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Bar girl expectations: How realistic?


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These gullible men who buy Thai girls houses,cars etc. make things difficult for poorer men like myself. They expect these riches from everyone.

Mind you, I have never met a man who can prove he has given gifts like this. Maybe,it is all big talk. He has a few beers then boasts about his generosity. If he can prove it then he is a complete mug for being conned. What did Barnam the circus guy say? "There s one born every minute". Or could the girl be boasting and fibbing?Or maybe,the guy has been living in a log cabin in the Canadian rockies for the last 50 years and is completely naive.

I have a number of daughters all with degrees and brought up as proper ladies. None of them married a man who could not provide a house and the basics of life like car and Yacht/Country Club memberships and at least two horses. I would and have called any man not able to provide those things a bum. If you can't you are not ready to assume the responsibilities of a man and husband and I'd suggest working until you can.

Let me give you an example. Husband J. worked his way through graduate school as a farm manager and champion rodeo performer. Graduated MBA top honors. Got a job managing one of the largest cattle ranches in the USA and built a very nice home on 50 acres and had it paid for in 2 years. My grandson and granddaughter both had their own horses and were riding about the same time they could walk. J is not a handsome man but he is intelligent and hard working and loves his family. I knew him since he was 6 years old.

Where I lived most of the redneck trailer trash had 250 acres, cattle, pigs and horses.

Not to mention many cars (on blocks in the yard).

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Thailand is not the West. Stop thinking in Western terms comparing bargirls to prostitutes in the States and Europe. The fact that she dreams of buying her mother a house tells you a lot about her. A slim chance, but I hope it works out for her.

At whose expense?

One thing that never seems to get answered is what does the farang get out of the deal other than regular sex? Do the numbers, it's cheaper to hire a pro 3 - 5 times a week than buying the cow, along with all the baggage... And you don't have the inlaws come squat in your living room unannounced...

A friend of mine got married because he was drunk the first time. She was pregnant the second time and third and fourth time. I believe one of the children was actually his. The fifth time because he had a heart attack. I think a lot of men realize you are correct but marriage was not their idea and things just sort of happen.

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Well, Loptr, it depends on the kind of person you are and what you are looking for. If you simply want to crack a nut and have a business transaction approach, 'what do I get out of it?', than go for the bada-boom, bada-bing girls; however, if you want more than that and truly love someone then dropping dough shouldn't bother you if you have the dough to drop. Basically, it's a personal choice. Follow your brain-run! Follow your heart-kick it down.

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Three Thai ladies I know, both married foreigners.

One was a bar girl in Phuket, guy bought two houses for her (age 42 now, still looks good, he's about 67).

One was a divorced housewife, guy gave her 10Mbht and all his pension every month, (age 45 now and plain, he's about 70).

One seems respectable, but cheats, guy bought her 3 houses, and a business worth about 10Mbht (age 40, still looks good, he's 66 and not well at all)

All been with their women 5-10 years.

Plenty of elderly foreigners throwing their life savings and pensions at younger Thai women.

I do not think it is limited to old farangs. I know off-shore workers who have spent millions of baht on their ladies; and their ladies, well, the ones who don't cheat would be hard-pressed to earn a living from a job in a bar. What's the old adage, "You pays your money and takes your choice"?

Takes your chances
Choice if it's roulette, chance in "big or small". By way of a digression, I went to Macau, and as far as I could tell, from my limited mental arithmetic capabilities, it appeared that, with an appropriate degree of circumspection, you could reasonably hope to come out ahead on the Blakjack table, but no Other. Half a hour in the casino at Schipol airport cured me of that misconception, and my mate lost his jacket as well.


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I do believe a Thai girl will choose an older man over a younger man as they automatically assume the the older men have more money. Obviously it is not always the case that the older men have more money, there are plenty of well off younger guys living in or visiting Thailand.

