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What Do Thais Waste The Most?


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aircondition: opening the window makes the room cooler, aircon makes it cooler, why not make a combination of both (let the aircon run and open the windows)

Thank you for that explanation of Thai rationale. Now I don't have to lay awake at night trying to figure out what they were thinking.

Every day, I arrive at the university teacher's department around noon to prepare for my afternoon classes, and discover that all six massive airconditioning units are running full blast with all the windows and doors open. It's at least 31-degrees Celcius inside, and everyone's mopping their brow.

My first daily ritual is to go around shutting all the windows and doors. All I get is friendly smiles and shaking heads ("poor dumb farang") from seven individuals with earned Ph.D's. Up to now, I thought they were all idiots. At least there's a rationale. Not a good one, but a rationale nevertheless. --and, we're not the science faculty, as you might guess.

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For me...

#3 tiny elastic (rubber) bands

#2 plastic (carrier) bags

#1 Time!

gasoline, when they come to a meeting and let the car run 1 hour, just to keep it cool inside.

aircondition: opening the window makes the room cooler, aircon makes it cooler, why not make a combination of both (let the aircon run and open the windows)

that actually uses more power / fuel. same as leaving the fridge door open

:D They are very good at wasting Farang money :D:D:D

I may open 1 door and close 30 times windows and doors.....

but for the fridge door it is complete different. At the fridge the problem is THE BEER GET WARM!!!!!

:o:D the worst thing that can happen to male human beeings.

And a reason to get divorced if she forgets to close the fridge...


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aircondition: opening the window makes the room cooler, aircon makes it cooler, why not make a combination of both (let the aircon run and open the windows)

Thank you for that explanation of Thai rationale. Now I don't have to lay awake at night trying to figure out what they were thinking.

Every day, I arrive at the university teacher's department around noon to prepare for my afternoon classes, and discover that all six massive airconditioning units are running full blast with all the windows and doors open. It's at least 31-degrees Celcius inside, and everyone's mopping their brow.

My first daily ritual is to go around shutting all the windows and doors. All I get is friendly smiles and shaking heads ("poor dumb farang") from seven individuals with earned Ph.D's. Up to now, I thought they were all idiots. At least there's a rationale. Not a good one, but a rationale nevertheless. --and, we're not the science faculty, as you might guess.

First of all I think it would be better if make there 3 more big aircons, than you are maybe able to get 29 degree with open windows.....

This explanation above is non-thai, I made it as an analog conclusion to a simillar fact.

We have a production machine with a lot of electronic and just in that room we had problems with water coming in. So on the floor everywhere is approx. 5 mm water, moisture in the air is approx 85+ %.

To get everything dry again:

a) open window and turn on fan (machine turned off and aircon turned off)

:o easily they understood that opening the window when it is heavily raining will not bring the moisture outside, so idea :D close the windows and turn on the fan. That is in my opinion a strong sign of beeing brain-dead. How should a fan in a closed room get rid of water, teleporting it?

c) was let the production machine run (water can not enter direct) so inside it is a lot warmer than outside --> less relative moisture. And turn on the aircondition, it drys everything very well.....

And I got these "farang, don't know nothing" looks and the extra slow movement, as they know this dumb idea will not help anything.....

After 1 hour it was more or less dry inside but my methode is still not accepted....

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In my humble opinion, the number one thing that Thais wast is paper. Yes, paper. Anything you want to get done here requires reams and reams of paper. Just think of the amount of paper that could be saved at just immigration and the labor department if they didn't require the same 5 pounds of paper each time you need to get any changes.

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In my humble opinion, the number one thing that Thais wast is paper. Yes, paper. Anything you want to get done here requires reams and reams of paper. Just think of the amount of paper that could be saved at just immigration and the labor department if they didn't require the same 5 pounds of paper each time you need to get any changes.

Here in the office I can't see anyone wasting paper, they even cut wrong printed things in small pieces and use it to write on it.

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The yawn was a reaction to another post about "them" and "their" percieved shortcomings. It seems that often times they can do nothing right.

Was it supportive, no, but neither was it a personal attack.

while I admit that the plastic bag thing is often overkill, any people that willingly eat the feet of a chicken cannot be called entirely wasteful.

Next week i am going to rail about people's need to refer to "my thai wife", "TW", "TGF" or even "my thai girl friend, as if second class citizens dont qualify to be referred to as a human, wife or girlfiriend in their own right.

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gasoline, when they come to a meeting and let the car run 1 hour, just to keep it cool inside.

They leave the air con's on so they don't suffocate with fumes. I do not open my windows at home unless it rains, then it is safe. I also hang my clothes indoors so they don't smell.

But to get back on Topic The Thais waste like others have said "Time", it takes forever to get somewhere thats why I don't go anywhere with a group anymore. I learnt the hard way, one time I spent all day on a van (2 vans in group) not knowing where I was going and when we stopped for pee pee breaks everybody just stands rounds waiting for somebody to decide when to leave. Thats why Thais are not good managers.

Thailand recycles everything & use things til they are unrepairable so it's hard to find waste here but yes they are too easy to give out plastis bags.

I don't think the Thais waste much compared to Farang. Coming to Thailand and not doing your homework will cost you top dollar at hotels and some nice Thai guy will be happy to rip you off if you don't know how much things cost. Thai people know the cost of anything, Farang just look in their wallet to see if they have enough 1000bht notes. Thats why they are so happy to see you.

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The yawn was a reaction to another post about "them" and "their" percieved shortcomings. It seems that often times they can do nothing right.

