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Campaign to help get seriously ill British man home from Thailand

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Guillain-Barré Syndrome is just anothr name of POLIO

I wonder he or what VACCINE shots he got before comming here

With all respect, you, Sir, are a moron.

GBS is not polio.

  • Like 1

Guillain-Barré Syndrome is just anothr name of POLIO

I wonder he or what VACCINE shots he got before comming here

With all respect, you, Sir, are a moron.

GBS is not polio.

its only the exact same symptoms as polio

and i am the moron

get informed about vaccines

you can call me moron later, if you deny in the '50 in the US, they had polio vaccine with had SV40 monkey cancer in them

which caused around 1985, an enourmous surplus in new cancer patients that has never been seen before

google it


now call me moron again or consiparcy theorist

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The UK Embassy has the Power under the repatriation act to describe any British person as a " Distressed National " and repatriate them. The kink is that the said repatriation comes at the Embassy's cost and so will not be offered except at the request of the Thai Government. Perhaps that is the way to approach this issue

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Guillain-Barré Syndrome is just anothr name of POLIO

I wonder he or what VACCINE shots he got before comming here

With all respect, you, Sir, are a moron.

GBS is not polio.

its only the exact same symptoms as polio

and i am the moron

get informed about vaccines

you can call me moron later, if you deny in the '50 in the US, they had polio vaccine with had SV40 monkey cancer in them

which caused around 1985, an enourmous surplus in new cancer patients that has never been seen before

google it


now call me moron again or consiparcy theorist

I've googled it.

You are a moron or a consiparcy theorist (whatever a "consiparcy theorist" is) - probably both.

Again: GBS is not polio.


Were talking about one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Who can say it stops at private health care. If people in the UK., read this article, they should be very grateful for the NHS., and use it, not abuse it by unhealthy lifestyle because if it carries on going the way it is, one day it will become unfunctional financially.


The UK Embassy has the Power under the repatriation act to describe any British person as a " Distressed National " and repatriate them. The kink is that the said repatriation comes at the Embassy's cost and so will not be offered except at the request of the Thai Government. Perhaps that is the way to approach this issue

I'm not aware of any such act, however.....


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Further to my earlier comment I got passed from pillar to post as expected by UK Embassy staff ...in the end they came out with lame standard tripe response" cannot comment unless family"

Ihave left a message for the last lady I spoke to to register an official complaint t the UK Ambassador to get off his lazy fat arse & DO SOMETHING TO HELP THIS POOR GUY!" He/They are of course bricking themselves as if they set a precedent they will be inundated .....he'they are an utter disgrace & should not be worthy of carrying on in office.I would suggest to any Burnley friends/family that they contact their local MP & get it on front page of UK press/radio & TV ..name & shame them in BKK.

More to the point is your own contributions to this thread which indicate quite clearly the amount of homework you undertook before leaving home; assuming of course that you have actually done so.


Buy return tickets on gold credit card, covered.

Maybe with your very special one. Normally the only coverage provided is trip cancellation and loss of baggage.


Something should be done about the off the wall prices private hospitals are charging. They have you over a barrel if you are in an emergency situation, insurance, or, no insurance. Insurance is pushing-up the prices that hospitals are allowed to get away with as the insured don't care what the price is, once they are covered.

If one was to point out that one couldn't pay their price, wouldn't they then send you off to a government hospital? If they didn't then they could hardly try to make you pay their inflated prices.



Further to my earlier comment I got passed from pillar to post as expected by UK Embassy staff ...in the end they came out with lame standard tripe response" cannot comment unless family"

Ihave left a message for the last lady I spoke to to register an official complaint t the UK Ambassador to get off his lazy fat arse & DO SOMETHING TO HELP THIS POOR GUY!" He/They are of course bricking themselves as if they set a precedent they will be inundated .....he'they are an utter disgrace & should not be worthy of carrying on in office.I would suggest to any Burnley friends/family that they contact their local MP & get it on front page of UK press/radio & TV ..name & shame them in BKK.

??????There is a very good reason for not commenting unless family and do you expect the embassy staff to pay out of their own pocket?

End of the day, one is responsible for one's self, and should not rely on the nanny state doing everything for everyone ( which is why western nanny states are broke ).

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A friend was run over in Bangkok, broken leg, near-death, a private hospital wouldn't admit him until he proved he had insurance. Until he could, he was headed for a government hospital.


A friend was run over in Bangkok, broken leg, near-death, a private hospital wouldn't admit him until he proved he had insurance. Until he could, he was headed for a government hospital.

As it should be. Private hospitals are a business, not charitable organisations.


