kid use it for a short time each day then its your toy.


New research shows tablets are an effect learning tool for toddlers. But the parents need to know that when they take it away the child isn't going to be happy.


Well do make sure that the WiFi and Bluetooth transmitters are REALLY powerful so he has the best connection

and can fry that delicate brain and testicles quickly.

I mean, you do want the best don't you?

Because the baby's bone thickness is much less than an adults, the RF penetrates more deeply into the soft tissue......

Seriously though, do a bit of research about cancer and mobile phones, children, babies, WiFi, Bluetoorh and the like radio frequency transmissions,

you may change your mind about what you give your baby.

You don't need a tin foil hat LOL

Just a bit of knowledge and then you can make an informed choice.

BS comment. And what do you use to pay your comments? Do you own and use a microwave?

5 5 5 5 5 5 5

I say, I say, I say!

A tad sensitive arn't we?

Methinks thou dos't protest too much!

Did your research then LOL

A microwave is fully sealed RF wise and should not radiate outside it's own personal Faraday cage, if it's properly used and cleaned/maintained that is.

A Tablet or iPad, iPhone etc, transmit a type of randomised RF signal and it's the fact that the signal is discontinuous and somewhat random that causes the problem.

It interferes with cell regeneration or perhaps in this case, cell generation.

Like, you can sleep with the noise of a fan, a constant drone but,

occasional dog barks or other random street noise will disturb your sleep.

But hey, young man, up to you.

Just because you can does not mean that you should/must!

Short term gain for a long term loss?

Sorry for the typo: pay should be post in my reply.

I'm an electronics engineer involved in validation of IC's and we do RF and EMC tests as well, so yeah I do know a bit about this subject and prob a bit more than you do with your assumingly Googled knowledge.

But hey, don't let my knowledge stop you from believing whatever you want to believe. Sensitive? No, but I don't like that people post unfounded info, hence my reaction.

You call me a young man, which makes you an old man I guess (no offense), which explains maybe why you don't like modern technology.

Have a nice day.

EDIT (You ask what I use to post my content.

A laptop connected via a Cat 5 cable to an ADSL WiFi Modem.

I turned the transmit power down to 5 dBm from 20 dBm so that it still works in the house for the wife and visitors with mobile devices.

You know 192.168.1..... with a wire connection no problem, if you do this on WiFi and set it so low you cannot connect, you will need a wired connection to correct it)

Assumptions are rather dangerous young man.

Thank you for sharing your 5 volt electronics knowledge LOL "I'm an electronics engineer involved in validation of IC's and we do RF and EMC tests as well,"

I've been retired from 5 volt development since 2000.

In a previous life in the 60's I was involved in the development of Troposcatter Communications Systems.

These involved Klystrons of up to 10 Kw of transmitted microwave power with a single hop being over 600 miles. Before the satellite industry took over.

We had dishes up to 120 foot diameter, rather like the construction of a steel viaduct - massive.

I have worked with parametric amplifiers with a root frequency of about 1,000Mhz and a pump frequency of 13 Ghz.

I have worked in huge air-conditioned Faraday buildings which housed our very sensitive receivers and pre amps sometimes parametric, others tunnel diode.

I have had other "lives" which include manufacture (I was the manager), we made neon and cold cathode lighting and a host of other industrial electrical products.

Before that it was traffic engineering (road side computer development etc), Before that the Tropo mentioned above. Even heavy electrical engineering looking after the installation and maintenance of huge butt welding machines with 1,000A fuses in their three phase mains and all the electrical equipment like NCR machines, promicams ..... the list is endless..

Now look, the tobacco industry said that there was no cancer risk with their product.

It was only when people started falling in the streets, so to speak, that anything was done about it.

The sugar industry says the same.

GMO plants and animals.....

The same is true for electronic technology (which Love by the way).

The same is true for antibiotics but those who make profit from these things lobby with millions to be allowed to continue trading until people start falling in the street.

So young man, as I said, up to you but don't assume, neither about posters on a forum NOR the technologies, what ever they may be. (Food is a technology these days).

Do research. (I thought I would treat you to a spot of boolean logic, OR perhaps NOT? LOL)

You sound like an intelligent person so I am surprised that you would "shoot the messenger" in such a way.

Do your son a favour and check out some of the things I mentioned.

Any idea what they put in formula milk?

NAND, Finally

Happy new year and may 2015 be the best ever for you and yours.

  • Like 1

20 month old children shouldn't be using tablets. They should be running around outside, playing with toys.

Do you really want to stunt your child's development?