Even given the choice of a young handsome well off guy or an older guy, not as handsome but with the same wealth they will choose the older guy, because he would be expected to die quicker ! Money number 1, 2 ,3 4 etc. My Thai wife told me this years ago. I have been married 10 years so have a lot of experience. Have lots of friends with Thai wifes so I see everything that goes on. They are the most jealous people in the world, so jealous of friends that have more than them.

The overwhelming majority of Thai women marry someone close to their own age that makes less money than a farang English teacher, and wouldn't touch an elderly foreigner with a 10 foot pole.

That's why most foreigners are stuck with over the hill Pattaya bar girls, and not cute 25 year old office girls.

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Well, Loptr, it depends on the kind of person you are and what you are looking for. If you simply want to crack a nut and have a business transaction approach, 'what do I get out of it?', than go for the bada-boom, bada-bing girls; however, if you want more than that and truly love someone then dropping dough shouldn't bother you if you have the dough to drop. Basically, it's a personal choice. Follow your brain-run! Follow your heart-kick it down.


If you have to drop dough, then it isn't love.

If the money matters to you, it's not love
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Sometimes; not always. Don't you want to lavish your love with worldly goods? Or do you just want to bed down and walk on the beach and be a cheap-ass? If you had a child you loved, I'm sure you'd want to get him or her the best things in life you could afford from clothing to iPads. Perhaps, you'd prefer to send your kid out in rags with a Samsung! Same goes for a woman. Do you want your woman living in a 9x9 room with a mat on the floor? If she's good enough to sleep with, she's good enough to treat like a princess.

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Thailand is not the West. Stop thinking in Western terms comparing bargirls to prostitutes in the States and Europe. The fact that she dreams of buying her mother a house tells you a lot about her. A slim chance, but I hope it works out for her.

At whose expense?

One thing that never seems to get answered is what does the farang get out of the deal other than regular sex? Do the numbers, it's cheaper to hire a pro 3 - 5 times a week than buying the cow, along with all the baggage... And you don't have the inlaws come squat in your living room unannounced...

A friend of mine got married because he was drunk the first time. She was pregnant the second time and third and fourth time. I believe one of the children was actually his. The fifth time because he had a heart attack. I think a lot of men realize you are correct but marriage was not their idea and things just sort of happen.

Just curious where you can get drunk and pop off to your own wedding ceremony, without any prior arrangements / paperwork?

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Thailand is not the West. Stop thinking in Western terms comparing bargirls to prostitutes in the States and Europe. The fact that she dreams of buying her mother a house tells you a lot about her. A slim chance, but I hope it works out for her.

At whose expense?

One thing that never seems to get answered is what does the farang get out of the deal other than regular sex? Do the numbers, it's cheaper to hire a pro 3 - 5 times a week than buying the cow, along with all the baggage... And you don't have the inlaws come squat in your living room unannounced...

A friend of mine got married because he was drunk the first time. She was pregnant the second time and third and fourth time. I believe one of the children was actually his. The fifth time because he had a heart attack. I think a lot of men realize you are correct but marriage was not their idea and things just sort of happen.

Just curious where you can get drunk and pop off to your own wedding ceremony, without any prior arrangements / paperwork?

Sounds great. The end result is the same, without all the tedious preparation. Next time...
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Thailand is not the West. Stop thinking in Western terms comparing bargirls to prostitutes in the States and Europe. The fact that she dreams of buying her mother a house tells you a lot about her. A slim chance, but I hope it works out for her.

Oh she wants to buy her mother a house alright..your house without you in it !

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Not every girl has those expectations. One must be a bit selective just as the women are. On the other hand, coming from a first world country one would expect you to have some money. Many broke chumps in Thailand looking for the cheapest deals on everything. Buying a house here isn't like purchasing one where you, not you personally, harken from. You don't need to drop three hundred thousand US dollars on a crib. Hell, you can get a sweet place for $45k depending on location. Remember, many of these girls think westerners have money, and many do. But most of the ones that do are not in Thailand. Thailand attracts the downtrodden and penny punchers trying to string out their pensions in retirement here because they can't afford to retire back home, they cannot get any tang, and they can solicit ladyboys without their friends and family knowing.