Something should be done about the off the wall prices private hospitals are charging. They have you over a barrel if you are in an emergency situation, insurance, or, no insurance. Insurance is pushing-up the prices that hospitals are allowed to get away with as the insured don't care what the price is, once they are covered.

My experience with insurance companies is that they have set fees that they will pay for every detail. For the hospital it's take it or leave it and the hospitals take it. Hospitals often get paid less for insured patients than they do with the uninsured.

Insurance companies aren't stupid. It's the guy with no insurance who gets ripped and pays the hospital's "regular price."

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After all of these pages, has anyone verified that this guy actually exists and has this illness much less has such a huge hospital bill which a hospital is allowing him to accrue with no insurance?

The original price must be skyrocketing and I'm not all in yet... It doesn't sound right to me.

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If this poor chap is not in the category of "distressed" then who the hell is?! He must be repatriated immediately !

Action Mr UK Ambassador ..are you listening?!


Yes, insurance is vital, but if for any reason it has not been taken out, there are some excellent Government hospitals in Thailand, one of which I am connected to. These fees sound like those at Bumrungrad Hospital which are far higher than even private hospitals in the U.K. It doesn't have to be like that.



Further to my earlier comment I got passed from pillar to post as expected by UK Embassy staff ...in the end they came out with lame standard tripe response" cannot comment unless family"

Ihave left a message for the last lady I spoke to to register an official complaint t the UK Ambassador to get off his lazy fat arse & DO SOMETHING TO HELP THIS POOR GUY!" He/They are of course bricking themselves as if they set a precedent they will be inundated .....he'they are an utter disgrace & should not be worthy of carrying on in office.I would suggest to any Burnley friends/family that they contact their local MP & get it on front page of UK press/radio & TV ..name & shame them in BKK.

??????There is a very good reason for not commenting unless family and do you expect the embassy staff to pay out of their own pocket?

End of the day, one is responsible for one's self, and should not rely on the nanny state doing everything for everyone ( which is why western nanny states are broke ).

The Embasy has a budget like all government organisations & especially for repatriation.cases.....why are asking such ignorant questions- of course it doesn't come out of the staff's pockets !


The great irony is that 'mob rule' mentality has migrated onto social media which wastes unnecessary man hours & further eats into their (fco) already strapped budget.


Intensive care room at Bangkok Hospital cost $1000 pernight 14 months ago. Had Mum there for 4 days. So does seem costly. As for Fabphils comments I think you are so out of place with those comments. Good on you if you have all bases covered but not every one does so "I am smarter than you " attitude is so wrong in so many ways. Get off your high horse and have some sympathy for the poor fella. I will certainly be reaching in my pocket to help him. Hope he gets well soon.


Maidee, where did you get the idea that Guillain-Barré syndrome or Landrys Paralysis was a Poliomyelitis related illness ? It is totally different and perhaps even a tiny bit worse because not being a systemic illness, it cannot be treated with a large dose of antibiotic and rest. It is an autoimmune illness caused as a result of a Camphyllobacter infection. For the sake of information Campylobacter jejuni is a species of bacteria commonly found in animal feces. It is curved, helical-shaped, non-spore forming, Gram-negative, and microaerophilic.[1][2][3]C. jejuni is one of the most common causes of human gastroenteritis in the world. Food poisoning caused by Campylobacter species can be severely debilitating, but is rarely life-threatening. It is strongly linked with subsequent development of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) or Landrys Paralysis, which usually develops two to three weeks after the initial illness.[

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Buy return tickets on gold credit card, covered.

nope, your only covered if anything happens to and from the airport only. At least it was in my case when I made a phone call, it freaked me out I was traveling for years thinking I was fully covered

Not everyone can qualify for a Gold Card --if only it was that easy--

Not good enough anyway if only to & from Airport

My one seems pretty good then overall https://www.asb.co.nz/story_images/247_561001107121190Da_s5927.PDF

  • 4 years later...
On 1/7/2015 at 1:23 AM, fabphil said:

No sympathy for no travel insurance, if u cant afford the cost then u cant afford the trip, I always take travel insurance, and take copies, one in my room, one in my bike..any body who doesent take out travel insurance needs their head read..... coffee1.gif

One in your bike?checked the small print to see if you,'re actually covered to ride motorcycles?

On 1/7/2015 at 1:50 AM, JeremyBowskill said:

Regardless of scamming or lack of insurance, I wish the fella a swift recovery (Barnsley may not cheer him up much though).

Ah nay nay lad, nowt wrong with Barnsley, Nor a good slice of Barnsley cake, with a mug of hot tea to welcome you.


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