TOTALLY agree, let the kid grow up a little before you worry about a Tablet.

My Son in Law got a Tablet for my 20 month old Grandson.

Now all he does is play with it ALL the time.

Shame how technology has turned our kids into SCREEN WATCHERS.

AH! for the good old days.


think about it what did you have when you were 20 months.just get books and things to stimulate the senses music etc

  • Like 1

I agree that a tablet for a 20 month old is far too young an age. What about a good old fashioned book? The OP could benefit from some traditional methods himself. Let's not encourage the prolification of zombie education in our youngsters.



at 20 months they should be using their hands instead of fingers. learning to wal, run and play is more important than watching a screen. Myself i woud buy a few books and just read to them or use your ipad to show them but to buy a kid at that age a tablet is just starting them down that raod of couch potato too early.

BTW I have kids adn Grandkids and computers were the last thing they got of their own untilthey were old enough to read and play without.

  • Like 1

did you work for marconi by any chance? tropo in oman?

Yes I did work for Marconi Communications Systems Chelmsford but I was not involved in Oman.

I have sent you a PM with more detail.


20 month old children shouldn't be using tablets. They should be running around outside, playing with toys.

Do you really want to stunt your child's development?


TOTALLY agree, let the kid grow up a little before you worry about a Tablet.

My Son in Law got a Tablet for my 20 month old Grandson.

Now all he does is play with it ALL the time.

Shame how technology has turned our kids into SCREEN WATCHERS.

AH! for the good old days.


think about it what did you have when you were 20 months.just get books and things to stimulate the senses music etc

5 5 5 5

We used to dream about getting books LOL

I got a Hornby clockwork motor boat and a tin drum set once....

Oh, and a spinning top.....


EDIT (You ask what I use to post my content.

A laptop connected via a Cat 5 cable to an ADSL WiFi Modem.

I turned the transmit power down to 5 dBm from 20 dBm so that it still works in the house for the wife and visitors with mobile devices.

You know 192.168.1..... with a wire connection no problem, if you do this on WiFi and set it so low you cannot connect, you will need a wired connection to correct it)

Assumptions are rather dangerous young man.

Thank you for sharing your 5 volt electronics knowledge LOL "I'm an electronics engineer involved in validation of IC's and we do RF and EMC tests as well,"

I've been retired from 5 volt development since 2000.

In a previous life in the 60's I was involved in the development of Troposcatter Communications Systems.

These involved Klystrons of up to 10 Kw of transmitted microwave power with a single hop being over 600 miles. Before the satellite industry took over.

We had dishes up to 120 foot diameter, rather like the construction of a steel viaduct - massive.

I have worked with parametric amplifiers with a root frequency of about 1,000Mhz and a pump frequency of 13 Ghz.

I have worked in huge air-conditioned Faraday buildings which housed our very sensitive receivers and pre amps sometimes parametric, others tunnel diode.

I have had other "lives" which include manufacture (I was the manager), we made neon and cold cathode lighting and a host of other industrial electrical products.

Before that it was traffic engineering (road side computer development etc), Before that the Tropo mentioned above. Even heavy electrical engineering looking after the installation and maintenance of huge butt welding machines with 1,000A fuses in their three phase mains and all the electrical equipment like NCR machines, promicams ..... the list is endless..

Now look, the tobacco industry said that there was no cancer risk with their product.

It was only when people started falling in the streets, so to speak, that anything was done about it.

The sugar industry says the same.

GMO plants and animals.....

The same is true for electronic technology (which Love by the way).

The same is true for antibiotics but those who make profit from these things lobby with millions to be allowed to continue trading until people start falling in the street.

So young man, as I said, up to you but don't assume, neither about posters on a forum NOR the technologies, what ever they may be. (Food is a technology these days).

Do research. (I thought I would treat you to a spot of boolean logic, OR perhaps NOT? LOL)

You sound like an intelligent person so I am surprised that you would "shoot the messenger" in such a way.

Do your son a favour and check out some of the things I mentioned.

Any idea what they put in formula milk?

NAND, Finally

Happy new year and may 2015 be the best ever for you and yours.

Firstly Thanks for your New Year's wishes and of course the same for you as well.

Actually you are correct that 'mostly' I'm an intelligent man to quote you and normally don't post 'shoot the messenger' posts, but there are so many posters on TV that really don't know what they are talking about. Well, I learned my lesson today :) (also about assuming LOL)

After reading your post I really would like to meet you someday to just chat. You have had a very interesting career! Not sure where you live, but I live and work in Bangkok.