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You cannot blame them for wanting so much! Once again its these " stupid farangs " ( yes you! ... ) who spoil it for everybody by buying these Thai ladies everything! and now they all expect the same from every farang that " strolls through Thailand "

Imagine living with a lady like that from Hua Hin ( nice place by the way..) it would be your worst nightmare- sharing your life with someone who has no interest in you at all.Your life would become " an absolute misery " ...........

F.J ( at home in deep meditation to cool " Buddha Bar tunes " ..........)

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Sometimes; not always. Don't you want to lavish your love with worldly goods? Or do you just want to bed down and walk on the beach and be a cheap-ass? If you had a child you loved, I'm sure you'd want to get him or her the best things in life you could afford from clothing to iPads. Perhaps, you'd prefer to send your kid out in rags with a Samsung! Same goes for a woman. Do you want your woman living in a 9x9 room with a mat on the floor? If she's good enough to sleep with, she's good enough to treat like a princess.

I feel very teary and think I have seen the error of my ways .....

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Not every girl has those expectations. One must be a bit selective just as the women are. On the other hand, coming from a first world country one would expect you to have some money. Many broke chumps in Thailand looking for the cheapest deals on everything. Buying a house here isn't like purchasing one where you, not you personally, harken from. You don't need to drop three hundred thousand US dollars on a crib. Hell, you can get a sweet place for $45k depending on location. Remember, many of these girls think westerners have money, and many do. But most of the ones that do are not in Thailand. Thailand attracts the downtrodden and penny punchers trying to string out their pensions in retirement here because they can't afford to retire back home, they cannot get any tang, and they can solicit ladyboys without their friends and family knowing.

Luvvit, specially the bit about the ladyboy's....

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With all the retarded who would give even more to their bar girlfriend I understand that she can hope...

But a girl working at 7/11 would be younger, more honest, and stay with you for free.

Which one would you choose ? I know the answer...

I think "45slap" would choose the prostitute. Read his many,many replies on this thread.

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HEY FOLKS ..... ga ruu naa don't think only "falangs" pay for this.

My Thai Fiance' has four (4) Best Friends. Each is a mia noi with a Thai Man.

1 is in her 60's -- gets 45,000THB a month. Has millions.

2 are in their early 40's --- get 35,000THB a month and own condo and car and have several million in bank.

1 is in her early 30's with a 4 yr old --- gets $40,000THB and has condo and car.

_ None are attractive

_ The Thai men come by each morning on their way to work for 30 mins.

_ In-And-Out. Just like the Mainland USA Burger Place.

_ None have ever worked a day.

My Fiance' and I "mildly" argue about this all the time.

She says they are "lucky" and I disagree.

I think they are all lonely.

I Believe: It is a "Status Thing" for rich Thai men to have a mia noi -- multiple wives. It is as common as a Pad Thai cart on Inthamara Boulevard.

Edited by MauiSteveBKK
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HEY FOLKS ..... ga ruu naa don't think only "falangs" pay for this.

My Thai Fiance' has four (4) Best Friends. Each is a mia noi with a Thai Man.

1 is in her 60's -- gets 45,000THB a month. Has millions.

2 are in their early 40's --- get 35,000THB a month and own condo and car and have several million in bank.

1 is in her early 30's with a 4 yr old --- gets $40,000THB and has condo and car.

_ None are attractive

_ The Thai men come by each morning on their way to work for 30 mins.

_ In-And-Out. Just like the Mainland USA Burger Place.

_ None have ever worked a day.

My Fiance' and I "mildly" argue about this all the time.

She says they are "lucky" and I disagree.

I think they are all lonely.

I Believe: It is a "Status Thing" for rich Thai men to have a mia noi -- multiple wives. It is as common as a Pad Thai cart on Inthamara Boulevard.

no lonlier than the wives of these rich guys

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