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Bangkok: Sign inside taxi explains why he won't use meter


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Everyone should use the airport link to Phaya Thai which is 44 baht. And then hail a taxi in that area, or even better catch the BTS to wherever they live or where they are staying. Ignoring of course the taxi drivers near the station trying to rip off customers... same as this clown.

Would love to except that apl is so woefully inadequate. Plus it stops running after midnight when so many international flights take off and land. Like tonight when i arrive back at BKK. after a couple weeks of being abroad and losing the Bangkok stress, it will come back quickly when meeting one of these ------s.

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Personally, I don't mind negotiating a fare beforehand. Was always so here before the arrival of the meters. A fare to downtown Sukhumvhit is about £8 or $13. Just spent $100 (Bt3000) for a taxi ride to the airport back home, over a similar distance, to catch a flight to Swampy. About 7 times the price. Some of you guys on TV really are kineaw's smile.png

Base your comments - and your calculations - in the context of expenditure in Thailand, will you please? Stop all this 'it is like this back home' nonsense. This is Thailand. Not many people here will give two hoots about how much you paid to go to the airport 'where you came from'. People here will be more concerned about how much they pay HERE, and that is going up because of tunnel-visioned and selfish people like you who only see things from your own perspective and have no regards for the bigger picture. As I said before, feel free to remain in the 'dumb farang' category and enjoy being ripped off, scammed and cheated. But don't expect the rest of the world to join you in redefining the word 'clueless'.

Are you Thai! Do you earn the average wage of Bt 6000 a month. Thats about what the Taxi driver earns if he's lucky. Always tip the poor buggers if they are friendly. And you have the hide to call me selfish. LOL ! Get a life.

My nationality, how much I earn and how I choose to spend is really way beyond your concern. I tip MOST taxi drivers - the nice ones just get a bigger tip. I hope that encourages them, and hope the idea 'honest work pays' spreads. I also have no issues paying the driver off-the-meter if he asks nicely for a fair price, and then a little more. My issue is with buggers who blatantly overcharge. And those who oblige to being overcharged. Because this encourages the cabbies to do the same to others and soon it becomes hard for the rest of us to get an honest ride. But you go right ahead... enjoy being a walking public ATM if that's what floats your raft.

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