It's very funny that at the end you start with some boolean logic! Since currently I'm involved in Logic IC'S. The newer families however don't run on 5V anymore (well, some are still partly compatible), but have a VCC of 800mV. Very low power low voltage technology.

Our 2 kids are a 4.5 year old boy and a 7.5 years old girl. They both use tablets and a PC etc, but I'm monitoring it. They also have lots of other toys and things which they like.

About the WiFi. Our latest cable modem vs wifi router of True is actually less powerful than my previous, since the signals are sometimes even in house lost. Wifi is very low power and I think it's less harmless than gsm signals for example. Also the newer generation wifi and Bluetooth IC'S are using less and less power.


EDIT (You ask what I use to post my content.

A laptop connected via a Cat 5 cable to an ADSL WiFi Modem.

I turned the transmit power down to 5 dBm from 20 dBm so that it still works in the house for the wife and visitors with mobile devices.

You know 192.168.1..... with a wire connection no problem, if you do this on WiFi and set it so low you cannot connect, you will need a wired connection to correct it)

Assumptions are rather dangerous young man.

Thank you for sharing your 5 volt electronics knowledge LOL "I'm an electronics engineer involved in validation of IC's and we do RF and EMC tests as well,"

I've been retired from 5 volt development since 2000.

In a previous life in the 60's I was involved in the development of Troposcatter Communications Systems.

These involved Klystrons of up to 10 Kw of transmitted microwave power with a single hop being over 600 miles. Before the satellite industry took over.

We had dishes up to 120 foot diameter, rather like the construction of a steel viaduct - massive.

I have worked with parametric amplifiers with a root frequency of about 1,000Mhz and a pump frequency of 13 Ghz.

I have worked in huge air-conditioned Faraday buildings which housed our very sensitive receivers and pre amps sometimes parametric, others tunnel diode.

I have had other "lives" which include manufacture (I was the manager), we made neon and cold cathode lighting and a host of other industrial electrical products.

Before that it was traffic engineering (road side computer development etc), Before that the Tropo mentioned above. Even heavy electrical engineering looking after the installation and maintenance of huge butt welding machines with 1,000A fuses in their three phase mains and all the electrical equipment like NCR machines, promicams ..... the list is endless..

Now look, the tobacco industry said that there was no cancer risk with their product.

It was only when people started falling in the streets, so to speak, that anything was done about it.

The sugar industry says the same.

GMO plants and animals.....

The same is true for electronic technology (which Love by the way).

The same is true for antibiotics but those who make profit from these things lobby with millions to be allowed to continue trading until people start falling in the street.

So young man, as I said, up to you but don't assume, neither about posters on a forum NOR the technologies, what ever they may be. (Food is a technology these days).

Do research. (I thought I would treat you to a spot of boolean logic, OR perhaps NOT? LOL)

You sound like an intelligent person so I am surprised that you would "shoot the messenger" in such a way.

Do your son a favour and check out some of the things I mentioned.

Any idea what they put in formula milk?

NAND, Finally

Happy new year and may 2015 be the best ever for you and yours.

Firstly Thanks for your New Year's wishes and of course the same for you as well.

Actually you are correct that 'mostly' I'm an intelligent man to quote you and normally don't post 'shoot the messenger' posts, but there are so many posters on TV that really don't know what they are talking about. Well, I learned my lesson today smile.png (also about assuming LOL)

After reading your post I really would like to meet you someday to just chat. You have had a very interesting career! Not sure where you live, but I live and work in Bangkok.

It's very funny that at the end you start with some boolean logic! Since currently I'm involved in Logic IC'S. The newer families however don't run on 5V anymore (well, some are still partly compatible), but have a VCC of 800mV. Very low power low voltage technology.

Our 2 kids are a 4.5 year old boy and a 7.5 years old girl. They both use tablets and a PC etc, but I'm monitoring it. They also have lots of other toys and things which they like.

About the WiFi. Our latest cable modem vs wifi router of True is actually less powerful than my previous, since the signals are sometimes even in house lost. Wifi is very low power and I think it's less harmless than gsm signals for example. Also the newer generation wifi and Bluetooth IC'S are using less and less power.

Thank you too for your greeting and good hearted banter.

I will send a PM with contact details when I have time.

Being retired for almost 15 years has given me plenty of time to find projects to keepme busy but not actually working, been there - done that LOL

It's a small world and maybe I shall find that Snowy and I knew each other backin the day.....

I have two daughters 37 and 40 (it's their ages that make me feel old LOL)

Note that it's not the level of RF radiation per se,it's it's disrupted type of signal that causes the problems, particularly in telemare replacement and generation.