Was it supportive, no, but neither was it a personal attack.

while I admit that the plastic bag thing is often overkill, any people that willingly eat the feet of a chicken cannot be called entirely wasteful.

Next week i am going to rail about people's need to refer to "my thai wife", "TW", "TGF" or even "my thai girl friend, as if second class citizens dont qualify to be referred to as a human, wife or girlfiriend in their own right.

nice post, they definately make us look bad when it comes to food. The polish almost everything off on a ckicken until its only bone left, cant say much about farang land, and how mcdonalds throw there burgers away after 30 mins after its cooked

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Jeff1; What's 'trolling?'

t.s. this thread isn't a personal attack on Thais. I just wanted to know what other forum users thought about the topic.

Next week I'M going to open a thread about the best characteristics of our lovely hosts. I might even start today.

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Jeff1; What's 'trolling?'

t.s. this thread isn't a personal attack on Thais. I just wanted to know what other forum users thought about the topic.

Next week I'M going to open a thread about the best characteristics of our lovely hosts. I might even start today.

The OP might not ment to be a personal attack on thai's but alot of posters just cant help themselves and just want to put down the thai's to make themselves feel better about themselves. Im surprised no-one has said "air" yet

Edited by Donz
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Jeff1; What's 'trolling?'

t.s. this thread isn't a personal attack on Thais. I just wanted to know what other forum users thought about the topic.

Next week I'M going to open a thread about the best characteristics of our lovely hosts. I might even start today.


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The yawn was a reaction to another post about "them" and "their" percieved shortcomings. It seems that often times they can do nothing right.

Was it supportive, no, but neither was it a personal attack.

while I admit that the plastic bag thing is often overkill, any people that willingly eat the feet of a chicken cannot be called entirely wasteful.

Next week i am going to rail about people's need to refer to "my thai wife", "TW", "TGF" or even "my thai girl friend, as if second class citizens dont qualify to be referred to as a human, wife or girlfiriend in their own right.

Often times? 24pccpl.gif

(sorry,was looking for an opportunity to use that smilie)

I really don't think that topics like this are railing against Thais or Thailand- those that post stupidly anti-Thai responses are dealt with rather quickly, aren't they?

As for the nationality description of partners, I find that it usually occurs in threads about women and the differences betwenn Thais and non-Thais.

Plastic bags... I agree

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The yawn was a reaction to another post about "them" and "their" percieved shortcomings. It seems that often times they can do nothing right.

Was it supportive, no, but neither was it a personal attack.

while I admit that the plastic bag thing is often overkill, any people that willingly eat the feet of a chicken cannot be called entirely wasteful.

Next week i am going to rail about people's need to refer to "my thai wife", "TW", "TGF" or even "my thai girl friend, as if second class citizens dont qualify to be referred to as a human, wife or girlfiriend in their own right.

This here is a Thailand related forum, therefore Thailand related things will be discussed

That might be the reason why the OP started this and not "What Do Americans Waste The Most".

Usually in a forum people discuss about problematic things, things they don't understand or confuse them.

In a forum about HP printer you'll only find topics about problems, in a pets forum you will only read about problems or sick pets.

A post about everything is perfect and I am happy is useless.

But a hint for a newbie: if a topic is not interesting for you, just don't read it, absolute not necessary to post in every topic (even it looks nice in the statistic)

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After A/C, I vote paper.

I taught for a year in a college, here, that had a rule about photocopying:

No less than 50 copies were allowed to be produced at a time.

You gave your materials to an "official assistant" who adhered to the rules religiously.

If you needed less than 50 copies, you were on your own to figure out what to do. Some teachers with small classes walked/drove half a kilometer to the nearest commercial copy shop to pay for the small batch out of their own pockets (what a choice!). I did this for the first semester, spending a few thousand baht for copies. (...and most of these teachers were making only about 6,000 baht a month in salary).

Later, when I was given two classes with about 15 students each, I started following the lead of other teachers of smaller classes. We had her run off 50 copies, hand them to us, and then we would hand back 20-35 copies, which she promptly dumped into the waste can. Probably dumped 3,000-4,000 sheets in a year, my classes alone.

But at least someone at the top of management chain was under the happy illusion that he was saving the school money. Form over substance.

Edited by toptuan
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But a hint for a newbie: if a topic is not interesting for you, just don't read it, absolute not necessary to post in every topic (even it looks nice in the statistic)

shame you hadn't figured that out before you hit 1700.

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In my humble opinion, the number one thing that Thais wast is paper. Yes, paper. Anything you want to get done here requires reams and reams of paper. Just think of the amount of paper that could be saved at just immigration and the labor department if they didn't require the same 5 pounds of paper each time you need to get any changes

I agree to a certain extent. The number of photocopies of my passport and work permit I have taken here in Thailand is unbelieveable but having said that they seem to save when printing from a computer. At my office nearly everything is printed on already used paper sometimes making it difficult to know which side to read.

I think the Thais waste time. I spend so much time waiting "5 minutes"... translated to English time at least 1 hour. Also travelling from one place to another in traffic and sitting 15 minutes without hardly moving. Again a waste of time but I must admit I am becoming used to this and just accept it now.

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Plastic Bags, without a doubt number 1.

I was once in a 7/11 and the guy infront of me bought a small bottle of Red Bull, when the assistant did not put it in a bag, he asked her to.

When i went outside after being served the same guy was stood ouside the shop drinking his Red Bull, plastic bag in bin.


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