On top of that there are psychological and physical repercussions to consider but a good few other posters have discussed those points.

I recently watched an old Horizon program about language development, very interesting.

Babies spend their time listening to meaningful language and over time they acquire the language, including grammar.
When they first start to talk it's the odd word, then a couple of words and then whole sentences and by age 6 they have the language perfectly.
A very interesting program. It suggests that learning a second language is best done like babies, spend ages listening to meaningful words not learning by rote.
If you look at how you and your wife had been talking to your children, when they were babies you will see what I mean. Meaningful, probably with verbal rewards when they did good!
The program suggested that the story about the best age to learn a second language is before puberty is not true, they are not magic sponges.
At any age, if the teaching method is fun and meaningful you will learn much better than attempting to learn by rote.
Gotta go, past this old boy's bed time he he

I have worked with computers since the start, from building them,

writing computer programs in various languages

web sites and the rest,, many years ago i read an article

about computer programing, in the article it mentioned that the

worse thing you could ever do is give a child is a computer why i

though to myself ? it seems that it has everything has to do with how

programs are written to produce an outcome in our behavior, a

computer program is all about switches on and off, the | and O

you often see on films, to sum up Google the subject to learn more

about it, bottom line computers screw up your thought training

process, imagine what it does to an infant, put your child out in the

garden, let them play in the mud and dig up worms, just look into

any internet shop and see all the zombies. i no longer spend the

18 hour days in front of the computer as i used to,, now it's a tool

that i use when i need it then turn it off and go play in the mud.

  • Like 2

There are a number of tablets now being made specifically for young kids; stronger cases and screens designed to hit the floor many times and not break.

Just GOOGLE "Tablets for kids"

My opinion is that you are wasting your money. Your child is likely to break it before he learns how to use it and a child's attention span is not likely to make him spend enough time on it to learn anything except how to bash on the screen and slam the pad onto the floor when he has had enough of it, unless you are the child's tutor. I say give the kid a cardboard box,an empty liter plastic bottle, a stick and a few pots and pans and he will have endless hours of child like fun. He/she can learn about tablets when he is old enough to read and write. I speak from experience on the cardboard boxes, pots and pans issue and my children are well developed despite not having a pad at 20 months of age, as if tbllets were even a thought so many years ago, BUT they did have Etch A Sketch!! LOL


I'm very much of the - if you have an existing tablet of your own, put it in a protective case, and buy yourself a new one instead.

Buying the crap that is the normal "kid" computers or tablets is usually locking you into a walled (and usually expensive) garden of limited apps, but giving them a better tablet than you have yourself will just get you annoyed WHEN they break it. Having said that - 2 of the 3 first gen iPads that the kids had are still working, although they've moved on to newer ones.

Far better to start with a proper tablet, and then restrict what is installed to things that are reasonably useful, and often free. (i.e. Teaching the alphabet, time tables, etc. - as well as the inevitable game...) Streaming of things like youtube, depending on your router, can be easily restricted to certain hours of the day.

Admittedly, I didn't give my youngest her first computer until her third birthday, and it was an old Celeron one... - but in a country where to go out in the evening is to be bitten by mosquitoes, it's nice to have their own PC to play on. You do have to be sensible with it though - until the flooding in 2011 caused us to move all the computers upstairs as a precaution (and they never moved back down), the kids desks had been set up in the living room, so that we could always monitor what they were doing. That's obviously harder with a tablet, since they can watch it anywhere...

I'm a software guy, so I see no harm at all in getting the kids onto computers as early as possible. They're streets ahead of most of their classmates in anything computer-related (even now that we're back in the UK). Although I never did the Arduino stuff with them that I'm wishing I had... - but I always looked at the Raspberry's and thought they were a bit too slow. - Nowadays, I'm far more interested in playing with the newer "Windows 8.1 with Bing" hardware, where "proper" PCs (and tablets) with quad-core Atoms are coming in at cheaper prices than buying a legit copy of Windows at retail.

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my post is clear i think ..i want it as a learning tool , he is exposed to 3 different langauges and has vocab in all 3 , i suspect that many of the posters could also benefit from further education before making any judgement , computers in general, if supervised correctly can supercharge your childs learning , you can learn and have fun with games !! he is also exposed to a great deal of music and enjoys anything musical . To the posters that answered my question thankyou , to the othersm answer the question or find nother thread .

  • Like 1

You could not go far wrong if you were to purchase an Asus 7 inch tablet for around 4000 baht. However, it may also be a good thing to purchase with the tablet a screen protector and a case, to minimise damage if dropped.

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